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Department of Information Technology

Subject : Multimedia & Animation Subject Code: NIT-401

Session : 2016-17 Branch: IT

Date of Issue : 31/1/17 Date of submission: 4/2/17

Assignment 1

Q1: Write any 20 image file formats with full form.

Q2: Write any 20 video file formats with full form.

Q3: Write any 20 animation file formats with full form.

Q4: Write any 20 video players with their supported formats.

Q5: What do you mean by sketching and illustration? Explain

Q6: What is historical background of art and animation?

Department of Information Technology

Subject : Multimedia & Animation Subject Code: NIT-401

Session : 2016-17 Branch: IT

Date of Issue : 28/2/17 Date of submission: 4/3/17

Assignment 2

Q1: Explain the use of following hardware components in multimedia:

i) Touchscreen
ii) Video Grabbling Card.
iii) CD ROM.
Q2: What are different multimedia skills? Explain any six.

Q3: What are different multimedia authoring tools? Explain them.

Q4: Write short note on
i) Image Editing Tools.
ii) 3-D modeling and animation tools
iii) Audio editing tools
Q5: What are vector and Raster graphics? Explain with their uses.

Q6: What are the roles of audio and video specialists in making Multimedia Systems?
Department of Information Technology

Subject : Multimedia & Animation Subject Code: NIT-401

Session : 2016-17 Branch: IT

Date of Issue : 21/3/17 Date of submission: 27/3/17

Assignment 3

Q1: What are different phases of making a multimedia project?

Q2: What are the considerations which must be taken during the design of multimedia project?

Q3: What do you mean by depth structure and surface structure? Also explain the relation

between them with a suitable example.

Q4: How testing is done for a multimedia project? Explain different types of testing to be


Q5: Write short notes on the following with context to multimedia:

i) Copy right

ii) Copy left

iii) Content acquisition

iv) Hot spots

Q6: What does the term Paper Napkin means in terms of planning a multimedia project?
Department of Information Technology

Subject : Multimedia & Animation Subject Code: NIT-401

Session : 2016-17 Branch: IT

Date of Issue : / /17 Date of submission: / /17

Assignment 4

Q1: Describe what MIDI is? What its benefits are and how it is best used in a multimedia
Q2: Differentiate between MIDI and digitized audio.

Q3: Discuss the implications of using audio in a production, focusing on the purpose of the

audio & how to manage audio files.

Q4: List the four main sampling rates and the two sampling depths. Briefly describe what each
is most useful for. How does mono versus stereo come into the equation?
Q5: Define the terms:
i) Morphing
ii) Anti-aliasing
iii) Tweening
Q6: List the steps you would go through to record, edit and process a set of sound files for

inclusion on a web site.

Q7: Compare and contrast among BMP, JPEG and PNG file format.
Department of Information Technology

Subject : Multimedia & Animation Subject Code: NIT-401

Session : 2016-17 Branch: IT

Date of Issue : 1 /4/17 Date of submission: /4/17

Assignment 5

Q1: Distinguish between video and animation. Justify the statement” animation is bringing art to

the life”.

Q2: What are the principles of animation given by Disney? Explain.

Q3: What are different animation tools for WWW?

Q4: Write steps to make animation for a bouncing ball.

Q5: Write short notes on the following:

i) Plugins and Players

ii) GIF

Q6: What advantages does the computer provide over traditional animation practices?

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