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& An illustrated guide to its features Pe ee REVISED EDITION THE MILITARY JEEP Model MB - GPW An illustrated guide to its features and evolution, 1941-1945 by Lawrence Nabholtz TERMINOLOGY In elation to ments of he year: Early January, February, Morch, April Mi May, June, Joly, August ote September, October, November, Dacamber In elton to changes in part: orl Pars used at start of production Stondord - Ports used inthe mojoiy of vehicles, Sid.~Stondord Lote Parts used late in production, In this book he single word GUARD means radiator guar. Aefetence like this 803-p14 means TM9 803 page 14 1803A maons TM? 18038 Its tecommended tht the reader obtain copies of TM9 803, TM? 1803A ond B.* The word “JEEP is 6 trademark of the Chrysler Corporation, it was in common vsage as early as 1938 (a type of Santa Fe Railroad locomotive). suse inthis book i forthe sole purpose of ‘ideniying a miltory vehicle bul in the years 1941 trough 1945, “hashes mani ov ove o single pubicton fom Paty Ps bla y The Fit Shp, Maral, eos 75670, 90319987743 CONTEN ‘This book is arranged by contract o his soms to be the Bes way te define the evolution of he vehicle, and ilsate its changes. ‘eos reals shown, In some yours vehicles were buon several contracts, each contrac slighty diferent. One contrat of Ford entended over poof fee yeors. Wih only sight diferences, he vehicles of ths contract were Bosca identical § MB ‘CONTRACTS, PAGE YEARS PAGE wi 57,9 1941 5,7.9 wa M1942 11,13 ws. 13 1943 15,17,19 wa 15,17 1944 21, 23, 25, 27 ws: 19,21, 23, 25,27 1945 29,31,33 wo 29 w7 31,33 opw PreProduetion 35, PreProducion 35 Bl 37,39,41 1942 35, 37,39, 41, 43, 45, 47 F2 43,4547 1949 51,53 Fs 49 1944 55 Fa 51,53,55 1945, 57,59 FS 57,59 1940 Now 1941 ne sly Avg Sept Now 1942 fe Aug. Willim S. Knudsen CHRONOLOGY Contracts issued for 1500 pilot models each to Bantam, Ford ond Willys Willys delves frst of 1500 madel MA. Serial numbers 78401:79900 Following fil testing of he pilot models, the GMC Indicaos interest in 16,000 ofthe Willys design to be produced by Ford on o negotiated price conract, OPM refuses the GMC proposal ond diecs that Competitive bids be received rom oll companies involved. Wily isthe low bidder. GMC prefers to award contrat fo Ford because of slow delivery on the pilot Willys contract. OPM again refuses. late bid by Checker Mfg. Company in colaboration wth Bantom is ajacted since they had not produced their own pilot model. Wiliam S. Knudsen, he Diector of OPM, directs that contract go to Wills wth an apion fo Increase by 50%. ‘Willys delivers as of 1500. And begins design work onan improved modal which Became the MB, Ferd propotes tha it be given the contract forthe edelitional 8000, These would be model GP. OPM rejacts his proposal Wily: bulds an addtional 50 pilot model, serol numbers 85501-85550 Wily offers to asset an addtional source forthe standardized design [MB] by shoring engineeting

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