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Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian Doctor, neurologist

and psychoanalyst. He was born in Freiberg on May
6, 1856 and died on September 23, 1939 in London.
He was the eldest of six brothers, five women and
one man.
He was the creator of psychoanalysis, and is currently
considered one of the most influential psychologists
in the entire history of thought.
Raised in a Jewish family, when he was four years
old he moved to Vienna where he spent his life until
1937, two years before his death.
In 1886, Freud married Martha Bernays and opened a
private clinic specializing in nervous disorders.
Currently, psychology students have a divided
opinion, some consider him more a great scientist in
the field of medicine, who discovered much of the
human psychic functioning; and others see him
especially as a philosopher who rethought human
nature and helped to break down taboos, but whose
theories, as science, fail in a rigorous examination.
The truth is that their contributions to human
knowledge are indisputable.
His disciples and followers have left without
application practices that are not considered as
scientists because not all human behavior depends on
repressed emotions and desires.

Towards the future, psychologists will continue to

investigate their thinking in greater depth in order to
explore all of Freud's contributions.

Freud will also continue to be a great reference in

psychological therapies, since being the discoverer of
the subconscious is of vital importance in mental
health and the treatments that will continue to be

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