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FF ar ‘ardta frenera dt KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA, SVP NPA SHIVARAMPALLY, HYDERABAD — 500052 BIOLOGY INVESTIGATORY PROJECT _DRUG ADDICTION SUBMITTED BY: Dhananjay Dhiman XII-A CBSE Roll No. - sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE This is to certify that this “Biology Investigatory Project” on the topic “Drug Addiction” has been successfully completed by Dhananjay Dhiman of class XI — A under the guidance of Mrs. Sailaja Nayak in particular fulfilment of the curriculum of Central Board of Secondary Education {CBSE} leading to the award of annual examination of the year 2016-17. Teacher-In-Charge External Examiner. hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-b sigatory projectchse sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thave taken efforts in this project. However, it would not haye been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals. I would like to thank my principal Dr. NSK Swamy and school for providing me with facilities required to do my project. I am highly indebted to my Biology teacher, Mrs. Sailaja Navak, for her invaluable guidance which has sustained my efforts in all the stages of this project work. I would also like to thank my parents for their continuous support and encouragement. My thanks and appreciations also go to my fellow classmates and the laboratory assistant in developing the project and to the people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities. hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 425 sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE Ind Content Cerincate Acloovleag cts Aim/Objective Project Report on Onigs Dependence Introduction to "drugs action” ‘ieteation of Dilge Combinations of Drugs and Alcohol How does drug addlcionbegin? Social Disease - Smoking, Drinking, and Use of Drugs Tobacco Alcohol Conclusion Bibliography End of project hitps:lwwusldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 5125 sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE hitps:lwwusldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 25, sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE Objective * To study drugs, their classification, addictive nature, and prevention from addiction. hitps:lwwusldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE rojgct ort on Drugs A LOIeCr RRDOLI OD DLOZ® Dependence DHSDSHASUGS Drugs are prescribed by physicians for the prevention or treatment of diseases, or for increasing the physical and mental performance and are withdrawn as soon as the desired effect is achieved. Repeated use of certain drugs on a periodic or continuous basis may make the body dependence, Such drugs are called psychotropic drugs. They act on the’ brain and alter behavior, consciousness, and capacity of perception. Hence, they are also termed mood-altering drugs. Some people start taking drugs without medical advice due to one reason or the other and become drugs dependent. hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 825 sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE INTRODUCTION TO "DRUGS ADDICTION" “Drug Addiction” phrase is made by two words: () Drug (W) Addiction. What is meant by a drug? Any substance, other than food, used im the prevention, dliagmosis, all aviation or ueatment of a disease is called a drug. A drug may also be defined as av chemical whieh; when taken in some way afier the body Function, The drug is ao known aia medicive, Generally, the term drugs applied to any stimulating or depressing stikstance that ean he hahiiating or addictive, Meaning of Addiction Addiction is the habitual, psychological and physiological dependence on. a substance or practice. Which is beyond voluntary control. A person who is habituated to a substance ora practice, especially harmful one, sealed am addict, hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 925 sarnn2019 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE Classification of Drugs ‘There are a large number of drugs on which people become dependent. ‘These are classified into four major groups: sedatives and tranquilizers. opiate narcotics, stimulants and hallucinogens. orn Sedatives and Tranquilizers Examples Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines Opium, Morphine. Codeine, Heroin ‘Amphetamines, Caffeine, Cocaine L5Q, Mesealin, pallocybin, Ganja, Charas, Hiashish Depress CNS activity ‘ive feeling of, Calmness, relaxation, drowsiness. Suppress brain activity relaxed pain, Make a person more ‘wakeful, alert and active, cause excitement. Alter thoughts, feeling, and perceptions hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 10725 sarnn2019 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE Combinations of Drags and fileohol TCODOT Some addicts use mixtures of drugs to have immediate “La! or ‘charge’ Simultaneous use of drug and alcohol may produce dangerous effets, Inclucing death. When barbiturates and alcohol are taken together, each doubles the effect ofthe other. A mixture of cocaine and heroin called speedball gives 2 spontaneous kick of cocaine and prolonged pleasure of heroin. ‘Combination Effect Des Sg edly increased the depressant effect. MESES Marked drowsiness Bees Ty Dramatically increases sedative effect. CMs ae gina Logg) Decreased coordination Hashish increated reaction time Impaired judgment, Pe Eee) Increased changes of damage to hitps:lwwusldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 1128 sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE flow dogs drug addiction begin? There are many factors that lead people to drug addiction. 1. Gurlesity: Frequent references to drugs by public media create tariosty for having a personal experience of the drugs 2, Friend's pressure: Frequent appreciation of drug experience by friends allures others to start the use of drugs. 3, Frustration and Depression: Some people start taking drugs to get relief from frustration and depression. 4, The desire for More Work; Students sometimes take drugs to keep awake the whole night to prepare for the examination. Its not desirable as it may cause a mental breakdown. 5. Looking fora Different World: A wrong notion that the drugs open up a new world tempts some young octets to start taking-drugs. 6. Relief from Pain: A prolonged use of pain-relieving drugs with physician's advice at times leads to addiction. 7. Family History: Children may take to drugs by seeing their elders In the family 8, Excitement and Adventure: The young take to drugs to satisfy their instinct for excitement and adventure. hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse san sarnn2019 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE Social Disgasg - Smoking, Prinking, and Us¢ of Drugs HIDES OMe OTe Drug Smoking and drinking and use of drugs frequently or regularly are social diseases. They adversely affect the health of the addicts and the society. Young people take to these habits for fun, show off or curiosity, as an adventure or feeling of freedom, or as a gesture of defiance ageinst the elders who themselves indulge in these activities but check the youngsters. Other factors that make people take to these vices are the inability to face problems of life indifference shown by members of the family end encouragement or pressure by friends. A temporary escape from the life problems and mental relaxation felt on taking the drugs in the beginning increase person's interest in them. Soon they become habitual and find in difficult to leave. The daily dose to get the desired effect increases with time. As in other countries, the menace of drug addiction is spreading in India also. A large number of our young men and women have taken to intoxicants. About 87.6 per cent drug addicts are between the ages of 14 and 25 years. hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 1325 sarnn2019 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE It is a native of South Africa, where the Red Indian first started smoking. Now the tobacco plant has spread the world over. It has large, quote to lanceolate leaves and terminal clusters of tubular, white or pink flowers. Modes of Use: Tobacco is used for smoking, chewing and snuffing. Its main stimulating component is poisonous volatile alkaloid nicotine, which causes addiction. Nicotine synthesis occurs in the roots of the plant but it is stored in the leaves. The leaves contain 2 to 8% nicotine. inhaling tobacco smoke from cigars. cigarettes, biddies, pipes and hubble-bubble is called smoking. The cigar is a roll of tobacco leaf. The cigarette is cut tobacco wrapped in paper. Bidi is tobacco wrapped. In a piece Of leaf, Tobacco smoke is drawn directly from the pipe and through water is hubble-bubble. Smoking may give some temporary relief to the strained nerves but in the long run, it proves @ dangerous health hazard. The quantity of nicotine contained in-one cigar may prove fatal if injected intravenousty into a person. When smoked only 10% of the smoke isinhaled. Hence, no immediate ill effect is observed. Smokers may develop a physiological craving for nicotine and then they cannot give up smoking. hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 1428 sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE Effect of Nicotine: Nicotine is a low concentration. () Stimulates conduction of nerve impulses. (i) Relaxes the muscles. (ii) Releases adrenaline, increasing heart beat rate and pressure. (iv) Increased blood pressure due to smoking chances the risk of heart diseases. () Retards foetal growth in expecting mothers and (Wi) Causes tobacco addiction. High concentration of nicotine patalyzes nerve cells. of Tohacco Besides the poisonous nicotine, the tobacco smoke contains carbon- monoxide, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and tar Other Efe: () Smoking effects economy: A smoker not only waste money but also runs the risk of burns and fires. i) Smoking mars personality: Teeth may become stained. Lips may get discolored and breath becomes foul. A person with a cigarette hanging from the mouth looks odd. (ii) Smoking is annoying to others: Cigarette smoke is quite annoying to non-smokers. It may prove even more harmful to them. A smoker should avoid smoking. When in the company of non-smokers. A smoker makes the person nearby person's passive smokers through inhaling smoke released by him. hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 1525 sarnn2019 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE leohol Sources: Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, flammable; colorless liquid having a penetrating ‘odour and burning taste. It i one of the products of the dittilation of fermented grains, fruit juices and starches with the help of yeast enzymes. It isthe principal constituent and the intoxicating principle of wines. “Modes of Use: ‘Alcohol is taken in low concentration, as the beer, toddy. and wine and in relatively high concentration as arrack, brandy, whiskey. rum. gin, vodka etc. ‘Addiction: [Addiction to alcohol called alcoholism. Alcoholics are found in all soclety section of society. Alcohol causes intoxication and thus, acs as a poison, They drinkers begin with small doses. but many of them soon start consuming large doses and become addicts. By the time they realize that linking in edversely affecting them, tis too late to give it up. ‘Why People Take to Drinking: “The drinkers offer one or more ofthe following reasons for stating drinking. (Social pressure (il) Desire for excitement (ii) Feeling of independence (i) Liking of tate () Desire to escape from such realities of life as disappointments and fellures and (vi) The desire to offset the hardships and monotony of daly life, hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 1625 sarnn2019 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE ‘consumed? Alcohol i quickly absorbed in the stomach and upper part of small intestine and reaches all the tissues in minutes. Its oxidation starts at once and large amount of heat in produced. Since heat is not needed in the body, its taken up by the blood and carried to the skin for dissipation. Since the receptors of heat are located in the skin, the rush of blood to the skin gives a false impression of warmth inthe body. The blood supply of intemal organs is greatly reduced resting in fll of temperature in them. The energy released by alcohol is not used in any life process Rather the energy derived from foods used up in ridding the body of excess heat. Is Alcohol A Stimulant? Many people take alcohol for stimulation. Actually, alcohol is a depressant, 1 substance which dulls the senses. It reduces the efficiency of every tissue the body. Any feeling of lift @ person may claim to feal is a mistaken Impression or an attempt to justify the actin his own mind. eeu ry ee hitps:lwwwsldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 178 sarnn2019 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE Conelusions Drug use and addiction cause a lot of disease and disability in the world, Recent advances in neuroscience may help improve pé to reduce the harm that the use of tobacco, alcohol and other psychoactive drugs impose on society. Bibliography See H. Abadinsky, Drug Abuse (1989): H. T.tilhorn, Jr, Chemical Dependence (1990): D. Baum, Smoke and Mirrors: The War on Drugs and the Politic of Failure (1996); M. Massing, The Fix (1998): . Jones, Hepeats, Narés and Pipe Dreams: A History of America's Romance with legal Drugs (1999): publications ofthe Drugs & Crime Data Center and Clearinghouse. the Bureau of Justice Statistics Clearinghouse, and the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information. > NCERT Class 12 Lab Manual # https//en. + https:/Awny + hrips/Awww + hitps:déwnw # Class 12 NCERT Textbook + Reference articles from various blogs. hitps:lwwusldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 1925 sanv2o19 Class 12 Biology investigatory Project CBSE Upcoming SlideShare Loading in 5 8 of 18 Class 12 Biology Investigatory Project CBSE 368,961 views are € Dhananj Dhiman, sic & Devsoper st oowies ies (Cass 12 CBSE Biology Investigator project onthe topic "Drug Addiction” Published in: Education 1 Sontikes hitps:lwwusldeshare.netidhananjaydhimaniclass-12-bology-nvesigatoryproject-chse 19128

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