Flight Training

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1 - Flight Training

Well… I have been studying aviation since 2015 in the Itápolis air club with the private pilot
course this was my first course and I flew the airplane Cessna 150, Cessna 152 and Embraer
712, finishing in the same year, later in 2016 in the Itápolis air clube again I started the
Commercial Pilot course that was a long course I flew four types of airplane such as Aero
boero 115, Paulistinha 56C, Cessna 150 and 152 and EMBRAER 712, I finished this course in
December of 2017, after this long time in 2018 in the Itápolis air club I started my Flight
instructor course and I finished in may that year. Now I’m working as flight instructor in this
same air club to accumulate flight hours to work as pilot in a big company and fly heavy

2 - Solo Flight

So… My first solo flight was in the Itápolis air club in 2015 when I was doing my private pilot
course, this flight was amazing to me so waited flight of my life, I performed a local flight and
my solo flight was at a Cessna 150, the weather in that day was calm, there wasn’t wind and
rain, so I could perform a smooth landing, my family was watching my landing and my dead
grandmother was there that day, she was very happy because I were her first grandson pilot,
to me this will be in my memory her happiness, after all I celebrated with oil shower this is
traditional celebration when the pilots have a solo flight.

3 - Last Flight

I have performed flight every day, because I`m working as flight instructor in the Itápolis air
club, yesterday I performed a flight together with a student and in the airplane Cessna 152,
we checked the weather before the flight, because this is very important, so how there wasn`t
servere wind and rain, we performed a local flight, performed some manoeuvres and touch
go landing, before the flight I did briefing speaking about the procedure in flight and when we
finished that flight I did debriefing to speak about what he did wrong and what he need to
improve the flight and manoeuvres.

4 - Interview

This year when I arrived of Australia, my friend told me that the Itápolis air club was needing
a flight instructor, immediately I sent my resume to the director. So 2 days later I received an
e-mail with date to interview. I went and when I arrived there the director was happy when
he saw me because he met me and I worked there as manager for 6 years, so the director ask
me how was my life in Australia, what kind of work I did and why I wanted to work in that air
club, after our conversation I got the work and I`m working there this moment.

5 - Family Reaction

Immediately my family was very happy but in the same time worried because they just have
saw flights in TV when have accident and catastrophes, but they accept my new profession
my new career, they couldn’t afford my training, my course and flight hours because
everything is very expensive but they helped a lot psychologically to work and pay for my
training course and hours, now they are very proud with me because they know how hard
everything was for me.

6 – What type air craft I wanted to fly

Before I becoming a pilot I wanted pilot heavy aircraft such as Boeing triple 7 or Airbus 320,
because this aircrafts have a lot systems and you need to study too much to control these
machines and of course because they can perform international flights and this is my dream
work in a big company too. But I know I needed to start with light airplanes to accumulate
experience before flying heavy ones.

7 – Difficult subject

The most difficult subject for me were flight rules and meteorology, because I had never seen
for example TAF, METAR or aviation rules, before and I wasn’t familiar with them. The same
didn’t happen to the other subjects such as flight theory, navigation mechanical knowledge
which involves math and physics that I had already studied at high school.

8 – Most exciting moment

The most exciting moment as pilot was my first solo flight, because my family and friends was
there, close to the runway to watch my landing. So when, I performed the landing I went to
the parking area and shut down the engine, my friends and family came to hug me and to
congratulate me. This was a great moment because I feel like a real pilot, because I conducted
the aircraft by myself.

9 – Difficult part of becoming a pilot

The most difficult part of becoming a pilot was the financial aspect because my family and I
didn’t have conditions to afford an aviation course, So I worked as a manager in the Itápolis
air club from 2012 to 2018 to pay for all my courses and also I could interchange Australia to
learn general English and to have life experience in a foreign county, after the interchange I
could pay for an Aviation English in a excellent school and now I’m here talking the test.
Lesson 20

1 – Expectation when I First Started working as a pilot

My expectations when I first started working as a pilot were To accumulate flight hours, and
to get more experience flying different types of airplane. I also wanted to develop my skills
and create contact with other professionals in aviation to be ready to apply (aplai) for a
vacancy (VEI-kens) in an airline company.

2 – My expectation now in my career.

So my expectation now in my career is accumulate flights hours and to get more experience
flying together with the students, because if I teach I can learn too, and I`m doing some extra
courses for example flight safety, jet training to improve my resume to apply for a vacancy in
an airline company to work and fly heavy airplanes.

3 – If I had the freedom to make my own work schedule.

If I had the freedom to make my own work schedule, I would like to work from Monday to
Saturday, I would like to have a fixed time to work, because this way I could study in my free
time. So on Sundays and holidays, I would like to stay home with my family to relax.

4 – The most difficult decision I have made so far.

The most difficult decision I have made as a pilot was one day, when I was following one
aviation event in Maringá and one of the pilots was injured when he was spinning the
propeller. The propeller cut his leg and I immediately helped him requesting emergency
services to take him to the hospital.

5 – About accident involving a passenger airplane

So when I hear about an accident involving a passenger airplane I don`t like because
sometimes in accident we lose some human lives and when We talk about aviation there are
a lot of studies to avoid accident Our goal as member is 0 accident.

6 - Impression when I first flew an aircraft

Well my first flight in an aircraft was very amazing I loved my first flight was in 2012 when I
started to work as manager in Itápolis airclub. I flew an airplane Cessna 172 with a Flight
Instructor, these was my first contact with airplane, when the airplane took off I could see all,
Itápolis city, my house and other cities from the aircraft window.

7 – Why does Flying satisfy me.

So flying satisfy me because I love fly and this is my dream since I was a child and when I
perform a flight I relax and I can see all from the sky, for example clouds, landscape, rivers,
cities and others things, and now I`m flight instructor I can teach the students and these
satisfies me too as a pilot.

8 – Witch is more enjoyable to me, daytime flying or nighttime flying.

So the more enjoyable to me, daytime flying our nighttime flying are both, Because if I
perform a daytime flying I can see the ground, clouds and airport I can have a good visibility
and If I need perform a forced landing is safer than nighttime flying, but I like too nighttime
because I can see cities lights, far cities and stars is very beautiful nighttime flying but if you
need to perform a forced landing is harder than daytime flying you can`t see to much the
ground and good places to perform the forced landing.

9 – The biggest worry about taking flying lessons.

My biggest worry about taking flying lessons I think it was when I flew conventional aircraft
such as AB 115 or Paulistinha and I had to perform touch and go landing, because if I touched
the ground misaligned I could suffer a runway excursion

10- About aviation

Aviation in my opinion is the safest means of transportation and there are a lot of studies
about it. This kind of transportation can take passengers and cargo to other countries very
fast and safely.
Nowadays the world is very fast and without aviation, the countries couldn’t develop in the
same speed, so it is a very important part of the economy. The aviation industry involves
manufacturers, airline companies, airports, government and many kind of workers such as
pilots, ATC, mechanics, flight attendants and so on.
Finally aviation is part of my life because I chose this area to follow a career.
Lesson 22 – Bird Strike

A – So what I know about bird strike incident is that there are a lot of case about it, for
example the famous movie Hudson Rive where a commercial airplane, with 150 passenger
performed a forced landing because 6 minutes after they took off the airplane collided with
a flock of Canadian geese and there are others cases, and there are a lot of studies to control
birds in the airport to avoid bird strike, for example habitat management, natural aromatic
repellent, bird of prey and voluntary report and others.

B - Many factors contribute to this situation. The first is that birds are usually attracted to
these areas because the aerodromes provide some things they like, such as water, rest of
food and shelter. Another factor is that airports are usually built far from city centres, in farm
areas which are the natural environment of the birds.

C – Well.. The airport can do as measures to take to ensure take-off or Landing be safe, is do
a habitat management which controls the environment, eliminating things that attract birds,
such as trees, rest of food, etc. Can use Radio equipped vehicle (vii-col), cars and trucks that
broadcast a bird distress call to frighten the birds from the aerodrome, also can use birds of
prey, which are trained predators that catch or scare smaller birds from the airport area, and
other option natural aromatic repellents that consists in the use of a smell of predators also
to scare birds as well.

D – I think the most effective method to control is habitat management because if you control
the habitat inside and outside closed the airport for example plants in general which produces
food or is ideal to bird to live, water and other aliments that attract the birds if you remove
these things and if the airport doesn’t have anything to their interest, consequently the birds
doesn`t come to airport area.

E – The sort of damage can bird strike do to aircraft, this vary which is significant depending
which size and kind of aircraft. Small, propeller-driven aircraft are most likely to experience
the hazardous effects of strikes as structural damage, such as the penetration of flight deck
windscreens or damage to control surfaces or the empennage. Larger jet-engined aircraft are
most likely to experience the hazardous effects of strikes as the consequences of engine
ingestion and there are too much situations can bird strike do to the airplane.

F – So I think incidents will decrease because there are a lot of studies, trainings, incentives
to bird strike solution, if you see the last 10 years every year there were accident and incident
record involving bird strike, so from 2013 to 2016 there wasn`t register, in this same period
sighting bird record there are decrease too, I think this is reflection of a lot of years of

G – The others animal are a nuisance at the airport, well… when we are telling about strike in
general, there are too much kind of animal which are a nuisance, when involve aircraft plus
animal every animals which the aircraft can suck into or hit there is a problem, but for example
of other records there were accident with gnu, dogs, tapir, capybara, horse, anteater,
Kangaroo and so on.
Ground Movements

A- Apart from aircraft, what vehicles move around the airport?

So, there are a lot of kid of vehicles moving around the airport such as buses to transfer the
passengers to other airports or gates, , follow me cars to help and guide the airplanes or
vehicles to the places around the airport, medical service vehicle if any passenger, crew or
person need medical service at the airport, fire truck in case of fire in the airport with any
place or airplane, aircraft tow tractor or tankers to move the airplanes to the gates or to turn
on the engine to test and others, tow tractor with baggage carts to remove the baggage of
airplane to give back the passengers and there are others vehicles which work at the airport.

B – What makes an airport such a potentially dangerous place?

What makes an airport such a potentially dangerous place, well there are a lot of people, cars,
truck and airplane working a lot in the same place this is already a potentially dangerous but
there aren`t just this there are other consequences, like the noise produced by airplanes, cars
and trucks, this is a problem for hearing, gases by vehicle, airplanes fuel there is too much
lead, jet blast produced by jet engines of aircraft can produce winds very strong blowing cars
and objects like foreign object and these jet engines can suck into the objects can catch fire
and other case is human fatigue because there are airports which work 24 hours for day, the
pilots and crew or employee have worked a lot, sometimes lose your attention causing

C – What examples of mistakes made by pilots, drivers and controllers have you encountered?

D – How far do airport sings vary from country? Describe a ground movement accident you`ve
had or know of.

E – what do you think the major causes of ground movement accidents are?

F – what can be done to reduce taxiway accidents?

G – What technology exists to help reduce the number of accidents on the ground?

H – Do you think the incident of ground movement accidents will increase or decrease in the
future? Why?
Security Incidents

A – Sometimes a person who is normally polite and law-abiding goes crazy during a flight and
causes a security incident. What factors cause this change in behaviour?

So the factor cause this change in behaviour there are some factors such as air rage the
person becomes furious, violent and angry during the flight, this is a case caused by
physiological or psychological, other examples can help this change in behaviour is use
abusive of alcohol the person can change the behaviour during the flight wanting to fight and
the crew needing to contain the aggressive person.

B – What routine security procedures do you encounter in your work?

Well. The routine security procedures I encounter in my work is every year there is a training
with the flight instructor to guide them about how to procedure with the students to avoid
accident by security, for example of training, before the flight we guide the fight instructor
evaluate the students their behaviour if they are nervous, anxious, angry, under the influence
of drugs and so on.

C – What security measures and equipment are in place on board aircraft?

So. The security measures and equipment are in place on board aircraft, first the crew have a
training to see the person and their body language, in case of restrain there are handcuffs or
handplastics and medicines to keep calm the person, also there are closed circuit tv to record
and the captain can see what is wrong outside of cockpit , the door of cockpit is armored
anybody can’t entry just the crew can with password, this are some examples there are
nowadays to avoid security incidents.

D – How could airlines prevent air-rage incidents?

Could airlines prevent air-rage incidents. Well first on the ground before the passenger
boarded could exist information about air-rage causes and warning the passengers in case
first flight avoid drink alcohol or if feel bad ask the airlines to change their flight or give any
medicines to stay calm, but I know the passenger sometimes don’t see the information or
don’t worry with this information, during the boarding the crew need to see their body
language if see anything wrong with this passenger change her flight give to them any
medicines, and on board aircraft must there are equipment to help this case.

E – How should cabin crew be trained to deal with these incidents?

Should cabin crew be trained deal with these incidents. Well the cabin crew need a training
to learn about the changes of behaviour and to see body language of their passengers, also
need to know for example in case any passenger get furious during the flight which medicine
give to them, how to talk to keep them calm or in case of use force how restrain and
overpower this passenger and how deal in this situation.
F – How should violent passengers be restrained?

Well.. First of all the violent passengers should be restrained just talking with them, the crew
should try to do them calm down, but in case if this violent passenger don’t calm down they
need to use force and person defence to restrain and overpower and put handcuffs or plastic
cuffs to maintain flight safe.

G – Do you know any story of air rage incidents?

So I know a case of flight performed by TAM Linhas Aereas Airbus A320, from Montevideo
(Uruguay) to São Paulo Guarulhos, was enroute near Porto Alegre, when a male passenger
attempted to intrude the cockpit which resulted in a physical fight with two flight attendants
supported by other passengers. Cabin crew and supporting passengers were bitten by
intruder during the flight until the combined forces were able to subdue the unruly passenger,
who was handcuffed and tied his seat. Which needed about half a dozen people to finally
overpower him and constrain him. In the meantime the flight crew diverted to Porto Alegre
for safe landing where police arrested the unruly passenger and delivered him to the
psychiatric ward of a local hospital, the police reported this passenger suffered a “psychotic
episode”. The aircraft reached Sao Paulo with a delay of 2:45 hours.

H – What procedures do you follow if you have an unlawful interference at work?

Well. First of all I squawk 7500 on the transponder to informing a unlawful interference, this
code is universal, after I would request to divert to the rearrest airport, request priority
landing and policy to restrain and overpower the kidnapper.

I – What measures do airline take to prevent passengers getting into the cockpit?

So. There are armored door in the airplane, there are lock with a normal code and emergency
code in case the cabin crew tray open with a emergence code, the door don`t will work,
making it impossible the passenger getting into the cockpit.

J – What changes do you think will happen in the future? Why?

Well. I think will happen in the future, I think will happen a lot of case about security incidents,
because nowadays the people prefer to travel with airplanes because is so fast travel with
airplane than car, and you can travel to international countries, and is easer and cheaper to
travel with airplanes, so the flights will there are evolution increasing the number of flight and
passengers, increasing the number of security incident, but the airlines companies will
introduce more things to keep safe their flights.

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