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Choose two items of the S-E-R-V-I-C-E components.

Explain how these items address community


Among the two components in the S-E-R-V-I-C-E, education; and safety and security. Education,
because this is one of the most important aspect everything needs among individuals. Education is what
powers every leader we have right now. With each of them holding knowledge in each of their own fields,
they become a contribution to every member in a community, and this is a significant development.
Education is they key for the future, and although subtle, it is the most powerful weapon that can change
everything. The lack of education among citizens makes them ignorant, less educated about certain issues,
and that is what every people needs right now.

Second is safety and security, because this is one of the most basic needs that every people right
now. In a place where danger comes at us unexpectedly, people can feel the freight in themselves when
walking the streets, whenever they’re alone and many more. Not just this, but also the freight of becoming
unprepared on disasters and other calamities. With safety and security, people become educated on
disaster preparedness, situations where danger comes unexpectedly and when to use what they’ve
learned. Moreover, this could save lives and improve the well-being and human health of every people in
a community.

What is the importance of the dimensions of development to the CWTS Program? Explain your answers.

Each of the dimensions in the S-E-R-V-I-C-E component hold a key component that becomes useful
in each of their own fields. They hold a significance that every individual under the CWTS program should
have and must have. And when people under CWTS learns every dimension, they could help people in
ways that we can’t imagine. They can contribute a huge factor among the community, and in best cases,
can teach and enlighten other people about a CWTS member’s morals and values.

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