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2) ALL NEW MYSTERY ae ADVENTURES of a 1S JUST LIKE » :R ONE SON PEARLY GATES |S no MAKE RECKLESS OPEN, BOSS...CUZ JUMP FOR JET- iT Looks cis PROPELLED MURDER | WE'S GONNA ZOOM & SUSPECT -- WHEN RicHr $AROLGA TEM! Come on, Buddy, Quit being A BAG-of-BONES Weakling like | was: SC ewe rode O°] TCV (2/1 gained 25 Terrific LBS. of HANDSOME ' i« POWER-PACKED MUSCLES all over! T improved my HE-MAN LOOKS 1000% T won NEW STRENGTH (isin soins: T won NEW POPULARITY Werth siatet Sts Coe en nea) Ce muon ett RE "YOU CAN a2iG SiveR cu ull,” says Nellie. Mimean ithe ont ‘of 32/00 Ib, car He amazes hs friends!” ‘COME ON, PAL, NOW YOU give me () PLERSan nurs. on TN YOUR 0} and I'l give YOU ANEW. or your OLD SKELETON FRAME F He Mailed Coupon Below is Cleveland He Mailed Coupon NOE! dort care now skinny or tabby ane YO a! aNs YO OYER Dy the recut sieeent ote tea Min cont 1s for you mnt | er MARY THOUSANDS ot shinny felons Develop YOUR 520 MUSCLES Gain Pounds INGHES FAST! A YESH mones 3 manny cuEsT Yur BACK and SHoULOERS thin SiS, POnER, GED. oul bu A pj en vo Evervénne you tacle aye hin Herman i ionn Cuckue ES 2. MUSCLE METER Dept, CH.S3, of STRONG MEN SILVER fis Mail Coupon in Time for FREE offer and PRIZES! etion, Charlton iiaiees erty fut often at Dh ‘MOST UNFORTUNATE! HO-LIN KNEW NAME OF MUROERER=-- || SHOULD HAVE REVEALED INFORMATION POP! WH-WHAT HAPPENED TO HIME [SOUTHWEST OF THE PHILLIPINES LIES THE MALAY ARCHIPELIGO, ISLANDS OF | | KELA,A SERPENT STRIKES!| ALL SIZES NESTLE LIKE GREEN. AND THE NEWS FLASHES EDENS ON THE BLUE SEA. BUT } | ACROSS THE WIDE PACIFIC EVERY EDEN HAS--I7S SERPENT. TO THE CONTINENT OF Fy AUSTRALIA--- ON THE TINY ISLAND OF HAVE 70. | MANI--BUT TWN 8 eee HOUR AFTER _ et UM CY Naa aD _ Sener fawicns Fast Growing Industry tee You Good Pay—Bright Laan ATER SECURITY. NET | TRAINED [agg La » ee eerie of the better things of life © Start Soon to Make *10, $15 a Week Extra Fixing Sets Keep your job while ur mene: SESS GS se cto Sadun ball ce with parts I send helps you make cbrisins, egscees, Government, Aviation, cae at be af #10, #15 0 week extrw xin Esler Tro. Way Radio Cormunicetions for D. When job: carce, the trained man enjoys {eleven,Mekina Good Jobs, Prosoerity —Even win, He Sta ete er ERT nao Kas ‘ee aos spent Spe cae wile training. Many start age important and 707g nou Skillenity as parts ene Spake tnie sewing : ye sen "Sun testing eg cguinncnt on oes EA Sette "Ser learn from lessons. ow fo get snore of the good shinus of Tike, Metal ha BOING’ Yo ae are ft bli wany eats woth. Manny {fates at, Vou put one conn Lae Dep leaty Wanna Oe. You Learn by Practicing * B Sadeec une Pa t 1] Si Radio-TVY Needs Men of Action—Mail ETS ESO MG toe rm oe rt hn Me Fy igek Sunes gol oh ppartaties for you many fee ? eoamen to Radio and Television. As mmuni- nike more Gan total cost ig Coupa ilig book showing other sgulbent apa bul Tes Si a Me Eo VETSiaber or i mv ped: with rage. “He's getting away! You don’t fool me! You're just scared! There's nothing wrong with your brakes — Look!” Ahead, the other cycle had almost reached the roadblock, Then, suddenly, it swerved. 11 hit the ditch ot the side of the road, and passed the roadblock.” “He's passing the block! He'll get away!” Number One Son was yelling now. “And we're going straight for the roadblock! You an stop acting now! ‘You and your brakes. Jam ’em! Sam —" Charlie Chan: gripped his hat brim — and closed his eyes. Because a miracle was hap- pening. Birmingham — Birmingham, of all people — was playing hero. The chauHeur had closed his eyes, too — and was driving straight at the road block, Crash! The cycle-hit. Timber flew like match- sticks — but Birmingham was not yet done, Aliead, the culprit’s cycle was just coming back ‘onto the road, Birmingham bore down on him — and circling the roadblock had cost the killer a precious few seconds. Wham! This time, no timber flew. Instead, two cycles flew. Two cycles — and four men, ‘one of whom, landed head first in the ditch, ‘and came awake to find a State Patrolman busily snapping a pair of steel bracelets on his wrists, This was one slayer who would kill no more, ¢ The excitement was over. But above, on the road, @ much battered Chan and Son were. painfully picking themselves off the pavement. Nearby, Birmingham sot on the ground, hold- ing his head. irmingham, are you al right?" Chan was the first to reach the chauffeur. But Birmingham was okay. He nodded, unable. to speak, And suddenly, Number One Son thrust out a hand..“Birmingham, 1 owe you an ‘apology. And | thought you were a coward. Brother! I'd never have had the nerve to hit that roadblock like you did. 1 don’t mind tell- ing you, | was scared when | yelled for you to jam on your brakes and you kept going.” “Jam on — my brakes?” Birmingham shook his head. “Oh, me, oh, my. 1s that what you said?" “Why, sure.” Number One Son squinted- suspiciously. “Wait a minuie. You are a hero, aren't you? You did run into that roadblock ‘on purpose, didn’t you? Isn't, that why you didn't listen when 1 told you to jam on your brakes? When I hollered — jam ‘em?" But Birmingham was no longer listening. He was collapsing, slowly, His voice emerged in @ faint whisper just before he went out come pletely. “Jam <= ‘em? | thought yeu said <= ram him,’ + SBME YOUNG HUSBAND ESCAPED WITH MINOR, IN= JUPIES, BUT HIS LOVELY YOUNG WIFE WAS NO AFTER FIFTEEN YEARS OF FRUITLESS SEARCHING, THE TERA MEW THAT IF THE WOMAN WEDE ALE, 1"! HEARD OF JERRY'S SUCCESS IN ! PROMI FEBRUARY 6, 1956, GILL DENNIS, iE MANAGER. OF THE MENTER, BANK IN COLORADO, GLANCED ‘OUT OF THE WINDOW AND SAW A MAN STARING INSIDE ! HE THOUGHT NOTHING OF IT UNTIL AREW MINUTES LATER... ta WORKING WITH INCREDIBLE SPEED, THE BANDIT FILLED A BRIEFCASE WITH SMALL BILLS... Zhe POLICE CHECKED THE FINGEBPBINTS THE ROBRER LEFT WITH THEIR FILES, UT EVIDENTLY THIS WAS RELUCTANTLY THEY CALL- ED THE CASE. UNSOLVED ! Qs. FEBRUARY 6, 1946, EXACTLY TEN YEARS (THIN TWO MINUTES THE POLICE CATER, BILL DENNIS GLANCED UP FROM HIS | | AT THE SCENE! THE BANDIT ACTED WORK AND SAW THE SAME BANDIT STARING IN AT HIM! ME COULDN'T MISTAKE THAT FACE ! QUICKLY HE CALLED THE POLICE, HOPING THEVD GET THERE BEFORE THE eR THIEF COULD REPEAT HIS CRIME ! “coninve Phoreer Innocent u PATROLMAN CON+ 7ie DEAD MAN WAS IDENTIFIED AS GEORGE NORTON, A HIGHLY RESPECTED BUSINESS MAN OF A NEARBY City | THE POLICE WERE BEGINNING TO SUSPECT THAT THE MANAGER HAD GEEN MISTAKEN ABOUT THIS MAN BEING THE ORIGINAL THIEF WHEN THEY FOUND THIS NOTE IN. THE MAN'S POCKET A 4/5 OWN CONSCIENCE. | ere ee S| MORE PROVED THAT CRIME OOESW'T PAY! ALL DIFFERENT —FROM EVERY CORNER OF THE GLOBE! re ais " Start NOW to Enjoy The Hobby of Presidents and Kings with These 100 Colorful Stamps! ‘OURS FREE-100 fascinat- ing stamps from all over the garth! Each stamp is different Bach worth real been carefully Paper. The Totel Pr ard Catalog~is guaranteed to be ‘AT LEAST $2.00 — yet, they are YOURS FREE! ‘And that’s not all! These 100! ‘stamps have NOT been sorted out 85 tovalue...90 there’s no telling, what valuable stamps you may find among them! ig opens tip new worlds of fun and adventure to you. Practically everything that ‘exists upon, above, and below the ‘earth, sea, and sky is represented in, one stamp or another. Air- plancs, sun, moon, and stars. Ietes, Kings, and Explocers! Yes, the whole world and its won- ders are waiting for youon these fascinating little things we- call stamps. No wonder so many suc- cessful people— presidents, Kings, movie stars—collect stamps! And now you can get started on this wonderful hobby with 100 exciting and colorful stamps from every corner of the world— ALL yours ABSOLUTELY FREE! MAIL COUPON NOW! ‘Mail coupon AT ONCE to get the 100 DIFFERENT STAMPS froin all over the world PLUS the fa. pious BERLIN BEAR STAMP — ERER. Weill olen include 9 FREE copy of our “How to Collect Stamps” ‘how to trade them, know. thei Value, ote.~plus other interesting of- fers for your inspection. But hurry! ‘The supply is lim. ited. And this offer [Howto Up lice hot cakes So | COUT Sramrs Push coupon — with | =~ 108 in postage obelp handling RIGHT AWAY. “Tf coupon end mall 10" direct to: LITTLETON STAMP CO., Dept 540C Littleton, NA Also FREE! ‘if You Act At Once! PRIZED BERLIN rr-ingoe BEAR STAMP! amaut Red Russian Bear 3" how" aoe _LITILETON stamP co. Dept $4.00 Litton, N. H. “Plena send me-FREE~100 DIFFER, ENT STAMPS from all over the world, PLUS the famous BERLIN BEAR lect Stampa” Tenclore 10% to help cover actual postage and handling costs. Name (Riese PRINT) i ta eta ree ee ste eS ae a SUM be That Turned a CHUMP ““* CHAMP (MAKE IT RING,TOO} T™! THETFAIRY, LOOK JOE, LET'S (AW, COME ON \[ Hey, SUGAR. WHY 2 (SEE HERE, \[You'LL wHAT— (OH, JOE, WHEN SEE IFYOUCAN £) LET'S SEE_4| DON'T YOU QUIT THAT)/YOU BETTER |>you pooR CHUMB)) ARE YOU GOING REST OF || HUMAN SKELETON /\ SHUT UP ‘TO GROW UP AND ‘ano cera tEAM ue REAL MAN) DOGGONE! I'M FED UP WITH BEING A WEAKLING=I’LL GET CHARLES ATLAS’S FREE et ‘AND FIND OUT WHAT GOLLY, ATLAS BUILDS muscies FAST/ Just WATCH My SMOKE NOW / JOE, YOU'RE WONDERFUL 1 Can Make You a New Man, Too in Only 15 Minutes a Day! FIAYE, YOU ver, fet ike Joe—abso ker fellows “push you around"? Ti you fave, then give me just 15: minutes « PLL PROVE you ean hvera body Blooded wieiftyt "Pest AR Penwerid's Mon Periectly Tension” Does It! namic Tension” only 15 min: tes a day, {the privacy of Your owe oom, you duickly begin to put on muscle, "aia your acs’ acd legs. This NATURAL ‘eshod will meke You 'fner specimen of REAL. MANHOOD ‘OUT OF THE mi Ree WAY SMALL-FRY,)) MORE THAN ‘RTHAT=YOU'RE A | [MAREANRY FOB E-MAN now/] actual photo ot the Than who holds the file, “The World's ‘Most Pertectly De ‘eloped Man” Sipser fer 20 ig they almost spit Your coat seamed of sd tomech You're «New Mant 8". 8 (pec eeG psc oceans, My 32-Page strated Book | ENARLES ATIAS, Dopt_ 325-0 FR noe a BTREE | TB ast 23rd 8h, New York 10, nx. seteeNOW. tee 1) te int your en ot yaa y, famous, 1 wil Rely maton New Man at'mee | 1 Sevelopment. Ben 1 cin'dey anowtr Wal questions Book | lasting Health end 1 Soe ian | 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 I Bie Bons ! ' 1S fost 3rd St, ! 1 ‘We vill send you the wonderful prizes pictured on this page «+ You'can secure big caah comminions ot many eeeting Brizes for selling just one set of 24 Mottos. Write to- Shy for Mig Pras caliog went Co you PEE Pi ors’oe cs GODFREY PLATER aieraue on Treewnnen WME HPPER femberehipcardcerucate, code gant mck offen materiale ‘The FUNman, Dept. ¥-109, 5726 N. Broadway, Chicago 40, I STREET or RFD. TOWN...

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