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Keep Bananas From Rotting With This Amazingly Simple Banana Hack!

My mother used to ask me to eat bananas. Owing to the scarcely knowledgeable mind I had back
then when I was a kid, I didn’t really pay heed to those words.

But now I do understand the gems of wisdom that lay concealed beneath what my mother had

Earlier when I used to get bananas, I never used to eat them all in a go. And the result? The fruit
stayed untouched on the table for days and used to rot.

Even now I don’t eat all of them in one single go. But this time it’s different. The fruit doesn’t
rot anymore.

The process is simple. Just wrap the stems of the bananas with a plastic wrapper.
And they will stay fresh.

The Science Behind This: ‘Ethylene’ gas is produced during the natural ripening process of
bananas. When this gas reaches the other parts of the fruit, it makes the fruit to ripen too fast and
even rot. The plastic wrap traps the gas within the surface of the stem, thereby keeping the fruit
fresh for long.

Okay. So coming back to the point, my mother used to ask me to eat bananas. But why? Why
bananas? What is so special about them?

Scroll down to find out!

1. Rich In Potassium:

Say ‘bananas’ and the first thing, rather the one and only thing that comes to anyone’s mind is
potassium. Beneath the thick skin of yellow this fruit dons, there are mammoth reservoirs of

Potassium plays a major role in regulating your blood pressure, which is one factor that keeps
your heart beating.
As we age, happens which tends to make our bones weaker. Bananas reduce calcium excretion
thereby keeping our bones strong and preventing osteoporosis.

2. Fibre Rich:

Fibre is vital in keeping your digestive tract in proper shape and enables proper bowel

3. Helps Treat Ulcer:

If there is anything available inside nature’s womb that has the capabilities to cure ulcer, then it
is a banana. Certain compounds in bananas create thick barriers in the stomach that can protect
the stomach lining from excess secretion of hydrochloric acid.
4. Saviour For Skin And Hair Problems:
Serious skin problems like acne and psoriasis can be well treated with the help of banana skins.
The banana peels can also be used in the preparation of hair masque which brings back the lost
shine and sheen to your hair.

5. A Natural Energy Booster:

Keep aside all those artificial energy drinks or energy bars. We have bananas here! The presence
of certain natural compounds gives bananas the ability to boost the body with natural energy.

6. The Stress Buster:

A particular chemical present in bananas (tryptophan) gets converted into the feel good hormone
(serotonin) when released into the bloodstream. Serotonin levels determine our moods and
overall happiness.

7. Helps Quit Smoking:

In case you are a smoker who is planning to quit but is unable to, then you have this humble fruit
to your rescue. It is known that smokers have a high level of nicotine. The potassium and
magnesium in bananas, along with vitamins B6 and B12 play their part in reducing nicotine
concentration in your body.

8. Helps Prevent Cancer:

Cancer is not inevitable. Definitely not when you are a regular banana eater. Consumption of
bananas in the first two years of life can reduce the risk of developing child leukaemia. Also,
bananas fight against the formation of free radicals which are known to cause cancer.

9. Cures Hangover:

In case you have gone a bit too far with that bottle of booze the previous night, fret not. Have a
sound sleep; because a couple of bananas in a blender with ice and coconut milk can make a
really good recovery drink.

10. Helps Treat Anaemia:

Bananas contain high levels of iron which help regulate the haemoglobin levels in the body. This
in turn helps treat anaemia.

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