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Outline of Proposal

• Summary
o Issue -> CUNYfirst, BB and DW are important to CUNY students, but they did a
poor job on mobile support. And the information was separated into different
o Solution -> build an app that let student can get access to the information
• Introduction
o Using survey data -> 44% of students feel unsatisfied with the CUNYfirst mobile
experience, but only 30% of the students complain about the mobile experience of
o Explain the data -> the gap tells that a mobile adaptable site (which is BB) will
help a lot
o What I am going to do -> build an app
▪ An app runs on mobile platform, it naturally can adapter to the small
screen and the gesture base operation.
▪ The app can collaborate the information from different sites, one access,
multiple purposes.
o Secondary research: how to implement scraping information on Android platform
• Proposed solution
o Shows the app’s page design
o Analysis the service’s route chain
o How to grab information base on the secondary research
• Budget
o All I need is a computer and an Android -> have no idea how to work with this
• Appendixes
o No idea either -> very depends on how quick I can get the analysis done.

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