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18th December 2019


Respected Akram Chaudhry,

Pro Vice Chancellor,

University of South Asia,
Raiwind Road Campus,

Subject: Appeal Against Decision made by Disciplinary Commi<ee.

Respected Sir,

I, Mr. Hafiz Ashir Naveed (having Roll No.# B-24172), am filling this appeal in response to decision made
by Disciplinary CommiSee dated 06.12.2019 wherein Respected Additional Registrar (Syed Shahid
Hussain) imposed heavy fine and terminated the undersigned for First Semester which is inequitable. In
this regard the undersigned submits as under:

1. Regarding the contents of Paragraph No. 01 of the Decision made by disciplinary commiSee
( hereinafter “Decision”) dated 14.12.2019 the undersigned humbly submits that the contents are true,
same happened as stated.

2. Regarding the contents of Paragraph No. 02 I know Faizan e Muhammad as he is my class fellow not
friend just had couple of time we interacted since I had enrolled in University. On 27th of Nov. 2019
Faizan e Muhammad and Waqas( hereinafter “Complainant” ) student of BSCS 5th Semester had an
issue in auditorium and I was siSing there as a spectator, when the situation got intense enough
undersigned requested both of them to leave the auditorium and resolve their dispute outside the
auditorium as undersigned was siSing beside them and me along other students were geSing irritated
of constant foul language being used by both of the Parties. Subsequent to which, the Complainant
turned towards undersigned and directed all his filthy and abusive language to the the undersigned
and his family members as he was hyper enough because of his dispute with Faizan e Muhammad and
on listing that abusive language undersigned got hyper and pushed him, later on others colleagues of
my class upon incitation by Faizan e Muhammad dragged him whereas, even then I tried to stop them
in order to avoid mess.

3. As such, it is submiSed that the facts could be verified, which were witnessed by many students
present at auditorium and can be confirmed.

• In light of the above, it is most respectfully submiSed that the undersigned as a student has obeyed and
always will obey the University’s rules, code of conduct as well as all directions issued by management of
the University.
• Further, the undersigned is apologetic for any inconvenience.

• In light of the afore stated actual facts and circumstances, it would be an unjust act to expel the
undersigned for First Semester which will subsequently effect the future which is at disposal of your
venerable self.
• Undersigned has apologised the Complainant and so did the Complainant from undersigned for his
behaviour and Complainant is not willing to pursue his Complaint, as he spoke to undersigned last night
on call( recording of which could be provided if asked ).
• If the decision of Disciplinary CommiSee is not revoked, the undersigned will suffer an irreparable loss.

Undersigned assures that if last chance is given, he shall not only prove to be an asset to University’s
Administration ,but also an obedient, sincere and hard working student.
Kindly accept the appeal and revoke the decision made by Disciplinary CommiSee. Undersigned shall be
grateful for this act of kindness, Kindly consider this unfortunate act to be first and last and let me continue
my studies which is in my best interest as I came here for studies, you wont ever find me wandering in
Uni’s premises for no reason and will never hear of anything involving my name.


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