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Instagram releases expanded in-app shopping options - by Casey Regan

Social media giant Instagram announced in September that it will be rolling out two new features that will
allow for expanded shopping opportunities within the platform.

Instagram, a social media network well-loved by millennials and Generation Z, is taking advantage of the
400 million monthly users that encounter Instagram Stories by enabling a click-through feature that gives
brands the ability to place a tappable “Shop” tag within their story posts. Instagram states that this button
will let users learn more about the product tagged as well as give them the option to purchase the item
directly. Originally released in a limited capacity this past summer, the feature will be available in 46
different countries, making in-platform shopping from popular brands now a worldwide affair.

In addition to the Stories update, Instagram will also be releasing an entirely new in-app shopping
experience. According to the announcement, over 90 million accounts utilize the existing “tap to shop”
feature in posts every month - and this number is projected to increase with the inclusion of a dedicated
shopping tab within the Instagram “Explore” page. The tab, which is completely unique and customized
to each user, will feature shoppable posts from brands the user is following as well as brands curated to
them based on their following list and viewing history.

In today’s smartphone-centered culture, it is hard to spot a successful brand that does not have an
Instagram presence. Clothing retailers, sports teams, car manufacturers, beauty companies; all have
dedicated social media accounts to further push their brand into the spotlight. Instagram reported in 2017
that over 25 million businesses use their platform - and approximately 80% of their users follow at least
one of these businesses.

With Instagram being wildly popular among the online shoppers of Generation Z - according to PEW,
Instagram is used by over 71% of Americans in the 18-24 age bracket— these new “InstaShop” rollouts
are predicted to have a massive impact on the e-commerce space. Only time will tell if that prediction will
come to fruition.

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