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: f{rS. T*turn
AP L6.43uc,3e
/ q*h
hh"*cr.ica\ Anq\ sr\r Essor,

A* -the DeqinY'\inq oQ +he Wcer' i6 lDb\, Uozttrorqets t'ce,sB

(' --'d'*-
i9 A$riccrn - Arnericans beYttootd *<-r te, in *he
\ philtips, a dhite , Arndrcarr abol;tioniu? , wrof€ ct

I , Io,lEsaint - Louveturre, {ov ltis

nlrrlih{.? qS,4igve{riq1*s, \l d:#rerP+&o'Y

phitilps' Seseci'l t.ota *;[]' .-_--
t$bl, i+ is sesn+hou\ Plr,ttAS y$dd p65"^if4u\ dic*irjfi ond me{crr)hr"rr$
,{ +" tho\d @COr*rir;r-rs to*Jo,rc\ Toosv;rirr+ - l-ouvOturg,
\n * f;15+ 66,rix9(ciDli c,F *re ex(e{p} , Phi\tigs men*ions'thc.+

Tcr,-rS5qin\ - |-69 yel+tlr€ nc* a, (^je\\-knUud.r rrlalrl drrrinq V^\i\ +irne

q Lp+e$ = t
a^d ++1c^+ a\rflo\+ at\ in$orl"rc.*.lia,'-,r relf,rled *o h;n"r carne"trorq dre L qt

Iips ofl hi\ er'e"-rir:,"(?h,riips l, rrt). \he Eoeaker, phi\tipbr .trge3

cn ao co{v\pot/"e -16g5gcrin* - Louv€.*ure to O\ivgl Crcrrnws\\ , A.r lish IALV

\ificat leade.r tsrxrr*n {ur hls skitr . this *\ the
as i+ beg &Ornu/€tt irn rflGrr s,but
in *he lolr- Sta+es the irn gll tha+ no on be+|erlinan
{6.rssa;r+ - Louvetu/e. the h(1tp brrnq a s<nge bP
recdizot\ o./r Jt) )+lQ \rcMel's 1'140,+ *1'e Vle$* € bg{-n€,i{i'r€E |.\.lve Lo senle.ces

Boo\ sictes , oer:'d th,e , the

dMionr i,^ +t1l: g Struoiq -s i di€Fe-<'nl rccl *c:
.lh< \o t fuuvrd *<.rcl&.r . -fhere(are) lott o$ ef 6l
Voca directed tr.iv.rcr,rds &ole,t\ and 6i,<.rals +\g (eode.( llowdocg{4^^-S
A€ r,^,ho c;tgl,rle^re Jerg rns$|, S<.,nre* tarc)nO+ qrcLLl
\q (XCcrO* trrrn Ph,ttiDs' 5[ d;c.|ion a*C
1g,nt w1 l1iai{ a(e *fr COnvinc€ tt.rc Nor-f*r.t/r1€,fS l'/l^$f
iclod,+t in +1"r{ wtiti*aY*n A+d
otr an ex,crrvtolg -
. rve.,a
g hC.Ve vlol hec,rd ss hi'n , -) octs8ai4+ -Louve*tsrl sholJd be

_ re,rvtefittr.ered iajljt".+gqg l" ht" SucceSS "?",r,5).'lh€ Br;lr8lr french


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