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After I have done my junior research paper, you have to do a service-learning experience.

First, it was hard to think about what you going to make or what goes with your topic.

For my service-learning experience, I made a book about an online relationship that is

really happened to my friend of a friend. She was a college student but she spend more time on

her phone. She had more than 1000 followers on her Instagram page and she met a boy on it and

start chatting and video call after months they being lovers and start a romantic relationship with

him then he asked her to send him a video with her naked body and even it is shameless when

she did because of she trust him and she thought that because he really loves her and he cannot

control but he posts it on social media with her name and picture. Her family, friends, and

cousins saw it, she felt so sad, cry and scream alone. She didn’t expect from him that and when

everything went wrong and a negative way, she thought she cannot live like that anymore then

she killed herself.

I talked about my topic in my church that social media cannot build their life and I

showed them my book because I wanted them to know social media has nothing, it is just

distracting you from what you doing and what you want. I also talked to parents to really care

about their kids with their phone because some parents think that if their kids using the phone,

they reduce their stress and be on the phone can relax their brain and if their kids spend more

time on their phone, their relationships will go negative way. I also talked them to keep their kids

profile private and not let them accept friend that they don’t know because of the book example

for that she just met him and fell in love with him after she did what he asked her, she killed


I had a friend that she thinks if she posts more pictures on her social media page and has

more friends and likes, they will pay her money and she will become models or artist, she never
thinks about to finish school or go to college and I told her to do her RDS, FASFA and College

Application and I also helped to do it and so that’s why I helped FASFA to Mr. Reyes.

I helped Garinger stadium to clean it because if you get your kids or your student is busy

with their work, they will not have to use their phone.

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