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Bungalow #3, Survey #81, North Main Road, Behind 1 Lounge,

Koregaon Park Annex, Mundhwa, Pune - 411 036 | +91 8552011233

Client: Bee Urban, Student Community Living

Contact: Hrushikesh Shrotriya


Project Proposal Brand Development

& Experience Design for Bee Urban
19th June 2019 -----------------------------------------------------

Therefore Design
Vrishali Kekre Deshmukh
+91 9922919094

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Project Proposal for Brand Development and Experience Design for Bee Urban
Project Brief
Bee Urban is a young yet fast growing startup which aims to build a strong community
of young blood in India. Starting with the student rich bank in Pune, it has living spaces that
go beyond living and focus on nurturing and growing individuals. It has 3 value pillars that
guide all the actions, ie: Safety, Comfort and Nurture.

Therefore Design has been approached to partner with the team to build a brand
that will connect with customers and design customer experiences that will gain greater
customer mindshare, build brand recall and help the brand build a strong positioning
in the market.

Scope of Work
Phase 1:
1.1 Design Research
In this phase, we listen and immerse ourselves with the brand, gathering information and
understanding the business from all perspectives.

In this phase, we listen and immerse ourselves with the brand, gathering information and
understanding the business from all perspectives.

1.1 Immersion
§ Understand the ambitions and visions of the core team
§ Understand the business, product range and categories in detail
§ Gather data from the hostel / community living industry
§ Define Target Audience
§ Study of consumer trends to understand preferences and perceptions pertaining
to the category

1.2 Design Research

§ Study competitor brands and offerings
§ Study of benchmarks, inspirations and trends
§ Collate the data and extract insights that will help in the design development of packaging

1.3 Documentation
§ Compile data from industry and market study
§ Draw insights that will define the road map for the brand
§ Create user personas
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Project Proposal for Brand Development and Experience Design for Bee Urban
After synthesizing our insights, we will define how we manifest ourselves through the design
of the brand identity and the visual language.

2.1 Definition of a Theme:

§ Based on the brand thought explore different approaches for the theme of the space
§ Put together Concept Notes and Mood Boards to explain the theme of the space
§ Share the theme ideas with the Client team

2.2 Brand Identity:

§ Development of Brand Identity for the selected name
§ Presentation of three Brand Identity concepts to the client team
§ Feedback and refinement of concepts
§ Finalization of the Brand Identity

2.3 Brand Language:

§ Define the elements, colours, fonts and other components that will form the
Brand Language for the space

Identify opportunities to carry forward the Brand Language into the physical space and
create engagement touchpoints for customers.

3.1 Develop Marketing touchpoints such as:

{Post the strategy discussion and finalization these touchpoints will be re-aligned}

ü Brochures / Leaflets etc

ü Hoardings, Posters
ü Print Advertisements
ü Bus Shelters
ü Pole Kiosk
ü Posters
ü Street art/ stencils etc
ü Kiosk and stall design

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Project Proposal for Brand Development and Experience Design for Bee Urban
3.2 Website Experience:
§ Along with the client identify the information that is needed
§ Define the Site Map and Information Hierarchy for the website
§ Approval on the Site map and website architecture
§ Procure from the client the data and content required for the collateral
§ Generate the content needed for Website
§ Define the Wireframe for the site
§ Design the website home page + sample pages of each different type of page
§ Design the layouts for each distinct type of page
§ On approval of concept take forward the design for all the pages required
§ Handover of files to the website development team or code the website

3.3 Development of Living Experience:

{Study the space and create a homogeneous experience from outdoors to indoors for the users
of the space to add delight and memory both outdoors and indoors}
ü Markers – on the buildings, Fascia, lollipops etc
ü Wall Graphics
ü Welcome kit experience and design
ü Signage and instruction inside the hostels
ü Templates for Hostel Communication
ü Uniforms
ü Cups/ Mugs (kitchen experience)
ü PPT templates for talks etc
ü Merchandise
ü App for event and calendar

Phase 2
4.1 Campaigns:
{Discuss various avenues of marketing with the client and create stakeholder
specific campaigns, such as collages, students, parents, brokers etc)
ü Work with the client to identify the focus for the promotion of the Brand
ü Create campaign concepts for the keeping the communication focus
ü On approval of concept take forward adaptions to the campaign specific deliverables such as:
○ Flyers
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Project Proposal for Brand Development and Experience Design for Bee Urban
○ Leaflets
○ Hoardings
○ Print Advertisements
○ Bus Shelters
○ Kiosk
○ Posters
○ Stage backdrops for events

4.2 Social Media Management

Calendar creating
ü Study of consumer trends to understand preferences and perceptions
pertaining to the category
ü Study marketing strategies competitor brands and offerings
ü Study benchmarks and Inspirations
ü Understand the industry standards / regulations for SMM
ü Collate the data and extract insights that will help device the strategy
ü Create a weekly SMM calendar guidelines

Content Creating and Curation

ü Development content as per the calendar
o Ads
o Blogs
o Knowledge infographics
o Articles
o Contests
o Activity posts
ü Create visuals and graphics for posts
ü Get guest/ self to write information pieces like blogs/ articles
ü Create Database for email marketing
o Capture data from website
o Buy database if required
o Build organic database through billing footprint from retail
o Build organic database through subscriptions
ü Opportunity mapping on an ongoing basis
o News
o Trends

Promotion and media planning

Media planning will be done simultaneously while creating a content of all posts,
ü Maintain 3 accounts for NY
o Facebook
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Project Proposal for Brand Development and Experience Design for Bee Urban
o Instagram
o LinkedIn
o Twitter
ü Promote to database via email marketing

Mode of Working:
§ The client team and Therefore Design together will chalk out strategies and deliverables
needed on a monthly basis so as to create a smooth work flow and
ensure sufficient time for delivery of material and communication needed
§ We will also have a monthly review of the previous month to discuss positives and negatives
§ In the planning stage time allotted to a task must account for adequate time for
Conceptualization à Feedback à Refinement à Delivery of Final Design
§ Projects, Tasks, Jobs must be closed once the artwork has been delivered unless an
adaptation / iteration of the same is needed for a different purpose
§ Once the design is presented and approved, we must collectively attempt to keep the
number of iterations to a minimum so as to optimize the time spent on each design
§ Collective feedback from all stakeholders at one go will further help to reduce the
number of iterations
§ A maximum of three iterations per job should be the collective goal of both the teams

Branding Deliverables:
§ Brand Positioning Document
§ Brand Identity
§ Brand Language
§ Brand Stationery
§ Website Design & Development
(The deliverables are listed separately for ease of understanding however they will be worked
on as part of the retainer)

Retainer Deliverables:
§ Artworks for Hostel Experience Touch-points listed above
o 30 Artworks for Deliverables

§ 1 Marketing Campaign for admission of 2020-2021

o Campaign concept design
o 16 deliverables

§ Marketing Collateral
o 20 deliverables

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Project Proposal for Brand Development and Experience Design for Bee Urban
§ Event Related Collateral
o 180 deliverables

§ Social Media Collateral

o 1 Strategy Document
o 6 SMM Calendars (Every two months)
o 220 posts
o 20 Emailers in HTML Format
o 24 Videos (Graphic / infographic style of communication of 30 seconds each)

§ POSM Display Units

o 1 Unit (Structure Design and artwork)

§ We can work on basic infographic and other graphic animations inhouse. Editing of
live action video footage would not be included in the scope of work.

Retainer from 10th June 2019 to 9th June 2020

Fees for Retainer:

Retainer fee to be paid every month for all other work outlined above for the duration of
one year from 1st July 2019 to 30th June 2020
` 3,00,000/- Rupees Three Lakh only
Taxes and levies extra as applicable.

Fee for Supervision (In-case needed)

Fee for consultation and supervision of all external resources (vendor briefing
& discussion, printing, photography, production and prototyping) will be
charged at 5000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only) per day.

Supervision Fees do not included fees for Travel

Travel at actuals will also be chargeable.

Ø The project will only commence after receipt of the Work Order and requisite advance.
Ø Taxes and levies extra as applicable.
Ø Packaging Project cannot exceed the above mentioned timelines + 4 week buffer timeline
Ø Therefore Design will ensure timely delivery to client team to ensure time for feedback.

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Project Proposal for Brand Development and Experience Design for Bee Urban
Ø At the end of the timeline + buffer accounted for, the project will be deemed closed
and if any more work is needed a new Work Order will need to be discussed.
Ø This proposal is valid for duration of 30 days beyond which Therefore Design reserves the
right to change the Design Fees applicable.
Ø Any additions / revisions to the above detailed Scope of Work will be flagged to the client
and a revision in the Design Fees will be discussed.

At Actuals:
Ø Fees do not include any Printing / Production / Manufacturing / Fabrication /
Prototype / Model making/ Mock-ups / Trademark Registration / Purchase of Website URL /
Web Development Application / Materials which will be charged as per Actuals.
Ø Photography will be charged as per actual.
Ø Images to be purchased for the purpose of the project will be charged as per actual.
Ø Freight will be charged as per actual.
Ø Travel and stay ex-Pune for the purpose of the project will be charged extra as
per actual. All travel will be done on pre-decided agenda & schedules with prior
approval and mutual consent.
Ø Processing of Images handed over by Photographer or Client will be charged extra as per
actual if outsourced
Ø Processing of Images handed over by Photographer or Client will be charged at
Rs. 2500/- per image if done internally at Therefore Design. If a composite image
of multiple images has to be created for the pack the fee would be Rs. 7,500/-
(These charges do not include any purchase of images)
Ø After completion of project Data Transfer if required will be charged at Rs. 1000/-
per transfer.

Other Terms:
Ø Both the parties shall treat all information (other than the public domain information)
and Knowledge gained as confidential.
Ø All “Work in Progress” options created will not be used for any other projects by client and
will remain the property of Therefore Design.
Ø Soft copies of work will not be delivered before conclusion of entire scope of work.

Ø All copyrights and patents registrations will be the responsibility of the client.
Therefore Design will facilitate the process by handing over necessary information,
specifications as and when required during project tenure.

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Project Proposal for Brand Development and Experience Design for Bee Urban
Right to Use
Ø After the product is put in the market, the Design Team will have the right to use
the product photograph in its portfolio, which could be in the form of brochure,
catalogue, poster, presentation etc. (for Non-commercial Purposes only, with
prior permission from the client)
Ø The Design Team can also compete in the National / International Design Competitions
with the product designed for the client. In case any award is won in such competitions,
the proceeds will be the property of Therefore Design. However, clients name will
be mentioned at all due places.

Authorized By, For,

Bee Urban Therefore Design Pvt. Ltd.

Hrushikesh Shrotriya Vrishali Kekre Deshmukh

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Project Proposal for Brand Development and Experience Design for Bee Urban

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