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Remi Quigley

Inquiry Artifact Reflection

Artifact: ​

The purpose or goal for creating this artifact was to bing attention and come up with

some solutions for deforestation. I wanted to spread awareness to this problem because I don't

think everyone knows how dangerous deforestation is I wanted to make it visually pleasing and

attention grabbing. I want to teach my readers more about this problem that is bad for the

environment. My intended audience are my peers and those that want to learn more about

deforestation. The platform I used was a video from renderforest, I made a video because I

wanted my audience to see pictures of deforestation so that they are able to see how bad it is for

the environment. I also chose a video because I thought that it would be attention grabbing, with

all of the pictures and colors used. Some academic texts that influenced my artifacts were

multiple websites. The authors purpose for creating the original text was to bring awareness on

deforestation. For example, the author of the Eniscuola website has multiple pictures of

deforestation and has international projects. The intended audience for the original texts are those

who want to make a donation to help deforestation or students that want to learn more about

deforestation for school. What prompted me to respond was the fact that deforestation is not only

effecting our environment in a negative way , but it is also effecting the animals that live in the

forests. So, I just thought that sense this problem is growing, I should bring some awareness to

this. Some of the choices I made throughout making my artifact was how I wanted to present my

artifact. I made the choice of showing my video on renderforest. At first I was making my video

on I movie, but I didn't think it would have been attention grabbing, and I didnt know how to
upload it on my laptop. I also had to choose how to open up my video, using a powerful

statement, so I used the quote “30% of forests cover the land.” I thought this statement worked

because it would tell the audience how much of earth’s land is being cut down, and the negative

aspects. My video contains sad music so that the audience can have empathy for this social

problem. The layout contains real life pictures and animations. I worked on this project myself,

so I did not collaborate with anyone physically, but I did see what experts had to say about this

topic on websites. By reading the experts’ opinions and facts it made me want to look further

more into deforestation. A problem I came across was the fact that I cannot upload my video on

my website, so I had to make a button that would direct the readers to my video.

“Effects of Deforestation: The Pachamama Alliance.” ​Pachamama Alliance​, 2019,​.

“OpenInvestigation: 5 Fast Facts About Deforestation.” ​5 Fast Facts About

Deforestation​, OpenInvest, 30 Oct. 2019,​.

“Seeing Forests for the Trees and the Carbon: Mapping the World's Forests in Three

Dimensions.” ​NASA​, NASA, 9 Jan. 2012,

“The Causes of Deforestation.” ​Eniscuola,​​.

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