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Andrianna Kalyviaris




Is Gatsby a Hero or AntiHero?

Based on Gatsby’s actions in the novel, Gatsby is an antihero. An antihero is main

character that is portrayed as a good person but on the inside they have bad qualities or a

criminal with good intentions. I believe that Gatsby is an anti hero because at the beginning of

the novel he represents himself as a good person but in reality he lies, longing to achieve goals

even if it takes whatever method to get to his goal, pretends to be someone he's not, he tries to

steal Daisy from Tom, and uses Nick to get closer to Daisy.

To begin, Gatsby pretends to be someone he’s not. For example, “I am the son of some

wealthy people in the middle-west- all dead now. I was brought up in America but educated at

Oxford because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years. It is a family

tradition.” (Fitzgerald 69) this quote from the novel is basically Gatsby admitting he's lying and is

pretending to be someone he's not. Throughout the novel Gatsby makes himself seem like he

became rich and but in reality it was his family who was rich. This shows that Gatsby is an

antihero because he is basically pretending like he became rich all on his own.

Next, Gatsby lies to Daisy and tries to steal her from Tom. An example is, when Tom

and Gatsby were fighting about how Gatsby is rich because of his pharmacies. Later in the

novel it’s revealed that his pharmacies are illegal stores during prohibition. Gatsby lies about his
personality. During his parties he tries to act as a good citizen who earns his money a fair way

but in reality he earns his money from bootlegging. He was selling alcohol illegally during the

time of prohibition. This also shows Gatsby is an antihero because he’s pretending to be a good

citizen who earns his money fair but he’s really not earning his money fair.

Gatsby also lies to Nick about his life. He tells Nick that he once attended Oxford and

went the WW1 but Nick has a hard time believing these facts. Gatsby does show Nick pictures

of him as proof. He also tells Nick that his parents are not alive which is not true because

Gatsby’s dad shows up at Gatsby’s funeral. This shows that gatsby lies about a lot of things.

In conclusion, Gatsby is an anti hero because he lies, he’s a criminal and lies about

about himself.

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