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Milan Johnson

Ms. Crandall

AP Language, 2 pd.

17 December 2019

Exam Study Plan

 JANUARY- read and annotate a book on the way to and from the Majors cheer

competition in Indy. Annotate using highlighters/ sticky notes/ pen in order to analyze

writing style and enhance vocabulary.

 FEBUARY- complete 3-5 ap classroom practice assignments over winter break in order

to help prepare for the ap exam.

 MARCH- schedule and attend ACT/SAT prep tutoring at least once a week. This will

increase my knowledge of testing questions as well as prepare me for the ap exam.

 APRIL- complete at least 15-20 practice pages in the 5 steps to a 5 workbook on the way

to and from spring break.

 MAY- every other night review ap rubrics given to us in class in order to understand

what they are specifically looking for in written essays on the ap exam.

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