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Narrator: Once upon a time, Mindanao was covered in water.

There were only four mountains

jutting out from the seas, namely, Mt. Bita, Mt. Gurayan, Mt. Matutum, and the unknown. Lives
were prosperous, and Maranoans were happy as they can be.
Citizen #1: Good morning, Malia! What a beautiful harvest for you to give out coconuts for free!
Citizen #2: I just had an abundant harvest. Have a great day, Maring!
Narrator: In the same Monday morning, darkness suddenly fell. Monsters so scary and
ginormous appeared, wreaking havoc to each and every mountain.
Kurita: (growl) I will effectuate havoc to this world. With limbs I have, I can spill your guts,
rattan palm trees I will destruct! (Evil laugh)
Narrator: Tarabusaw roared from Mt. Matutum. Every step he took, alongside came
destruction. He was scary and indiscernible, because this creature was in the form of a man.
Citizen #3: Why are trees wilting?!
Citizen #4: I don't know!
Citizen #3: Why are people dying?!
Citizen #4: I don't know! (Tarabusaw suddenly appears, attacking them mercilessly.)
Tarabusaw: It was me, you stupid fools. You are all too naive to realize! Narrator: In Mt. Bita,
however, there lived Pah. A ginormous bird as large as a house.
Pah: Do you see this egg? It will soon hatch, and will bring despoliation to this world. We will kill
mercilessly together, and we will live with humans six feet under the ground!
Narrator: In Mt. Gurayan, was a dreadful bird with 7 heads who could see all the directions at
the same time.
Dreadful Bird: Dread I will create in every path I will make!
Narrator: In a land of golden sunset, far away from the mountains, has been infected by the
great tidings of these monsters. Indarapatra, the king of all was filled with compassion to save
the land. He called Sulayman to hear you, and commanded him to avenge.
Indarapatra: How dreadful are their lives right now! My maiden, please call Sulayman, my
dearest brother, for this matter.
Lady: Yes, King. I sure will. (Lady goes to Sulayman)
Lady: Sulayman, Sulayman, prince of the city, King Indarapatra has called you!
Sulayman: (arrives at the throne) What is it, my dearest brother?
Indarapatra: Monsters from each mountains in Mindanao has risen. People are dying, their
force is intensifying. As the king of this city, I request you and your big, broad sword to slash
them all away. Your strength is immeasurable, so I will count on you for this mission.
Sulayman: Yes, my king. With great determination indeed. I will go, and the land shall be
Indarapatra: (nods) I am proud of your determination, brother. By this tree, I shall know your
fate from the hour you depart from here. If you live, the sapling lives, for if you die, the sapling
will die also.
Sulayman: Yes, my brother.
Narrator: Sulayman didn't use a boat, but rather by his own feet. He went through summits,
but when he saw devastation, he cried aloud.
Sulayman: Alas! How pitiful and dreadful is the devastation! Kurita, you ugly piece of trash.
Scourge out from the land, and I will cut you into pieces!
Kurita: Well, well, well, look who decides to pop out.
Sulayman: No more talking! (Fighting scene- Sulayman plunges his sword to Kurita's limbs)
Kurita: EEEEH!
Sulayman: Barely a sweat dripped. That was easy.
Narrator: With great determination to finish what he started, he ventured to Mt. Matutum, far
and wide. It was night time when he arrived, and saw no one.
Sulayman: Where is the second monster?!
Narrator: Rattling leaves were heard and with a pained yell, Tarabusaw appeared.
Tarabusaw: Sulayman, Sulayman! I think I found where Tarabusaw is!
Sulayman: Lead me to him-- wait, I am no fool! You ate all the people, and you're a monster in
the form of a human. You cannot deceive me!
Tarabusaw: Well, well, well. It is indeed true. But fear not, for your death will be quick and
Sulayman: Stop! I will no longer hear from your blabbing mouth! (Sulayman does the same
move, but Tarabusaw blocked him.)
Tarabusaw: Do not underestimate the power of Tarabusaw! (FIGHTING SCENE- THE FIGHT
Sulayman: UNDERESTIMATE? Look who's dead right now!
Narrator: Furious was he now, he went to Mt. Bite. He was ready to kill the third monster in the
third mountain. There, he saw Pah, the roaring, soaring, ugly, vicious bird.
Pah: (bird noises) Another food to eat, I see. My egg hasn't hatched yet, so I have to eat this
human alone.
Sulayman: Are you certain about that?
Pah: Yes, that, I am. (FIGHTING SCENE)
Sulayman: Rah! I have slashed your wing, for that you must be dead! (THE WING FELL ON
SULAYMAN) Sulayman: AHHHK! (Sulayman falls)
Narrator 1: Still searching for his brother, he arrived at Mt. Bita, where the dead bird lay on the
Indarapatra: Sulayman! Sulayman! Where are you dear brother?! The crucial bird!
Narrator 2: Indarapatra came
Narrator 1: Still searching for his brother, he arrived at Mt. Bita, where the dead bird lay on the

Indarapatra: Sulayman! Sulayman! Where are you dear brother?! The crucial bird!

Narrator 2: Indarapatra came closer to the bird and when he lifted the severed wing.

Indarapatra: No, this can’t be, no!!

Narrator 1: he beheld the bones of Sulayman with his sword by his side.

Indaparapatra: brother cries how could I let something like this happened to you sniffs I- cries

Narrator 2: His grief now so overwhelmed that he wept for sometime.


Narrator 1: Upon looking up.

Indarapatra: what is this thing?

Narrator 2: he beheld a small jar of water by his side.

Indarapatra: T-this water

Narrator 1: This he knew had been sent from heaven

Narrator 2: he poured the water over the bones.

Sulayman: breathe
Narrator 1: Sulayman came to life again.

Indarapatra: oh dear brother (hugs Sulayman) you’re a live, are you feeling fine?

Sulayman: I am now, Indaparapatra

They greeted each other and talked animatedly for a great length of time

Sulayman: oh brother, I was not dead but was just sleeping.

Indarapatra: I don’t care about that, what’s important is that you’re alive. *hugs Sulayman.

Narrator 2: After some time Sulayman returned to his distant home, but Indarapatra continued
his journey to Mt. Gurayan where he killed the dreadful bird with the seven heads.

Narrator 1: after these monsters had all been killed, peace and safety had been restored to

Narrator 2: Indarapatra began searching everywhere to see if some of the people who hid in
the earth were still alive.

Indarapatra: another day, another day where I will spend it by searching.

W-ho is that?
-maiden! Maiden!

-the girl disappeared through a hole in the ground where she stood.

Indarapatra: i had have enough

Narrator 2: disappointed and tired, Indarapatra sat down on a rock when

Indarapatra: huh, is that what i think it is?

Narrator 1: he saw near him a pot if uncooked rice with a big fire on the ground in front of him.

Indarapatra: oh thank god!

Narrator 2: this revived him and proceeded to cook the rice

Narrator 1: as he did so, however, he heard someone laugh nearby and turning around.

Indarapatra: oh you surprised me!

Narrator 2: he beheld an old woman watching him.

Old woman: oh dear boy, are you doing fine?

Indarapatra: yes I am, how about you yourself?

Old woman: I’m doing fine as well.

Narrator 1: she drew near and talked to him while he ate rice.

Old woman: of all the people in the land

Narrator 1: the woman told him.

Old woman: only few were left and they hid in a cave in the ground from where they never
ventured to come out.

As for me and my husband, we went on, we had hid in a hollow tree, and had never dared to
leave until Sulayman killed the voracious bird, Pah.

Indarapatra: Ma’am, may I take a glimpse of these caves even just one?

Old woman: of course dear

Narrator 2: at indarapatra's request, the old woman led him to one such cave. There he met
the headman with his family and some people.

Narrator 1: they all gathered around the stranger asking many questions, for this wad the first
time they had heard about the death of the monsters.

Old woman: so you have killed various monsters?

Indarapatra: It seems like it

Headman: as for you bravery, i offer my daughter to be engage with you.

Indarapatra: sir, not to be rude but I kindly dec- wait you’re that girl earlier?

Narrator 1: the girl in front of him proved to be the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
Narrator: then the people all came out of their hiding lla
places and returned to their homes where they lived in peace and happiness, and the sea
withdrew from the land and gave the lowlands to the people.

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