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2ena0ts ‘Assembly Language Programming Questions and Answers 1. Assembly language programs are written using [A] Hex code [B] Mnenonics [C] ASCII code [D] None of these [Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C ‘The assmebly language is a low level language. The programs for microprocessors, microcontrollers, integrat circuits and computers are written in mnenonies form. It uses ADD, SUB, MOV etc. to perform various operations. 2. For execution of an interrupt applied at INTR, number of states required by 8085 Microprocessor are [al4 (B16 tc] 12 (D] 18 [Answer & Explanation Answer: Option C 3. In 8085 which is/are the 16 bit registers? [A] Program Counter [B] Stack Pointer [C] Both [A] & [B] [D] None of the above [Answer & Explanation tpt oor ammingON001-assembly-language- programming 12 ‘aarrots Assembly Language Programming Questons ae Answers Answer: Option C 4, How many memory locations are required to store the instruction LXIH, 0800H in an 8085 assembly language program? [a]1 [B]2 [c]3 ([D]4 [Answer & Explanation Answer: Option B 5. The instruction DEC N inform the assembler to [A] Decrement the content of N [B] Decrement the data addressed by N [C] Convert signed decimal number to binary [D] None of the above [Answer & Explanation Answer: Option A itptwie gkseris.comicomputer-ong necringlcomputs-orgarizationvassembly-Language-pogrammingON00t-assembly-language- programming

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