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EKSPRORIAU (Bakau Plant (Rhizophora sp) Dry Propagule Extract ) AS


The coastal area known as aquatic ecosystems have the huge potential
resources and an opportunity for increased economy productive activity. The lack
of knowledge concerning the management of the existing potential in coastal areas
is one factor making potential of existing natural resources are not optimized
properly and was unable to improve the walfare of whole communities. For achieve
these objectives step to begin is by doing study economic oppotunities that can be
developed through a system integrated management, so that the expected utilization
of coastal resources in particular mangrove forest can be performed optimally,
efficiently and sustanable and provide benefits to coastal communities who manage

Today the batik industry is developing rapidly, not only in indonesia even
in the world becouse it has a comparative advantage in the economic field. These
oppurtunities are sought to be developed in order to improve the welfare
community. Uses of chemical substances as dye batik own thing commonplace and
trends in the community. The use of chemical used in batik industry can also lead
to health disorder and problems in surrounding environment.

Currently appearing awareness global market consumer who wants products

must be enviromentally friendly (eco product). One concept on offer is a concept
green batik. Called green batik becouse in the process batik dyeing using the basic
ingredients of herbs. One of plants that contain natural pigments as well as its
existence is widely available in the province of Riau has a total area of 138.434
hectares of mangroves, which are scattered in several distric such as Bengkalis
(21.981 ha), Meranti (25.619 ha), Dumai (11.583 ha), Siak (6.831 ha), Rokan Hilir
(8.441 ha), Pelalawan(0.445 ha), Indragiri Hilir (63.534 ha). Mangrove widespread
yet to be utilized, whreas the content of tannins in the fruit mangrove Rhizopora sp.
can be used as natural dyes. If fuse matching tannins and subtance use mordan it
will produce color combination unique and natural, as well as reduce the level of
smearing on batik cloth.

Therefore in order to support the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals),

then the concept of the planned development is perform utilization, development,
and manufacture of natural dyes Rhizophora sp. to be implemented for the textile
industry in particular riau traditional batik artisans to produce quality textile
products, environmentally friendly, as well as supporting sustainable development.
In an effort to utilize the mangrove plants (Rhizopora sp.) as an alternative material
natural dyes for Riau’s batik green product, then the extraction process dry
propagules first. There are three stages in which to do first is the pre-extraction
(provision of material and tools required); second is phase extraction (extraction
process to produce natural dyes made from magrove plant (Rhizopora sp.); and the
third is the post-extraction stage (dyeing process of riau tradisional batik).

The result showed utilization of dry propagules can add functionality and
economic value og mangrove popagules waste it self. The use of dry of mangrove
propagules can also support the efforts of the preservation of mangrove by planting
mengroves by coastal communities that the raw material they use still exist and can
be utilized. So that indirectly “EKSPRORIAU” using the riau mangrove plant
extract has been instrumental to maintain the existence of mangrove in the province
of Riau. Thus it is important to do an intensive study related to utilazation of dry
propagules (Rhizopora sp) and socializing to the traditional batik industry players
regarding potensial dry propagules of Rhizopora sp., provide education and training
to coastal communities concerning the use of extract of dried plant mangrove
propagules (Rhizopora sp). as an alternative material of natural dyes in business of
riau traditional batik. With the effort of explanation and provision of related
knowledge dry utilization of mangrove propagules o the perpetrators of riau batik
industry can contribute to the inprovement of public welfare and realize the creative
economy, culture, and enviroment-friendly and also contribute to a sustainable
development and sustainable use indonesia realuze independent and advanced in
the industry yet pay attention to local wisdom.

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