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Book Review: Thirteen reasons why

1. How and why did you choose this book?

I chose this book because I watched the television series. I didn´t know about the existence of
this book until I saw the series and I liked it. But reading the book, the original version, has
given me a different perspective on the story I saw on television. Later I will tell you why.

2. Talk about the content of the book through its title?

This book is called "Thirteen Reasons Why", written by the American novelist Jay Asher.
The thirteen reasons that give the title to the book referring to those thirteen reasons why the
protagonist took his own life.
A suicide that is even more tragic because it's about a 14 year old teenager named Hannah
Baker. While Hanna is the "main character" of history, it is through the character of Clay
Jensen, a friend of Hanna, we know the details of why Hanna decided to take his own life.
It is Clay who receives box with 13 tapes in which Hanna has recorded the 13 reasons that lead
her to death.
Clay is the one who has the mission to deliver those same tapes, anonymously, to the
teenagers who somehow had something to do with Hanna's death. In other words, the people
that Hanna considered responsible for their decision.

3. If there is a film based on your book, does the film stay true to the book? Why/ why
The TVseries "Thirteen reasons why" is not a version that follows the history of the book with
fidelity. The creators of the series have been taken many liberties for their television version.
Some of the main differences between the book and the series are:

1. The series has 13 episodes, the producers of the series stretched the plot to make Clay listen
to Hannah Baker's tapes for several days. In the book Clay listens all the tapes in just 24 hours.

2. In the book, we meet the characters involved in Hanna's death through what Hannah says
about them in the tapes that Clay hears. In contrast, in television fiction we can see how the
personal history of the other characters is.

3. While in the novel, Hannah decides to take her life with an overdose of pills, the series
changes the method to a more explicit one: Hanna is shown cutting her veins in a bathtub.

4. Define the book with three words and justify you answer.

Controversial: the book, as well as the series, caused a lot of controversy because it talks
about suicide. And even more so when it comes to the suicide of a teenager.

Timeless: the book was published in 2007, more than a decade ago. Even so, the story of
Hanna is still very current. Especially when it comes to the problems that affect teenagers:
bullying, loneliness, cruelty.

Real: the extreme situation that Hannah lives and that end up leading to suicide,
unfortunately, is something very common in adolescence,. Of course not all teenagers commit
suicide, but that cruelty is real and sometimes it is not easy to face it, confront it .
5. Talk about one of the main character.
Hannah is a lonely teenager, she does not have many friends, but she is a good girl. Her life in
high school becomes hell when a classmate disperses the rumor that he had sex with her.
Bullying is so hard and insupportable that Hannah decides to take her own life.

6. How does the book end? How would you change the ending?

The book ends with a scene in the Clay is in high school, reminded Hannah and thinking that if
she had received the help of his tutor, Mr. Porter, and also his help, it is possible that Hannah
was still alive.
I would not change that ending because I think it's fine. The end of the book crudely shows
that if we do not help who needs it, it is very likely that we will regret it for the rest of our lives.

7. Have you related to the book in any way?

The book has made me think about how hard it is to be a teenager. I believe that everyone, in
some way, we have had some unpleasant experience at school. My reflection is that we must
be attentive to these situations that may be living the adolescents of our families, and be able
to help them.

8. In terms of english, what have you learnt?

The book is about adolescence and adolescents, so the language used by the characters is
quite special.
For example, CRUSH is not used in its meaning of crushing, it is used as a synonym of being in
SLAY, not used in its meaning of "kill" or "annihilate", is used to refer to someone who is very
special, who is extraordinary.
So, what I have learned from reading this book is that language is something alive and
constantly changing.

9. Would you recommend it? Why/ why not?

I would recommend this book. Not only if you have a teenager in your family. The story is
simple, narrated from the point of view of the young people and deals with a delicate issue
that is very current.

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