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An LP (learning program) as discussed in our subject educational technology

2subject, it has four columns the ILO (intended learning outcomes). This learning
program is similar to a lesson plan, in a way that they have the same goals and that is for
students to learn. But using learning program is more convenient, easy, and specific and
focuses on what is most important. It focuses of the main target. The ILO, TOPIC,
ACTIVITIES, ASSESSMENTS .In the ILO part, these are the targets that you want your
students to learn, your goal. And what performance standards they are able to experience
during the learning about what is carpentry: In layouting a building. What should the
students must achieved during and after the discussions? In ACTIVITY part, these are the
activities that is carefully planned by a teachers, for a students to be done or to be
executed. And the ASSESSMENTS, which are used by teachers and students in evaluating
the students learning on a specific content .through this assessments, teachers are able
to assess and rate a students work or performance and to teachers side also to measure
the effectiveness of his/her instruction and delivery of discussions. By using learning
program it saves time for the teachers as it is easy to do and more efficient to use.In
making my learning program, (LEARNING PROGRAM), the activities are discussions and
lectures with the learning support of PowerPoint presentation. And as we all know
making a PowerPoint presentation is a part of technology. In having a PowerPoint
presentation I could add pictures and videos that would help the learners to gain more
information. This would only prove that technology nowadays is a great help of the lives
of people in the world especially in the world of teaching. Technology helps us to teach
easily, and efficiently. We are able to share our information in a more convenient and
meaningful way. In my ILO number 3, it is aligned with actual demonstration on how to
lay out a building. But also it is supported with a video presentation to emphasize more
the ideas and knowledge that learners could apply and integrate. Therefore, integrating
technology in teaching learning could paved a way to a more effective learning. So as a
future 21st century teacher, I should consider the uses of technology, the diversity of
learners and being careful in choosing assessments, intended learning outcomes, topic
and activity for my 21st century future students.
During the process of making a Learning Program. I observed that it is much better
to use LP as it is more convenient to use. The making of LP is much easier than making a
lesson plan; a detailed lesson plan or the semi-detailed. This saves times during the
process of learning. While in a lesson plan you have to put the every detail that will likely
to happen and needs to happen in the classroom. When in fact some of it were not
successfully happened or followed as written in the lesson plan. If I will to provide a
suggestion how to improve the LP, it would be an addition to the activities. Because I
believe students learn by doing. So activities should be added for the students to learn
more. So far, using this learning program it is convenient .It is easier to assess and faster
to use but still the learning of the students are focused. All in all a learning program should
consider the ILO, TOPIC, ACTIVITIES, and ASESSMENTS. In addition to that, a future
teacher must consider the diversity of learners and apply the diverse methods and
strategies as well.

If I were to provide a suggestion in integrating a technology to make the LP to

better into facilitating learning, it would be better if in the IL02 number 2, the activities
were supported also by PowerPoint video presentation. To better enhance the
comprehension of the learners regarding the two considerations in layouting a building.
In that way they will have an overview on what to do. Because as of today, learners are
so much connected to technology, therefore teachers should also adopt to the ever
changing technology. By using technology you are able to catch the interest and attention
of the learners. Through that, they will be able to put interest to listen and to learn after
that. As a future teacher should slowly develop and improve my knowledge about
computers, about technology rather. For me to be prepared to the 21st century learners
who are computer literate. So as a 21st century teachers to be, I should be computer
literate also. By doing that I can achieve an efficient and successful teaching learning.

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