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Effect of divorce on children

Parents mean the world to a child. Especially when the child is a preschooler, it is
not easy for a child to understand the bitter truth of separation between those two
individuals whom he/she loves the most. There are convictions built and most
parents think that their child is inclined more towards either mother or father, but
as the matter of fact, every child seeks love from both, together. He feels secure
with both, together. The very first understanding of love, affection, and trust is
developed when the child observes a relationship between his parents and if this is
driven by conflicts, fights or abuses, the effect is negative.

The effect is not merely limited to childhood but has a bigger role to play. It
disturbs the overall development of personality. Adolescents often get aggressive
and sense a feeling of mistrust towards their parents. They tend to develop trust
issues in mostly all the relationships they come across in their life. Girls are often
found to develop a personality that is more withdrawn or rebellious while boys
have been observed as aggressive and violent.

For a child, divorce is not only the separation of parents but is a division of
feelings, emotions, and trust, a disturbing change of life. The divorce occurred with
each other’s consent, mutual understanding and cooperation is healthy. The
impression here is of understanding and support while divorce that has occurred
with consistent fights and abuses creates doubts, insecurity, and social withdrawal
is also noticed in behavioral patterns of the child.

Children are innocent and their feelings are real. Parenting not only involves loving
the child and fulfilling his desires but building a family that stands for him in need.
Life is a bumpy ride and when circumstances are out of hand; such parenting may
not always be possible. But it is necessary to keep a child out of the loop, avoid
fighting in his presence so that when it is time for a divorce between such parents,
it gets less difficult for the child to adopt the change and live a normal life ahead.

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