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9 Ways to Tell Her You Like Her (and 9 Ways Not to!

9 Ways to Tell Her You Like Her (and 9 Ways Not to!)

It’s Not How Much You Like Her – It’s How Much SHE LIKES YOU

We make the mistake of thinking the more we like her, the more she SHOULD like us back and not break
our heart when we’re vulnerable and telling her how we feel. But if we pull our head out of our ass and
think about it, it doesn’t matter how much we like her – because liking her doesn’t make her feel more
attraction for us.

She can’t make herself feel attraction for you because you think she’s the most beautiful woman in the
world – but because you’re inexperienced with women, that’s what the logical part of your brain and
“instincts” are telling you to do.

When you like her and want her to like you back, you start feeling a dying urge and “need” to tell her
about your feelings. You feel you’re going to explode if she doesn’t know how much you like her!

But before you open your pie hole and tell her how you feel, you need to be smart and educate yourself
on HOW to tell her you like her.

Telling Her You Like Her Requires Strategy

What you’re thinking about doing might not get you the results and response you’re looking for.

From experience, the most effective way to tell her you like her is using actions and reactions – NOT
WORDS. Attraction is usually the strongest when your actions and non-verbal communications
communicate that you’re experienced, you know what you’re doing, and you’re not like other guys. Your
internal and external reactions communicate directly with her natural “wiring” and cause her to
unconsciously feel attraction. She can’t control it. So, when you like her and you’re feeling a bunch of
girly emotions, if you wrongly “react” to your feelings by telling her how you feel, like most guys do,
she’s more likely to blow you off and not feel the same way in return. Your “words” aren’t as likely to
spark attraction and get the result you want.
To help you avoid making this mistake and avoid feeling like a loser with women, here are 9 ways to tell
her you like her and 8 ways NOT to tell her that you like her.

Remember, most of the ways to tell her you like her on this list are NON-VERBAL. If you’re
uncomfortable trying them, DO THEM ANYWAYS and get out of your comfort zone.


1. Have Some Balls and Be Direct

how to tell her you like her

This is your LAST OPTION. If she’s stubborn, dumb, or she’s not seeing the hints, telling her straight to
her face might get her attention.

Again, THIS IS THE RISKIEST OPTION and that’s why it should be saved for a hail mary or a rainy day.
Telling her you like her straight to her face can be way too much for her, it gives your power away, and it
gives her the power to reject you on the spot. You don’t want her having that power over you.

If she asks if you like her, then yes – be direct, keep it short, and don’t emotional and girly about it – it’s
not a free pass to pour your heart out.

The next 8 ways to tell her you like her help you keep your power to yourself and give her less power to
reject you and stomp your heart to pieces.

2. Spend Time With Her

It’s pretty obvious you like her if you’re spending time and hanging out WITH HER – especially if your
time is very important to you.
The more you seem to enjoy her company and being around her, the more it tells her you like her –
without you needing to open your mouth and tell her.

3. Be Playful

high fiving her being playful

When you complement her too much and put her on a pedestal, you’re communicating, “I don’t believe
I’m good enough for you and I wish and hope you’ll give me a chance…” This makes her feel repulsed
instead of “drawn” to you.

But, when you’re interacting with her in a lighthearted, playful, and fun manner, you’re not
communicating you think she’s better than you or you don’t have a chance with her. You’re saying, “I
like you, I think you’re cool, and I want to have fun with you.”

4. Tease Her

Teasing her, without being a jerk, cuts straight through the nonsense, tells her you like her, and increase
the chances of her liking you back.

Teasing her tells her you like her, she’s worth your time and attention, and she doesn’t intimidate you.

If she senses you’re intimidated by her, she unconsciously places you in the friend zone with the other
guys who don’t have a chance with her.

Teasing her, giving her a hard time, and getting a rise out of her, in a fun and playful manner,
communicate you’re interested in her and see her as more than a friend.

5. Flirt With Her

funny flirting
Rather than announcing it, flirting is the most obvious way to tell her you like her. It pounds all of her
“attraction buttons” and helps you get closer to pounding HER “button”.

What To Do When Flirting:

Smile – but not too much

Be funny

Make lots of eye contact, without being creepy

Accuse her of flirting with you and being a pervert

Make sexual innuendos and when she laughs, accuse her of being a pervert, again

Touch her – without being a pervert

Be charming – without being fake

Be flattering – without kissing her butt

Exaggerate compliments – in a funny way

Play hard-to-get

Most of all, just be a fun, cool, and laid back guy.


6. Take The Lead

man leading woman

Show her you’re different and worth her time by taking the lead.
Choose the time and day you’re going out, where you’re going, and where you’re sitting

Pick the movie you’re watching

Grab her hand and pull her through a crowd

Physically move her if you need to

Say things like, “Let’s go here”, “Let’s do this”, “Come here”, “We gotta go”, “I’ve heard this place is
great, let’s eat here”, “I don’t feel like going there”, “I don’t feel like doing that”, etc.

Don’t say things like, “Where do you want to go?”, “I want to take you to your favorite
movie/restaurant/bar”, “Is it OK if I grab your hand? We have to move”, “Do you feel like going to…?”,

See the difference?

Be casual, indifferent, and cool about taking the lead and she’ll be cool with it and like it.

Women love when you lead the way and they’re just following.

In fact, most women prefer you to lead.

7. Get Physical

not afraid to touch her

Let her know you like her by not being afraid to grab her hand, kiss her, touch her, etc.

Communicate you’re interested by holding her hand just a second too long when you meet her or see
Touching is by far the fastest and most powerful way to build comfort and rapport with her.

Touching connects two people faster than talking, body language, and visual elements.

If you’re not afraid to communicate with her on a physical level, she’ll know you like her and it’ll spark
the attraction you’re wanting.

8. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Sexual

If you’re making sexual innuendos, talking to her in a sexual tone, looking at her in a sexual way, or just
communicating in a sexual manner, it’s blatantly obvious you like her and she’ll get the hint.

It takes balls and being completely open to rejection, but begins to happen naturally once you gain
experience with women and dating.

9. Don’t Do What ALL the Other Guys Would Do

Last, show her you like her and get her attention by not making the same lame, predictable, and boring
rookie mistakes as the other guys trying to get her attention.

She doesn’t want you to:

Buy flowers

Write her letters

Chase her airplane at the airport

Stand outside her door or window in the pouring rain

Ask her on a date on the radio

Learning how women think and respond and what they’re attracted to makes you different and “better”
in her eyes.
Do the opposite of what most guys would do. Stand out. Capture her attention.


Video: When You Listen to Family and Friends About How to Tell Her You Like Her

Ways NOT to Tell Her You Like Her

We often make the next 9 mistakes when we don’t have enough experience with women, we don’t
understand how attraction works, we’re clouded by our emotions, or were in a hurry tell her how we
feel. These things put you in a very bad spot with her and it’s hard to recover from it.

1. Blindsiding Her

When you don’t haven’t build rapport or a history with her, don’t show up out of the blue and say, “Hey
I’m So and So and I really like you!”

If you interact with her a lot, she’ll be surprised, but not completely blindsided. If she doesn’t know you
at all, it’ll come off as awkward and desperate.

2. Giving Her Money or Paying Her Bills

giving women money

Using money communicates, “You can use me for money because I have low standards, I’m desperate,
needy, and I want you no matter what it takes.” This mindset DOES NOT win her over and cause her to
feel attraction for you.
Never give her money in order to gain approval or be her hero. Never pay her bills to “save her”.

Instead of her thinking you’re her “hero”, she’ll think you’re a tool and a pushover.

If she knows she can use you, then you can forget ever being with her.

3. Buying Flowers and Gifts

Flowers and gifts tell her you like her, but it also tells her you’re friend zone material.

If you want her to like you back, YOU HAVE TO MAKE HER FEEL ATTRACTION.

Buying flowers that she can sniff and some chocolates that will give her pimples does not spark the
uncontrollable attraction you’re looking for. Leave the gift giving to the guys who want to be friend-

4. Putting Her On a Pedestal

Again, this creates awareness of your affection for her, BUT it also lets her know she has you wrapped
around her finger.

When you’re wrapped around her finger, she’s not thinking about having sex with you, spending time
with you, waking up next to you, being with you, or bragging to her friends about you.

Putting her on a pedestal and kissing her ass makes her think, “Great…Another guy who’s trying to get
into my pants”.

5. Sending “Secret Admirer” Stuff

secret admirer

Secret admirer stuff makes her think you’re scared of women and a coward.

Women say it’s “sweet, cute, and exciting” – but again, it doesn’t make her feel attraction.

It puts her on the spot, makes her feel like someone it watching her, and it makes her feel creeped out
and weird.

6. Telling Her Friends or Family to Tell Her You Like Her

Asking her friends and family if she likes you or asking them to tell her you like her freaks her out.

It’s just weird and sneaky because it’s cowardly.

This never works and if it does, you’re very, very lucky.

7. Waiting Until Your or Her Are Intoxicated

dont tell her you like her when drinking

Just because you, her, or both are a bit intoxicated doesn’t mean it’s the right time to tell her you like
her. It’s a horrible time to do it!
Let her drink and have fun. Don’t mess it up by making things serious, heavy, and awkward. It’s not OK
to think she’ll be more “open” to it because her judgement is impaired.

8. Writing Love Letters

dont tell her you like her with a letter

Before computers, cell phones, and even phones, in general, letters were the main form of
communication. Letters were romantic, sweet, thoughtful, kind, and the “gentlemanly” thing to do.

But in this day and age, she’s going to think, “A letter? What the hell?”

I’ve seen friends of mine think sharing their feelings through handwritten “letters” were a good idea
and, to put it lightly, it didn’t go as planned.

9. Pouring Your Heart Out and Getting Emotional

getting emotional when telling her you like her

I saved the worst for last because it only works in the movies.

NEVER THINK ABOUT DOING THIS! Smack yourself in the face until the thought is gone.

Logic and instinct says to “take a chance” and “leave it all on the table” but it won’t work UNLESS she’s
feeling exactly the same way. And your chances of that are slim to none.

If you get emotional, pour your heart out, or show up in front of her window with a radio, she will know
she owns you and the attraction will die. It communicates that you’re the easiest guy in the world and
it’s not the guy she’s looking for.

Conclusion and Recap

show her you like her

As you can probably tell, telling her you like her and getting a favorable response can be tricky. It takes
thinking outside of the box and remembering you have to spark attraction. Her thinking you’re nice,
sweet, or cute doesn’t make her want you as more than a friend.

If you still want to pour your heart, go ahead, but you’ve been warned.

So before you tell her you like her or you’re “in love” with her, which I strongly suggest you DON’T DO,
come up with a game plan and try these things out.

Build attraction, make her “feel” emotions for you, and show her you’re worth her time by:

Spending time with her

Being playful

Teasing her

Flirting with her

Touching her

Taking the lead

Not giving her money and kissing her ass

Not blindsiding her, pouring your heart out, and getting emotional

And most of all, not doing what ALL the other guys do
Thanks for reading.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck,

– Marc Summers

What is cool?

What qualities do women see in cool guys?

Are you a cool guy already or can you be seen as cooler?

Who do you think of when you hear the term “cool guy?”

Most people think of a surfer, a stoner dude, a rock star, a quarterback, an actor, racecar driver, an
extreme athlete, etc.

But what makes these guys “cool” and why are so many women attracted to cool guys?

To a lot of people, maybe even yourself included, it’s a huge deal to be seen as “the cool guy”. Being a
cool guy makes you more popular.

It all starts from the time we get to middle school and continues for majority of our lives. We want
people to look at us and be like, “wow, that dude is pretty cool and I want to hang around that guy” and
we want women to feel attraction for us because we’re seen as cool.
As a result, we start saying things and behaving in ways to make us look cooler so we’re more likely to
be accepted by our peers… and women.

But how much of it actually works?

What was cool to do in middle school and high school is usually not cool anymore when you’re an adult.

So now that we’re adults here, what ACTUALLY makes us look cool to women and other people, and
what makes us look like an attention seeking dumbass?

I’ve put together some of the best stuff I have to offer to help you figure this one out:

What Doesn’t Make You a Cool Guy

First lets start off with what won’t make you a cool guy. These behavior traits and qualities are things
that can hurt your success with women and your friendships:

1) Making fun of people, putting others down or making someone else look bad or uncool

Doing this is the opposite of cool. This only makes you look insensitive, immature, and childish and many
take offense to it.

2) Showing off to impress others

Instead of looking cool, you look like a moron who’s desperate for attention and women are repulsed by
it. I took my kid to the park one time and I was with my then girlfriend Samantha. This dude had his dog
with him and he was trying to show off by running across the TOP of the monkey bars 8 feet off the
ground, something they’re not built for. Not only was she not impressed, but she was hoping he missed
one and fell so she could laugh at him for showing off.
3) Trying to look better than other people or above others

Instead of women and other people thinking you’re awesome, this only makes them think you have
some serious issues, low self-esteem, and that maybe you’re unhappy with yourself.

4) Crying, bitching, and complaining all the time

It’s not cool to always have worthless things coming out of your mouth. It’s annoying as can get, and no
one enjoys spending time with those who constantly whine and complain.

5) Being negative and a downer

Stop killin’ the vibe bro! If you don’t have anything to say that’s worth listening to or it’s not going to
build someone up and help them, just be a Silent Bob and hang out. Negativity should be like the static
on an old radio. Dial past that stuff until you get to something you want to listen to.

6) Walking around trying to look tougher than other guys

This might’ve worked in school, but now everyone avoids the guy who always has something to prove.

7) Wearing sunglasses and Bluetooth headsets indoors

If this is you, people are more than likely laughing at you everywhere you go and saying, “Pfft, look at
that dork!”

8) Talking loud on the phone so others will hear you and look in your direction

This sounds like no one would do this, but I see this constantly at stores, malls, and at the gym. Usually
the person doing it is saying some ridiculous thing like, “Just cause I drive a $50,000 car don’t mean
nothin’! I got more money than I can count!” And usually that person looks like they are making it all up
to get attention. It’s weird to see.

9) Leaning on the wall with your beer at a bar/club thinking you’re too good to be friendly

Women and other people will very rarely go out of their way or leave their friends to go talk to the guy
standing on the wall. It doesn’t help to do this and doesn’t look cool. Be social.
10) Pulling out wads of money or keys to an expensive car so people will be like, “Wow, you’re

I saw a guy do this one time when he was talking to my girlfriend and he didn’t know I was playing pool
behind them. She laughed in the poor guys face and told him he was lame for doing that.

11) Telling women how much your clothes cost so they’ll think you’re a badass.

Women are NOT going to be thinking, “Wow. Those expensive jeans and shirt are sweet. I’d love to go
back to his house and see what other clothes he has.” Nobody cares how much your stuff costs dude.
It’s cool to keep that stuff private.

12) Telling women how many girls like you so they’ll think you’re God’s gift to women.

This only makes you look incredibly stuck up or look like a liar. Not cool dude.

13) Being unfriendly/rude/disrespectful/mean for no reason other than you’re an impolite asshole with
no social skills.

There is no reason to lack class or be ugly to anyone if they haven’t done something that is outright
wrong and uncalled for.

14) Being mean to women to make yourself feel superior.

There’s a huge difference between saying “no” to women, to avoid them walking all over you or using
you, and being a total dick for no reason at all. It may work with some women but it doesn’t make you a
cool guy and it doesn’t show much class.

15) Bragging about yourself and talking too much.

Women quickly lose interest in a guy who yaps and yaps and yaps and doesn’t care to learn anything
about her.

16) Doing what everyone else is doing to “fit in.”

We all know a guy like this! He follows the latest trends to the T. Wearing scarfs, golf hats, glasses he
doesn’t need, or whatever he sees in magazines or on TV. Doing things that aren’t exactly “him.”

17) Being a “know it all” who can’t be told a single thing.

This is the guy we all hate having a conversation with because he corrects you on everything or tells you
that he disagrees just to make himself look right, even if he’s wrong. The guy who’s been there, done
that, or knows a guy who did it.

Recognize any of these things in your own life or behavior?

If so, knock it off as soon as you can. Work your ass off to get rid of these uncool behaviors because it’s
not attractive to women and it doesn’t help you make friends.

I did a lot of this stupid stuff before I learned how to get better with women and dating. No joke. But
once I became aware of it, I developed a high level of self-awareness and worked on it until my behavior
improved. It not only helped my dating life, but my social life as well.

Things That Make You a Cool Guy

how to be a cool guy

So now you know how not to be a cool guy. So what can you do to become the cool dude who everyone
wants to be around? Here’s the list.

1) Not caring what women or other people think about you.

This is a huge topic I talk about in my eBook Ace Your Dates. Caring about what people think, especially
women, makes you totally uncool and unattractive.

2) Not seeking approval from others.

Being cool means you don’t seek validation and you don’t need other people to agree with you on stuff.
It means you give yourself validation to be who you’re going to be and do what you’re going to do –
whether you have anyone’s approval or not.

3) Always being laid back, cool, composed, and relaxed not matter what.

The coolest guys I know keep their composure and are relaxed in the craziest situations. It’s awesome.
(Look at Matthew Mcconaughey. Watch his movies. Watch his interviews as well as George Clooney.
Super laid back dude)

4) Not being needy.

Set your life up so you don’t ever need for anything. Nothing physical or emotional. If you take care of
yourself, you won’t need others or women to take care of you or baby you.

5) Not trying too hard to look or be cool.

Not using reckless behavior to look like a rebel or tough guy. It looks kinda lame when you really think
about it. You’re either cool or you’re not. If you have to try, then you’re not doing it right and you
probably have work to do on yourself.

6) Having your life together – job, finances, hobbies, relationships.

Having yourself together mentally, physically, and emotionally is pretty damn cool. Learn everything you
can about becoming a well-rounded man and improve in every area possible.

7) Being nice and friendly to those you know and don’t know.

Treat everyone as an equal. Even those beneath you. Treating others as above you, especially women,
makes you look like a pussy. Treating others as beneath you makes you look like a prick who people hate
being around.

8) Being really funny.

If you’re not funny, find some funny guys and hang around them. You’ll be acting like a jackass and
making people laugh and enjoy your company in no time. Watch a ton of stand-up comedy. It’s even
available on Pandora now. Just type in your favorite comedian and you’re good to go.

9) Being a good listener, conversationalist, and making people feel important.

I like to call it, “listen your way into her pants”. Learn how to get over yourself, get over your own shit,
quit thinking of what you’re going to say next, and just be in the moment. Be present. LISTEN. Really
seek to understand the other person and where they’re coming from. Forget about yourself for a few
minutes, or hours. The return on investment is incredible because that person now really likes you and
wants to be your friend and be in your life.

10) Not being a downer.

If you’re a negative wussbag who brings others down with your snide remarks, complaining, and acting
like a little girl, you’re not going to look very cool and you’re not going to get a lot of admirers. Always
be positive. Always have something good to say. Train yourself to see opportunity instead of failure.

11) Have good hygiene – of course.

Wash your stinky ass, armpits, etc. Wear cologne, brush your teeth, trim your nails, get a cool hairstyle,
etc. Look like you give a damn about yourself. Always be presentable and stay presentable.

12) Having confidence but not arrogance.

You already know there’s a fine line here. Arrogance comes in when you don’t keep your mouth shut.
Talk less, listen more, and carry yourself with confidence.

13) Being genuine, honest, and authentic.

If you’re a guy who’s full of crap, work on it. Women are bullshit detecting machines and they will see
right through you. My eBook Ace Your Dates has tons of stuff to help you in this area. Read the book
Radical Honesty by Brad Blanton which was recommended to me by David DeAngelo.

14) Not thinking you’re better or smarter than others.

Always be open to others’ ideas. Be open to the possibility that people you meet might know more than
you or be smarter than you. Realize that your way usually isn’t the only way. Be flexible. Truly smart
men are intelligent enough to know not to tell others how smart they are. Instead, they prove their
brain power through actions instead of words.

15) Helping others when they need help.

Don’t be selfish. Most guys who think they’re too cool will watch someone else fall on their face or
struggle with something. A cool guy is cool enough to help others when he sees they need a hand. No
matter what it is. Example: an old man fell down while trying to use the bathroom one time and his
pants were around his ankles. Was I too cool to help him because his pants were down? No. I was a man
about it, did the cool thing, and gave him assistance. It didn’t matter what the situation was.

16) Bringing out the best in others and lifting others up.

You’re not a cool guy if those around you are worse off for having met you. Make people feel good and
do better just for knowing you. Maya Angelou said

[quote]“People will forget what you did and said to them, but they won’t forget how you made them
feel.”[/quote] Tweet This!

17) Going after your goals.

Get your ass of the couch and out of bed. Put the damn video games down. Stop beating off and
watching porn. Write down what you want to do with your life, who you want to be, and make that shit
happen! Before you know it, your life has passed you by and either you’re happy because you acted fast
enough, or you sat around twiddling your thumbs and you’re bitter about who you became. Don’t be a
“wish I had…” guy. Be a “what if I don’t…” guy.

18) Being yourself.

Don’t try to be like others. Think for yourself. Just because your buddies got a piercing in their face
doesn’t mean you should do it too to look cool. Be who you are, not who others want you to be.

19) Having your own style/way of doing things.

Get away from those influencing you and spend some time by yourself and figure out who you are.
Develop your own habits, style, and way of living. If you’re copying others, you need to work on it. If
others are copying you and following in your footsteps, you’re probably on the right track.

20) Always being the best you can be.

Being here on tells me that you’re seeking to be a better man and get better results
in your life. You can’t be the best if you’re not seeking to improve yourself every single day. The best are
awake before everyone else. The best work harder and longer than everyone else. And as a result, the
best live a life that no one else is able to live. As they say in BUD/S, “It pays to be a winner!” You’re not a
quitter. Quitters never win, unless you’re a smoker. Forget what others say who aren’t trying to improve
their life. Do it for you.

How This Can Help You Become A Cool Guy

These steps and rules have helped me become a cool guy and have helped me in my personal life and
dating life.

I live by these steps and rules and if you do too, you’ll start getting more of the things you want, women
you want, and you’re life will turn and go the direction you want it to.

Coincidentally, these are also the steps to become a REAL MAN and not a little boy trapped inside a
man’s body.

Working on every one of these will ensure you have more friends, more women, and an awesome social

When people talk about you, they’ll say things like, “Oh yea, love that guy. He’s one of the coolest dudes
I know.”

To learn more, visit

Thanks for reading.

15 Ways to Stop Caring What People Think

15 Ways to Stop Caring What People Think

1. Caring What Others Think Makes People Not Like You

stop caring what others think obvious

When you care what others think and you try too hard to get people to like you, they usually don’t
because it’s written all over your face. Your eyes, body language, the way you move, and the way you
speak screams you lack self-esteem and you need approval. It’s impossible to hide.

Wanting to impress and look as good as possible always has the opposite effect as intended – people
like you even less and women feel less attraction for you.

Women instantly notice when you’re the type of guy who cares too much about being “liked”.

2. Everyone Is More Focused On Themselves Than You

stop caring what others think self absorbed

“You’ll worry less about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do.” — David
Foster Wallace

We live in a self-absorbed society. Facebook and social networks now give everyone the power to be an
“expert” and a critic, to be vain, and to think they’re best, smartest, and most knowledgeable. Their fake
Facebook lives, their phone, and TV are their top priorities. More than ever, people overly in love with
themselves, taking selfies, posting “deep thoughts” and “opinions” on social media, and trying to imitate
rappers, singers, and celebrities to impress people they don’t know. They’re not taking the time to focus
only on you because they’re too busy “branding” themselves and worrying about what EVERYONE ELSE

3. Caring What Others Think Hurts You

If you care too much what women and your friends think about you, you won’t have many of either.

When you care too much what women think, they’re less likely to stick around. When you care too
much how much your friends like you and how “cool” they think you are, they probably don’t consider
you a really “good” friend. They probably just hang out with you just to be cool, but they’re not likely to
want to spend a lot time with you.

So to avoid this happening anymore in your life, here are 29 ways to stop caring what women and other
people think about you.

4. EVERYONE Has “Haters”

It’s impossible for EVERYONE to like you. No one has ever been capable of getting everyone to like them.

Even people like Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and Princess Diana were hated with a passion for no reason in

They tried to do good and be good people, but even they had “haters”.

Not everyone is going to like you – even if you’re doing everything right.

Some people like hitting the “thumbs down button” for no reason other than it feels good to think
they’re better than others.
When someone doesn’t like you and you don’t know why, just tell yourself it’s not THAT big of a deal.

The 25% Rule:

One quarter of people you meet won’t like you and will never change their mind

Another quarter of people you meet won’t like you but CAn be influenced to like you

25% of people WILL like you but can be influenced to not like you

25% of people WILL like you no matter what

It’s inevitable that not everyone will like you and there’s nothing you can do about it.

5. What People Think Is None of Your Business

Usually, those who don’t like you have nothing to offer you. What are you losing? Nothing.

If they want to have their own private thoughts about you, let them. No one’s forcing you to
communicate with them or do anything for them. There’s no need to take a WORTHLESS opinion and
make it about yourself. It’s just mental weakness.


6. Life Is Short and It’s YOUR Life

relaxed not caring about opinions

You’re wasting your life if you’re unhappy, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled because you’re worried about
what everyone else thinks. It’s not worth the loss of enjoying yourself and really finding true happiness
and “inner” peace.

When you can’t stop being self-conscious and worrying about others judging you and having “opinions”
about you, you’re wasting energy that could be used for something more productive and positive.

So instead of wasting your energy worrying what others think, just enjoy your life and let others think
what they’re going to think.

7. Use Criticism to Learn, Grow, and Become Better

There’s often some truth to any criticism directed towards you.

The man who grows, changes, and evolves is the man who’s able to look in the mirror, accept feedback,
and make it his mission to do better.

Criticism is not a personal attack or a sign that no one likes you. Don’t get defensive and blame others.
It’s wise to ask yourself, “Why is this person saying or thinking this about me and is there any truth to it?
What can I do better to avoid this negative this negative feedback in the future?”

Instead of getting mad, storming off, and thinking everyone around you is out of their mind, handle
judgments and criticism in a more mature and responsible way.

When you really listen to criticism, you find areas where you can improve. When you ignore it, you don’t
get better and your problem areas keep growing.

As an aircraft mechanic, when we found a crack on the structure of an aircraft, it HAD TO be repaired
right then and there. If it’s ignored, the crack grows in size until the plane begins to fall apart and people
Listen to, respect, and accept criticism and if someone is calling out potential areas of improvement,
humble yourself and begin working on them.

8. Focus on Your Goals and Priorities

priorities before opinions

When you’re focused on what’s really important, you’re not paying attention or noticing what others

Your focus is limited and it’s important to stay productive and making a difference in your life. If you
have the time to worry what others think, you’re not focused enough on your goals and priorities.

Sharpen your focus on them. That’s where your happiness is found. That’s where you find so much
happiness that others’ opinions don’t matter.

When you’re waking up feeling satisfied with yourself, nothing else matters.


9. Increase Your Self-Worth and Value

stop caring what people think self worth value

When you feel worthy and happy with yourself, you’re care less what anyone thinks. You’re doing your
own thing, you’re feeling good, and their opinion doesn’t matter as much. When you know your value,
nothing brings you down, stops you in your tracks, or makes you second guess yourself.
Knowing you’re doing the right thing brings a comfort that no one can take away from you with what
they think.

How to Raise Your Self-Worth and Value:

Workout and get in better shape

Get a higher paying job

Save more money

Take care of your house, car, and belongings so you have more pride of ownership

Get nicer clothes

Educate yourself and learn more

Get more sleep so you feel better.

Push yourself harder to reach goals and make things happen

Get rid of friends who drag you down

Stop filling your head with junk and stop hanging around people who don’t make you better

Work on your dating skills and build friendships with amazing women

Do what it takes to start feeling more confident, worthy, and valuable. When you do, you naturally stop
caring what others think of you and you’re need to impress everyone goes away.

It’ll be easier to just “be yourself” and not care what anyone thinks about it.

10. Become More Dominant

stop caring what others think dominance

“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” – Lao Tzu
Dominant men don’t care what people think. Not dominant in the sense of bossing people around or
being a bully.

In the eBook and Audiobook 99 Bad Boy Traits That Instantly Attract Women you’ll learn dominant
means being dominant over YOURSELF and not accepting second class behavior. It’s holding yourself to
a higher standard and being the version of yourself you know you’re capable of being.

When you’re dominant, you’re in charge of yourself and your behavior. You’re responsible for how you
allow others to behave around you and treat you. If someone says or does something unacceptable, you
stop them right then and there and say, “I don’t like that. Don’t do that.” When you do or say something
that you know is unacceptable, you tell yourself, “Hey, not cool. You’re better than that.”

When you’re in control of yourself, you’re not focused what people think because it isn’t important. You
make the rules for yourself and what you will and won’t allow in your life.

You’re not dominated by opinions. You don’t let anyone have that power over you.

11. Control Your Emotions and “Feelings”

stop caring what others think control emotions

It’s easier to be affected by what others think when you’re not in control of your emotions and feelings.
Instead of controlling your emotions, you’re allowing your emotions to control YOU and influence your
thinking, behavior, habits, and “feelings”.

Your emotions are so powerful that they will keep you from being happy if you allow them to and it’s
important to recognize when your emotions are influencing your decision making. It’s important to keep
your emotions in check and cultivate the ability to pause, breathe, and get yourself together.

When you’re getting anxiety over what others think, stop what you’re doing, take a time out, pull
yourself together, let your emotions “die down”.
Don’t let what people think cause you to become overwhelmed by “feelings”.


12. Stop Being a Follower

Don’t copy your friends and do what they’re doing because you think it’s cool. Don’t dress, talk, and
behave a certain way because it’s what everyone else is doing.

Create your own path, have your own thoughts and ambitions, do what YOU want to do. Live your life

When you wake up each day being the leader of your own life, you won’t care what others think.

13. Lose the Need to Impress

stop caring what others think bragging impressing

You don’t “need” to impress anyone. The best way to impress those around you is to not care about
impressing them at all.

The “look at me” attitude gets you judged and criticized a lot more than when you don’t care what
others think.

14. Avoid Validation Triggers – Like Social Media, Co-workers, or Friends

caring what others think social media

Social media brings out your need for approval. If you had a problem with seeking approval before,
social media makes it 10 times worse.

Platforms like Facebook make it easy to get approval from people you don’t know. Take a selfie, say
something funny or negative, and people are “liking” your post. You have automatic approval. You now
have the tools to make the approval seeking habit so bad that it requires serious help to get rid of.

Social media is screwing up the brains of a lot of young people, stealing their happiness with themselves,
and reinforcing bad habits that aren’t psychologically healthy or beneficial. So, if you REALLY care about
what people think, get away from what “triggers” your need for approval. Get rid of your “I want to
show this off to my friends” or “I want to show everyone how awesome I am” mindset.

This also includes hanging out with friends and co-workers who seek approval. Their mindset affects
your mindset and it’s not good for you.


15. Stop Asking Others for Their Opinion

When you truly don’t care what anyone thinks, you won’t need to ask them for their opinion, thoughts,
or judgments on anything.

Don’t ask, “So what do you think about my ____?”, “What’s your opinion on my ____?”, “What do you
think about me?”, or any questions used to draw out the opinions of others.

Don’t communicate that you care about what anyone thinks.

When you say things like, “Nah I don’t care. I’m just curious” – you really do care.

Thanks for reading,

– Marc Summers

9 Ways to Tell Her You Like Her (and 9 Ways Not to!)

9 Ways to Tell Her You Like Her (and 9 Ways Not to!)

It’s Not How Much You Like Her – It’s How Much SHE LIKES YOU

We make the mistake of thinking the more we like her, the more she SHOULD like us back and not break
our heart when we’re vulnerable and telling her how we feel. But if we pull our head out of our ass and
think about it, it doesn’t matter how much we like her – because liking her doesn’t make her feel more
attraction for us.

She can’t make herself feel attraction for you because you think she’s the most beautiful woman in the
world – but because you’re inexperienced with women, that’s what the logical part of your brain and
“instincts” are telling you to do.

When you like her and want her to like you back, you start feeling a dying urge and “need” to tell her
about your feelings. You feel you’re going to explode if she doesn’t know how much you like her!

But before you open your pie hole and tell her how you feel, you need to be smart and educate yourself
on HOW to tell her you like her.

Telling Her You Like Her Requires Strategy

What you’re thinking about doing might not get you the results and response you’re looking for.

From experience, the most effective way to tell her you like her is using actions and reactions – NOT
WORDS. Attraction is usually the strongest when your actions and non-verbal communications
communicate that you’re experienced, you know what you’re doing, and you’re not like other guys. Your
internal and external reactions communicate directly with her natural “wiring” and cause her to
unconsciously feel attraction. She can’t control it. So, when you like her and you’re feeling a bunch of
girly emotions, if you wrongly “react” to your feelings by telling her how you feel, like most guys do,
she’s more likely to blow you off and not feel the same way in return. Your “words” aren’t as likely to
spark attraction and get the result you want.

To help you avoid making this mistake and avoid feeling like a loser with women, here are 9 ways to tell
her you like her and 8 ways NOT to tell her that you like her.

Remember, most of the ways to tell her you like her on this list are NON-VERBAL. If you’re
uncomfortable trying them, DO THEM ANYWAYS and get out of your comfort zone.


1. Have Some Balls and Be Direct

how to tell her you like her

This is your LAST OPTION. If she’s stubborn, dumb, or she’s not seeing the hints, telling her straight to
her face might get her attention.

Again, THIS IS THE RISKIEST OPTION and that’s why it should be saved for a hail mary or a rainy day.
Telling her you like her straight to her face can be way too much for her, it gives your power away, and it
gives her the power to reject you on the spot. You don’t want her having that power over you.

If she asks if you like her, then yes – be direct, keep it short, and don’t emotional and girly about it – it’s
not a free pass to pour your heart out.
The next 8 ways to tell her you like her help you keep your power to yourself and give her less power to
reject you and stomp your heart to pieces.

2. Spend Time With Her

It’s pretty obvious you like her if you’re spending time and hanging out WITH HER – especially if your
time is very important to you.

The more you seem to enjoy her company and being around her, the more it tells her you like her –
without you needing to open your mouth and tell her.

3. Be Playful

high fiving her being playful

When you complement her too much and put her on a pedestal, you’re communicating, “I don’t believe
I’m good enough for you and I wish and hope you’ll give me a chance…” This makes her feel repulsed
instead of “drawn” to you.

But, when you’re interacting with her in a lighthearted, playful, and fun manner, you’re not
communicating you think she’s better than you or you don’t have a chance with her. You’re saying, “I
like you, I think you’re cool, and I want to have fun with you.”

4. Tease Her

Teasing her, without being a jerk, cuts straight through the nonsense, tells her you like her, and increase
the chances of her liking you back.

Teasing her tells her you like her, she’s worth your time and attention, and she doesn’t intimidate you.

If she senses you’re intimidated by her, she unconsciously places you in the friend zone with the other
guys who don’t have a chance with her.
Teasing her, giving her a hard time, and getting a rise out of her, in a fun and playful manner,
communicate you’re interested in her and see her as more than a friend.

5. Flirt With Her

funny flirting

Rather than announcing it, flirting is the most obvious way to tell her you like her. It pounds all of her
“attraction buttons” and helps you get closer to pounding HER “button”.

What To Do When Flirting:

Smile – but not too much

Be funny

Make lots of eye contact, without being creepy

Accuse her of flirting with you and being a pervert

Make sexual innuendos and when she laughs, accuse her of being a pervert, again

Touch her – without being a pervert

Be charming – without being fake

Be flattering – without kissing her butt

Exaggerate compliments – in a funny way

Play hard-to-get

Most of all, just be a fun, cool, and laid back guy.

6. Take The Lead

man leading woman

Show her you’re different and worth her time by taking the lead.

Choose the time and day you’re going out, where you’re going, and where you’re sitting

Pick the movie you’re watching

Grab her hand and pull her through a crowd

Physically move her if you need to

Say things like, “Let’s go here”, “Let’s do this”, “Come here”, “We gotta go”, “I’ve heard this place is
great, let’s eat here”, “I don’t feel like going there”, “I don’t feel like doing that”, etc.

Don’t say things like, “Where do you want to go?”, “I want to take you to your favorite
movie/restaurant/bar”, “Is it OK if I grab your hand? We have to move”, “Do you feel like going to…?”,

See the difference?

Be casual, indifferent, and cool about taking the lead and she’ll be cool with it and like it.

Women love when you lead the way and they’re just following.

In fact, most women prefer you to lead.

7. Get Physical

not afraid to touch her

Let her know you like her by not being afraid to grab her hand, kiss her, touch her, etc.

Communicate you’re interested by holding her hand just a second too long when you meet her or see

Touching is by far the fastest and most powerful way to build comfort and rapport with her.

Touching connects two people faster than talking, body language, and visual elements.

If you’re not afraid to communicate with her on a physical level, she’ll know you like her and it’ll spark
the attraction you’re wanting.

8. Don’t Be Afraid to Be Sexual

If you’re making sexual innuendos, talking to her in a sexual tone, looking at her in a sexual way, or just
communicating in a sexual manner, it’s blatantly obvious you like her and she’ll get the hint.

It takes balls and being completely open to rejection, but begins to happen naturally once you gain
experience with women and dating.

9. Don’t Do What ALL the Other Guys Would Do

Last, show her you like her and get her attention by not making the same lame, predictable, and boring
rookie mistakes as the other guys trying to get her attention.

She doesn’t want you to:

Buy flowers
Write her letters

Chase her airplane at the airport

Stand outside her door or window in the pouring rain

Ask her on a date on the radio

Learning how women think and respond and what they’re attracted to makes you different and “better”
in her eyes.

Do the opposite of what most guys would do. Stand out. Capture her attention.


Video: When You Listen to Family and Friends About How to Tell Her You Like Her

Ways NOT to Tell Her You Like Her

We often make the next 9 mistakes when we don’t have enough experience with women, we don’t
understand how attraction works, we’re clouded by our emotions, or were in a hurry tell her how we
feel. These things put you in a very bad spot with her and it’s hard to recover from it.

1. Blindsiding Her

When you don’t haven’t build rapport or a history with her, don’t show up out of the blue and say, “Hey
I’m So and So and I really like you!”

If you interact with her a lot, she’ll be surprised, but not completely blindsided. If she doesn’t know you
at all, it’ll come off as awkward and desperate.
2. Giving Her Money or Paying Her Bills

giving women money

Using money communicates, “You can use me for money because I have low standards, I’m desperate,
needy, and I want you no matter what it takes.” This mindset DOES NOT win her over and cause her to
feel attraction for you.

Never give her money in order to gain approval or be her hero. Never pay her bills to “save her”.

Instead of her thinking you’re her “hero”, she’ll think you’re a tool and a pushover.

If she knows she can use you, then you can forget ever being with her.

3. Buying Flowers and Gifts

Flowers and gifts tell her you like her, but it also tells her you’re friend zone material.

If you want her to like you back, YOU HAVE TO MAKE HER FEEL ATTRACTION.

Buying flowers that she can sniff and some chocolates that will give her pimples does not spark the
uncontrollable attraction you’re looking for. Leave the gift giving to the guys who want to be friend-

4. Putting Her On a Pedestal

Again, this creates awareness of your affection for her, BUT it also lets her know she has you wrapped
around her finger.
When you’re wrapped around her finger, she’s not thinking about having sex with you, spending time
with you, waking up next to you, being with you, or bragging to her friends about you.

Putting her on a pedestal and kissing her ass makes her think, “Great…Another guy who’s trying to get
into my pants”.


5. Sending “Secret Admirer” Stuff

secret admirer

Secret admirer stuff makes her think you’re scared of women and a coward.

Women say it’s “sweet, cute, and exciting” – but again, it doesn’t make her feel attraction.

It puts her on the spot, makes her feel like someone it watching her, and it makes her feel creeped out
and weird.

6. Telling Her Friends or Family to Tell Her You Like Her

Asking her friends and family if she likes you or asking them to tell her you like her freaks her out.

It’s just weird and sneaky because it’s cowardly.

This never works and if it does, you’re very, very lucky.

7. Waiting Until Your or Her Are Intoxicated

dont tell her you like her when drinking

Just because you, her, or both are a bit intoxicated doesn’t mean it’s the right time to tell her you like
her. It’s a horrible time to do it!

Let her drink and have fun. Don’t mess it up by making things serious, heavy, and awkward. It’s not OK
to think she’ll be more “open” to it because her judgement is impaired.

8. Writing Love Letters

dont tell her you like her with a letter

Before computers, cell phones, and even phones, in general, letters were the main form of
communication. Letters were romantic, sweet, thoughtful, kind, and the “gentlemanly” thing to do.

But in this day and age, she’s going to think, “A letter? What the hell?”

I’ve seen friends of mine think sharing their feelings through handwritten “letters” were a good idea
and, to put it lightly, it didn’t go as planned.

9. Pouring Your Heart Out and Getting Emotional

getting emotional when telling her you like her

I saved the worst for last because it only works in the movies.

NEVER THINK ABOUT DOING THIS! Smack yourself in the face until the thought is gone.
Logic and instinct says to “take a chance” and “leave it all on the table” but it won’t work UNLESS she’s
feeling exactly the same way. And your chances of that are slim to none.

If you get emotional, pour your heart out, or show up in front of her window with a radio, she will know
she owns you and the attraction will die. It communicates that you’re the easiest guy in the world and
it’s not the guy she’s looking for.


Conclusion and Recap

show her you like her

As you can probably tell, telling her you like her and getting a favorable response can be tricky. It takes
thinking outside of the box and remembering you have to spark attraction. Her thinking you’re nice,
sweet, or cute doesn’t make her want you as more than a friend.

If you still want to pour your heart, go ahead, but you’ve been warned.

So before you tell her you like her or you’re “in love” with her, which I strongly suggest you DON’T DO,
come up with a game plan and try these things out.

Build attraction, make her “feel” emotions for you, and show her you’re worth her time by:

Spending time with her

Being playful

Teasing her
Flirting with her

Touching her

Taking the lead

Not giving her money and kissing her ass

Not blindsiding her, pouring your heart out, and getting emotional

And most of all, not doing what ALL the other guys do

Thanks for reading.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best of luck,

– Marc Summers

5 REAL Things that Impress Women (and 4 Things that Don’t!)

5 REAL Things that Impress Women (and 4 Things that Don’t!)

Women Aren’t Impressed By What You “Think” Impresses Them

We’ve all thought, “There has to be something I can say, do, or reveal that will impress her! Being myself
will not do the job…”

We all want to stand out and be different to impress women, but proving how special we are isn’t the
most effective strategy. We brag about our home, car, job, and money and how we’re different and
better than other men. Although it may impress her briefly, it doesn’t lead to a lasting impression or
lasting attraction – both of which are important.

Women Aren’t Impressed By What You Think

When you try too hard to impress women, it won’t work. Impressing women with signs of wealth or
being “cool” doesn’t spark attraction. When she’s feeling attraction, she doesn’t care as much as you
think about the external. You can be broke, in debt, have raggedy clothes, and still living with your mom.
If she’s feeling a lot of attraction, it won’t be that big of a deal to her.

Money Doesn’t Impress Women

impress women with money

Gold digging women chase the money, not the man. When you brag about money, it becomes
impossible to tell which women are using you for money and which ones aren’t. It makes you confused,
depressed, distrusting, and you wonder why you can’t meet women who want you for YOU and not your

What many of us don’t understand about music videos is the musicians and music labels HIRE models to
be in the videos to create the illusion of women being impressed and attracted to guys with money. Yes,
I said, HIRED! A lot of the time, these women are strippers, escorts, and not the high-quality women you
want long-term.

Thinking money impresses women ruins your chances with them. Thinking being broke scares women
away is the wrong mindset. Women run away from rich men and into the arms of broke guys every
single day. They just aren’t impressed by money as much as you would think.

It’s perfectly fine to be rich and financially well-off but don’t use your money to impress women.
Instead, be a gentlemen and ask questions. Be interested and curious about them (although it’s
important not to get overly nosy). Just by decided to have a good conversation, you can show women
you’re interested in them on a serious level.

What You Drive Doesn’t Impress Women

impressing women nice car truck

Women like expensive cars and trucks, and they might even ask for a ride in it, but it doesn’t create a
lasting and uncontrollable attraction. A expensive cars and trucks only impress and attract shallow
women who use you for a status bump, selfies on Facebook, or to make themselves feel better.

Where You Live Doesn’t Impress Women

impressing women house condo

Women may think your home, condo, or apartment is beautiful and dreamy, but it only impresses them

When she sees your house is more beautiful than your personality and the way you carry yourself, she
won’t stick around. She wants to be impressed by YOU, not your possessions you’re using to
overcompensate for what you’re lacking.

What Really Impresses Women

Women are more impressed by things MUCH DEEPER than things like money, cars, houses, etc. because
external things don’t spark attraction. External things only catch her attention. What sparks attractions
and makes her want you can’t be bought, made, or delivered.

Here are 5 things that always impress women regardless of how much money you have, what you own,
where you live, etc.

1. Not Seeking Approval and Caring What Women Think

It sounds like the opposite of what you should be doing, but it’s not. If you want to impress women, you
have tostop caring what they think. Most guys care too much about what women think and women are
tired of going out with guys who are overly concerned with their opinion of them.

When you STOP TRYING TO BE UNIQUE and stop worrying if she’s impressed or not, you naturally look
better than other guys and she sees you as different. A good different.
2. Carrying Yourself Well

carry yourself well impress women

All women are impressed by a gentleman. A man who is respectful, confident, and in control of himself.

Even if you don’t speak, her conduct tells her A LOT. The ability to carry yourself well is a surefire way to
stand out from the other guys and leave a lasting impression on her.

Carrying yourself well and being a gentleman has nothing to do with being overly nice, putting her on a
pedestal, or being in the friend zone. Half of the eBook and Audiobook How to Quit Being a Loser With
Women, is dedicated to teaching you how to carry yourself well.

Money and nice things don’t keep her impressed or make up for a lack of self-respect, self-control, and

3. Not Bragging

bragging to impress women

Women get tired of men bragging about. If you were her in her shoes, how would you feel after 5 or 10
different dates full of bragging and approval seeking? Would you look at men differently? You would be
very turned off by it.

This is most women’s reality. Guys brag about their life, accomplishments, who they know, and so on
just to impress them.

If you want to impress women, be humble about yourself, your life, and your accomplishments.

4. Being a Challenge
impress women be a challenge

Being a challenge impresses women because most men are make themselves way too easy.

Instead of being mysterious, most men talk too much about themselves to women they don’t even
know. Instead of being a challenge, most men throw themselves at women and ruin the fun of the

Easy-to-get doesn’t impress women or spark attraction. In the eBook and Audiobook How to Quit Being
a Loser With Women you’ll learn that if she has to spend time figuring you out, she’ll be more excited
around you, more interested in getting to know you, and feel more attraction.

If she knows everything about you too soon, the “excitement” of getting to know you is gone. There’s
nothing for her to wonder about and it’s much easier for her to become VERY bored.

5. Natural Confidence

Confidence, without being too cocky or arrogant, impresses all women.

The movies, where the popular and hot girl tries to help out the nerdy and insecure guy and she winds
up falling in love with him are not accurate. It doesn’t happen in real life.

If you don’t carry yourself in a confident manner, women are less likely to be impressed, feel attraction,
and think you’re a great guy.

Thanks for reading,

-Marc Summers
15 Ways to Stop Caring What People Think

15 Ways to Stop Caring What People Think

1. Caring What Others Think Makes People Not Like You

stop caring what others think obvious

When you care what others think and you try too hard to get people to like you, they usually don’t
because it’s written all over your face. Your eyes, body language, the way you move, and the way you
speak screams you lack self-esteem and you need approval. It’s impossible to hide.

Wanting to impress and look as good as possible always has the opposite effect as intended – people
like you even less and women feel less attraction for you.

Women instantly notice when you’re the type of guy who cares too much about being “liked”.

2. Everyone Is More Focused On Themselves Than You

stop caring what others think self absorbed

“You’ll worry less about what people think about you when you realize how seldom they do.” — David
Foster Wallace

We live in a self-absorbed society. Facebook and social networks now give everyone the power to be an
“expert” and a critic, to be vain, and to think they’re best, smartest, and most knowledgeable. Their fake
Facebook lives, their phone, and TV are their top priorities. More than ever, people overly in love with
themselves, taking selfies, posting “deep thoughts” and “opinions” on social media, and trying to imitate
rappers, singers, and celebrities to impress people they don’t know. They’re not taking the time to focus
only on you because they’re too busy “branding” themselves and worrying about what EVERYONE ELSE

3. Caring What Others Think Hurts You

If you care too much what women and your friends think about you, you won’t have many of either.

When you care too much what women think, they’re less likely to stick around. When you care too
much how much your friends like you and how “cool” they think you are, they probably don’t consider
you a really “good” friend. They probably just hang out with you just to be cool, but they’re not likely to
want to spend a lot time with you.

So to avoid this happening anymore in your life, here are 29 ways to stop caring what women and other
people think about you.

4. EVERYONE Has “Haters”

It’s impossible for EVERYONE to like you. No one has ever been capable of getting everyone to like them.

Even people like Gandhi, Mother Theresa, and Princess Diana were hated with a passion for no reason in

They tried to do good and be good people, but even they had “haters”.

Not everyone is going to like you – even if you’re doing everything right.

Some people like hitting the “thumbs down button” for no reason other than it feels good to think
they’re better than others.

When someone doesn’t like you and you don’t know why, just tell yourself it’s not THAT big of a deal.
The 25% Rule:

One quarter of people you meet won’t like you and will never change their mind

Another quarter of people you meet won’t like you but CAn be influenced to like you

25% of people WILL like you but can be influenced to not like you

25% of people WILL like you no matter what

It’s inevitable that not everyone will like you and there’s nothing you can do about it.

5. What People Think Is None of Your Business

Usually, those who don’t like you have nothing to offer you. What are you losing? Nothing.

If they want to have their own private thoughts about you, let them. No one’s forcing you to
communicate with them or do anything for them. There’s no need to take a WORTHLESS opinion and
make it about yourself. It’s just mental weakness.


6. Life Is Short and It’s YOUR Life

relaxed not caring about opinions

You’re wasting your life if you’re unhappy, unsatisfied, and unfulfilled because you’re worried about
what everyone else thinks. It’s not worth the loss of enjoying yourself and really finding true happiness
and “inner” peace.
When you can’t stop being self-conscious and worrying about others judging you and having “opinions”
about you, you’re wasting energy that could be used for something more productive and positive.

So instead of wasting your energy worrying what others think, just enjoy your life and let others think
what they’re going to think.

7. Use Criticism to Learn, Grow, and Become Better

There’s often some truth to any criticism directed towards you.

The man who grows, changes, and evolves is the man who’s able to look in the mirror, accept feedback,
and make it his mission to do better.

Criticism is not a personal attack or a sign that no one likes you. Don’t get defensive and blame others.
It’s wise to ask yourself, “Why is this person saying or thinking this about me and is there any truth to it?
What can I do better to avoid this negative this negative feedback in the future?”

Instead of getting mad, storming off, and thinking everyone around you is out of their mind, handle
judgments and criticism in a more mature and responsible way.

When you really listen to criticism, you find areas where you can improve. When you ignore it, you don’t
get better and your problem areas keep growing.

As an aircraft mechanic, when we found a crack on the structure of an aircraft, it HAD TO be repaired
right then and there. If it’s ignored, the crack grows in size until the plane begins to fall apart and people

Listen to, respect, and accept criticism and if someone is calling out potential areas of improvement,
humble yourself and begin working on them.
8. Focus on Your Goals and Priorities

priorities before opinions

When you’re focused on what’s really important, you’re not paying attention or noticing what others

Your focus is limited and it’s important to stay productive and making a difference in your life. If you
have the time to worry what others think, you’re not focused enough on your goals and priorities.

Sharpen your focus on them. That’s where your happiness is found. That’s where you find so much
happiness that others’ opinions don’t matter.

When you’re waking up feeling satisfied with yourself, nothing else matters.


9. Increase Your Self-Worth and Value

stop caring what people think self worth value

When you feel worthy and happy with yourself, you’re care less what anyone thinks. You’re doing your
own thing, you’re feeling good, and their opinion doesn’t matter as much. When you know your value,
nothing brings you down, stops you in your tracks, or makes you second guess yourself.

Knowing you’re doing the right thing brings a comfort that no one can take away from you with what
they think.
How to Raise Your Self-Worth and Value:

Workout and get in better shape

Get a higher paying job

Save more money

Take care of your house, car, and belongings so you have more pride of ownership

Get nicer clothes

Educate yourself and learn more

Get more sleep so you feel better.

Push yourself harder to reach goals and make things happen

Get rid of friends who drag you down

Stop filling your head with junk and stop hanging around people who don’t make you better

Work on your dating skills and build friendships with amazing women

Do what it takes to start feeling more confident, worthy, and valuable. When you do, you naturally stop
caring what others think of you and you’re need to impress everyone goes away.

It’ll be easier to just “be yourself” and not care what anyone thinks about it.

10. Become More Dominant

stop caring what others think dominance

“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” – Lao Tzu

Dominant men don’t care what people think. Not dominant in the sense of bossing people around or
being a bully.
In the eBook and Audiobook 99 Bad Boy Traits That Instantly Attract Women you’ll learn dominant
means being dominant over YOURSELF and not accepting second class behavior. It’s holding yourself to
a higher standard and being the version of yourself you know you’re capable of being.

When you’re dominant, you’re in charge of yourself and your behavior. You’re responsible for how you
allow others to behave around you and treat you. If someone says or does something unacceptable, you
stop them right then and there and say, “I don’t like that. Don’t do that.” When you do or say something
that you know is unacceptable, you tell yourself, “Hey, not cool. You’re better than that.”

When you’re in control of yourself, you’re not focused what people think because it isn’t important. You
make the rules for yourself and what you will and won’t allow in your life.

You’re not dominated by opinions. You don’t let anyone have that power over you.

11. Control Your Emotions and “Feelings”

stop caring what others think control emotions

It’s easier to be affected by what others think when you’re not in control of your emotions and feelings.
Instead of controlling your emotions, you’re allowing your emotions to control YOU and influence your
thinking, behavior, habits, and “feelings”.

Your emotions are so powerful that they will keep you from being happy if you allow them to and it’s
important to recognize when your emotions are influencing your decision making. It’s important to keep
your emotions in check and cultivate the ability to pause, breathe, and get yourself together.

When you’re getting anxiety over what others think, stop what you’re doing, take a time out, pull
yourself together, let your emotions “die down”.

Don’t let what people think cause you to become overwhelmed by “feelings”.

12. Stop Being a Follower

Don’t copy your friends and do what they’re doing because you think it’s cool. Don’t dress, talk, and
behave a certain way because it’s what everyone else is doing.

Create your own path, have your own thoughts and ambitions, do what YOU want to do. Live your life

When you wake up each day being the leader of your own life, you won’t care what others think.

13. Lose the Need to Impress

stop caring what others think bragging impressing

You don’t “need” to impress anyone. The best way to impress those around you is to not care about
impressing them at all.

The “look at me” attitude gets you judged and criticized a lot more than when you don’t care what
others think.

14. Avoid Validation Triggers – Like Social Media, Co-workers, or Friends

caring what others think social media

Social media brings out your need for approval. If you had a problem with seeking approval before,
social media makes it 10 times worse.
Platforms like Facebook make it easy to get approval from people you don’t know. Take a selfie, say
something funny or negative, and people are “liking” your post. You have automatic approval. You now
have the tools to make the approval seeking habit so bad that it requires serious help to get rid of.

Social media is screwing up the brains of a lot of young people, stealing their happiness with themselves,
and reinforcing bad habits that aren’t psychologically healthy or beneficial. So, if you REALLY care about
what people think, get away from what “triggers” your need for approval. Get rid of your “I want to
show this off to my friends” or “I want to show everyone how awesome I am” mindset.

This also includes hanging out with friends and co-workers who seek approval. Their mindset affects
your mindset and it’s not good for you.


15. Stop Asking Others for Their Opinion

When you truly don’t care what anyone thinks, you won’t need to ask them for their opinion, thoughts,
or judgments on anything.

Don’t ask, “So what do you think about my ____?”, “What’s your opinion on my ____?”, “What do you
think about me?”, or any questions used to draw out the opinions of others.

Don’t communicate that you care about what anyone thinks.

When you say things like, “Nah I don’t care. I’m just curious” – you really do care.

Thanks for reading,

– Marc Summers

9 Ways to Be More of a Challenge

9 Ways to Be More of a Challenge

We’re Not a Challenge Because We Think Easier Is Better

Being logical minded, we often make the mistake of thinking if we are less of a challenge, she’s more
likely to want to be with us. We think if we’re picker, harder to get, and more of a challenge, she won’t
want anything to do with us because there’s work involved in getting to know us -but the opposite is

Women like men who are harder to get and more of a challenge. When we’re too easy, women find it
boring because it’s no fun and they don’t have to work for it.

Not Being a Challenge Can Come Off as Desperate and Needy

When you communicate, “Here I am! No work involved! Come and get me!”, she unconsciously thinks
you’re desperate, needy, and you’ll settle for anyone. She doesn’t want just anyone. She wants a man
who’s picky and she wants to know she’s good enough for him and she meets his standards. She wants
to beat other women to the punch and claim you because you’re more of an “in demand” guy.

Women Are Competitive By Nature

hard to get cat fight

If you think men are competitive, spend time with women who don’t know each other well – or even

Women are competitive, cruel, and will practically kill each other to get ahead. It’s always a competition
with them.
Getting the guy another woman wants or seeing another woman NOT GET what she wants gives some
women the ultimate satisfaction.

Women are just as competitive, or even more competitive than men – they’re just better at not drawing
attention to it.

Women are territorial, vindictive, and will step on other women to get what and where they want.

So if some “bitch” is getting more attention from the guy who’s mysterious and more of a challenge,
she’ll go out of her way to get his attention. She doesn’t want the guy all the women ignore – she wants
the guy that’s getting all of the attention. They who’s more of a challenge and harder to get! The guy
that is “worth” having!

Women LOVE and WANT Mysterious, Hard to Get, and Challenging Guys

Women’s unconscious “wiring” tells them that easy to get and “open book” guys are less valuable than
more mysterious, challenging, and harder to get guys.

If you’re more mysterious and challenging than most guys and not throwing yourself at women, they
naturally feel more attraction for you and want to get to know you.

Women avoid guys who throw themselves at them.

Women don’t fantasize about being with men who are extremely easy to get.

Women don’t feel as much attraction for guys who aren’t picky and selective.

You need to become pickier when it comes to the women you date and don’t settle for just anyone.
Figure out exactly what type of woman you want and design your mindset and behavior around
attracting only that type of woman into your life.

Here are 9 ways to do it:

1. Stop Putting Her on a Pedestal

mysterious challenge putting her on pedestal

Unconsciously, we put women on a pedestal and seek their approval because we want to get laid or
make them our girlfriend.

You don’t need to do this. Stop caring what women think about you. Stop worrying about what they say
about you. If you make yourself happy and you know you’re doing what’s right, that’s all that matters.

You can be more mysterious and more of a challenge if you don’t give her the pleasure of having you
wrapped around her finger.

When you put women on a pedestal, they automatically look down on you.

Raise your standards, don’t bow down to women, and kiss your own ass (if you’re flexible enough).

2. Don’t be Available 24/7

When you’re too easy to reach, your value decreases. Guys who don’t stop what they’re doing to
answer their phone, who take forever to call and text back, and are hard to reach have a higher value in
women’s eyes.

The more challenging it is to reach you, the more women want to talk to you!

Think about it:

99% of the guys she meets are waiting by their phone for her to call or text or they’re blowing up her
phone wanting to take her out on a date. But the 1% of guys she’s really interested in are the ones who
don’t always answer, don’t always call and text back right away, and are more mysterious and
challenging than most guys.
The guy waiting by his phone for her to call or text doesn’t make her feel as much attraction as the guy
who makes her wait to talk to him.

If you’re busy, don’t stop what you’re doing to talk to her. MAKE HER WAIT FOR YOU. If she gets upset
because you didn’t answer, then she’s probably a low-quality woman you want to avoid dating anyway.

3. Stop Calling and Texting So Often

calling texting too often

The guy who predictably calls all the time is in danger of her thinking he’s boring, needy, clingy and
doesn’t have much of a life.

She wants to talk to the guy who’s more unpredictable. The guy she’s not sure of when he’ll call and
text. The guy who isn’t blowing her phone up 24/7. The one who makes her wonder when she’ll hear
from him!

In the eBook and Audiobook Texting Titan!, you’ll learn that if you want to be more mysterious and
more of a challenge, let her call and text YOU at least 50% of the time. This way, you’re able to gauge
exactly how interested she really is or isn’t.

4. Don’t Buy Her Attention, Approval, Affection, or Love

When you use money to persuade her to like you, she will think you’re a lame and pathetic tool. Any
attraction she may have once felt will vanish immediately.

Using money to get her attention communicates you’re desperate, immature, lacking personal pride and
standards, not a challenge, and too easy to get.
When you’re more mysterious, challenging, and picker, you don’t feel the need to give women money or
buy their attention.

Attraction is the most important element of dating and it can’t be bought with money.

Keep your money in your pocket and show her your true value by not being as easy as other men.

5. Never “Need” Anyone or Anything

Guys who are desperate to fall in love or desperate for a relationship scare women away faster than a
guy with a mask and a machete.

Being more mysterious and more of a challenge means you don’t “need” anyone or anything. You’re
happy when you’re single and happy in a relationship. It doesn’t make a difference either way.

The guy who’s happy being single makes it harder for women to get him because they have to bring A
LOT to the table and prove to the him why she’s worth him changing his relationship status.

Never desperate for attention or a relationship. Co-dependent men scare women away.

6. Don’t Be an Open Book

be a challenge mysterious

Keep personal details about yourself and your life out of the picture until you get to know her extremely
well and it looks like the relationship is headed in a positive direction. But even then, only reveal a little
bit at a time. Don’t tell her your life story within the first week or month of meeting her.

Don’t feel obligated to answer all of her questions all of the time. Just cause she asks doesn’t mean
you’re forced to reveal anything. Let her wonder. Let her be curious.
When she’s curious, she’s EXCITED about you. When she’s excited, she’s feeling ATTRACTION.

Keep the mystery. Keep parts of your life private, that are for you only, and that you don’t need to share
with women. You’re more attractive to women when you’re selective about what information you

7. Stop Seeking Approval

In the eBook and Audiobook How to Quit Being a Loser With Women, you’ll learn that women get more
approval from men than they want.

Do you think every guy dishing out approval gets to sleep with her? No way! The guys who are a
challenge are the ones getting her attention.

Women run away from the guys constantly giving approval into the arms of guys who are more
challenging and give less approval.

This may seem extremely irrational and make no sense, but it’s the way it works.

So stop giving women approval in order to get it in return. They don’t want you to put them on a
pedestal or kiss their feet. When you give yourself approval, women are more likely to give you approval
as well.

8. To Be a Challenge, Do Things on Your Own Terms

challenge guy lead

Most guys do what SHE WANTS TO DO – all of the time. They’re afraid she’ll disapprove if they say “no”
or do otherwise.
What most guys don’t realize is that most women are natural followers. She doesn’t mind doing what
YOU want to do and, in fact, she, more than likely, prefers it.

When you take the lead and do things on YOUR TERMS, she’ll follow. She doesn’t want you to do what
she wants to do all the time! It’s no fun and makes her bored.

You’re more of a challenge when you say, “That’s sounds great and all that, but I don’t feel like doing it.
We’re going to here and do this thing instead. You ready to go?”

Don’t do everything she wants to just because you think you’re increasing your “chances” with her.
She’d rather have the challenge, friction, complexity, and minor drama of you disagreeing with her than
for you to concede all of the time and do what she wants.

9. Never Stop Being A Challenge

challenge james bond

For as long as you live, date, are married, or whatever happens to you, good or bad, keep being a

Stay being the guy who doesn’t put women on a pedestal, isn’t too available, doesn’t waste money
trying to buy love, isn’t needy and clingy, keeps information to himself, doesn’t give out approval, and
does things on his terms.

Women ALWAYS want what they can’t have.

If you’re a challenge and you do it right, she’ll chase you until she gets you or you file a restraining order.
Once she has you, if you keep her attracted, she’s yours for as long as you want. Since most guys aren’t
as much of a challenge, her chances of finding another guy like you are SLIM – and she knows it.
When you can become more of a challenge, the women you actually want will feel A LOT more long-
term attraction for you – somethingmost guys will NEVER have the luxury of experiencing.

Thanks for reading,

– Marc Summers

How to Be a Gentleman: 12 Timeless Tips

Krissy Brady

A women's health & wellness writer with a short-term goal to leave women feeling a little more
empowered and a little less verklempt. Read full profile


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So you want to be a gentleman but don’t know where to start. Being a gentleman isn’t a personality
quirk. It’s not something you turn on and off like a switch. It’s a lifestyle. Although it’s a reputation that’s
hit the endangered species list, like my Ghostbusters sweatshirt, I’m hopeful it will make a comeback.

Being a gentleman revolves around one word: respect. It’s respect for yourself, those you care about,
and those you want to care about.

Here are 12 timeless tips on how to be a gentleman that will enhance your life, both personally and

1. Define Your Personal Style

When I hear “gentleman” I think suit, tie, polished shoes… and stuffy. Seriously, I just fell asleep thinking
about it.

Luckily, the definition has evolved and isn’t attached to a certain look anymore – it’s all about attitude
and how you carry yourself. Choose a personal style that reflects your personality and lifestyle. Don’t
buy clothes you think you should, otherwise you may as well wear a sandwich board that says I have no
idea who I am!

2. Keep Your Hygiene in Check

Put effort into your appearance. Keep yourself clean, showered, and groomed. Women do enjoy scruffy,
but controlled scruffy – you don’t want your date asking where you hid your cardboard sign and paper

In other words: don’t smell. And perhaps reserve the gnarly Davy Jones beard for the NHL playoffs.

3. Be a Grown-up

It’s now commonplace for potential employers to check out your social media profiles. You’ll also be
hard-pressed to find a woman who won’t do the same before dating you. Even if the pictures are from
years ago and you’ve since cleaned up your act, they’re not going to see “now” you. They’re going to see
“then” you, a.k.a. K-Fed hat and beer bong.

While you’re at it, set up a grown-up e-mail address. The sounds-dirty-but-isn’t e-mail account you’ve
had since high school is the farthest thing from gentlemanly. Ever.

4. Keep Language PG-13

As someone who’s an unintentional potty mouth, I was alarmed to find out how many people are
offended by swearing. I now do my best to keep the f-bombs at a minimum.

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It’s obviously a huge no-no in professional settings, but trust me, when you constantly swear in your
personal life, it becomes increasingly difficult to reel in the habit at work.

Consider this a top priority if you want to be a gentleman. Not only will expanding your vocabulary make
you a better communicator, you’ll impress others across the board with your intelligence and

5. Connect With People

Say hello as you’re walking past a stranger. Let someone go in front of you in the grocery line. Make eye
contact. Be approachable. It’s one of the best ways to open yourself up to new people, experiences, and
professional connections.

To be a gentleman while you’re out, always remember it’s all about them. Be a good listener. Ask
questions. Take note of what’s important to them, and they’ll take note of you.

6. Find Your Purpose

Beyond a nice home and financial security, what do you want? What are you passionate about? What
mark do you want to make? Define what you live for. Not only will you feel more fulfilled, it’ll lead to so
much depth and substance your head will spin. Everything will feel that much brighter.

Don’t take my word for it: be a gentleman and find out for yourself.

7. Be Clear About What You Want

Not making a decision is a decision in itself, and it’s not a good one! If you want the respect of others,
know what you want and what you don’t, and be clear about it. Knowing how to say no is one of the
most well-respected things you can do for yourself.

You don’t want to be a wishy-washy person who constantly flakes on those you care about because you
over-commit, and you certainly don’t want to be the guy with no opinion or backbone.

8. Hold the Door Open

Holding the door open for people is a gentleman’s calling card. It’s one of the most subtle yet powerful
ways to show your consideration for others.

Game. Set. Match.

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9. Keep Your Promises

A big part of being a gentleman is respecting others’ time and meaning what you say. If you say you’re
going to meet someone at a specific time, don’t be late. When you tell someone you’re going to help
them with something, help them. When you promise you’ll have a project done by a certain date, meet
your deadline.

Not only will this build trust with those you care about, it will also help build self-trust, a crucial-yet-
underrated form of trust when you’re a gentleman.
10. Return the Favor

It’s all about the little things, both at work and at home. If a co-worker helped you setup a killer
presentation, help them with their annual report. If your girlfriend picked up groceries, carry them in for
her. Always make sure you’re helping enhance the lives of those you care about.

11. Pick Up After Yourself

Keeping a tidy office, home, and car will leave a good impression on anyone you meet. It shows you take
yourself seriously, and take pride in what you’ve worked hard for.

Fast forward ten years to when you’re living with your future wifey: if you build the habit now, you’ll be
one of the few who aren’t nagged about leaving their socks on the floor! Win/win.

12. Be You

Nobody’s looking to hire or date a Ken doll. Our professional and personal lives are now fused together
thanks to technology, so drop all that compartmentalizing and be authentic 24/7. Let your guard down
and stop trying to look so glossy. Not to sound all hippy, but just be.

What’s ironic about the art of being yourself is what makes you unique is usually what makes you self-
conscious. The flaws you find irritating are appealing and endearing to everyone else – they’re what set
you apart and make you memorable. Would you rather be memorable or a cardboard cutout? That’s
what I thought.

Being at ease with who you are is the sign of a true gentleman. Gentlemen don’t lie or mislead – they’re
as comfortable with themselves as they want you to be. Being a gentleman never goes out of style – put
these tips into practice and you’ll be well on your way to gentleman status.7

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