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Kendall DiCamillo


After exploring many different options on Naviance I was able to find out a little more about my

future. I took three tests, strengths explorer, Do What You Are, and Career Interest Profiler. Each

of these three assessments taught me a lot about careers I think I would be interested in.

Do what you are gave me results that I strongly agreed with. My personality type letters were

ESTJ. I do see myself as an extravert. I am always looking to focus on the people around me. I

like working on many tasks and collaborating with people around me. Letter J represents Judgers.

Judgers is a perfect representation of me. When I start a task I can't stop it until its complete. I

am always taking charge in large groups and when working on a project I always try and lead by

example and take on the project. Sensors is letter S in my personality type. This letter is about

wanting to do things rather than talk about the ideas. I feel like when working in a group and

people just throw around ideas it doesn't really get the project anywhere. I am always trying out

different ideas and working through the mistakes. Lastly, letter T represents the word Thinkers. I

see the big picture while working in a group and when achieving something I take that as

motivation for the next task. If something doesn't seem right or theres something I’m nervous to

decide on I will way out the pros and cons and then decide from there.

Overall, my top three career interests were Social, Enterprising, and Investigative.

Realistic, Artistic and Contiential were topics I didn't get much interest in. I agree with this test

since social was the leading number. I outnumbered all other categories by over 5. Socializing

and communicating with the people I’m working with is most important in finding a job. I realized

that I do not want to be sitting at a desk all day keeping to myself. For example, a job like a doctor

or a teacher is something I think would be best since I get to interact with different people of all

ages. I like getting to know the people I am going to be working with. Working with others and

voicing what I believe in while communicating to people is what I do best.

My top three themes resulted after taking the Strengths Explorer did represent the person

I am. Competing, achieving and relating are top three themes of my natural talent. To me,

everything in life is a competition. Everyone nowadays is always trying to one up the next and you

can never just enjoy the moment. Since I am an athlete this theme is very relevant to my life. No

matter what the circumstance is I always try to be the best I can be. I always try to beat out the

person ahead of me and I work hard to do so. Achieving is important to me also. When starting

something, the end accomplishment is part of the journey. I always focus on the goal and what

I’m working forward to achieving.

After taking time to take these three different tests, I really gained a lot of valuable

information of what my strengths and weaknesses are in certain areas. This information is a great

tool for me to use in the future. I know what careers I think would fit me best and careers that I

need to stay away from.

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