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A promise to my students

Señora Godinez - December 16, 2019

1. I promise to create an environment that is a safe space for ALL students by keeping an
inclusive environment in my classroom and serving to all students and being conscious of
the diversity of students in my classroom.
2. I promise to respect students opinions and being open to difficult conversations and
maintaining a positive environment in the classroom by creating a democratic agreement
of how we want to treat each other through the difficulties of the school year.
3. I promise to help students develop their learning by guiding them through grammatical
errors only when working on rough drafts to help improve their learning.
4. I promise to give the opportunity to all students to voice their opinion and give the
opportunity to reflect on their assignments.
5. I will recognize all students great work and I will do this by displaying their work
pridefully throughout my classroom and around our school.
6. I promise to establish routines as to give students the ability to anticipate what is to come.
I understand learning a new language can be intimidating and I feel that creating a
routine can help ease that fear.
7. I promise to honor students own background and incorporate it into my curriculum to
show how we are different but all connected.
8. I promise to demand nothing more than greatness from everyone of you but help you
along the way. Together we can all succeed.

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