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For many years, Nike successfully relied on traditional advertising (large print and television advertising

campaigns) that makes an impact to the people who actually buys product of Nike. And to this day,
Nike's spending on traditional advertising are lowered into 40% because of the new advent of
technologies. They said that modern advertising directly connects and communicate to other people
who is an potential customer. By recognizing that print and television ads were no longer great vehicles
for their product, Nike has been able to stay ahead of the majority of their competition by learning how
to best use social media and emerging technologies.

I agree on the decision of Nike that modern advertising will be much more priority than traditional
advertising. And Since the spending of Nike to traditional advertising has been lowered by 40%, the
Nike's adoption of digital advertising won them a lot of customers. Nike’s total shift from the traditional
ad world to the digital advertising (modern advertising) has allowed Nike to achieve a great deal of brand
exposure and engagement from its consumers.

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