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In the report Turbocharging your Business Applications: The Case for Embedded Analytics in the
Enterprise, Aberdeen’s findings reveal the operational value realized by companies that champion
a primarily embedded analytics strategy. Below are key points to consider when assessing
vendors and the capabilities of their solutions:

Support your analytics initiatives with parts, people, and process. Organizations that take
an embedded approach to their analytics strategy are already more likely to employ analytics to
 facilitate data-driven decisions when compared to those that employ standalone analytics.
They’re also 39% more likely to have data governance policies in place and 63% more likely to
have processes that support sharing across different business functions.

Increase stakeholder input. Leading companies employ individuals or teams to fill data
 analytics roles, empower employees with tools that are easy to use and adopt, and provide
guidance on the terms of use and access.

Champion analytics ubiquity to foster an analytical workforce. Sharing and socializing data
access is contingent on adoption, which rests on the tool’s ease-of-use. Companies taking an
 embedded approach are better positioned to leverage their analytics capabilities effectively
because they allow for access to tools and data, encourage engagement from their users, and
make analytics a part of organizational culture by promoting its use in a self-service capacity.

Dashboards, reporting, and data visualization are necessary. With the use of embedded
 analytics, organizations can free up IT resources and allow end users to develop context and
role-specific knowledge of the data most valuable to their line of business.

Prioritize flexibility when selecting software partners. It’s imperative that the vendor of choice
 allow you the flexibility to determine the ideal method of deployment for your analytics
infrastructure, whether it’s in the Cloud, on-premise, or hybrid.

This document is the result of primary research performed by Aberdeen Group and represents the best analysis available
at the time of publication. Unless otherwise noted, the entire contents of this publication are copyrighted by The Aberdeen
Group and may not be reproduced, distributed, archived, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written
consent by Aberdeen Group.

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