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4 types of not so broadly classified message

1.Error message (e)

2.warning message (i)
3..sucess message (s)
4.information message (i)


we can create a message using message class T-CODE: se91.

message class name zmsg_test,

within the message class we have 3 digit number.

if sy-subrc <> 0.

Message e001 (zmsg_test). "error

Message i001 (zmsg_test). "information
message s001 (zmsg_test).


if we have requirement whatever values we are giving in parameters in the screen,

we have to replace that
values in the message.

go to message class

infront of 001 pass & is not the correct sales order number "we just need to put &.

in code

we need to do

Message e001 (zmsg_test) with p_vbeln.


suppose we are maintaing into german language

goto -> orginal language : en , target language : de.

write your message in german.

so when you will login in german language message will be displayed in german

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