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MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

Moving Mirrors and Black Hole Radiation†

Ademola Adeifeoba‡
Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Heidelberg, Germany.


Abstract: The 1 + 1 moving mirror

model is of particular interest, as it
extracts essential thermodynamical fea-
tures of Hawking radiation. In these
notes, I review some of the earlier devel-
opments of the model. My approach is to
focus on the conceptual rather than the
proceeding computations.

Contents 5 1+1 Moving Mirror Model 8

6 Backreaction on Moving Mirror 12

1 Introduction 2

2 Unruh-DeWitt Particle Detector 3 7 Moving Mirror Entropy 13

3 Cosmological Particle Creation 5 8 Moving Mirror & the 2nd Law 14

4 The Four Laws of Black hole Mechanics 7 9 Discussion 15

Report submitted in partial satisfaction of MEVSEM ’16

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

1 Introduction light – can escape from inside it. However, Black

holes can also be eternal [2]. They could be thought
The 1960’s - 80’s witnessed a period of rapid devel- of as black holes that forever exist, rather than being
opment in physics, including new understanding in formed from collapse of some matter. This spheri-
Black hole physics. Although, it is hard to say who cal symmetric solution of the Einstein vacuum field
suggested the name ‘Black Hole’, but 1964 was the equation involves no matter collapse at all, rather,
first recorded use of the term by a science journalist, the event horizon has an unchanging feature of space-
Ann Ewing[1], who reported an ealier AAAS meet- time – it is eternal - thereby leading to some strange
ing, where the term was suggested. As of that time, consequences such as White holes. Although the ge-
Einstein’s General Relativity (GR) was in full scale ometry of an eternal black hole is identical to that of
- the law of gravity is fully encoded in the Einstein the vacuum region outside an imploding object, the
field equation, topology is however different. While it is not known
1 whether there exist in the universe any eternal black
Rµν − gµν R − Λgµν = 8πGTµν . (1) hole, or whether all black holes form from collaps-
ing stars, the no-hair theorem essentially requires all
The Einstein’s GR also encodes the Copernican Prin- black holes be characterized by only three observable
ciple, which basically assumes that, there should be classical parameters, the mass (M ), electric charge
no “special” observer in the universe. This Assump- (Q), and angular momentum (J), so that, for most
tion of Mediocrity suggests the ordinariness of our general type of stationary black hole, the area of the
place in the universe, that, when applied to the horizon is given in plank unit as
large scale structure of the Universe, the Universe is
isotropic and homogeneous. Imposing on the metric
A = 4π rh2 + 2 , (3)
to describe a static spherically symmetric spacetime, M
Schwarzschild solution,
   −1 and it lies at a fixed radial coordinate,
2 2M 2 2M 2 2 2
ds = 1− dt − 1 − dr − r dΩ , r
r r J2
(2) r := rh = M + M 2 − Q2 − . (4)
became the first modern solution of GR that would
characterize a quiescent star. Moreover, developments in quantum theory had
GR allows for sufficiently massive collapsing ob- risen to an appreciable level of understanding, that
ject to ultimately undergo continual gravitational a considerable good deal of ideas was known about
collapse under some general conditions. This results gravitational collapse up to curvature singularity of
in the formation of gravitational singularity, a region a spherically symmetric body, however, generalized
where the energy density of the collapsing matter, as understanding of collapse was almost completely un-
well as the spacetime curvature diverge. Indeed, the known. At least, in the late 60s, Kerr solutions[3],
two singularities in the Schwarzschild metric (2) re- had been known to have an electromagnetic and coso-
veals the true features of a Black hole of mass M. logical generalizations up to asymptotically flat so-
While the singularity at r = 0 is an intrinsic singu- lutions of the Einstein-Maxwell vacuum field equa-
larity, r = 2M is no more real singularity as it is re- tions. Indeed, Carter[4] had derived equations of
movable by Eddington-Finkelstein coordinate trans- motion for charged particle moving in external fields
formation. We now know the nature at r = 2M , that of Kerr-type black holes, using Hamilton-Jacobi the-
everything inside it is trapped, and every trapped ory. This therefore led some to think further about
null and timelike worldline will inevitably encounter the nature of particles in strong gravitational field.
the singularity at r = 0. By this, a black hole is char- Following a realization by Beckenstein[5] that
acterized by a boundary at r = 2M , called the event black holes should posses a finite, non-zero temper-
horizon. Object or particle crossing it is doomed, ature and entropy, it was clear that there exists a
external observers are unaware of events behind the strong correspondence between classical thermody-
horizon. Black holes are therefore regions of space- namics and those of black holes. Classically, black
time with strong gravitational influence, that noth- holes have vanishing temperature and, by no–hair
ing – not even an electromagnetic radiation such as theorem, zero entropy. Thus, black hole would be

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

perfectly black, and the laws of black hole thermody- Indeed, in the simplicity of the model, it extracts
namics would be nothing but a mere analogy. How- essential thermodynamical features of Hawking radi-
ever, Hawking[6] showed from first principles in his ation. In fact, the mirror trajectory gives meaning to
fundamental paper, having recognized quantum me- the origin of the black hole geometry. Of important
chanical uncertainty principle, that black holes are is that, the geometry of this framework is void of
indeed not perfectly black. Indeed, Hawking argu- curvature unlike Kruskal and Rindler frame in the
ment suggests that, pair creation in the gravitational case of Hawking and Unruh respectively, thus, the
field of a black hole formed by a gravitational col- quantum fields rather propagate in a flat Minkowski
lapse leads to black hole evaporation. Black hole spacetime. Further, it is of note that the moving mir-
would exhibit a steady emission of particles to infin- ror model generated some controversies between the
ity. The emitted particles have a thermal spectrum nature of negative energy effect and black hole ther-
corresponding to an effective Hawking temperature modynamics -unrestricted energy will cause a serious
problem for physics. These made the simple moving

TH = , (5) mirror model gained some earlier attentions. In this
2πckB regard, we shall study at a very basic level, some of
for a Schwarzschild black hole, with surface gravity the earlier developments of this model.
c4 The outline of these notes is as follow. In the next
κ = 4GM characterizing the gravitational accelera-
tion experienced at the event horizon, as seen by ob- section, we shall build a simple Unruh-DeWitt par-
server from infinity. Constant kB is the Boltzmann’s ticle detector. This will provide us a response model
constant. In plank unit, TH = 2π κ
. to recognise the emergent of particle spectrum. The
In what follows immediately is the Fulling-Davies- notion of particle definition is crucial. Therefore,
Unruh effect [7], which predicts the detection of par- we shall discuss basic idea of cosmological particle
ticles in a Minkowski vacuum state by an observer creation briefly in section 3. Moving mirror model
or particle detector at rest in an accelerated Rindler brought about some important development and dis-
frame. The observer behaves as though it were cuss in thermodynamics. We shall need to lay key
placed in a thermal bath with temperature TU = 2π a
, elements of the laws of black hole thermodynaics in
where a is the magnitude of the proper accelera- section 4. Analysis of simple moving mirror model
tion in Plank unit. The shotcoming of Unruh ef- will follow smoothly in section 5, with more empha-
fect is that, energy required for acceleration by the sis on conceptual, rather than computational. In sec-
observer is exponentially large compared with the tion 6, we would like to know how backreaction effect
energy in detected particles, making it practically on the mirror could contribute. Usually, this effect
impossible. However indeed, it turns out that far is taken as negligible. The remaining sections will
away from the black hole (r  2M ), there exists focus on the moving mirror thermodynamics. We
a correspondence between observers in Rindler and shall first study the contruction of entropy in section
Schwarzschild spacetime for limiting identification 7 and later conclude in section 8 with a discussion
a = 4M1
. In this way, accelerated observers at a fixed on the issue of possible violation of the second law
distance r  2M from black hole detect thermal by negative energy effects.
spectrum of particles with temperature TH . Density
of the observed particle spectrum with energy E for
Hawking and Unruh effect therefore takes a similar
2 Unruh-DeWitt Particle Detector
   −1 In an attempt to extract localized information from
ρ(E) = exp −1 , (6) quantum fields, such as emergent particle creation in
T curved spacetime, the idea of particle detector was
with κ and a finding correspondence. introduced([7],[9]). In its original, the model is es-
In 1976, Davies and Fulling[8] discovered that an sentially the “particle in a box” detector, simplified
accelerating reflecting boundary – mirror – would such that only two energy levels, say level zero en-
radiate energy as a result of quantum vacuum dis- ergy state |0, E0 i , and exited energy state, |ψ, Ei,
turbance effect. By suitable choice of mirror trajec- are relevant. Basically, particle detector is a scalar
tory, the simple “moving mirror” model provides a quantum field on its own right, whose excitation is
very analogous features of black radiation scenarios. restricted to a cavity such that spatiotemporal infor-

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

mation is extracted. In summary, “a particle is what The transition probability for the field transiting
a particle detector detects”. into an arbritrary excited state |ψ, Ei is obtained
A modified and improved version due to DeWitt, by squaring the (11). The result is
couples a point like particle detector with a field
φ through its monopole moment µ. Towards con- P (E) = g 2 hE0 | µ(0) |Ei2 F(E − E0 ), (12)
tructing an effective particle detector model, one of
the questions to ask is the probability of detecting a where we define the particle detector response func-
particle if excitation do occur. This question is an- tion which encodes detector trajectory as,
swered within the framework of perturbation theory. Z ∞ Z ∞
While there has been approaches up to some higher F(E) = dτ dτ 0 ei(E−E0 )τ Λ2 W + (x(τ ), x(τ 0 )).
−∞ −∞
orders perturbation theory[10], a linear coupling is (13)
sufficient for our discuss. with
Given a path x(τ ) of an Unruh-DeWitt–type de-
tector through a curved spacetime, the path is W + (x(τ ), x(τ 0 )) := hψ| φ(x(τ ))φ(x(τ 0 )) |ψi (14)
parametrized by the detector’s proper time τ . Cou-
ple the detector with the field φ through interaction being the two-point Wightman correlation function.
Hamiltonian, It may be useful to notice that,

Hint = gµφ(x(τ )), (7) i the path of detector and the switch function Λ(τ )
are assumed to be sufficiently smooth.
where g is a small coupling constant. For this sys-
ii for an inertial particle detector, the argument of
tem, UV divergence arise as a result of the point-
the resulting δ-function factor in the transition
like nature of the detector when it is adiabatically
matrix is always greater than 0, hence, transi-
switched on or off. Gradual switching on and off can
tion amplitude vanishes. Indeed, such transition
be achieved by involking a switch function Λ(τ ) as
is forbidden by the requirement of energy con-
regulator. Λ = 0 therefore means the detector is de-
servation which must be implemented by the δ-
coupled from the field, and so, there exist no particle
function, an expected consequence of poincare
production. In this case, the Hamiltonian of the de-
invariance. Transition amplitude is on the other
tector field system of finite spatial profile p is given
hand non-vanishing for a complicated detector
Hint = gΛ(τ )µ(τ ) p (x(τ ), y) φ(y)dy. (8) Although, the Unruh-DeWitt detector is reasonably
IRn meaningful, however, particle interpretation crite-
The S-matrix element is, rion is not necessarily based on the use of particle
 Z ∞  detector only. Indeed, thermal bath can also be
identified through evaluation of expectation value
S = hE, ψ| exp −i dτ Hint |0, E0 i (9)
−∞ of energy-momentum tensor accordingly. We should
also state that, although, the simple detector model
through which, up to first order in perturbation the- was built for quantized scalar fields, nature indeed
ory, we can achieve the transition amplitude matrix, allows quantized spinor or vector fields. Infact, some
Z ∞ have built detector models for quantized spinor fields
iM = −ig hE, ψ| dτ Λµ(τ )φ(x(τ )) |0, E0 i . for investigating Unruh effect and Hawking radiation
(10) of Dirac particles [11]. We note that response func-
Noting the time evolution µ(τ ) = e iH 0 τ µ(0)e −iH 0 τ in tion beyond four-dimensional Minkowski spacetime

interaction picture, with H |0, E i = E |0, E i and was discussed by Hodgkinson et. al[12]
0 0 0 0
H0 |ψ, Ei = E |ψ, Ei, the transition matrix takes the
iM = −ig hE| µ(0) |E0 i dτ ei(E−E0 )τ Λ hψ| φ(x) |0i .

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

3 Cosmological Particle Creation We can read off the mode function of a free field
in flat space as vk = √1wk eiwk t , and cannonical com-
The journey to a consistent second quantization mutation relation is,
procedure[13] on a curved spacetime was one that (
came along with difficulty of particle interpretation. [φ(x, t), φ(y, t)]h = 0, i
The ambiguity of vacuum and its physical interpre- [ak , ak0 ] = 0, ak , a†k0 = (2π)3 δ 3 (k − k 0 ).
tation led to a more deeper understanding of black (21)
holes. In flat spacetime, the standard procedure is This is the second quantization, to distinguish the
to decompose a field into a combination of a com- quantization of operator φ in the Klein–Gordon equa-
plete set of eigenfunctions, and then quantize it. By tion from the old first quantization procedure of one–
extremizing the classical action for a massless hermi- particle Quantum mechanics,in which
tian scalar field φ(t, x),  φ was a wave-

function. Now, for each pair vk , ak , particle defini-
1 √
S[φ] = d4 x −gg µν ∂µ φ∂ν φ, (15) tion naturally applies as a global one because of the
2 global properties of the flat Minkowski space. That
φ(t, x) satisfies the Klein-Gordon equation, is, vk has an invariant meaning on the flat space
background, and completely specify the vacuum |0i
η µν ∇µ ∇ν φ = 0, (16) according as

whose mode expansion is given as ak |0i = 0 ∀ k. (22)

d3 k 1 h i Howbeit, this particle definition is not carried over
∗ †
φ(t, x) := √ a ϕ
k k + a k k ,
ϕ (17) into a general curved spacetime. The reason is that,
(2π)3 2
particle definition is done in reference to the un-
with ϕk = vk (t)e −ikx being the complete set of posi- derlying geometrical symmetries of spacetime. In-
tive frequency mode satisfying deed, according to wigner’s classification[15], parti-
( cles are nothing but irreducible representation of the
ϕ∗i , ϕ∗j = −δij

(ϕi , ϕj ) = δij ,
(18) poincare group, and so, there will be no killing vec-
ϕi , ϕ∗j = 0.

tors at all with which to define positive frequency
modes. Those symmetries are obviously enjoyed in
In 2D, the classical action (15) enjoys infinitesimal the Minkowski space, but lost in curved background.
conformal symmetry. The metric is invariant under In this case, the mode functions lacks invariant mean-

µν µν 2
g → g̃ = Ω (t, x)g . µν
(19) ing and thus, choice of the pair v k k , in curved
, a
spacetime, does not necessarily gaurantee particle
That this transformation is valid only in two dimen- creation. However, it turns out that particle produc-
sion is obvious by computation in D-dimension. In- tion is realizable as the changing background grav-
deed, ( √ itational field could be expected to create particles,
2 2 √
−g 7−→ Ω −g but the expansion of the universe which induce a dy-
µν 2 −1 µν namical gravitational field, leads to an unappreciable

g 7−→ Ω g ,
√ particle production[14]. Even a non-dynamical grav-
so that, dD x −gg µν ∂µ φ∂ν φ is invariant if and only itational field, if strong enough, produces particles

if D = 2. Conformal field theories in 2D are even out of the vacuum.

more special in that, the group of infinitesimal con- For either case, vacuum states resulting from a
formal transformation is infinite, that it allows us to certain isotropic frequency mode ϕi , can have parti-
solve the theory exactly and completely. We shall cle definition when considered in pair with another
exploit such transformation later, as it will make life choice of isotropic frequency mode χi with an as-
easier for us when dealing with the moving mirror sociated creation and annihilation operator (ãi , ㆠ).
problems. Indeed, all physical conclusion in 4D is The different mode functions being related by Bo-
inherited in 2D spacetime dimension. However, for golyubov transformation
now, we work in 4 spacetime dimension (t, x). Read- (
ers should note the notation x = ~x in this case for ϕ∗j (t) := αji χi (t) + βij χ∗i (t),
now. a∗j := αji ãi + βij ã∗i .

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

with the Bogolyubov coefficients and the respective Illustration I: In an asymptotically flat region
completeness relation given as of spacetime, accordingly, for each positive frequen-
( cies (ωk ) mode ϕk with respect to  the Minkowski
αij = (χi , ϕj ) , βij = − χi , ϕ∗j ,
(24) time coordinate, there exists a pair ak , a†k . Now,
|αij |2 − |βij |2 = 1. consider in figure 1, a description of a certain space-
time of an initially flat regions I, II, II’, followed by
The Bogolyubov transformation (23) shows that the
a region of curvature III, and then into a final flat re-
two Fock spaces based on the two choices of modes
gion IV. The causal relation between different points
ϕi and χi are different if and only if βij 6= 0. In fact,
in the flat spacetime regions is encoded in Penrose
the expectation value of the ϕi -mode particle num-
(ϕ) † diagram in figure 1b. The metric on the Penrose dia-
, Ni = ai ai , in the χi -mode vacuum
ber operator gram is conformal to the metric in our flat spacetime
state 0(χ) is given as according as (19). We shall however not use Penrose
E X diagram in our analysis, as the causal structure is
0(χ) Ni 0(χ) = |βij |2 . (25) clear enough from figure 1a.

Figure 1: Left:(a) Particle production in a region of flat spacetime dominated with curvature; Right:(b)
Penrose diagram of an infinite Minkowski universe, horizontal axis u, vertical axis v – Wikipedia.

The natural complete set of basis is are related by an appropriate choice of lorentz trans-
formation. Obviously, positive frequency modes
1 varies from frame to frame, thereby specifying dif-

sin (ωk x)e−iωk t , ∀ k ∈ I, II, II 0 ,
ferent vacuum and pair (ak , a†k ). With this, we can

ϕk := πω k
1 make the following deductions.

 sin ($k υ)e−i$k u , ∀ k ∈ IV ,
(26) i The spacetime region I is Minkowskian and the
with frequency ωk , $k ∈ [−∞, ∞]. (t, x) and (u, υ) quantum field resides in the vacuum state |0I i .

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

All inertial particle detectors register no parti- The Zeroth Law: The surface gravity κ is con-
cles, so that unaccelerated observers identify the stant over the horizon of a stationary black hole. If
quantum state with a physical vacuum |0I i . a proportionality between surface gravity of a black
hole and it’s temperature is assumed, this law is es-
ii The spacetime region III is still Minkowskian and
sentially an analogue of the Zeroth Law of classical
fields still live in the quantum state |0I i . How-
thermodynamics which requires the temperature be
ever, the initial vacuum |0I i, annihilated accord-
uniform everywhere in a system in thermal equilib-
ing as akI |0I i = 0, is no more regarded by iner-
tial observer as the the final vacuum |0III i, since
akIII |0I i 6= 0. Indeed, this is what is expected The First Law: To first order in perturbation of
in a dynamical gravitational field, causing the a stationary black hole, the variation in mass in the
creation of particle |0I i of the scalar field in re- vacuum case satisfies,
gion III dominated by vacuum definition |0III i.
Region III, dominated with curvature, can be re- δM = δA + ΩδJ + ΦδQ, (29)
garded as a region of “photon production”, since 8π
in that region, positive and negative frequencies where Ω is angular velocity, and Φ is electrostatic
are mixed. potential. These quantities are all defined locally on
We can further easily effect the propagation of these the horizon, but they are always constant over the
sets of eigenfunctions into other region of spacetime, horizon of a stationary black hole, just like the sur-
however, they are bound to loose their natural form face gravity κ. Analogously, we can identify this law
as we shall see for a moving mirror analogy. with the first law of classical thermodynamics, whose
statement is of energy conservation.

4 The Four Laws of Black hole The Second Law: The area A of the event horizon
Mechanics of a black hole is non-decreasing function of time.
That is,
Although the history of black hole thermodynamics δA
≥ 0. (30)
began with Bekenstein[5], the prehistory could be δt
traced way back to astronomers studying the condi- Further, two black holes of event horizon areas A1
tions for a spherically symmetric, self-gravitating ob- and A2 coalesce to form a black hole with event hori-
jects in the universe to be in hydrostatic equilibrium. zon area A3 , with
In fact, the classical thermodynamics is well known
to be rooted in non-gravitational physics. That its A3 > A 1 + A 2 . (31)
scope finds connection with processes involving black
The second law basically identifies the area of a black
holes scenario is of important relevance to physics.
hole horizon in correspondence to entropy. However,
While the fundamental thermodynamic relation,
  with matter loss due to Hawking radiation, thereby
2 1 4π 1 4 1 losing its entropy, this law in its original form violate
M = A+ J + Q + Q2 ,
16π A 4 2 the second law of thermodynamics. However, a more
featuring all information about the thermodynami- generalized second law has been established. Basi-
cal state of black hole matter had been given, a one– cally, the Bekenstein’s generalized second law[17] of
to–one correspondence between the laws of classical thermodynamics enforces that, the sum of the com-
thermodynamics and those of black hole thermody- bined intrinsic entropy of existing black holes, and
namics was later established[16]. It identifies the the thermodynamical entropy of all matter and radi-
temperature T with the surface gravity κ, and the ation fields in the exterior region of the black hole,
horizon area A with Bekenstein-Hawking entropy, is non-decreasing. That is,
1 δS :=
X (k)
δSBH + δSmatter + δSrad ≥ 0. (32)
SBH = kB A. (28)
4 k
We shall therefore outline the four laws of classi-
cal black hole mechanics which encodes the physical where SBH is the entropy (28) of the k-th black hole.
properties satisfied by black holes. Later with a moving mirror model, we shall look

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

more closely on an interesting issue regarding possi- such as the Rindler and Kruskal frame. If we think
ble violation of the second law by negative energy about the very flat Minkowski space, then, an imme-
effect. diate question is, what could be the simplest situa-
tion for a nontrivial modification of the minkowski
The Third Law: The surface gravity κ cannot be vacuum |0M i? An interesting approach to reach out
lowered to the absolute zero in any finite number of for such modification is the consideration of a flat
operations by any procedure, regardless of how well spacetime equipped with a sufficiently reflecting bar-
or idealized the procedure is constructed. That κ rier or mirror. Indeed, Davies and Fulling’s [8] sim-
cannot go to zero is analogous to the third law of ple 1 + 1 dimensional moving mirror model in flat
classical thermodynamics which requires that, the Minkowski space, provides a reminiscent of the black
entropy of a system at absolute zero is a well-defined hole scenario. Under reasonable conditions, such as
constant. suitable choice of mirror trajectory, moving mirrors
emulate most features of the black hole radiation.
5 1+1 Moving Mirror Model We shall now sketch a field-theoretic treatment of
this model.
As motivated in the previous sections, particle pro- In 2D, a barrier or moving mirror degenerates into
duction is possible in region of spacetime, dominated a single reflecting point in space, moving along a tra-
with curvature e.g. Unruh-Hawking particle produc- jectory, it’s worldline. In general, a moving mirror
tion. It is however desireable to seek for a mechanism worldline follows a trajectory,
through which particle production is possible with-
out dealing with geometries with high curvatures x = z(t), |ż(t)| < 1. (33)

Figure 2: Left:(a) Particle production by moving mirror, with vanishing scalar field φ at the boundary
x = z(t). Incoming Null rays reflected to the right of the mirror. Mirror motion at t > 0 induces
doppler shift suffered by incoming wave mode; Right:(b) Particle production in the late time
asymptote of a moving mirror traectory. – Davies and Fulling, ’77

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

We shall particularly consider a mirror trajectory Gω is completely determined at the in-region with a
which join smoothly onto a static trajectory z(t) = 0 general basis,
for region t < 0, and later consider the mirror trajec-
tory at a very late time asymptote, t → ∞, a region Gω (v) = − √ e−iωv . (40)
i2 πω
relevant for particle production. The very early time
behaviour of the mirror is irrelevant in particle pro- Fω has a similar form only for positive argument. To
duction. We shall quantize a massless scalar field obtain the general form, we subect ϕω to the bound-
φ(x, t), restricted to the right of the mirror. Basi- ary condition at a certain point (τu , z(τu )) on the
cally, we seek to quantize the scalar field, satisfying, mirror. We would have

 ∂φ − ∂φ = 0, x ≥ z(t), 0 = ϕω = Fω (z(τu ) − τu ) + Gω (z(τu ) + τu )
∂t ∂x (34)
 φ(t, z(t)) = 0.
. leading to
The wave equation is nothing but the Klein-Gordon 1
Fω (z(τu ) − τu ) = √ e−iω(z(τu )+τu ) . (41)
equation (16) in 2D, satisfying a reflecting boundary i2 πω
condition. All physics in four dimension are inher-
ited into two spacetime dimension. For our analysis, By recognising from the conformal transformation
we wish to construct null coordinate system (u, v), up to rescaling that, τu is determined implicitly by
or say a lightcone coordinate, which coincides with trajectory through
(t, x) throughout the whole region t ≤ x. τu − u := x =: z(τu ), (42)
This problem is most exploited by conformal invari-
ance enjoyed by the classical action. Indeed, under we can finally bring scalar field φ into a form
a conformal transformation
i  −iωv 
( ϕω = √ e − e−iω(2τu −u) . (43)
t − x = f (u − v), 4πω
t − x = g(u + v),
Let time τu be related by definition
the minkowski metric remain flat up to an overall
p(u) = 2τu − u. (44)
rescaling, i.e.

dt2 − dx2 = f 0 (u − v)g 0 (u + v)(du2 − dv 2 ). (36) We can realize that,

It is possible to choose f and g such that, v = 0 co- p(u) := τu + τu − u = τu + z(τu ) =: v.

incides with the mirror trajectory x = z(t), so that
Cconversely, we can achieve
problem (34) becomes,
 v = p(u) ⇔ u = f (v) with p = f −1 . (45)
 ∂φ − ∂φ = 0,
∂u ∂v (37) This results in the realization of two different repre-
 φ(u, 0) = 0.
sentations of mode ϕω solutions,
The exploitation of conformal symmetry implies  1  −iωv 
in −iωp(u)
that, minimally coupled massless scalar field in the
 ϕ ω = √ e − e ,
i2 πω 

1+1 Minkowski spacetime dimension is in fact confor- 1  (46)
 ϕout −iω 0 f (v) −iω 0 u

ω 0 = √ e − e ,
mally coupled. Also, the mirror trajectory becomes i2 πω 0
1 1 0
[g(u) − f (u)] = z [g(u) + f (u)] , (38) where ω and ω are related by doppler factor δ. The
2 2 two representations are related by Bogolyubov trans-
Solutions of (38) exist globally for mirror motions. formation (23). This realization has an immediate
We shall have an illustration where we consider such meaning. Functions f and p have a special feature in
solution at the very late time. The wave equation the following sense. An incident plane wave, e
(37) has a generalized positive mode solution , is reflected by the moving mirror to yield an out-
going wave of the form e−iωp(u) , and conversely, an
ϕω = Fω (v − u) + Gω (v + u) , ω > 0. (39) outgoing wave e−iω u from the right of the mirror,

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

when traced backward in time to the mirror becomes In this region, t ≤ 0, the mirror is static, z(t) = 0.
e−iω f (v) . The changing of the standard form of the By (42), τu − u = 0, and modes solution (43) reduce
incident modes into the conplicated form e−iωp(u) is to
as a result of a the doppler shift suffered by the in- ϕin e−iωv − e−iωu ,

ω = √ (48)
cident modes at the instant of reflection from the 4πω
moving mirror. Indeed, by noticing that the func- from which φ(t, x) can be deduced. Following
tion 2τu − u is unchanged all along the null ray Birrel[18], the computation of Wightman function
u = constant from the mirror surface to the right of (14) yields
the mirror, we can gain an immediate intuition that
W + (x(τ ), x(τ 0 )) = h0in | φ(x(τ ))φ(x(τ 0 )) |0in i
the distortion of the modes from its standard form
(u − u0 − i)(v − v 0 − i)
occurs very suddenly upon reflection. What does + 1
W = − ln (49)
this means physically? To find out, we shall need 4π (v − u0 − i)(u − v 0 − i)
to analyse the particle interpretation using Unruh- By subtituting of (49) in the response function (13)
DeWitt particle detector. for computation of transition probability (12), one
First, the solution to (34) for the fully contrained can verify that an inertial particle detector with tra-
scalar field φ by the boundary of the moving mirror jectory switched off outside the “in” region records
are no particle. Indeed, associated transition amplitude
 Z ∞ h i vanishes, with transition forbidden on energy conser-

 dω aω ϕin
ω + a †
ω (ϕ in ∗
ω ) , vation groud. The presence of the mirror does not
φ(t, x) = Z0 ∞ h i (47) excite the detector at the region t ≤ 0, hence, no

 dω ãω ϕout
ω + ã †
ω (ϕ out ∗
ω ) . particle production.

d k √1
with dω = (2π) 3 . Either of the solutions is applica- Region t > 0
ble depending on consideration of the incident null In this region, we shall ask same question probed at
ray. The ‘in’ solution is particularly for a null ray the region t ≤ 0. Key difference is that, the mirror
reflected to the right of the mirror, while the ‘out’ undergoes a period of acceleration. Since the mirror
solution is the converse of the ‘in’ solution. Second is not at rest, z(t) 6= 0, the field mode solution is the
quantization follows according as (21). full form (46), and we can therefore deduce φ(t, x)
accordingly. Computing the Wightman function for
Particle Interpretation this region,
We begin by recognising operators aω and a†ω as an- (p(u) − p(u0 ) − i)(v − v 0 − i)
W + = − ln (50)
nihilation and creation operators for which quanta 4π (v − p(u0 ) − i)(p(u) − v 0 − i)
are the familiar particles of the standard QFT, i.e.
where p(u) is define in (44). We can verify that, on
following (22). However, particle interpretation is
subtitution of the Wightman function (50) into (13),
restricted by our ealier definition of particles, which
a particle detector in general trajectory predicts a
requires that, “ a particle is what a particle detec-
non-zero response. This result is anticipated. In-
tor detects.” Such definition encodes a precision ob-
deed, we earlier gained an immediate intuition that
server. In this case, we would need to analyse such
the doppler distortion of the standard null ray modes
interpretation at two regions. First at region t ≤ 0, −iωv
e into the form e−iω(2τu −u) occured very sud-
a region where mirror is at rest or static, and then at
denly upon refection. In fact, tracing e−iω(2τu −u)
t > 0, a region where the mirror undergoes a period
backward in time reduces it to the standard form
of acceleration. In this two regions, we ask whether −iωu
e associated with |0in i, only at u < 0, but not
any pair (ϕω , aω ) gives particle interpretation.
at the region u > 0. We can at least, for this rea-
son, understand that the associated |0in i is no more
Region t ≤ 0 a physical vacuum state at region u > 0 correspond-
Pick a vacuum completely specified by ϕω , say |0in i. ing to a region t > 0 by conformal map. That’s

We then ask: the doppler shift experienced on the surface of the

accelerated mirror excites the field modes to cause
Does |0in i holds a particle meaning? particle creation. By specifying a certain example

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

of a trajectory (33), we shall now demonstrate that null ray along u = ũ is reflected at late time mir-
this indeed leads to a thermal flux of radiation. ror traectory point, say (ũ, B̃), at time dictatated by
relations (44) and (45).
Illustration II: Consider a perfect mirror start-
ing from rest and accelerating for an infnite time B̃ := p(ũ) = 2t − ũ
along the trajectory. Somewhere along it’s motion,
it reverts to a uniform acceleration. One particu- The time taken by the ray is
lar asymptotic trajectory of interest, which smoothly 1 
joins onto a static configuration at time t ≤ 0 is t= ũ + B̃ . (54)
x := z(t) = − ln (cosh κt), κ > 0, (51) Subtituting (54) in (52), and noticing z(t) + t = B̃,
κ we can verify that
where the e-folding time κ parametrizes the trajec- 1 h i
tory of the accelerating mirror. As we have seen ũ := −B − ln −κ(B̃ − B) = f (B̃). (55)
ealier, the behaviour of the mirror and hence, the
mirror trajectory at the very early time will be irrele- As obvious from Figure 2b, v = B features a horizon,
vant for our discuss. We shall therefore consider only after which incoming null rays travel undisturbed,
the asymtotic regime at the very late time, t → ∞. that is, without encountering the mirror, and hence
Late time asymptotic behaviour of (51) takes a gen- not reflected. Indeed, the mirror trajectory repre-
eral form, sents the origin of black hole geometry.
Since we have earlier completely solved this system
x := z(t) − t − Ae−2κt + B, as t → ∞, (52) and quantized it, and further understand the ‘in’
and ‘out’ mode representations (46) are related by
with A, B, κ ∈ IR+ . The case z(t) = − ln cosh t cor- Bogolyubov transformation (23), we can proceed to
responds to A = 1, κ = 1, and B = ln2. This tra- deduce the mean number particles (25) of the radi-
jectory is fully represented in Figure 2b. Towards ation flux at the very late time. The Bogolyubov
the left, the mirror recedes rapidly with an increas- coefficient are overlaps between the incoming waves
ing acceleration, reaching out to the speed of light from the ‘in’ and ‘out’ mode representations. Notic-
asymptotically. For the case A = κ1 , the velocity is ing that p = f −1 , one obtains up to normalization,
   −ωv −iω0 f (v) 
dz(t)  αωω0 = ϕout in
ω , ϕω 0 = e ,e ,
V (t) := − 1 − 2e−2κt , (53)
 0 f (v)

out in∗ −ωv iω

 βωω0 = − ϕω , ϕ 0 = − e , e ,
We can also deduce function f in relation (45) for (56)
such late outgoing null ray. A very late outgoing On integrating by parts,

i ω
αωω0 0
=± e±iω f (v)−iωv dv
βωω0 2π ω0 0
0 −iω 0 B
1 iκ ∓iω /κ
0 0
=∓ √ eiB(ω −ω) x∓iω /κ e−x dx.
2π ωω 0 ω 0

Recognizing the Gamma function Γ(z) = 0 xz−1 e−x ,


1  ω ±iω0 /κ 

±πω 0 /2κ iB(ω 0 −ω)
= ∓√ e e Γ 1∓ (57)
βωω0 4π 2 ωω 0 κ κ

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

From this, the outgoing radiation spectrum is given Kentaro et. al.[19] proposed a Lagrangian density,
by 1 ∞
Z p
L = dx∂ µ φ∂ φ − m 1 − ż 2 + ξz (62)
E Z ∞ 2 z(t)
Ξ(ω 0 ) = 0in Nω0 0in = dω |βωω0 |2 . (58)

0 of a closed system. The Lagrangian features real
massless scalar field confined by a moving mirror,
We can use completeness relation (24) to bring (58)
pushed by a constant force. By extremizing the ac-
into Z ∞
0 1 tion, the dynamic of the system is given by equations
Ξ(ω ) = dω 2 , (59) of motion
0 αωω0
β 0 − 1 
ωω ∂φ ∂φ
− = 0, x ≥ z(t),

from which we can verify that  ∂t ∂x

 ∂φ ∂φ
ż(t) + = 0, x = z(t), (63)
0 1 ∂t ∂x 
Ξ(ω ) = ω0 /k T . (60)

 d √ mż 1

−1 = ξ − ∂µ φ∂ µ φ.

e B 
dt 1 − ż 2 2

κ This dynamics is a reminiscent of equation (34) of
T = . (61)
2πkB the moving mirror problem, that is, (63) features
Indeed, Ξ(ω 0 ) is essentially the distribution one field equation, boundary condition and equation of
would expect for a bosonic thermal radiation at a motion of the mirror. Therefore, when analysed us-
temperature T, a result that shows that the mov- ing a method similar to our earlier treatment, it
ing mirror emulates precisely as a black body. In yields a planckian distribution with a temperature
fact, this is an exact same spectrum(5) computed by given by (61). The equation of motion of the mirror
Hawking [6] for a Black hole which exhibits a steady is immediately useful for the purpose of analysing the
emission of particles to infnity. effect of backreaction on the mirror. In this equation,
replace the field φ by its VeV,
d ż 1
6 Backreaction on Moving Mirror m √ = ξ − h∂µ φ∂ µ φi ,
dt 1 − ż 2 2
Given a system, nature can allow for possibility of and then solve for the VeV. It is possible to use an
some sort of external objects to have a measurable approach similar to those used in [8] to show that,
influence on the overall system. On a large scale, for an arbitrary mirror motion,
we can understand backreaction as the influence of ...
2z z̈ 2
µ 1
density inhomogeneities on average properties of the h∂µ φ∂ φi = − + (5 + 6ż) ,
Universe. However, when the system behaves quan- 12π (1 − ż 2 )2 (1 − ż 2 )3
tum mechanically, backreaction is usually not taken where the irrelevant divergent part has been dis-
into account as its effect is considered to be very carded. This divergent part appears at the region
small. In this case, backreaction is negleted and where the mirror is at rest. This procedure there-
particles therefore move along a geodesic of the un- fore leads to an equation of mirror motion
perturbed spacetime. Similar issue was the case of ...
z z̈ 2 (5 + 6ż)
d mż
the Hawking semiclassical effect [6], where backreac- √ =ξ+ + .
dt 1 − ż 2 2π(1 − ż 2 )2 24π(1 − ż 2 )3
tion effect of the quantum fluctuations on the met- (64)
ric was considered negligible. This has led to the Define the proper acceleration
very much debate on black hole information prob-
lem. Also, in the simple moving mirror model of dP ż
a= with P = √ ,
Davies and Fulling [8], the backreaction was ignored. dt 1 − ż 2
Therefore, it is interesting to understand the effect of we can verify that
backreaction on moving mirror, and for this, we shall  
12π 5 2
consider the effect of some external force, acting on ȧ = p − a + ma − ξ . (65)
1 + p2 24π
the mirror particle.
The first key insight is a modification of the sim- Therefore, as expected by the nature of the mirror
ple 1 + 1-dimensional moving mirror model, wherein (53), ȧ is always negative, and therefore, acceleration

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

decreases perhaps to a less degree, as the external unitary S-matrix description for the Hawking radia-
force effected by ξ on the mirror becomes smaller. tion. In this interpretation, the Bekenstein-Hawking
With this, it is of interest to find out the effect Entropy, SBH , of a near extremal black hole is
of backreaction on the incoming and outgoing null the logarithm of the number of different states of
rays. Afterall, by negleting the backreaction effect open strings ending on the D-brane [21]. Therefore,
on the mirror for trajectory of the generalized form amount of inaccessible information is related with
(52), and then use energy conservation p+k = p0 +k 0 entropy. This provide some motivations to study
at the point of reflection on the moving mirror, the whether it is possible to assign entropy to a mani-
resulting Doppler relation festly unitary process. An example of such unitary
process is the moving mirror effect.
2ω −1
ω = δ − 2
δ ω, (66) Motivated by this, Mukohyama and Israel [22]
m proposed a definition of moving-mirror entropy as-
shows that, the incoming frequency modes ω is sociated with temporarily inaccessible information.
shifted quadratically into the outgoing frequency They took a key insight from von Neumann condi-
1−V tional entropy, a generalized definition proposed by
modes ω 0 for a massless scalar field. δ = 1+V Cerf [23], using correspondence between classi-
is the Doppler factor. This will then mean that, the cal conditional entropy and quantum von Neumann
energy of the outgoing null ray will go large, and entropy. In this definition, the conditional entropy
energy conservation is thereby violated. However, a of a subsystem 1 relative to 2 is given as
computation by [20], based on the use of a combined
WKB and saddle-point approximation to implement S(1|2) = −Tr ρ12 ln ρ1|2 , (68)
energy conservation, showed that, by taking taking
quantum mechanical backreaction effect into consid- where
eration, the Doppler relation should take a form,
ρ1|2 = exp(−σ12 ), with σ12 = 11 ⊗ ln ρ2 − ln ρ12 ,

ω 0 ≈ κ(B − v) + κ(B − v) ω. (67) is the conditional “amplitude” density matrix, repre-
senting a quantum generalization of the conditional
√ 1
with a doppler factor δ = . This result is probability. Also, 11 is the unit matrix in the Hilbert
at least reasonable. For one, one could notice that, space of subsystem 1. For the moving mirror, the
for a finite mirror mass, the incoming energy always Fock spaces constructed from Hilbert spaces of the
remains smaller than the kinetic energy of the mir- subsystems are symmetric, and so, the density ma-
ror just after the collision. Indeed, ω cannot be in- trix ρ12 represents a pure state. For pure state ρ12 ,
finitely large, instead, it should grow linearly with
S(1|2) = −Sent with Sent = −Tr [ρ2 ln ρ2 ] . (69)
the doppler factor δ. Infact, [20] further showed that,
backreaction effects lead to temperature (61) being Sent is called entanglement entropy which can be cal-
halved, i.e, T = 4πk B
. culated separately for the right(R) and left(L) sec-
tors separated by the mirror. The total entangle-
7 Moving Mirror Entropy ment entropy is the sum

We introduced in the last section that, backreaction Sent = SentR + SentL . (70)
effect leads to information problem, one of the puz-
For a mirror trajectory xµ (τ ), parametrized by
zles arising from Hawking radiation. Hawking ar-
proper time τ along the mirror trajectory, we know
gued in his fundamental paper [6] that, a black hole,
it is possible to obatain the trajectory relation v =
formed out of a pure quantum state, evolves to a to-
p((u) (45). By introducing a new coordinate ũ ac-
tally uncorrelated thermal mixed state, thereby vi-
cording as ũ = p(u) and introducing infrared Lũ
olate the law of quantum mechanics, since this is
and ultraviolet lũ cutoffs in the ũ-coordinate, [22]
impossible in a unitarily evolving system. This led
computed the total entaglement entropy as
to some controversial debates on black hole infor-
mation paradox. However, D-brane interpretation
1 2 2 1 L
has led to some suggestion of the existence of a Sent = − l a [1 + O(la, l∂τ ln a)] − ln
144 6 l

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

2 µ d2 x
where a2 = ddτx2 dτ 2µ is the proper acceleration and L consequently, its entropy, however, except only if the
and l are respectively infrared and ultraviolet cutoffs negative energy flux is contrained by an uncertainty
in the proper time τ given by the relations limit
  |F | τ 2 . 1. (74)
 l l = l2 1 + 1 l2 a2 + O(l3 a3 , l3 a∂ a) ,

ũ ṽ τ In this regard, negative energy flux must be pro-
longed over a time scale τ for there to be reduction
Lũ Lṽ = L2 .

in entropy, with entropy decreasing microscopically
according as
By subtracting S(1|2) for a non-accelerating mirror
|S| . 8πkB , (75)
from those of actual trajectory, define the moving
mirror entropy is defined as making the process statistically irrelevant.
Motivated by this, Davies [26] re-examined the
SM M (τ0 ) := S(1|2) − S(1|2) |a=0 , moving mirror problem under Ford’s limit (74) and
(75), and concluded with a suggestion that, the sec-
which one can verify to give ond law is violated if the negative energy flux F is
1 2 2 slowly varying. This would mean that, under some
SM M (τ0 ) := l a (τ0 ) [1 + O(la, l∂τ ln a)] , (72) certain conditions, moving mirrors can violate the
second law. This led to few arguments and ques-
so that it measures how much the motion of the mir- tions [27]. Of interest is a response by Deutsch et
ror increases the uncertainty of the quantum state of al. They emphatically argued against the sugges-
wave packet modes which are reflected by the mirror tion that, processes involving hot body absorption
after τ0 . of negative energy would violate the second law, and
also falsify the claim that, sufficiently small fall in en-
8 Moving Mirror & the 2nd Law tropy can be regarded as a statistical fluctuation that
it could be ignored. Their argument was based on
At classical level, local energy densities for most two possible descriptions of negative energy effect, in
physical fields are known to be positive definite. The relation to entropy of an uncorrelated body undergo-
energy-momentum density, as seen by an observer ing a mechanism similar to moving mirror scenario.
with a timelike, future-directed 4-velocity vµ , satisfy Their argument can be summarized as follows.
the dominant energy condition,
i Epstein et al [24] negative energy effect can be
µ ν understood either as a static vacuum polarisa-
Tµν v v ≥ 0. (73)
tion effect or a coherence effect between different
This is not necessarily true at the quantum level, states of quantum field.
where suppression of vacuum fluctuations is allowed,
thereby leading to the emergence of sub-vacuum phe- ii Static vacuum polarisation effect description
nomena. An example of sub-vacuum phenomena is appropriate for quasistatic systems such as
is negative energy density. In this case, vacuum Casimir effect or vacuum energy of a closed uni-
flunctuation is effectively suppressed. Indeed, it was verse. Coherence effect description is appropriate
shown [24] that, it is possible to contruct quantum for non-quasistatic, e.g energy flux from moving
states in which renormalized expectation value of lo- mirrors.
cal energy density at a given point is arbitrarily neg- iii Quasistatic system: Since entropy (68) is in-
ative. One of such contruction features in moving dependent of the labelling of the states, and ther-
mirror radiation, where flux of energy from the sur- modynamic beta, β = kB −1
∂S/∂E, is independent
face of the mirror can be negative. of zero of energy, then lowering zero of energy
Given this situation, Ford[25] argued that the ex- without changing the occupancy of states will not
istence of negative energy fluxes would lead to a affect the entropy or temperature of the body.
breakdown of the second law of black hole thermo-
dynamics (32). Basically, this mean that absorption iv Non-quasistatic system: Effect of the coher-
of negative energy flux F by a hot body, like black ence flux of radiation on an uncorrelated body
hole, would decrease the body’s temperature, and is a sum of effects of its component parts. Since

MEVSEM: QFT in Curved Spacetime Universität Heidelberg

all component particles of the flux have positive 9 Discussion

energy, they slow down the rate at which the hot
body cools, an effect not qualitatively different We have seen a moving mirror model which extracts
from effect of positive energy flux. main thermodynamical features of Hawking radia-
tion. While we retrict the discussion to a single mir-
v In the two systems, negative energy densities or ror model, two-mirror problem has been treated in
fluxes will not be absorbed by hot uncorrelated [8], and similarly [29]. Some classes of mirror tra-
bodies, and therefore, entropy is always nonde- jectories, z(t), have also been considered in few lit-
creasing. eratures. Constant velocity trajectory, Proex and
Carlitz-Willey are among few other trajectories al-
Among other very earlier investigation is by Grove
ready treated. Good et al [30] has few of the list.
[27], who have shown that negative energy fluxes
from moving mirrors may be absorbed by a parti- After the issuance of “quantum inequalities” con-
cle detector, but violation of the second law by such trainsts on negative energy fluxes and density, there
fluxes is unlikely. While it was not so very clear may have been a further proof of the existence of neg-
whether or not the second law is broken by negative ative energy density in quantum field theory. Based
energy fluxes, there have been suspicions that the on this, some and including Davies [31], have fur-
laws of physics do place restrictions on negative en- ther worked on particle detector model for detection
ergy effects. Ford et al [28] has therefore provided of negative energy, and there has been some calls
some “quantum inequalities” which constrain F and and proposal for a realistic experiment [32].
τ to sufficiently prevent quantum coherence effects
from producing such large scale effects as gross vi-
olations of the second law of thermodynamics or of Acknowledgement: I thank Javier Rubio for sug-
cosmic censorship. Indeed, unrestricted negative en- gestion of this topic for my MEVSEM study and
ergy would cause serious problems for physics. seminar work.

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