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Reflection Paper

By: Jacquemiere Ramos

BA 322 - Negotiation Skills for Business Professionals
Dr. Denise T. Ogden
October 12, 2014
We routinely negotiate in both our professional and personal lives. Although, most of us
still strive on the perfection of negotiation, reading the text book has given me a better
explanation and a sense of good direction in negotiating successfully. It has helped me
differentiate between bargaining and negotiating because I always thought that they both
meant the same thing. Recognizing the terms and tactics will also help me manage situations or
conflicts professionally and astutely. By doing this, I will be able to satisfy the stakeholders
involved because they signify the foundation for further business and viable relationships.

On the assignment questionnaire, “Personal Bargaining Inventory Questionnaire”, I

was asked about my own behavior in bargaining and judge other people’s behavior. I
discovered my strong characteristics and gave me an insight of myself. "I pride myself on being
highly principled. I am willing to stand by those principles no matter what the cost." I have a
set of principles that I standby because it represents my values and values shape my beliefs.
Most of us have these in common and how we apply them to our values is what makes us
unique from others. Even though people can be inevitably difficult at some point, we need to
look deeper and understand those challenges and keep a clear vision of our motivation and our
goal. "Criticism doesn't usually bother me. Any time you take a stand, people are bound to
disagree, and it's all right for them to let you know they don't like your stand." I believe that
people don't have to like me as long as the job is getting done. I'm passionate about my job and
I have to admit that I do the job well. But if I feel as if my associates aren't happy for any
reason, I ask them for their opinions especially about decisions I've made in regards to work or
if they have any input. "I like to share power. It is better for two or more to have power than
it is for power to be in just one person's hands. The balance of shared power is important to
effective functioning of any organization because it forces participation in decision making." I
believe in sharing power because sometimes in the business world, you may need another
person to help you make decisions. Having a group discussion or meeting is important in any
organization because it gives an open floor to anyone who has an opinion or comment about
how productive an organization should be or just in general. I believe it’s an effective way to

bring everyone as a whole. Listening is the key to the business world. You have to have an open
ear to hear around you.

On the other hand, I also discovered my least characteristics. “I tend to hold grudges.”
My parents always taught me to let go and never hold grudges because it can run your life. For
example, if my co-worker made more sales than me because he acquired more clients than me
and he/she receives a bonus trip to Hawaii in return, I would not be upset about it and hold a
grudge. Nonetheless, I will still be upset because it would be nice to visit Hawaii for free but
instead, I will figure out ways on how to be a better sales person. Another least uncharacteristic
of me is that, “I can lie effectively. I can maintain a poker face when I am not telling the
truth.” I despise liars because bad situations can turn around as fast as one can tell a lie.
Although, everyone lies of some sort, lying is not the best approach in forming a genuine
business relationship.

According to Harold Kelley, two dilemmas exist between negotiators. The first one is the
dilemma of honesty (concerns how much of the truth to tell the other party) and the second is
the dilemma of trust (how much should negotiators believe what the other party tells them.)
This brings us to the role play assignment, “The Used Car Exercise.” According to the
instructions for this assignment, both negotiating parties are supposed to plan and prepare the
strategies for a distributive negotiation by setting target prices and resistance points. During
the car price negation, I set my target price for the Jetta at $7700 in which I initially offered my
seller $8000 for it. Since there are two types of interdependent situations, I decided to use the
distributive bargaining first to find out the type of person the seller is because I wanted to be
competitive. Instead, it almost became destructive on both sides. My goal became a direct
conflict to the seller’s goal because she thought my offer was irrational and foolish. While I gave
the seller more information than I should have by telling her that I needed the car as soon as
possible because my car was stolen and wrecked, she used it as an advantage to offer me her
initial price of $9000. It was a complex amount and I knew I had to raise my initial offer.

My resistance point for the car was $8400, but I didn’t offer it to her just yet. She
explained to me that if she would trade her car in to the dealership that she would receive
more money for the car, but it would also be nice to have the money right away. Therefore, I
turned the negotiating bargaining into the integrative negotiation to find a solution that would
work for the both of us. So, I raised my initial price to $8200 hoping that she would take it if
there were conditions included such as I would take the car as is. She then asked her husband if
$8200 was a reasonable price for it. Unfortunately, he refused as well. All I can think about was
the vacation I planned with my friends and how it would be nice to go because it was long
overdue. On the other hand, I needed a car as soon as possible to travel back and forth to work
to make a living. I thought to myself that if I don’t raise my offer soon, the seller would walk
and that was something I could not afford because the mileage is good and it would save me
more gas than the Jeep Liberty. As a result, we both approached into an agreement of $8400
for the car, my bottom line. I was very happy with the result because at that point, I knew I was
still able to go on my vacation with $1000 to spend and an efficient car to drive to back and
forth to work.

I believe that I received a great deal by using the integrative negotiation because we
both won something in the end. She received cash for it and I would get the inspection done
and pay for it before I pay her. Also, we agreed that if there was anything wrong with the car,
the cost to fix it will be deducted from the dealership trade-in price. She mentioned that she
understood the meaning of “needing a transportation” just to make a living and she wanted to
know that her car is being taken care of by someone like me even though that the dealership
would have given her more. She also said to keep her number just in case if I had any concerns
about the car.

Our next assignment given was “The Trust Scale.” It was about the level of trust and
distrust in another person before or after a negotiation. I conducted this assignment using my
best friend for 17 years. However, before doing the trust scale assignment, I infrequently
thought about our trust for each other because she and I knew we can trust each other, just

because we can. I never factored anything else but how we both valued our friendship. My
scores are as follows: Calculus Based Trust Items (38), Calculus-Based Distrust Items (29),
Identification-Based Trust Items (40), and Identification-Based Distrust Items (12).

I scored high on both Calculus-based trust and Identification-based trust because both
our relationship has always been that way. For example, if she promised my me or my kids
something such as a Tori Burch purse for me or a game console for the kids, or just simply
coming to hang out and having a barbeque, she would come down and visit. My best friend has
always been there for me and vice versa. We would do anything for each other in any way we
can. I moved to Pennsylvania five years ago from New York and it was really hard for her and I
to see each other because she didn’t know how to drive and always relied on her fiancé to take
her to places. Since her fiancé’s car was always breaking down and would barely make to my
house, she spent all of her savings into buying a car that was practically new and had a very low
mileage for a reasonable price. Thus, she is able to see me and my kids anytime she would like
as long as her fiancé is not working the weekend.

Consequently, my scores for the Calculus-Based Distrust and Identification-Based

Distrust items were low because our relationship was never that way. For example, my best
friend and I have two groups of friends that we both enjoy having their company, but we can’t
enjoy both at the same time. The reason for this is that each group has perceived “having fun”
differently and each has cognitive biases. The first group is individuals with qualities of
overconfidence. They tend to believe that every time we go out, they tend to only have one
option or place to go to and try to enjoy ourselves. They believe that nothing will ever go wrong
whenever we go out and most of the time, they are wrong and we always end up going to
Manhattan just walking around instead of sitting in a nice lounge enjoying a nice drink.
Whereas the second group, always has at least two options for us to choose from just in case
one doesn’t work out for any reason and they are fun almost all the time.

The relationships my best friend and I have with the two groups are different. We have
a common ground and we both trust each other. On the other hand, our friendship with the
other groups consists of trust and distrust. Similarly, in negotiation, it is critical to earn/have
the other party’s trust. Being trustworthy allows us to initiate the negotiation process. If for
any reason we believed that we could not trust one or the other, then why would we want to
move forward with a deal? Essentially, trust makes it possible for both parties to build the
credibility to move forward with the deals by assuring each other that the commitments and
promises are met. Thus, it makes the negotiation more effective and saves time in constructing
the agreement.

On the SINS II Scale assignment, the students were asked to fill out a questionnaire and
inquire about the general disposition toward ethical issues in negotiation. The assignment
included seven factors that were used to determine the questionable tactics. They were: 1.
Traditional Competitive Bargaining 2.Inappropriate Information Gathering 3.Attacking
Opponent’s Network 4.Strategic Misrepresentation of Positive Emotion 5.False Promises
6.Strategic Misrepresentation of Negative Emotion 7.Misrepresentation. By answering the
questions to the exercise, it lead me to think about the questionable ethical concerns that I
would encounter in the present and in the future.

Ethics can be defined as the morality of the choices an individual makes whether it’s
right or wrong. An ethical decision is one that is “right” according to some standards of
behavior. In business, it is the application of moral standards to business situations such as the
discussion about Belfort and the rating of the SINS II Scale. On a normal scale of 5.50 in the
Traditional Competitive Bargaining, I scored a 6. Making a higher demand for what you really
expect in return or giving a false impression to close an agreement is part of the negotiation
process. For example, when offering a deal such as selling a house and I was the seller, I would
initially ask for a higher price from the buyer than what the house would normally sell for to
receive a larger profit and then lower the price as the negotiation proceeds to give the
impression to the buyers that they are receiving a good deal. If I was the buyer, then I would

first do my research on the houses around the neighborhood that are for sale and find out the
average of the price they are selling for. In this situation, it’s not unethical to offer a higher
price when the buyer merely wants a higher profit.

The second and third factor is the Inappropriate Information Gathering and Attacking
Opponent’s Network, respectively and I scored a one on both. The statements given on this
part of the exercise are inappropriate and unethical. I would not offer money to any individual
or get my friends involved with trying to acquire information about the other person including
attempting to get my opponent fired just to gain the upper hand. This is not a practical tactic I
would be using if I’m trying to be an honest negotiator and expect my clients or customers to
believe in me by gaining their trust. For example, in the business of the media, a reporter from
the media company would offer money for a picture or information gathered by a person who
was nearby big stars if it’s a story that the viewers or readers would be interested in knowing
such as Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, Michael Jackson, or Lindsay Lohan are just to name a few.

The fourth and the fifth factor is the Strategic Misrepresentation of Positive Emotion
and False Promises and I scored a four and one, respectively. The statements given on this part
of the exercise are somewhat questionable ethical behavior. For example, I gave a four
(somewhat appropriate) to the statements given on numbers 2, 7, and 17, because they are
more in the range of a personal impression given by a negotiator just to keep a mutual
relationship with their clients or customers. Sometimes, a negotiator can’t get too emotionally
involved with the clients because a good negotiator would concentrate on the cognitive and
rational characteristics of the bargaining process. It’s understandable that a negotiator would
express emotions because it’s part of the human experience; but it can also blur the purpose of
the negotiation if you get too emotionally involved. On the contrary, I scored (not at all
appropriate) on the statements given on items 1, 14, and 24 because I believe that promising
your clients something you cannot meet is unethical and illegal. This also results in the dilemma
of trust because it involves in manipulating the information given to the client by involving
dishonesty. For example, in the Angel discussion about Jordan Belfort, his unethical business

relationships with his clients lead him to be sentenced in jail. His company inflated the price of
the stocks on Stratton Oakmont resulting in earning a dramatic profit while his clients entrusted
him with their money and blinding his ethical sighting of doing an honest business.

The last two factors on the assignment are Strategic Misrepresentation of Negative
Emotion and Misrepresentation. I scored higher (5.2) than average (4.82) on the Strategic
Misrepresentation of Negative Emotion because I believe that it’s a common strategy used by
negotiators to make a false impression on how they really feel in order for the other party to
give in or manipulate the other party into giving in to the deal. Such actions are not unethical
but instead it lies on the questionable action, “Is it all right to use ethically ambiguous tactics?”
It’s not falsifying any information but instead, it’s a negotiating strategy. Lastly, I scored lower
(1.8) than the average (3.02) on the factor Misrepresentation, because a good negotiator
would not intentionally lie about the information given to the other party to progress the
negotiations. Again, an example of this is the Belfort scheme. He intentionally lied to his clients
so he can quickly get rich.

These are some of the tactics used by negotiators and are questionable according to the
aspects of being ethical and unethical in the business world today and the one I will be entering
in the future. It is essential for negotiators to be mindful of the tactics used by itself or the
other party because it influences different types of responses and raises questions on how
appropriate the negotiation tactics are used. Understanding the difference between what is
acceptable and what is not, negotiators can perceive on what establishes an ethical decision or
unethical in a negotiation process.

On Week 4, we were given another role play assignment called Salary Negotiations. It’s
about a negotiation that consists of a manager and a young and inexperienced subordinate who
had been given the position of a Credit Manager at a moment of crisis since the previous Credit
Manager moved on. I played the subordinate, who is asking for a raise, and Bryanna Kehrli
played the manager. The beginning of the salary negotiation started at the annual office party

with me talking about how nice the party was and that the employees are very happy and
thankful with their bonuses including the plans they had with it. Then, I asked if I may speak
with her after the party in her office or if she was busy, should I make an appointment with her
secretary because I didn’t feel it was the right time to talk about a raise especially at an
employee gathering. She responded by telling me that if it’s very important, then we can talk
about now. At that point, she made me feel very uncomfortable since it wasn’t very
professional of her to respond that way even though she had a higher position. I responded by
telling her that it is important but I would rather talk about it privately and she agreed to speak
after the party in her office.

After an hour had passed since the party had finished, I realized she either forgot that I
needed to speak with her or she was trying to avoid me. Therefore, I knocked before entering
her office and she gave me a look as if I was disturbing her. I politely asked if she had a few
minutes to discuss about the salary I currently had and she responded by telling me, “Ahhh,
that’s what was so important.” I still politely answered her, “Yes, it is.” I also explained to her
that my age should not matter in regards to my salary because that’s considered discrimination
in the Employee’s Equal Opportunity manual. I also mentioned that if I didn’t deserve the job,
then it would have never been offered to me. Obviously, she gave me this position because
thought I had potential, in which I have proven so and I explained to her that I’m very thankful
for the opportunity but I would like to receive a reasonable salary based on my performance
and not my age. Even though I just accepted a $3,500 raise, I explained that I believe I deserve
more since the other managers earn $12,000 - $15,000 more per year. She responded with,
“Hmmm. Let me see what I can do.” I felt as if she was not going to give me what I deserve so I
threatened her by saying, “I have a job offer at another company and they offered me $60,000
as a starting salary and a $3,000 raise every year with better benefits. Please let me know by
the end of this week, otherwise, I would have to move on. Thank you for your time.” I shook
her hand and as I was walking out of her office, I felt my sweaty palms and my life go down the
drain because I didn’t know if she was going to take me seriously or take it as a bluff. Right
before I reached the doorway from her office, she called me back and said, “Okay, you’re right

and you deserve a reasonable raise because you have proven to our company that you’re
reliable, loyal and efficient. I will give you an $8,000 raise this year instead of $3,500 and a
$2,800 raise every year.” I felt like the happiest person on earth and wanted to jump up and
dance but I kept my serious face and I agreed to her proposal. Since then, her and I have a
better relationship and are able to communicate and work comfortably with each other.

I’ve had this experience in my previous job in which I was not being paid the salary I was
promised and deserved. Therefore, I spoke up after three months because every time I tried to
bring up the subject of a “raise”, it would always be pushed back or ignored. After speaking
about it, I successfully received my raise and became a happier employee working for their
company. Sometimes, expressing positive feelings or creating a positive attitude towards your
manager in response to a declined request does not constitute the negotiation process.
Instead, one must use the distributive bargaining strategy to accomplish the goal or purpose of
the negotiation.

Lastly, on Week 5, the assignment given to us was to complete the Communication

Competence Scale. According to the assignment, it was designed to help us diagnose our level
of communication competence. There are five key components in reference to our scores.
They are: 1.Planning Cognitions (Score of 20) 2.Reflection Cognitions (Score of 19) 3.Presence
Cognitions (Score of 18) 4.Consequence Conditions (Score of 16) 5.Modeling Cognitions (Score
of 17). My two highest scores were in Planning Cognitions and Reflection Cognitions.
According to the research results mentioned on the guide in this assignment, my interaction
involvement is related to attentiveness. It is said to be related to the effectiveness in face-
work and face-waving while having the ability to observe the other and how the other is
responding to self. In other words, I tend to think about what I’m going to say or talk about
before entering a conversation with others. For example, before entering my daily meetings
with the Leadership Team of the company I work for, I always list my questions/arguments I
may have and the supporting details in my notes. By doing so, I can prepare myself before I
speak. My second highest scores are on the Presence Cognition and Modeling Cognitions. In

reference to the scale, my communication competence is related to self-monitoring because of
my ability to modify self-presentation and my sensitivity to others. I believe that it’s always a
good practice to know when and how the others may react to what you’re saying. During my
initial meeting with my subordinates, I always watch the reaction they give me when I assign
their duties because sometimes, that’s how it helps me to know who is happy and unhappy
with their duties for that day. It also helps me design the duties for the next day based on their
feedbacks at the end of the shift on how much they accomplished with the assigned duties.
Finally, my lowest score was on the Consequence Conditions. I generally think about the
consequences of what I say or have said especially if I have offended someone during a
conversation or a meeting. For example, while I was speaking with an associate, another
associate who asked about her points accrued for missing work and punching in late from lunch
break abruptly interrupted my conversation. Therefore, I just ignored her as if she didn’t say
anything at all and I began to think about what I was going to say and how I should react to her
rudeness without losing my job. I also watched her impatient body language from the corner of
my eye after ignoring her question and realized that I’d better close my current conversation
before she interrupts me again.

To conclude, completing the assignments given to the class has made me realize there
are multiple ways and different tactics to use during the negotiation process and how it reflects
on me as the negotiator as well as to others. Beginning with the Personal Bargaining Inventory
Questionnaire, I learned about my personal beliefs and values on how I should negotiate. Next,
was the role play of the Used Car Exercise. This exercise helped me define the most effective
negotiation technique when buying a used car. I learned how to use the distributive bargaining
tactic and close the deal using the integrative bargaining. On the assignment, The Trust Scale,
it didn’t dawn to me to think about how trust between my best friend and I ultimately affected
us in the most positive ways throughout the years. It is very important to gain the trust of each
party including yourself during the negotiation process because without trust, then how will
they or you believe anything that is said. This leads to the SINS II Scale assignment in which
being ethical can help your business relationship by doing the right thing and making the right

decisions. It also helped me with the Salary Negotiation Process because even though I knew
she was playing hard ball, I expressed professionalism during the negotiation because if I
didn’t, then I was never going to obtain the salary I deserve even though I offered a bluff.
Lastly, the Communication Competence Scale helped me to think about how, what, and when
to speak by observing the people I encounter and be concerned about the reactions I may
receive. In the beginning of the class, we were asked, “What do I expect from this class?” I
believe that learning the terms/concepts and doing the assignments have given me the
opportunity to become an exceptional negotiator today and in the future of my business


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