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Rince Benny


Ap Lang

October 11, 2019

College Sports Tackles Student Athletes’ Grades

Playing a sport in college is something that requires numerous long stretches of training

and devotion which can detract from education. Given the time expected to concentrate on

college sports, students gradually begin to fall behind in their academics.

Nevertheless, as college athletes strive to maintain academic eligibility while advancing

through their school years, many college athletes become more and more stressed. Numerous

student-athletes communicated worry over having deficient time to read for tests and compose

research papers. Team travel is additionally referred to as a stress factor because of missed

classes and assignments.

Additionally, college sports can turn into a negative when they reduce the academic

experience that schools are accused of giving. Sports require some serious energy that generally

may be given to think about. Schools should be mindful to screen the measure of training time,

both official and "deliberate," that members are relied upon to commit to their game. Athletes are

often unable to take afternoon classes due to daily practices, meetings, workouts, and games that

last year-round, even in the summer, and are discouraged from pursuing specific majors.

Colleges additionally should be certain that athletic achievement isn't underscored more than

academic accomplishment.

The National for Economic Research distributed an examination, which analyzed the

connection between a college’s prosperity on the football field and its student-athletes academic
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performance. Utilizing information from the University of Oregon, where they are based, the

researchers proved that student athletes-particularly male athletes-procure lower grades when the

Ducks are winning games. “Our estimates suggest that three fewer wins in a season would be

expected to increase male GPAs by approximately 0.02%,” the researchers wrote. When these

athletes are winning more, they tend to work harder on their craft. This means that they take

extra time in their studying period to enhance their athletic skills.

On top of all this, colleges tend to cheat to keep their athletes eligible to play their games.

The University of North Carolina's athletic office was accused of putting athletes into "GPA

uplift" classes to keep them playing, a swindling plan that continued for a long time. It is big-

time college sports schools like the University of North Carolina that encourage their athletic

department to support cheating to keep their athletes eligible.

Moreover, academic fraud is even more severe when coaches are the ones boosting

player grades to keep them eligible. When a coach “interferes with the grade assignments or the

work of an athlete or argues on their behalf, it's a cardinal sin. It interferes with the academic

integrity of an institution," said Gerald Gurney, a former associate athletics director at the

University of Oklahoma. These coaches are supposed to be mentors to the athletes in college.

They engrave morals on athletes like honesty and integrity while allowing them to lack

academically and then go onto boosting their grades unjustly, which is hypocritical.

While college sports does negatively impact academic performance, there is the thought

of being responsible as an adult in college. Sports can fill in as an inspiration for skilled athletes

to work hard in the classroom. Since players need to fulfill set up guidelines to be admitted to a

school, and to be qualified to participate in sports when there, getting adequate grades takes on

more significance than it may something else.

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Regardless, there are a lot of issues with the present arrangement of college athletes

devoting prolonged hours perfecting their craft in sports but not so much in the classroom.

Athletes are given full-ride scholarships to attend college and to gain free education. Instead,

they lack in their studies because of poor time management due to a tight schedule. Moreover,

when the college itself and the coaching staff are doing everything possible to unjustly raise

grades of athletes performing terribly when it comes to education, it is nothing more than pitiful

to watch.

Works Cited
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Greenwell, Megan. “Do College Sports Affect Students' Grades? A Defense of the NCAA.”

GOOD, GOOD, 1 Aug. 2019,


Sherman, Ted. “Scoring Grades: How Schools Cheat to Keep Athletes in the Game.” Nj, 22

Sept. 2015,

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