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' Create a TextBox named TextBox1 and change Multiline to True

' ScrollBars to Vertical and WordWrap to True

' Create a Button named BtnUpdate
' Change Text size to 18 for both

Public Class Form1

Private Sub BtnUpdate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles

' ---------- CONDITIONALS ----------

Dim txtOutput As String = ""

' The If Statement is used to perform different actions

' depending on different conditions

Dim intAge As Integer = 7

' You can compare values with =, <>, >, <, >=, <=

' Single line If statement

' If you want multiple statements separate them with a :
If intAge < 18 Then txtOutput &= "You can't vote" & Environment.NewLine :
txtOutput &= "You can vote in " & 18 - intAge & " years" &

If intAge < 5 Then

txtOutput &= "To young for school" & Environment.NewLine

ElseIf intAge = 5 Then

txtOutput &= "Go to Kindergarten" & Environment.NewLine

' With logical operators Or and And you can check for
' multiple conditions
ElseIf intAge > 5 And intAge < 18 Then
Dim intGrade = intAge - 5
txtOutput &= "Go to grade " & intGrade & Environment.NewLine

txtOutput &= "Go to college" & Environment.NewLine

End If

' You can compare strings and ignore case

Dim strName As String = "Derek"

' Compare returns 0 if they match

If String.Compare("DEREK", strName, True) = 0 Then
txtOutput &= "These Strings are Equal" & Environment.NewLine
End If

' Select Case comparison operator

Select Case intAge
' You can type single digits or multiple
Case 1, 2, 3, 4
txtOutput &= "To young for school" & Environment.NewLine
Case 5
txtOutput &= "Go to Kindergarten" & Environment.NewLine

' You can define a range

Case 6 To 18
Dim intGrade = intAge - 5
txtOutput &= "Go to grade " & intGrade & Environment.NewLine

Case Else
' This is the default action
txtOutput &= "Go to college" & Environment.NewLine
End Select

' The Ternary operator returns the 1st value if True

' and the 2nd if False
Dim boolCanVote As Boolean = If(intAge >= 18, True, False)

txtOutput &= "Can you vote : " & boolCanVote & Environment.NewLine

' ---------- LOOPING ----------

txtOutput = ""

' For loops execute the code within them a set number of times
For intNum = 1 To 10
txtOutput &= intNum & Environment.NewLine

' The Step operator defines the increment amount

' You can also use a negative Step
For intNum = 0 To 50 Step 10
txtOutput &= intNum & Environment.NewLine

' Exit For allows you to exit early

If intNum = 40 Then Exit For

' For Each can cycle through each item in an array

' Create and fill an array with Strings
Dim employees = New String() {"Paul", "Sally", "Jack"}

For Each employee As String In employees

txtOutput &= employee & Environment.NewLine

Dim numberGuessed = 0

' Generate Random Value

Dim upperbound = 10
Dim lowerbound = 1

Dim randomValue = CInt(Math.Floor((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd())) +


' Do Until loops are used when you must have the code
' execute at least once
' The Do While loop continues looping as long as a condition
' is True
Do Until numberGuessed = randomValue

txtOutput &= "Computer Guessed " & numberGuessed & Environment.NewLine

numberGuessed += 1
' You can exit a Do loop early
If numberGuessed = 10 Then Exit Do


txtOutput &= "The Computer Guessed it" & Environment.NewLine

' ---------- ARRAYS ----------

txtOutput = ""

' Define a fixed size array that can contain 3 elements

Dim customers() As String = {"Bob", "Sally", "Manny"}

' Assign a value to the 3rd element

customers(2) = "Paul"

' Get the value in an array

txtOutput &= "#1 Customer " & customers(0) & Environment.NewLine

' Sort an array


' Reverse the array order


' Change the size of the array and preserve values

' Without Preserve the original values would be deleted
ReDim Preserve customers(5)

' Cycle through values in array

For Each customer As String In customers
txtOutput &= customer & Environment.NewLine

'Declare a multi-dimensional array and set values

Dim matrix(4, 4) As String

For i = 0 To 3
For j = 1 To 3
matrix(i, j) = i & j

For i = 0 To 3
For j = 1 To 3
txtOutput &= matrix(i, j) & " "
txtOutput &= Environment.NewLine

TextBox1.Text = txtOutput
End Sub

End Class

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