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Speak about the most important person in your life.

The most important person in my life is my mother. She gave me life, she tough me the basic concepts
about life, she guides my steps and she unconditionaly loves me. My mother is a wonderful person, she
is an example for me because of her power, intelligence , her desire to live and to bring utility in
society. She always wanted me to be an responsible citizen, beloved and respected friend and she gave
me everithing to me to achieve this goals.

What is your favourite holiday? How do you usually spend it? Who with?
My favorite holiday is Christmass. I like it because it usually gathers all members of my family home.
On Christmass all the ways brig me back home. Me and my family use to prepare special dishes and we
try to respect specific traditions of our country. We visit our grandparents and our family good friends.
A week earlier the Christmass , our team at work organize a little party where we have a lot of fun and
happy moments. This is the most important part of this holiday – to get happy memories that will warm
your soul all year.

What will you do tomorrow?Speak about your plans.

Tomorrow for me will be an usual work day. I will get up at 7 am in the morning, I will take a shower, I
will prepare my breakfast, I wear my clothes and I will go to work. At work I will try to solve all my
task for that day. After, I will have a lunch. After lunch I will have to go to my evening master degree
lesons. I will have lesons till 9 pm. I will have some tests and after that I will go home. There , I will
prepare some food , I will eat and take a shower, after that I will go to sleep.

Speak about your daily routine.

Like all people that are involved in many activitie as I am , I have a daily routine that I cannot avoid.
In the morning I usually get up early, I do my morning toilet, I prepare my breakfast and I serve it with
pleasure. After that I have to go to work. I use to go there on foot, It takes 20 minutes. At work I have
to do many activities and every day I have another responsabilities and main streams. After work, I
have my evening lesons and I have to attend them because after all theory and practice lesons I have, I
have tests. After these lesons I go home. There, I prepare some food, I eat and take a shower. After that
I go to sleep. This is how usually my day ends.

How do you usually spend you weekend?

The weekend is something special for me. On weekend I try to have some relax, to ordonate my
thoughts and to have some rest. I charge my batteries with enough sleep, I have time to go for a walk
somewhere. I usually spend my weekends with my friends. We discuss about all week, we make some
plans for future or we find some interesting events in the city to attend. I use to see weekend like a
delay between work periods, it helps for recovering myseklf and prepare for another week, to be ready
to do more useful activities.

How do you usually spend your week?

My week is a defined work period. I go to work everyday. There I have to do different activities with
different importance and complexity level. I like my job. I feel independent and observe how my work
experience and my skills increase. After work I have lesons at university. There I study day by day
interesting things that help me to become better in my profession. Sometimes I do some sport exercises,
some time I have some relax time but I don’t forget about the main activities I have to do.
Give examples of healthy and unhealthy food.

It’s easy to get confused about which foods are healthy and which aren’t.
The most common unhealthy foods include highly-processed items “such as fast
foods and snack foods,Highly-processed foods tend to be low in nutrients
(vitamins, minerals and antioxidants) and high on empty calories due to the
content of refined flours, sodium and sugar.
Here is a basic list of healthy foods that most people can agree on:

•Fresh fruits and vegetables

•Fresh leafy greens
•Cold pressed extra virgin oils
•Raw nuts and seeds
•Seaweeds and sea vegetables

The Unhealthy Foods List

•Processed “white” foods like white breads, white pastas, etc.
•Refined white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame
•Addictive substances like MSG, and other “taste enhancing” chemicals
•Processed, denatured fats and oils that the body cannot deal with

Talk about things you like and don’t like to do during the day? Why?
There are so many things I have to do during my day. I like to do things that give me pleasure in
process of doig or after, when I can observe some results. I like to work, I like to learn , I like to have
lesons at univerity because it involves interraction between people and it bring me pleasure. I like to
think and feel that I am usefull for someon or for society, why not . What about things I don’t like, it’s a
bit harder because I don’t think that I can do something I don’t like . I don’t like when I can’t control
something I have to do or when somebody hurry me.

How do you cook soup/pizza/salad?

I’m not too good in cooking activities, I am able to do basic food. I can’t cook soup and pizza, I use to
serve them when somebody else is cooking or when I go somewhere to eat. What about salads, I think
it is the main point in my daily food because I eat them everyday. I do salads from what I can find in
my fridge. I try to have in my fridge everytime fresh vegetables to be able to make a salad.

Enumerate all fruits and vegetables you know . What’s your favorite fruit and vegetable?
All fruits I know: apple, lime, apricots, banana, avocado, blackberries, strawberries, cocoș, clementine,
orange, cherries, watermelon, melon, grapefruit, grapes , plum, lemon, kiwi, peaches, pineaples ,
raspberries and many others.
All vegetsables I know : carrot, potato, cucumber, letuce, tomato, pumpkin, onion, garlic, cabage,
broccoli and others.
My favourite fruit is banana and my favourite vegetable is tomato.
Why do you study english? Why do you like/dislike this language?
I study english language because it is one of the most common lanuages for all countries arounfd the
world. It becomes last time an international language. English language is used in IT domain, you can
find much literature in english about everithing are you interested in. I like that english is “user friendly
language”, it is not too hard to learn it , its grammar rules. What I dislike is that many words in
different contexts have different meaning.

Speak about your favourite film. Why do you like it?

My favourite film is Immitation game . It is about Enigma, an german machine that was used in the
second world war to encode the messages . This machine was decoded by an young english engineer
Alan Turing and this knowledge was used to find out every step of german army. I like this film
because it is based on real facts and it is about very smart people.

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