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Tears from the depth of some divine despair,

Rise from my heart and gather into my eyes;

Looking at the happy autumn fields,
And thinking of the days that are no more."
the last day at my school ;)
Yeah, it's not easy to leave a long term friendship and say good bye to friends! Me and my friends, we
had the most amazing group, back at school. We were a group of eight girls. It wasn't easy to leave each
other as, we had been friends for more than 12 years.....since Kindergarten.
So yeah, we cried a lot ;( it was a memorable yet gloomy day for us. As we were leaving each other. In
our whole school life, we had never entertained any idea of leaving. As, we thought, we would stay
together forever.! Children are quite innocent! He-he-he.
Now, everyone has dispersed. They attend different High Schools now. We really miss each other.
Thanks to the social media that keeps us connected. But leaving friends is leaving a great part of your
life. :)

As a person who moves around a lot I have to meet,get to know,then say goodbye to lots of people.I
make friends thinking,that we'll be friends forever and suddenly I've to "break everything off".Of course it's
really hard to say goodbye to a friend,who you think'll be forever with you.Despite of having many social
networks it's not easy to keep in touch with friend after moving.I've lost so many friend and I think that if
my parents don't stop changing our living places,I'll lose much more.

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