Reflection Essay 2

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Rhea Kartha Kartha 1

Mrs. Stephanie Tatum

AP Language, 4th Period

17 December 2019

My Flaws and Improvements in Writing

Throughout this semester, I wrote about many things such as a book lineage, the effects

of competition, the culture of 1920s New York, etc. In this class, I write about many distinct

topics, but it appears that my writing changed throughout the semester as I now understand what

a good writer truly is in terms of the AP scale. I am a changing writer as I have many flaws, but

know what improvements to make. I feel as though I learned what it means to prevail as a real

writer in this class and how a real writer should write. However, I contain many faults in my

writing, such as not providing a historical context or rebuttal for an argument and not providing

much interpretation for my evidence. I constantly lack in securing a sophistication point and the

full four points for evidence and commentary. In addition, I care less about a topic unless it

exists in my interest, which shows in my writing as I write better in a topic that I care about than

a topic that I do not have an interest in. My three problems in writing appear as the lack of

historical context or rebuttal, lack of interpretation for evidence, and lack of interest for certain


Although I want to achieve a sophistication point, I find it very hard to think of historical

context for many writing prompts because I mainly want to answer the prompt instead of

introducing it in clearly. Although, I can now find a few ways to provide historical context such

as thinking of the time period of the prompt and relating it to certain events that happened in that

certain time period. In addition, I now try to add a rebuttal in argument prompts to demonstrate

how I understand the opinion of the other side in order to achieve a sophistication point.

Furthermore, I now know that I should provide historical context in my introduction and further
Kartha 2

develop it in my body paragraphs and try to add a rebuttal to my argument to convey my

understanding of both sides.

Moreover, I have a clear problem with my lack of interpretation as I oversimplify my

sentences for interpretation. I feel as though I often oversimplify because I want to write more

sentences, but do not have any more ideas. I now understand that I should try connecting my

interpretation to my thesis, my purpose, or my historical context and try analyzing it better in

order to achieve full points.

Finally, my lack of interest in certain prompts reflects on my writing because I do not

truly care about the prompt and the reader feels it. In prompts that I lack an interest in, I just try

to answer the prompt in order to achieve some points. If the writer lacks interest, then the reader

lacks interest as well. The mood of the reader connects to the tone of the writer. Now, I feel as

though I should try to have an interest in all prompts and appear as intriguing to readers and

achieve full points. In addition, I should stop trying to feel bored for certain prompts because

then I will feel as though I should not try in my writing.

Overall, my main flaws in writing appear as a lack of interpretation, lack of

sophistication, and lack of interest in the prompt; however, I have improved with my interest and

interpretation, but I need help in finding historical context or a rebuttal for the prompt in order to

add sophistication. As a writer, I am a changing writer because I know what I lack in, but also

know what improvements to make in order to make my writing better. I feel as though this class

has taught me more about writing than any other class as I now understand how a true writer

writes and how writing should flow.

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