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Lismoras, Mae Jean Foz.


The story of “Lia and Jack’s Adventure” is my first chosen story. In this story, we
can get moral lessons. It taught us the importance of the decision we are taking in our
life, and the importance of listening to parent’s command though it might be just simple
things for us and we tend to disregard them but, without knowing that there would be an
equivalent consequences that we might face as a result to the decision we made. The
story encouraged us to make decision wisely, do not decide right away for the reason that
you want it, just like what happened to Lia in the story because of her desire to find the
flower with the smell of an ice cream she immediately decide to go into the woods without
thinking about what might be the aftermath of her decision, she’s selfish. They are both
lack of senses because they did not notice in the first place that it was just Jack’s
chocolate bar in his pocket that smells like ice cream and not actually the flower that Lia’s
talking about and at the end Lia realized it. Just like in real-life situation, we realized that
we have made the wrong decision when it’s too late.
The short-story of “ God Sees The Truth But Waits” leave us a moral lesson and a
hope that in every things we did God is watching from above and He knows everything
just don’t stop believing in Him. Be good to the other people around you, and don’t let
anyone suffer just to cover up you’re wrong doings and the destroyed the other’s life. Just
like what happened to Aksionov in the story; he was wrongfully accused for the murder
that he never done. The story also taught us not to be judgmental because we might be
wrong on what we say and what we suspected. But, in the end it’s only God can judge
us, the justice that we are seeking for is in His hand. Just like in the story, justice is being
serve for Aksionov in the end, though it may a little too late because he spent twenty- six
years in prison and found dead the day He will go out from prison, a sad ending for him
but, atleast the real culprit admits his crime in the end.
The last one is “The Moral Lesson from Bob” that was presented by Group 4. The
title of the story obviously states about getting a moral lesson from Bob; the main
character of the story. In this story bob is an irresponsible citizen in the society as he
throws his candy wrappers everywhere, he always disregards his mother’s command.
One day a sudden typhoon came and hit their place and leave a big casualties to their
community. Bob learned his lesson that throwing candy wrappers affects the law of
nature. The next time Bob eats his candy, he throw he throw his wrapper in a proper trash
bin. As well us in real-life situation, we must be responsible for our own trashes to prevent
the rage of nature.

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