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I believe that men often overlook the power that comes with height.

Well, I guess I
really shouldn't refer to men exclusively, seeing that they do not have a monopoly
on being tall. Although men are commonly thought of as the taller gender, things
seem to be changing as time moves forward. Women are growing taller these days,
while men seem to be getting shorter. Could this be karma by any chance?
Regardless, with height comes a definite dominance or control. You may not know it
if you've always been the tall one. Maybe you've become complacent and the notion
just lingers in the back of your mind. However, if you're one of the vertically
challenged, then you certainly understand. You're constantly gazing up to those who
are taller than you. Hey, don't fret! After all, this is where the contemporary 5
inch heel comes into the picture. Well, at least for the softer sex.

Women have it easy, right? Now hold on! Just stick with me for a moment. If a woman
has a pimple, she can just conceal it with make-up. But, if a man has a fat zit on
his chin, it's out there for the world to see until it goes away. If a woman is
short, she can turn to the 5 inch heel snazzy footwear in her closet. On the
contrary, if a man is short, he is just short. What's up with this routine? What
about us guys? Women can remedy their "lesser assets," however; men are stuck with
no armor. Now I will admit that I'm not exactly vertically challenged. I'm 6'1"
barefoot. This puts me at 6'2" with my shoes on. But, a few of my best buddies are
on the shorter side. Take my friend Tracy for example. He's 5'2". Ah ha, and you
thought you were vertically challenged! There aren't too many adult males out there
that are 5'2". Anyway, he doesn't have a 5 inch heel set of footwear he can slip on
to magically become 5'7". He just has typical guy shoes like the rest of us. What
I'm getting at here is all you ladies should consider yourself fortunate.

My wife doesn't even own a pair of shoes with a 5 inch heel. She's 5'5" and
typically goes with a two or three inch heel. This is probably common for many
women of this height. This way you're a whopping 5'7"-5'8" with your shoes on.
That's socially accepted. Now, for all you ladies out there, who are uncomfortable
with your short stature, try the 5 inch heel for a boost. Just be glad your gender
offers such luxuries.

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