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Sgn+hesir Essal A*il.*'
nout L
*d;'i;'try ?f
Peopte uuho cr,6 cL,i1ce,''te lltev' hertt'lh a\ wa1s trrJ
)o ea+ neawhier +6 Av-r eXOrt.tD\e
ol sol,r woflf -l

3irr.r i\C,l,r .fo +t'ris is calEd a \ocf,iv}rc , 3orndmcl3 trho "sl-ri'rg El lo

bu1 procluc+s t1,rar ttqu<iravetegl the 16as'f "{oocl nr'yles"" (Source f).
fie4g 5q l6671vov'e C{tr1 iro,maltc4(l\ iYn?rcve +he qrvnrnuni+4 And
t\s :uv't'ouv'tclinq
t-t\ cav'ecrs b1
rv' tvvvutt !J e'ulrr "J Veep;n3
*-r,"3 yqseal '.t llre
tytur,'w|)J in AmrnUni*t1
lr'! wr..,. ": " lt
Ou( ai( g/,d ++.,< Ot\Jc)e n v'te breaLhe, aad impfovirror ,4
lht- lreshness of lhe lood p*f ln cvv bodies. - l^rl
LACavrsres ore
f.cple w_ho br4 ft.oci $vryn clOS€tI:]acaftcl souv-6,es.
f@ Iha+ \as leen bovc{t+ loccttl ,soch a> &owr 6{6,rnter5'ryturvgr
or *rai1l't1 ?vovn +he ?avr" i*!'elp , keeps mcmevJ in r4re cor"rrnuni{,'
lA lnndoYl t A gudy was d1ne bl fre Ne',^t €cpnomics fouvtd,crricn and

*he rAOlt'S sVtcw€d4ltc,t "G do\ta,-speri+ It:catt'.1 +Dicn a>

ffUch inctxtt} ktr lhc 1trrr1 guito,rtl" (A,tu'roe e). ffi<. (flug mr{e1 rhc,,+

qn fuQd-koYn- !qoa1 b9s14q:sq5 , W
ryye thgy ttneir s'^)'4
co,r^truviit'1/citr,1 r^1irt 3rouo. \q sorn€cne huy.s f<tod *ha+ hql been

i,nyrr+ed tvoyn*tror t*ri,+c oY Caul*r1, hu\ arc W?ro\/in1 +! 0*116"

CJ.)yylmLx\+1 c\nd n6+ lhOir Ottvt" Du3inX fot,cl \9ca1t1 e!1Q^ .+le
l(xa\slgrTnr,1 b1 Veel rnJ monl r^ +1t CCrli''l-tut'1,+cj Orr{ improv(_..fhe
Surrotrndiacl 6rea, rao.I jU>l tlovr badl *d it5' hea[fl1;a655,
0uyi"1 \ocr.\lj - sourced &llct cr,q ncl ont1l1c,.,e c.a 'tmpotcv 6q
th4 >ur"9-u,ndi.L5 CJr\.nn*1iP1 ,b!
alypsphere thoi, cg{9"! -!r'e

Eat*'t.1he +flns?ov"afiovl onc\ Foclsc*icn ct the ltds ancl la<sdstho,*

e_verurMC btrgs ca,r F)UY: +he c'rrnapUvle. b-ecgys.;e- df +t'y hqrylyl if:flt -

{har hgue-,_ Acrwd;n5 tt a e-ha.* trywd Wgy an

lte?x\Vyux Sasqs
0^vtyc)nflel*al 'maXazi,te , di?{oren+ +t'J?es. e+ p@W+s re) iifr,t'€n*
aslot)t.+s il grt^tnule 3qs.s. fhe +o7 ft)easers o{ 39ses
cr.,t:e $w['t
l'tv Trfxtoc*,aq cf v'ed rncaf ialrrl pv'ctdoafS, u.:!rie6 can )oP ovt o,+
2.5 mefictxs USzefnouEho\d lor yar (ScLvrce D). \reonhovse toses
rrvrpeczi {i+C swrcrudrry Atuw1Ptfr{e bg urktl dUidt
"d*tin! Vwrn*u\
and reducrng tl',t. 6mrx7t1 t t ol.,yyrn ktr Qcopve fo b{!.dhe , Beina, a

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