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Professional Development Reflection and Planning


Begin by thinking about your career and making specific statements about it. Use this tool to
reflect on your professional satisfaction and growth.

1. What excites you MOST about your job?

The thing that excites me the most about my job is watching the children grow. I love watching
how much a child can grow from the first day they come to my room to the day they move up to
the next class.

2. What challenges are you currently facing in your work?

The challenges I am facing at my job are adapting to the new children I have in my class. I am
having a difficult time creating a routine that works for everyone.

3. What would you CHANGE about your current position? If more than one, please prioritize.
I would love to have more planning time. At my center we get 2 hours of lesson planning time a
week. I feel it would be helpful to be able to do work in the classrooms when we have extra staff.

List three job related areas you would like more information on
1.I would love to learn more about children with special needs. I would like to learn how I can
help them achieve their developmental goals in the classroom.

2. I would like to learn more about foster care children. I would like to learn more about the
system and how it works along with what I can do as a teacher to help those children.

3.I would like to learn more about how I can help children have better experiences in childcare.

Which Professional Organizations are you currently involved

a. ____ National Association for the Education of Young
b. ____ Wisconsin Early Childhood Association

c. ____ Local AEYC Affiliate

d. ____ Wisconsin Family Child Care Association

e. ____ Wisconsin Child Care Administrators

f. ____ Local Family Child Care Support Group

g. _x___ Other, please specify-I have worked with young star along with NAC.

h. ____ Not a member of any professional organization at this time

Of the topics listed below, reflect on the areas that you do well and what areas you would like to
experience growth in?

Child-Care Giver Relationships

I believe I do well in this area. I feel I have a good relationship with all my children along with
their parents. IF I have questions or concerns, I know I can ask, call or text the parents.

Observation and Planning

I struggle a little bit with observations. I find it hard to prioritize my day to do the
observations. Planning I think I do well with. We are given 2 hours a week to create
lesson plans and I feel I use that time wisely.
Learning Environment
I feel I create a good learning environment. I think the children benefit from being in my

Guiding Children
After taking the class, Guiding Children's behavior, I feel I do a good job at guiding the children.
I try to be self aware of what I am doing as a role model for them.

Parent Relationships
I love all my parents. I feel I have good relationships with all of them. Communication is

Health and Safety

I feel I do well with health and safety. I know if I ever have a question, I can ask another
teacher or my director.

Community Involvement
Community involvement is something I struggle with. It is hard to find a balance of work,home
life and school.

I think I advocate for the needs of my children. They are the reason I am where I am and they
need me to stand up for them.

Professional Planning

Take some time now to look at the previous forms you just competed. Reflect on recurring
strengths, areas of improvement, interests, desires and challenges. Develop a professional plan
with one or two goals and steps to achieve those goals for:
Goal - 1 year from now: Be Enrolled in school for associates in Early Childhood Education.

Steps to achieve goal: Follow up with WITC Timeline (be specific) Be enrolled by
for phone meeting to complete registration. January 2020

Goal - 5 years from now: Graduated with Associates in ECE- teaching in a center or have
opened my own center.

Steps to achieve goal Timeline (be specific) Start a business plan

Stay where I currently am. in the next year.
Take business classes Continue to work on school twords
Find a center or land to build associates.

Goal - 20 years from now:

Running my own center part time.

Steps to achieve Timeline (be

goal specific)
Own Center

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