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Study of crack patterns in beam column joint

due to upwards anchoring beam effect

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 1855, 040004 (2017);
Published Online: 15 June 2017

Bambang Sabariman, and Mochamad Firmansyah Sofianto


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AIP Conference Proceedings 1855, 040004 (2017); 1855, 040004

© 2017 Author(s).
Study of Crack Patterns in Beam Column Joint Due to
Upwards Anchoring Beam Effect
Bambang Sabariman1, a) and Mochamad Firmansyah Sofiantob)
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Jl. Ketintang Baru XII No.34, Ketintang, Gayungan, Kota SBY, Jawa Timur 60231, Indonesia
Corresponding author:

Abstract. Beam-column joint (BCJ) of reinforced concrete is an area of critical which must be carefully designed to
absorb the seismic energy. Inability to absorb seismic energy will cause serious damage to structural failure. It will lead
to shear failure, i.e. brittle and endanger users of the building if the BCJ area is not designed properly. In order to get a
building structure is safe and resistant to disasters, mainly due to the earthquake, the structure must be designed in
accordance to the rules of standard construction (eligible detailing). In general, the anchorages (detailing) reinforcement
beams to the column is pointing downwards, however, what if the steel anchoring beams are pointing upwards. Different
anchoring will result in the behavior of different structures, such as fracturing pattern. This study observes two anchoring
model, by making two test specimens of BCJ. One set of reinforcement beams anchored BCJ upward and downward
respectively, which are applied with monotonic static load. The study investigated the pattern of cracks and ductility of
the beam displacement on BCJ. The results showed that the downward anchoring in the fracturing pattern out of the area
BCJ was anchoring upward pattern rift goes deep into the area BCJ, thus anchoring above makes BCJ unsafe. Downward
anchoring are more ductile than the upward anchoring, however the deflection of all BJC specimens was higher than the
boundaries maximum deflection prediction (ǻprediction = 10.45 mm < HNVSǻexp-min = 13.15 mm), which can be assumed
that all BCJ specimens were ductile, but it still in ductile limited due to displacement ductility Pǻ<3,5.

Area of beam-column joint (BCJ) of reinforced concrete (RC) is a critical area which give a critical damage and
the BCJ has carefully designed in other to absorb the seismic energy. Inability to absorb the seismic energy will give
serious damage on the reinforce concrete of beam and column structure or it is called failure.
Reference [1] developed a new model to predict the shear strength on reinforced concrete beam with small
length of shear and with a point of contra-flexure on range of shear length. On their article, the method was
expanded to be applied to beam-column joint. However, the development of method was not discussed yet about the
effect of the upward anchored of steel reinforcement, especially about the ductility.
In other to obtain the safety of building structure and the resistance of disaster, especially seismic disaster,
structure should be designed to accordance the structure design code include the requirement of detailing structure.
Oftentimes, the detailing of building structure has been designed with good performance, on the construction work,
there is an error work which the detailing is not set to accordance the detailing design, and the mistaken of the
detailing is occurred when the construction management employs a laborer without good skill or they do not to
recheck the detailing. The mistaken of detailing, for example, are the overstake of anchorages steel reinforcement,
WKH VWHHO UHLQIRUFHPHQW ZLWKRXW ³NQLN´ WKH SRVLWLRQ RI anchorages, the length of anchorages, the direction of
anchorages, and the difficulties of construction as consequence of detailing design. This research will do the several
experiments about the effect of upward anchorages to the crack pattern on the beam-column joint, this is conducted
due to answer if the building construction is found incompatibility work between building contractor and
engineering consultant. For example, contractor has to set the anchorages on the upward in the BCJ. Incompatibility
of construction work effect the structure failure, the point of failure is shear failure, and the mechanism of failure is
usually a sudden collapse without any sign of collapse. In the future, these phenomena must be anticipation by good

Green Process, Material, and Energy: A Sustainable Solution for Climate Change
AIP Conf. Proc. 1855, 040004-1–040004-8; doi: 10.1063/1.4985500
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1529-4/$30.00

design on detailing and good construction work. However, on the construction work, there is the difficulty to
upward anchorages steel reinforcement or other modification to simply the construction, therefore this research try
to answer the effect of upward anchorages steel reinforcement and to show the crack pattern of these on the beam-
column joint (BCJ) and the ductility ± displacement value.


According to some models of shear behavior, it is assumed that the shear force resisted by a sloping press area or a
strength itself. In the shear models which developed on Ref. [1] method, the critical sloping is determined by a crutch
pressure which has maximum strength in the shear displacement resistance. The critical sloping on the flexure
resistance point between two forces is done with opposite direction in a beam, from these recommended that critical
sloping (Tcrit) is shown with function:
f(T) = (1 - JtanT) sin2TCos2T    (1)
Where, J = av/h, av = net shear length, h = height of element, T= slope of crutch pressure depend on main axis
of element. Shear strength of element without any bond on each point of contra-flexure, shear strength is confined by
steel bond strength, it is shown with function:
V = 2.Ast.fy.tanTcrit (2)
Where, Ast is area of pressure on each element surface. As alternative, shear strength can be confined by crutch
concrete strength otherwise:
V = D.Q.fcu.b.h (3)
Where, D = (1- J tanT critis)/(tanTcritis + 1/ tanTcritis ), J = a v / h, v = ineffectiveness factor (failure).

Figure 1 shows the typical cross-section, special on beam-column joint (BCJ) which some resemble the
experiment be tested by Ref. [1]. That structure can be analyzed to give a pressure force T to steel beam and shear
force (Vcol) on the column above the beam. Shear force on the joint can be calculated with the formula:
Vj = T ± Vcol (4)


av db
Concrete strut strut Compression
Compression zone zone in beam
in beam
Vcol Vcol


FIGURE 1. The steel anchoring beams are downwards. FIGURE 2. The steel anchoring beams are upwards.

Crack on the concrete is a phenomenon which be recognized all over the world and have many causes. Some of
crack situation is not considered dangerous and fully unacceptable, but on the other crack situation is a seriously
deformed, even the negative impact on the structure strength, function and appearance [2]. Visually, crack look like
an irregular line. Crack occurred after the concrete harden is structural crack. This crack is occurred because the
loading cause the flexure strength, the shear strength and tensile stress. Basically, there are three kind of beam crack
[3] i.e. 1. Flexural cracks occurred on area which has the value of flexural moment greater than the small of shear
force. The direction of crack occur the almost perpendicular with beam axis, 2. Shear-flexural crack occur on the
part of beam which has been occurred flexural crack. Shear-flexural crack is a propagation slope-crack from flexural
crack which is occurred before, 3. Web crack shear is a slope-crack which is occurred in the area of center of line of
cross section where each maximum shear force and axial stress is smallest.
When the structure loaded with a force generate the flexure moment which its value are lower than the cracking
increased then tensile stress is reached the value of fr, so small crack will be occurred. If the tensile stress has been
larger than fr, so the cross section will crack. There are three cases to be considered on the crack problem i.e. a).
When the tensile stress (ft) is lower than modulus of rupture (fr), so the cross section are considered as not-crack or
crack will not occurred (where Ig = 1/12.b.h3), b). When the tensile stress (ft) is equal with modulus of rupture (fr),
so the crack is appear, the moment given a crack is crack moment, c). If moment worked is more than crack
moment, so the crack pattern on the cross section has been spread. For the calculation use crack inertia moment
(Icr), the transformation beam concrete which is stressed and the transformation from the steel reinforcement.

Displacement or deflection is important to be predicted, because it include on part of the ability of serviceable
structure. After the data of displacement was obtained, then displacement ductility can be calculated. Displacement
ductility is obtained from the divide of all displacement to the first yield displacement [4]:
P' (5)
Where, P' = displacement of ducktail, 'u = lateral displacement on the end of post-elastic, 'y = lateral
displacement on the first yield on steel reinforcement. As a reference about displacement ductility can be shown on
figure below:

FIGURE 3. Relationship between strength and ductility [4]


Concrete Under-Reinforced Design

Beam is designed with under-reinforced concept where U = 0.008, this is conducted in order to avoid the
suddenly collapse as like as the collapse on the over reinforced beam design. Beam are also designed to resist from
shear failure which is caused from vertical beam (P), while the constantly axial pressure force is design as N =

Material Preparation
are also conducted in order to reduce the crack of heat hydration from interaction between cement and water. The
specimen of concrete is using cylinder with I150x300 mm. The diameter of steel reinforcement use 4 of deform
11.93 mm with yield strength (fy) = 385.733 MPa and the nominal diameter of stirrup use I6.43 and span of stirrup
are 80 mm with yield strength (fy) = 457.667 MPa.

Specimen Preparation
The total of specimen is 2 specimens with the detail, first is specimen with downward anchorages and second is
specimens with upward anchorages.

Standard (3I) '
radius bend 3
PP I\ 385.733 MPa
I·F 42.8403D

I\ 03D
I·F 03D

FIGURE 4. The Detailing of Reinforced Concrete on Beam Colum Joint with Upward

I·F 03D

9FRO I\ 03D
13 I·F 03D

FIGURE 5. The Detailing of Reinforced Concrete on Beam Colum Joint with

Downward Anchorages

Setting Up of the Specimens Testing (Laboratory Testing)

Setting up of the specimens testing is designed to obtain the actual data which compatible with research
planning. In this research, beam is not put on the vertical direction but the beam is positioning on the horizontal
direction and the beam reclines above the rigid floor (Fig. 3). The constantly compression axial force column is
given by the hydraulic jack tools, while the P force on the end of the beam is given by the hydraulic jack tools which
is parallelized with load cell. Linier Variable Displacement Transducer (LVDT) is assembled on the point of beam
and the behind of beam-column joint (BCJ), the LVDT is assembled for obtaining the displacement data on the
beam and the swift position of the point behind of BCJ. Steel strain gauge is assembled on the beam steel reinforced
and the column steel reinforced, and then steel strain gauge is positioned 5 cm in front of BCJ. While steel strain
gauge assembled on the column steel reinforced is exactly located in the middle of BCJ. Furthermore, the cell load
data, LVDT and steel strain gauges, is recorded by logger data. This research is also conducted the observation by
using visual method, particularly the crack pattern on the specimens.

FIGURE 6. Setting Up the Specimen on the Laboratory


Compressive Strength
Based on the concrete mix design, making the concrete mixing, volume of mixing was designed based on the
volume of beam and the volume of cylinder of I150x300 mm. The expectation of the concrete mixing on the beam
and cylinder could be finished together. After the concrete mixing on the beam and cylinder, the specimen was also
conducted the curing method which the time of curing were 24 days. After that, the result of compression test on
cylinder specimens and tensile stress of the steel reinforced can be shown by the table below:

TABLE 1. The Result of Cylinder Compression Strength

Area of The
Number Diameter of Compression
Cylinder maximum
of Cylinder Strength
force (Pi -
Specimen (mm) (mm2) kN)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) = (4)/(3)
1 150 17663 770 43.595
2 150 17663 750 42.463
3 150 17663 750 42.463
Avarage 42.84

TABLE 2. Main Tensile Stress Test (D11,93 mm)

Number I Yield Yield strain

nominal fsh
of Strees (fy (H)
(mm) (MPa)
Specimen - MPa)
1. 11.83 382.194 0.00290 538.000
2. 11.98 386.684 0.00210 533.000
3. 12.00 388.321 0.00275 532.000
Avarage 11.93 385.733 0.00258 534.333

Failure Modes
Based on the result of experiment on the laboratory was obtained that the failure of all the specimens, include the
upward and downward anchorages, is caused of the flexural mechanism. This happens because the beam had been
avoided from shear failure accordance to the Ref. [1]. The mechanism of the crack on the BCJ with downward
anchorages was started from crack around the plastic hinges, and then the crack spread to low part of the beam,
coincide the crack in front of the column and spread on the vertical on the low part of beam until it reached the
collapse. Mechanism of the crack of BCJ with the upward anchorages is exactly on the BCJ joint, and then spread
with diagonal on the connection of BCJ. The crack pattern spread into the area of BCJ is caused that the longer of
strut concrete on BCJ.

(a) (b)

FIGURE 7. (a) Crack Patter on the BCJ-D, (b) Crack Patter on the BCJ-U

Displacement Ductility
When the loading of P was continued, it could be obtained the displacement data from LVDT and steel strain
from steel strain gauge. The number of steel strain correspond with the number of force (P), i.e. starting from P-awal
to collapse of BCJ. Therefore, the first yield strain (ǻ\ DQGWKHILUVW\LHOGGLVSODFHPHQW ǻ\ ZHUHDOVR discovered.
So that, it could be calculated the displacement ductility of BCJ, the calculation of the displacement ductility used
the formula, Pǻ ǻXǻ\DIWHUWKDWLWFRXOGEHPDGHWKHJUDSKEHWZHHQ00-max and the ductility of displacement.
The result of this research show that the displacement of all the BCJ specimens are greater than the predict value,
ZKLFKWKHSUHGLFWYDOXHRQWKHIDLOXUHDUHǻ .45 mm [5], it can be exceeded by all the BCJ specimens, where the
number of displacement on the failure are obtained the lowest of displacement value on the BCJ-U specimens,
ǻHNVS .15 mm. The lowest value caused P force were P = 7.932 ton. WhileWKHGLVSODFHPHQWSUHGLFWLRQǻHNVS
= 10.45 mm, is occurred at the P = 6.7658 ton. If it compare with the displacement prediction that can be discussed
that all the BCJ specimens on the safety condition.
The experiment result of displacement ductility and its prediction are illustrated in one graph, its goal is to
compare between both result, experimental and prediction, so that can be discovered how much the capability of
BCJ to deform due to the work load. And the result is can be shown on the table and graph below.

TABLE 3. The Recapitulation of Experimental Result on the Displacement Ductility

Pȴ Noted

BCJ-D 0.85 3.164
BCJ-U 0.85 1.628

FIGURE 8 Comparison Graph Between the Displacement Ductility vs M/Max

Table 3 shown that the displacement ductility value of BCJ-U specimens (upward anchorages) is lower the
displacement ductility value of BCJ-D specimens (downward anchorages). The difference happen is caused of the
slip between steel reinforced and concrete on the upward anchorages area. From the displacement ductility value at
0.85 Mmax, BCJ-D (downward anchorages) is obtained P'=3.164 which is almost to P'=3.5. While the displacement
ductility (upward anchorages) is obtained P'=1.628 which is far from the P'=3,5 (the value of limited ductility).

The displacement of all the specimens is able to exceed the maximum displacement limit accordance the
SUHGLFWLRQ ǻSUHGLNVL= 10.PP DQGǻHNVS-min = 13.15 mm. The BCJ-D displacement ductility is more ductile
than The BCJ-U displacement ductility, it can shows on Pǻ = 3,164 for BCJ-D and Pǻ = 1,628 for BCJ-U. While, all
the specimens of BCJ in this experiment is still on the limited ductility category, because the value has Pǻ = <3,5 on
figure 3.
The failure pattern on all of the BCJ specimens on this experiment is flexural collapse, its mean that the Ref. [1]
had been able to anticipate the shear failure, but on the BCJ-U specimens with the condition unsafe, because the
failure pattern go into the joint area.

Beam ± column joint is more importance to be designed; the error of detailing will give the damage which is not
unregulated on the code. In this research shows that the upward anchorages causes the crack pattern go in to the BCJ
area, if it is happened on the BCJ of building then the failure occur on the that building.

The first time said thanks to the Kemenristekdikti RI and The State of Surabaya University that has given the
research grant. Said thanks also to PSIT UGM Yogyakarta that has helped to finished BCJ experiment.

1. D.E. Parker & P.J.M. Bullman, Shear Strength within Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints, (The
Struktural Engineer, London, Volume 75/no.4 18 February 1997).
2. D. Beal, Types and Causes of Crack and Cracking, (Queensland University of Technologi), pp. 1-6
3. R. I. Gilbert, & N. C. Mickleborough. 1990. Design of Prestressed Concrete (Unwin Hyman Ltd, London, 1990).
4. T. Paulay & M.J.N. Priestley, Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Buildings (John Wiley &
Sons Inc., New York, 1992), pp. 26-139.
5. J. Moehle, Seismic Design of Reiforced Conrete Buildings (McGraw-Hill Education, New York, 2015), pp.


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