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British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:04:38 PM): Welcome to the British

Me (12/16/2019, 3:04:43 PM): hi
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:04:55 PM): Hi Good Afternoon, this
is Sagar, how can I help you?
Me (12/16/2019, 3:05:13 PM): I wanted to get information about How to apply for a
duplicate TRf
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:05:21 PM): I would be happy to
assist you.
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:05:30 PM): May I please get your
IELTS reference number?
Me (12/16/2019, 3:06:04 PM): Can you please hold on for 2 mins.?
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:06:26 PM): Sure
Me (12/16/2019, 3:09:37 PM): IN001-2147610110
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:10:15 PM): Thank you.
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:11:21 PM): May I know the name of
the candidate?
Me (12/16/2019, 3:14:01 PM): Ms. Patel Nidhiben Manubhai
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:14:42 PM): May I know what happen
to the original TRF?
Me (12/16/2019, 3:17:00 PM): Actually my original TRF was not received by me and it
got lost.
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:17:06 PM): We would like to inform
you that according to the global rules, an IELTS candidate can have only one
personal copy of the Test report Form (TRF) at any given point of time.
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:17:20 PM): You may apply for a
fresh personal copy of the TRF, by sending the scanned copy of the following
documents to
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:17:34 PM): 1. Duly filled form with
your Exam day details.
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:17:43 PM): 2. A photocopy of your
valid passport. This should match with the copy which was submitted on the test
day. (If the passport has now expired, a copy of the old (cancelled) passport and a
copy of the new passport).
British Council Customer Service (12/16/2019, 3:17:53 PM): 3. FIR/ complaint filed
with the police. (Application signed and stamped by the local police station)
online FIR is also accepted.
Me (12/16/2019, 3:18:43 PM): ok Thank you so much for the information.

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