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Validity and reliability of the main discussion in every measurement in the study. Both
focus how to create a measurement that is connected to the construct being measured. Reliability
and validity becomes very important because the social construct theory is often ambiguous,
confusing and often can not be directly observed. All social researchers want to measure that
they do have good validity and reliability, then what is the validity and reliability?

Reliability means reliability or consistency. Reliability refers to the consistency of the

scores achieved by the same people when they re-examined the same test on different occasions,
or with a set of beads of different equivalents, or testing under conditions which
berbeda.Misalnya, when we do high measurement object such as the height of the table is in use
measuring devices inch hand, the result is a five-span at the first measurement, the same size will
be obtained in subsequent measurements, means of measuring instruments in use is valid and
reliable, but if the object is measured is storey buildings of fifteen, possible inch of the hand will
give consistent results? most likely is not. This means a valid measurement tool, but it is not

Validity validity comes from the word that means the extent to which the accuracy and
precision of measurement (test) in doing the measuring function.

Sudjana (2004, in Widodo, 2006) states that the validity regarding the accuracy of the assessment
tools to the concept that assessed so truly assess what should be assessed.

why we need to have a valid and reliable test? Reliability is used as an indicator of trust
in the value of a test for consistency, while Validity is used as the development and evaluation of
a test. In addition, the validity is also needed to determine the feasibility of the items in a
construct questions in defining a variabel.Artinya, without their validity and can not reliably test
we give to students or people who receive a test we can say deserves to be a test.

The test is an activity that aims to determine the extent of absorption of the students of
the material we have been teaching for teaching and learning. Function tests will be very
important and very beneficial if the manufacture of instrument tests done in a good manner and
benar.Maka proper procedures were significantly associated with the test results in harapkan.jadi
activities perform proper procedures in developing achievement test is very important, more
appropriate procedure that we do in the development of the test, the better it yaang test results we

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