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第九課 LESSON 9


What’s in this lesson:

- Place Preposition (t¨i)

- Prepositions of Conveyance (khˆia & ch¨e)

- From … to … (t`ui & k`au)


DIALOGUE t`ui-¨oe

L´i: S´io-ch´ia, g´oa beh kh`i Tˆai-ˆoan t¨ai-h’ak. Chh´ian-m¨ng,

beh ´an-ch´oan kh`i?

Oˆng: S¨iong-h´o s¨i ch¨e kong-chhia kh`i.

L´i: Ch¨e k´ui h¨o ˆe?

Oˆng: Ch¨e 236 h¨o k`au K´i-kong-ke, t¨i hia l’oh-chhia.

L´i: T¨i M`ai-t´ang-lˆau t`ui-b¨in, t’ioh bô?

Oˆng: T’ioh. Hit ch¨am ch¨iu s¨i Tˆai-t¨ai ch¨am.

L´i: Chh´ian-m¨ng, t¨i t´o-¨ui ch¨iun chhia?

Oˆng: Ch¨iu s¨i t¨i hit pˆeng hit ki chhia-pˆai-´a hia.

L´i: Ó., to-s¨ia.

Oˆng: B´ian kheh-kh`i.

- - - - - -
LESSON 9 第九課

Nˆg: G´oa beh kh`i k´eng-chhat-k’iok p¨an ch’it-k´oa t¨ai-ch`i.

Tiun: Lí beh kˆian l¨o. kh`i ´a-s¨i ch¨e k`e-thˆeng-chhia kh`i?

Nˆg: L´ong bô ài, g´oa khah `ai khˆia kha-t’ah-chhia kh`i.

Tiun: T`ui chia khˆia kha-t’ah-chhia kh`i k´eng-chhat-k’iok

chin k´in.

Nˆg: A``i l¨oa-k´u?

Tiun: Chha-put-to g¨o. hun-cheng n¨ia-n¨ia.

Nˆg: Ó.! ´an-ne ¨u-´ian chin k´in. T¨i k´eng-chhat-k’iok hia

¨u só.-ch¨ai thang thˆeng-chhia bô?

Tiun: ¨u. K´eng-chhat-k’iok g¨oa-b¨in ¨u ch’it-ê thˆeng-chhia-tˆiun

¨e-t`ang thˆeng-chhia. Lí ¨e-sái thˆeng t¨i hia.

- - - - - -

Tˆan: G´oa ¨u ch’it-ê b¨un-tˆe s¨iun beh m¨ng lí.

Lˆim: S´im-m’ih b¨un-tˆe?

Tˆan: G´oa s¨iun beh ¨au l´e-p`ai kh`i Ko-hˆiong kh`oan pˆeng-´iu.

Lˆim: Lí beh s´ai-chhia kh`i, s¨¨i bô?

Tˆan: ¨m-s¨i, g´oa s¨iun beh ch¨e-chhia kh`i, ¨m-k´u g´oa ¨m-chai-´ian
ch¨e h´oe-chhia khah k´in ´a-s¨i ch¨e Kok-kong-h¨o khah

Lˆim: L´ong chha-put-to, ¨m-k´u ch¨e Kok-kong-h¨o khah

hong-p¨ian, in-¨ui t`ui ch´ai-kh´i l’ak t´iam it-t’it k`au
`am-sˆi ch’ap-it t´iam m´ui j¨i-ch’ap hun ¨u ch’it-pang.

第九課 LESSON 9

Tˆan: H´o, ´an-ne g´oa ch¨e Kok-kong-h¨o lˆai-kh`i.

Lˆim: Lí ˆe pˆeng-´iu ¨ia s¨i h’ak-seng, s¨¨i bô?

Tˆan: T’ioh. I t¨i Tiong-san t¨ai-h’ak th’ak-chheh.

李: 小姐,我要去台灣大學。請問,要怎麼去?
王: 最好是坐公車去。
李: 坐幾號的?
王: 坐 236 號到莒光街,在那裡下車。
李: 在麥當勞對面,對不對?
王: 對。那站就是台大站。
李: 請問,在哪裡上車?
王: 就是在那邊(的)那個站牌。
李: 喔,謝謝。
王: 不謝。
- - - - - -
黃: 我要去警察局辦一些事情。
張: 你要走路去還是坐計程車去?
黃: 都不要,我比較喜歡騎腳踏車去。
張: 從這裡騎腳踏車去警察局很快。
黃: 要多久?
張: 差不多五分鐘而已。
黃: 喔!那真的很快。在警察局那裡有地方可以停車嗎?
張: 有。警察局外面有一個停車場可以停車,你可以停在那裡。
- - - - - -
陳: 我有一個問題想要問你。
林: 什麼問題?
陳: 我想下星期去高雄看朋友。
林: 你要開車去嗎?
陳: 不,我想要坐車去,可是我不知道坐火車較快還是坐國光號較快?
林: 都差不多,可是坐國光號比較方便因為從早上六點一直到晚上
陳: 好,那麼我坐國光號去。
林: 你的朋友也是學生嗎?
陳: 對。他在中山大學讀書。

LESSON 9 第九課


L´i : Miss, I want to go to Taiwan University. May I ask, how does one get
Oˆng: It’s best to take the bus.
L´i : Which bus (number/route)?
Oˆng: Take the 236 to Ju Guang Street and alight there.
L´i : It’s opposite McDonalds, right?
Oˆng: Correct. That stop is ‘Taiwan University’ stop.
L´i : Excuse me, where do I get on the bus?
Oˆng: The bus stop right over there.
L´i : Oh, thanks.
Oˆng: You’re welcome.
- - - - - -

Nˆg: I need to go to the police station to deal with a few matters.

Tiun: Do you want to walk there (or: go there on foot) or go by taxi?
Nˆg: Neither. I prefer going by bicycle.
Tiun: From here to the police station is very quick by bicycle.
Nˆg: How long?
Tiun: Only about five minutes.
Nˆg: Oh, that really is quick. At the police station, is there a place one can
Tiun: Yes. Outside the police station is a parking lot. You can park there.
- - - - - -

Tˆan: I have a question that I would like to ask you.

Lˆim : What question?
Tˆan: I’m thinking of going to Kaohsiung next week to see a friend.
Lˆim : Are you going there by car? (or: Are you going to drive there?)
Tˆan: No, I’m thinking of going by public transport, but I don’t know whether
it’s quicker by train or by the Kok-kong-ho (long distance bus)?
Lˆim : They are both about the same, but going by Kok-kong-ho is more
convenient because there are buses every 20 minutes from 6 a.m. right
through to 11 p.m..
Tˆan: Okay, in that case I’ll go by Kok-kong-ho.
Lˆim : Your friend is also a student, right?
Tˆan: Correct. He studies at Zhong Shan University.

第九課 LESSON 9


1. s¨iong-h´o 最 好 (A) had better, had best

2. ch¨e 坐 (CV) by (a conveyance with seats)

(e.g. car, bus, train, plane, boat)

ch¨e 坐 (V) to ride on/in

ch¨e 坐 (V) to sit, to be seated

ch¨e-chhia 坐 車 (VO) to take a bus/train/car

3. kong-chhia 公 車 (N) (local) bus (within the city)

(or 公共汽車 kong-k¨iong
kh`i-chhia or 巴士 b´a-suh)

4. h¨o 號 (M) (Measure for bus number)

5. l’oh-chhia 下 車 (VO) to alight from a bus/train/car

6. M`ai-t´ang-lˆau 麥 當 勞 (N) McDonalds (note 6)

(= Mandarin pronunciation)

7. ch¨am 站 (M) (bus) stop; (train) station

chhia-pˆai-´a 站 牌 (N) bus stop (M: ki)

8. Tˆai-t¨ai 台 大 (PW) Taiwan University

(abbreviated form)

9. ch¨iun-chhia 上 車 (VO) to board a bus/train/car

10. hit pˆeng 那 邊 (PW) that side, over there

chit pˆeng 這 邊 (PW) this side, over here

LESSON 9 第九課

11. k´eng-chhat-k’iok 警 察 局 (PW) police (county/city) headquarters

k´eng-chhat 警 察 (N) policeman

12. p¨an t¨ai-ch`i 辦 (事 情) (VO) to manage/handle a matter (of


13. kˆian (l¨o.) 走 (路) (VO) to walk

14. k`e-thˆeng-chhia 計 程 車 (N) taxi (M: 台 tˆai)

15. khah `ai 比較喜歡 (AV) prefer to

`ai / kah-`i 喜 歡 (SV/V) to like, to enjoy

16. khˆia 騎 (V) to ride (straddle)

khˆia 騎 (CV) by (bicycle, motorbike, horse)

17. kha-t’ah-chhia 腳 踏 車 (N) bicycle (or thih-b´e)

(M: 台 tˆai )

18. t`ui 從 (CV) from (a place or time)

19. g¨oa-k´u 多 久 (QW) how long? (in time)

(or l¨oa-k´u)

20. chha-put-to 差 不 多 (MA) almost, about

21. hun-cheng 分 鐘 (M) minute (of time)

(see Lesson 13, Note 2)

22. n¨ia-n¨ia 而 已 (P) only

(or 只 … 而已
kan-n¨a … n¨ia-n¨ia)

第九課 LESSON 9

23. ¨u 有 (V) there is/are (note 1)

24. thˆeng-chhia-tˆiun 停 車 場 parking lot (U.K.: car park)

thˆeng (chhia) 停 (車) (VO) to stop; to park (a vehicle)

chhia 車 (子) (N) vehicle (general word)

(M: 台 tˆai )

25. ¨e-t`ang 能 (AV) can (in the sense of 'be able to')

26. b¨un-tˆe 問 題 (N) question; problem

27. sái-chhia 開 車 (VO) to drive (a car)

(or khui-chhia)

kh`i-chhia 汽 車 (N) car, automobile (M: 台 tˆai )

28. Kok-kong-h¨o 國 光 號 (N) Greyhound inter-city express bus

29. it-t’it 一 直 (A) continuously; on & on

30. pang 班 (M) (Measure for scheduled transport,

e.g. bus, train, boat, plane)

31. t¨i 在 (CV) in, at, on

32. th’ak-chheh 讀 書 (VO) to study (or 唸書)

th’ak / li¨am 讀 / 念 (V) to read aloud

33. o.-t´o.-b´ai 摩 托 車 (N) motorbike (M: 台 tˆai)

(or 機車 ki-chhia)

34. tˆai 部 / 輛 / 台 (M) (Measure for vehicles)

LESSON 9 第九課

(Co-Verb 在 t¨i/t`oa)

G´oa beh t`oa t¨ai-h’ak th’ak-chheh
我 要 在 大學 讀書
I want at university to study

I’m going to study at university

In ENGLISH, place phrases are usually introduced by Prepositions,

e.g. I want to study at university.

Whereas in ENGLISH, Prepositions normally follow the Verb, in

TAIWANESE the word order is:

Subject Co-Verb + Noun precede Main Verb

As a Preposition (or Co-Verb), t¨i means ‘in’, ‘at’ or ‘on’ and

therefore indicates where some activity occurs. For future actions
and events, tòa is often used instead of t¨i.

1. A Place Word suffix must be added to the Noun which follows t¨i to turn the
Noun into a Place Word, unless the Noun itself is a Place Word in its own right,
e.g. h’ak-h¨au、s´o.-ch¨ai、chh`u (see Lesson 8, note 8)

Note that negative bô and Auxiliary Verbs all precede the Co-Verb.
Repetition Drill

第九課 LESSON 9

S bô / AV CV + PW VO
n n
Iˆu sian-si t¨i k´eng-chhat-k’iok p¨an t¨ai-ch`i
Ngˆo. s´io-ch´ia t¨i h´oe-chhia-thˆau b´e chhia-ph`io
S´iang bô `ai t¨i Tˆai-tiong s´ai-chhia ?
G´oa ˆe g´in-´a bô t¨i Su-h¨oan t¨ai-h’ak th’ak-chheh
Lˆim l¨au-su bô `ai t¨i M`ai-t´ang-lˆau ch’iah-p¨ng hò. ?
Hit-ˆe lˆang beh t`oa t´o ch’it ˆe chhia-ch¨am ch¨iun-chhia ?


2. Expansion Drill: Insert the Co-Verb + PW before the main Verb.

Example: Teacher: I th’ak-chheh 他讀書。 (t¨i Tˆai-t¨ai 在台大)

Student: I t¨i Tˆai-t¨ai th’ak-chheh.

他在台大讀書 (He studies at Taiwan University)

Teacher: I th’ak-chheh (t¨i Tˆai-t¨ai) Student:

他讀書 (在台大)

Teacher: I k`ia-phoe (t¨i ˆiu-k’iok)

他寄信 (在郵局) Student:

Teacher: I thˆeng-chhia (t¨i h¨ang-´a-l¨ai)

他停車 (在巷子裡) Student:

Teacher: I beh l’oh-chhia (tòa t´o ch’it ki chhia-pˆai-´a?)

他要下車 (在哪個站牌?)

Teacher: I hioh-kh`un (t¨i g´oa chia) Student:

他休息 (在我這裡)

LESSON 9 第九課

3. The Co-Verb + Place Word can also precede the Subject, but often with a
slight change of meaning. (see note 3)
Questions are formed by simply adding s¨i-bô to the end of the sentence.
Repetition Drill

t¨i Tˆai-ˆoan h’ak-seng l´ong s¨iun beh th’ak t¨ai-h’ak s¨¨i bô?
t¨i Eng-kok san ¨u-´ian l´ong chin k`ui s¨¨i bô?
t¨i k´eng-chhat-k’iok k´eng-chhat l´ong chin bˆo-ˆeng
t¨i g´oan chia l¨au-su l´ong s¨i B´i-kok lˆang



S V + N + PW
Chh´ian l´i lˆai g´oa chia
請你 來 我 這裡

Please would you come to me (here)

Please would you come to me here

We have seen that Co-Verb of Location (t¨i) must always be

followed by a Place Word.

In order to express the ideas: “He is with me” or “Go to him” or

“Walk to the teacher”, TAIWANESE demands a Place Word after
the (pro)noun, whereas the ENGLISH does not require one.

The Place Words normally used are chia and hia.

第九課 LESSON 9

11. Repetition Drill

S CV + (Pro)Noun + PW V(O)
I bô t¨i g´oa chia kh`oa chheh
L´i s´io-ch´ia t¨i pˆeng-´iu hia th’ak-chheh hò. ?
S´iang t`ui Tˆan sian-sin hia lˆai ?
Chh´ian l´i t`ui Tiun th`ai-th`ai hia lˆai g´oa chia



( 從 t`ui & 去 kh`i or 來 lˆai )

S t`ui + PW lˆai/ kh`i + PW purpose

Góa t`ui g´oan tau kh`i h’ak-h¨au s¨iong kh`o
我 從 我家 去 學校 上課
I from my home go to school to class

從 t`ui (from) = motion away from a point

來 lˆai (come to) = motion towards a point
去 kh`i (go to) = motion towards a point

In TAIWANESE, the order is ‘ t`ui PW kh`i/lˆai PW ’, whereas in

ENGLISH it can be said either way.

LESSON 9 第九課

21. Motion + Direction are expressed by using t`ui and lˆai / kh`i. (note 8)
Negative bô precedes t`ui and Auxiliary Verbs.
Repetition Drill

S TW/AV t`ui PW 來/去 PW purpose

G´oa ˆe g´in-´a beh t`ui Tˆai-ˆoan kh`i B´i-kok th’ak-chheh
Chh`oa s.c. `eng-kai t`ui h’ak-h¨au kh`i chhia-thˆau b´e chhia-ph`io
Oˆng t.t. kin-´a-j’it t`ui in tau lˆai chh`ai-chh¨i-´a b´e chh`ai hò. ?
S´iang s¨iun beh t`ui Tˆai-pak lˆai Ko-hˆiong kh`oan pˆeng-´iu ?


22. The ‘t`ui ... k`au ...’ pattern is used with Time Words.
Repetition Drill

t`ui TW k`au TW S
n .
t`ui sa t´iam k`au g¨o t´iam g´oa l´ong bô t¨i leh
t`ui p`ai-it k`au p`ai-g¨o. Nˆg l¨au-su l´ong t¨i h’ak-h¨au s¨i bô ?
t`ui j¨i-g’oeh k`au l’ak-g’oeh T¨io sin-sen l´ong chin bˆo-ˆeng
t`ui k¨u-nˆi k`au kin-nˆi g´oa ˆe pˆeng-´iu t’ak-j’it l´ong lˆai g´oan tau


第九課 LESSON 9

(Co-Verbs 坐 ch¨e & 騎 khˆia)

S Conveyance Direction
I ch¨e k`e-thˆeng-chhia kh`i chhia-thˆau
他 坐 計程車 去 車站

He by taxi go to station

He goes to the station by taxi

In order to state the means of conveyance used to get from one

place to another (e.g. He went by bus), use Co-Verbs ch¨e / khˆia (by)
+ their Object + lˆai / kh`i.

Whereas in ENGLISH, the Preposition (by) together with its Object

(the mode of transportation) follow the main Verb (He came by
train), in TAIWANESE the Co-Verb of Conveyance (ch¨e / khˆia)
together with its Object precede the main Verb.

ch¨e & khˆia

ch¨e : ride in a conveyance with seats:
e.g. kh`i-chhia, kong-chhia, h´oe-chhia,
Kok-kong-h¨o, hui-ki (aeroplane),
chˆun (boat)

khˆia: ride on a conveyance you straddle:

e.g. kha-t’ah-chhia, o.-t´o.-b´ai, b´e (horse)

LESSON 9 第九課

31. Note when to use ch¨e and when to use khˆia

Repetition Drill

S A AV CV + N lˆai / kh`i
Lˆau l¨au-su chin `ai khˆia thih-b´e kh`i h’ak-h¨au
G´oa bô `ai khˆia o.-t´o.-b´ai lˆai
I t¨ai-kh`ai s¨iun beh ch¨e Kok-kong-h¨o kh`i Tˆai-tiong
Si´ang ˆe pˆeng-´iu beh ch¨e h´oe-chhia kh`i?


32. Expansion Drill: Insert the words supplied in the appropriate place.

Example: Teacher: I kh`i Tˆai-t¨ai (khˆia thih-b´e)

他去台大 (騎腳踏車)

Student: I khˆia thih-b´e kh`i Tˆai-t¨ai.

他騎腳踏車去台大 (He cycles to Taiwan University)

Teacher: I kh`i Tˆai-t¨ai (khˆia thih-b´e) Student:

他去台大 (騎腳踏車)

Teacher: G´oa lˆai chh`ai-chh¨i-´a (ch¨e k`e-thˆeng-chhia) Student:

我來菜市場 (坐計程車)

Teacher: L¨au-su kh`i h´oe-chhia-thˆau (ch¨e kong-chhia) Student:

老師去火車站 (坐公車)

Teacher: L´i lˆai g´oa chia (s´ai-chhia) Student:

你來我這裡 (開車)

Teacher: L´i kh`i thˆeng-chhia-tˆiun (kˆian-l¨o.) Student:

你去停車場 (走路)

第九課 LESSON 9

33. ch¨e & khˆia can also act as Verbs, but with a slight change in meaning.
Repetition Drill

S A / AV V O
Lˆau l¨au-su bô `ai khˆia thih-b´e
I ˆe pˆeng-´iu l´ong khˆia o.-t´o.-b´ai, s¨i bˆo?
G´oan ch¨e Kok-kong-h¨o, h´o bˆo ?
S´iang beh ch¨e 236 ˆe ?
In s¨iong-h´o ch¨e h´oe-chhia

誰要坐 236 的?

There are different kinds of trains and buses in Taiwan. Apart from the
High-speed railway, the main trains are:
Ch¨u-kˆiong-h¨o: fast, comfortable, airconditioned, reserved seat.
K´i-kong-h¨o: fairly fast, comfortable, airconditioned, reserved seat.

Long-distance Buses: Ask your teacher.

TRANSLATION 翻 譯 hoan-’ek
1. Please be seated (or: Please take a seat)
2. I want to cycle to McDonalds. How long will it take?
3. I really do have a problem that I want to ask you.
4. At which bus stop do I board the bus?
5. Over there is a parking lot. You had better park there.
6. Do you like reading?
7. Please go to your teacher now.
8. I prefer eating at home.
9. From January to May he is studying in England, so I plan to go and visit him
in April.
10. Please look at this table – is it yours?

LESSON 9 第九課

ACTIVITY ߿ જ ’oah-t¨ang
Using the sentence patterns learned in this lesson, tell your teacher from where to
where you are going, assuming that:
1. You are at your home.
2. You are at school.
3. You are at your friend’s home.

Example: If I were at the train station, I would say:

G´oa t`ui g´oan chh`u kh`i h’ak-h¨au.
G´oa t`ui g´oan chh`u kh`i pˆeng-´iu in chh`u.
G´oa t`ui g´oan chh`u lˆai h´oe-chhia-thˆau.

Using the sentence pattern: Subject kh`i + PW + Purpose of going

tell your teacher to where you are going, and to do what.

Using the sentence pattern:

Subject AV ch¨e / khˆia + vehicle kh`i + PW
make three sentences for each of the Auxiliary Verbs below, using the map below.
1. G´oa beh ........
2. G´oa `ai ........
3. G´oa s¨iun beh ........
1a) G´oa beh ch¨e h´oe-chhia kh`i Tˆai-pak.

1b) G´oa beh khˆia thih-b´e kh`i Tˆai-t¨ai.


第九課 LESSON 9


1. Mr Iun is dealing with a matter at the police station.
Miss Ngo. is buying a train ticket at the train station.
Who doesn’t like driving in Taichung?
My child isn’t studying at the Teacher Training University.
Teacher Lim doesn’t enjoy eating at McDonalds, right?
At which bus/train station is that person going to board the bus/train?

3. In Taiwan, do students all wish to study at university?

In England, are clothes really all expensive?
At the police station, the policemen are all very busy.
Where we are, the teachers are all Americans.

11. She isn’t (here) with me reading.

Miss Li is studying at her friend’s, right?
Who is coming from Mr Tan’s?
Please come (here) to me from Mrs Tiun.

21. My child is going from Taiwan to America to study.

Miss Chhoa ought to go from the school to the station to buy the bus/train
Mrs Ong is coming from her home to the market today to buy vegetables,
Who is thinking of coming to Kaohsiung from Taipei to see their friend?

22. From 3 o’clock to 5 o’clock, I’m not in at all (i.e. not at home)
From Monday to Friday, is Teacher Ng always at school?
From February to June, Mr Tio is very busy.
From last year to this year, my friend came to my home every day.

31. Teacher Lau really enjoys going to school by bicycle.

I don’t want to come by motorbike.
He probably is thinking of going to Taichung by the Greyhound Express
Whose friend is going (there) by train?

33. Teacher Lau doesn’t like riding a bicycle.

Do your friends all ride motorbikes?
Let’s take the Greyhound Express bus, okay?
Who wants to take the 236 (bus)?
They had best take the train.

LESSON 9 第九課

1. Note that ¨u has two different meanings: ‘to have’ and ‘there is/are’.
¨u having the meaning ‘there is/are’ will be covered in more detail in lesson 11.

NOTES on t¨i
2. Sometimes Co-Verb t¨i (in/at/on) appears before the Place Word in
sentences containing ¨u (where ¨u means ‘there is/are’):
(T¨i) toh-´a-t´eng ¨u san p´un chheh. There are three books on the table.
However, t¨i is more commonly omitted.

3. The Co-Verb + its Object functions like a Movable Adverb as to its position
in the sentence:
I t¨i hit pˆeng hioh-kh`un. He rests over there.
I bô ài t¨i hit pˆeng hioh-kh`un. He doesn’t want to rest over there.

G´oa t¨i Su-t¨ai th’ak-chheh. I study at the Teacher Training University.

T¨i Su-t¨ai, h’ak-seng l´ong ’oh s´im-m’ih?
What do the students at the Teacher Training University study/learn?
(’oh = to learn, to study)

4. Adverbs and Auxiliary Verbs precede Co-Verbs:

In l´ong ài t¨i Su-t¨ai th’ak-chheh. They all want to study at the
Teacher Training University

5. Either the Co-Verb or the main Verb may be negated, depending on whether
the place setting of the action or the action of the verb is being stressed:
I bô t¨i chh`u kh`oan chheh. He doesn’t read at home (- he reads elsewhere)
T¨i chh`u I bô s¨iun beh kh`oan chheh. At home he doesn’t feel like
reading (- too noisy)

6. The Taiwanese romanization used for McDonalds is according to the

Mandarin pronunciation. In Taiwan today, people use Mandarin pronunciation
for many modern-day items, whereas using the pure Taiwanese pronunciation
would sound odd.

第九課 LESSON 9

NOTES on t`ui and kh`i

7. Note the following two patterns:
Co-Verb of Conveyance precedes Co-Verb of Motion & Direction kh`i:
G´oa beh khˆia thih-b´e kh`i pˆeng-´iu in chh`u.
I want to cycle to my friend’s home

Co-Verb of Conveyance follows Co-Verb of Motion & Direction t`ui:

G´oa t`ui Tˆai-tiong ch¨e h´oe-chhia lˆai.
I came from Taichung by train

Note also the difference in the following word order: in Taiwanese, the
Co-Verb of Conveyance appears in the middle of the two Co-Verbs of
T`ui Tˆai-pak ch¨e h´oe-chhia kh`i Ko-hˆiong.
From Taipei to Kaohsiung by train.

8. We have already noted that motion from a place is: t`ui + PW + lˆai/kh`i
whereas motion to a place is simply lˆai/kh`i + PW.

Therefore, when the PW precedes lˆai/kh`i, (i.e. t`ui PW lˆai/kh`i),

lˆai/kh`i purely mean “come/go” (i.e. verb only), whereas when the PW follows
lˆai/kh`i, (i.e. lˆai/kh`i + PW), lˆai/kh`i = come to / go to (i.e. verb +
e.g. G´oa t`ui h’ak-h¨au lˆai. I have come from school.
G´oa lˆai h’ak-h¨au. I have come to school (for class)

9. When returning from some activity, Taiwanese does not need a word for
G´oa b´e m’ih-k¨ian t´ng-lˆai I’ve come back from shopping
[t´ng-lˆai = to return]

LESSON 9 第九課


4 Ɩ 8
chhit-ch’ap chhit-ch’ap kho. $70
chhit-ch’ap-it chhit-ch’ap-it kho. $71
chhit-ch’ap-j¨i chhit-ch’ap-j¨i kho. $72
chhit-ch’ap-san chhit-ch’ap-san kho. $73
chhit-ch’ap-s`i chhit-ch’ap-s`i kho. $74
chhit-ch’ap-g¨o. chhit-ch’ap-g¨o. kho. $75
chhit-ch’ap-l’ak chhit-ch’ap-l’ak kho. $76
chhit-ch’ap-chhit chhit-ch’ap-chhit kho. $77
chhit-ch’ap-peh chhit-ch’ap-peh kho. $78
chhit-ch’ap-k´au chhit-ch’ap-k´au kho. $79

4 Ɩ 2
peh-ch’ap peh-ch’ap kho. $80
peh-ch’ap-it peh-ch’ap-it kho. $81
peh-ch’ap-j¨i peh-ch’ap-j¨i kho. $82
peh-ch’ap-san peh-ch’ap-san kho. $83
peh-ch’ap-s`i peh-ch’ap-s`i kho. $84
peh-ch’ap-g¨o. peh-ch’ap-g¨o. kho. $85
peh-ch’ap-l’ak peh-ch’ap-l’ak kho. $86
peh-ch’ap-chhit peh-ch’ap-chhit kho. $87
peh-ch’ap-peh peh-ch’ap-peh kho. $88
peh-ch’ap-k´au peh-ch’ap-k´au kho. $89

2 Ɩ 1
k´au-ch’ap k´au-ch’ap kho. $90
k´au-ch’ap-it k´au-ch’ap-it kho. $91
k´au-ch’ap-j¨i k´au-ch’ap-j¨i kho. $92
k´au-ch’ap-san k´au-ch’ap-san kho. $93
k´au-ch’ap-s`i k´au-ch’ap-s`i kho. $94
k´au-ch’ap-g¨o. k´au-ch’ap-g¨o. kho. $95
k´au-ch’ap-l’ak k´au-ch’ap-l’ak kho. $96
k´au-ch’ap-chhit k´au-ch’ap-chhit kho. $97
k´au-ch’ap-peh k´au-ch’ap-peh kho. $98
k´au-ch’ap-k´au k´au-ch’ap-k´au kho. $99

第九課 LESSON 9

Memorize the Following Characters

的 ˆe / tek
possession) 好 h´o / h`o.n
good, well; O.K.

沒 bˆo / bˆo.
(negative marker)
有 ¨u / ´iu
to have;
there is /are

請 chh´ian/chh´eng
to ask/request to;
to invite;
please ...
是 s¨i
to be

給 h¨o. / kip
to give (to)
筆 pit
pen; writing

LESSON 9 第九課



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