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College or Work

Direction: Kindly check if you are strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree(D), Undecided(U),
Strongly Agree (SA), Agree(A).
1.Working early can help your Family in their Financial problem.

2.Finishing Sinior High School can help you find job easily.

3.Taking part time Job can help in your finance in College.

4.I can find job easily if you graduate in College.

5.Taking College can get a better job.

6.In College you critical thinking skills will improve.

7.I can study in College because my family has money.

8.I cannot study in College because of finance problem.

9.What do you want to do when you graduate In Sinior high.

10.I have less knowledge if I find a job early.

11. I want to work early because of many and difficult exams,

Projects, assignment and activities.

12. I want to have a job because I hate school.

13. I want to have a job early because prof. in college are strict
And so many students have low grades

14. I can go to the job that I want if I Finish College.

15.Studying in College is an awful waste of money and time.

16.I want to have a job because many students are getting

Out of College. Should you wait that u Finish the school
And then chase your dream. I can Chase my dream have a
Job even I don’t graduate in College.

17. I want to have a job to earn more money.

18. I want to go to college to get more info in my study.

19. I want to go to college to have a better job that I want.

20.I want to go to college so I could find the job I’m Suitable in.

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