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Homework part 1 (june 30)

When I describe myself as a writer, the first word that I think is slow. I have to think
about a topic for several days before I begin to write, but the most tough (toughest) part is
still the first few words. Sometimes I sit impatient (impatiently) at the computer for hours
and end up without any words on the screen. I know that writing is a slow process, but I
am frustrating (frustrated) when I cannot find the right words. Once I am passed (pass)
the introduction, I can write the body and conclusion rapid (rapidly). Because of my slow
writing speed, in-class essays are worst (worse) than out-of-class writing. When I have
only a short period of time to complete an essay, the process is
very frightened (frightening) to me. I usually write very slow (slowly) on these tests and
never have time to finish. Even though writing makes me uncomfortable, I understand
the important (importance) of this skill. I wish I can (could) become a good writer soon
by practicing my writing skills more often.

Homework part 2 (july 4)

GO-JEK changes our life in many ways. Before the invention of GO-JEK application, the
use of ojek as main transportation was rare, especially for people who rarely use ojek.
GO-JEK also provides an occupation for unemployment, which is a good thing. Many
drivers claim that their income per month from GO-JEK is higher than work at their
previous office. Other than transportation, delivering food is also one of their services.
Now, we don’t need to call the delivery call center to order food, we could order it from
an application. These services of GO-JEK make life much simple and easier.

Homework part 3 (july 8)

How to ride an mrt

I’d like to tell you about how to ride an MRT in Jakarta. It is very easy and similar to
other public transportation in Jakarta. First, you need to know your destination. After
that, go to the nearest MRT station, you could find it with google maps. Second, you need
to have electronic money such as e-money Mandiri, brizzi BRI, tapcash BNI, or flash
BCA. If you don’t have electronic money, you could buy MRT ticket at a ticket vending
machine. At a ticket vending machine, you could choose between Single-Trip Card and
Multi-Trip Card. The difference is Single Trip Card valid only for 7 days, while Multi
Trip Card doesn’t have expiry date. After you obtain the ticket, tap your card at the gate
in and then you can go to your platform. Once the MRT arrives, make sure to stand aside
to let the passengers go off and then make your way onto the MRT. After arriving at the
destination station, get off the MRT and make sure you do not leave anything behind.
Lastly, tap your card at the gate out and exchange the card if you buy the Single or Multi-
Trip Card. The price
Homework part 4

I like eating/to eat fried egg in the morning

I started applying jobs last year

I finished reading the novel you gave me

she enjoys the movie very much

I learned to speak French a year ago

I need to study English

it is impossible to pretend to be someone else for the rest of your life

It is important to believe in yourself

i am thinking of buying a new house

she complains about her job

Recently, I joined an international conference in Depok, Universitas Indonesia. The

conference called ICIRD (International Conference on Innovation Research and
Development) 2019. This conference is joined by countries outside Indonesia. I
submitted my research and present it in front of audiences in English. Even though it held
in Depok, this conference is internationally recognizable. Many countries like Pakistan,
Malaysia, and India join the conference. I joined it because my professor believes in me
and encourages me to enter. It has been one of the biggest achievements because I have
put a lot of effort into my research.

I learn that you should do things with sincere. Because when you do it with sincere, it
will make every step ahead easier. The international conference made me realize that my
English needs to be improved, that’s why currently I am taking grammar and writing
class at Lembaga Bahasa International. It has been teaching me to confident in my skill
and ability because if you do not confidence, you do not know what you believe is right
or wrong. To be confident and to know, you need to speak up and tell your opinion.

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