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Hope…love…peace…are the seeds that we need to plant in the heart of a

child in order to change the world.

Whole Brain Literacy Self-Mastery Capability Building Program is a

commendable seminar that will help a teacher like me to improve the teaching
and learning process. Knowing myself better and developing my whole brain is
the only way I know for me to become productive. Inside the classroom, we are
all teachers and students that we all have something to give and learn. I need to
adapt to changes, learn, grow in my chosen profession and continue in my
education to be included in the lists of 21st century teacher. I don’t need to limit
myself as well as my pupils in bringing the best in me and them. My role as a
teacher is to teach the mind, touch the heart and transform the individual to
become what they can be in the future. Total change happens in my life if there is
respect and awareness to the feelings of others. Change is a continuous and step-
by-step process that need an action so I start with myself. Whole Brain offered
me a lot of things I need to learn but became useless if I don’t apply it in practical
life. Application is the best remedy to come up with a good result and for this one
goal to succeed. CHANGE is inevitable so better start now changing the whole

According to J. M. Manchanda, “A good teacher recognizes that each pupil

has a different talent lying hidden and unexplored. His duty is to unearth it and
help it blossom.”

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