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What You Don’t Know About Customer-

Perceived Quality: The Role of Customer

Expectation Distributions
Roland T. Rust • J. Jeffrey Inman • Jianmin Jia • Anthony Zahorik
Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37203,
School of Business, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706,
Department of Marketing, Chinese University of Hong Kong, NT, Hong Kong,
ACNielsen Burke Institute, Nashville, Tennessee 37212,

service quality need to be aware that it may be insufficient

Abstract to measure only the point expectation, as has always been
We show that some of the most common beliefs about
the standard practice. Instead it may be necessary to measure
customer-perceived quality are wrong. For example, 1) it is
the uncertainty that the customer has with respect to the level
not necessary to exceed customer expectations to increase
of service that will be received. Due to questionnaire length
preference, 2) receiving an expected level of bad service does
constraints, it may not be practical for managers to include
not reduce preference, 3) rational customers may rationally
uncertainty questions on customer satisfaction surveys. Nev-
choose an option with lower expected quality, even if all non-
ertheless it is possible to build a proxy for uncertainty by
quality attributes are equal, and 4) paying more attention to
measuring the extent of experience with the service/good,
loyal, experienced customers can sometimes be counter-
and this proxy can be used to partially control for uncertainty
productive. These surprising findings make sense in retro-
spect, once customer expectations are viewed as distribu-
The findings of the study were obtained using 1) an ana-
tions, rather than simple point expectations. That is, each
lytical model of customer expectation updating, based on a
customer has a probability density function that describes the set of assumptions that are well-supported in the academic
relative likelihood that a particular quality outcome will be literature, and 2) two behavioral experiments using human
experienced. Customers form these expectation distributions subjects: a cross-sectional experiment, and a longitudinal ex-
based on their cumulative experience with the good or ser- periment. Both the analytical model and the behavioral ex-
vice. A customer’s cumulative expectation distribution may periments were designed to investigate the effects that dis-
be conceptualized as being a predictive density for the next tributions of expectations might have, and especially the
transaction. effects that might deviate from the predictions that would
When combined with a diminishing returns (i.e., concave) arise from a traditional point expectation model. The behav-
utility function, this Bayesian theoretical framework results ioral experiments largely confirmed the predictions of the
in predictions of: (a) how consumers will behave over time, analytical model. As it turned out, the analytical model cor-
and (b) how their perceptions and evaluations will change. rectly (in most cases) predicted behavioral effects that con-
In managerial terms, we conclude that customers consider tradict some of the best-accepted “truisms” of customer
not only expected quality, but also risk. This may help ex- satisfaction.
plain why current measures of customer satisfaction (which It is now clear that a more sophisticated view of customer
is highly related to expected quality) only partially predict expectations is required—one that considers not only the
future behavior. We find that most of the predictions of our point expectation but also the likelihood across the entire
theoretical model are borne out by empirical evidence from distribution of possible outcomes. This distinction is not “just
two experiments. Thus, we conclude that our approach pro- academic,” because it results in predictable behavior that de-
vides a useful simplification of reality that successfully pre- viates significantly from that which was traditionally ex-
dicts many aspects of the dynamics of consumer response to pected based on simpler models.
quality. (Quality; Customer Satisfaction Measurement; Customer Expec-
These findings are relevant to both academics and man- tations; Customer Retention; Bayesian Updating; Customer Life-
agers. Academics in the area of customer satisfaction and time Value)

0732-2399/99/1801/0077$05.00 Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999

Copyright q 1999, Institute for Operations Research
and the Management Sciences pp. 77–92

1. Introduction weak satisfaction-behavior link may be that customers

The trade literature in quality and customer satisfac- respond according to the perceived variance in service,
tion abounds with rarely questioned platitudes. Some in addition to expected quality. In other words, cus-
of the most often repeated and/or noncontroversial tomers’ certainty about quality has an important im-
are: pact. This perceived risk can be related to the variance
• “It is necessary to exceed customer expectations.” of a Bayesian predictive distribution of quality out-
• “If a customer expects a bad level of quality and receives comes, resulting in a more multidimensional view of
it, he/she will reduce his/her level of preference for the customer expectations. This viewpoint results in some
brand.” apparently counter-intuitive insights that have some
• “Given two equally-priced options, the customer will important managerial implications.
choose the one with the higher expected quality.” 1.2. Dynamics and the Decision Theory
• “Management should always focus on its most loyal Perspective
customers.” Because customer relationships unfold over time, it is
We will show, using both an analytical model and important to clearly understand the dynamics of how
behavioral experiments, that all of these truisms are quality perceptions are formed and updated as well as
flawed. Management must instead adopt a more so- how such perceptions influence customer retention
phisticated view of how customer expectations are up- over time. With few exceptions (Anderson and
dated, and how customer expectation updating relates Sullivan 1993, Bolton and Drew 1991a, Boulding et al.
to preference and future choice behavior. 1993), the research literature has not produced dy-
namic models of how these changes occur. Researchers
1.1. What’s Wrong with Customer Satisfaction have begun to argue that a decision theory framework
Measures? offers a powerful way of conceptualizing the dynamics
Managers routinely conduct customer satisfaction sur- of quality and customer retention (Anderson and
veys and use that information to produce explanatory Sullivan 1993, Boulding et al. 1993). Bayesian decision
and predictive models of customer repurchase inten- theory (Berger 1985, Zellner 1971) provides a way of
tion, word-of-mouth intention, customer repurchase understanding customer retention that has thus far
behavior, and market share (Bolton and Drew 1991a, been underutilized. This literature provides well-
1991b; Boulding et al. 1993; Cronin and Taylor 1992, explored methods of describing how people incorpo-
1994; Fornell 1992; Oliver and DeSarbo 1988; rate new information and form new expectations over
Parasuraman et al. 1985; Rust and Zahorik 1993; Teas time. Thus, it can be used to generate testable predic-
1993).1 Such models may be used to evaluate the pro- tions of behavior over time (Kahneman and Tversky
jected profit impact of service improvement programs 1972).
(Rust et al. 1995). Recently, some authors have ques- Essentially there are two major issues in the field of
tioned the predictive ability of customer satisfaction behavioral decision research-risky choice behavior and
measures (Gale 1997, Reichheld 1996). They have com- probability judgments. Expected utility can be deter-
plained that many customers who report being “very mined by mean and variance if the distribution is nor-
satisfied” or perceive quality to be “excellent” never- mal or if the utility function is quadratic (Markowitz
theless subsequently switch to a competitor. In general, 1959, 1987; Meyer 1987). Behavioral research on risky
while customer satisfaction measures and/or per- choice has revealed discrepancies between actual
ceived quality measures are important predictors of choice behavior and the prescriptions of the classic von
intentions and behavior, they often explain only 30– Neumann and Morgenstern (1944) utility axioms. For
50% of the variance. example, Payne (1973) argued that factors other than
We argue that one of the reasons for the apparently mean and variance (or even higher moments) are
needed to capture risk perceptions and risky choice
Strictly speaking, many customer satisfaction surveys actually mea- behavior. Empirical studies have challenged the tra-
sure perceived quality. ditional utility theory on several grounds (e.g.,

78 Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

Kahneman and Tversky 1979; Bell 1982, 1985; Machina 1.3. Comparison with Previous Models
1987; Inman et al. 1997). This has resulted in a much Beginning with SERVQUAL (Parasuraman et al. 1988)
deeper understanding of risky choice behavior, while service quality measurement instruments have univer-
maintaining much of the mathematical formalism of sally focused on a point estimate of quality. The im-
the normative approach (see Fishburn (1988) for a com- plicit assumption has always been that a customer’s
prehensive review of generalizations of expected util- “perceived quality” or “expected quality” was a single
ity theory). point. This viewpoint has also been shared by the re-
Behavioral research on probability judgments has cent dynamic models of customer satisfaction. Such
produced mixed results regarding the descriptive models involve the updating of expectations and qual-
power of Bayesian decision theory. In studies of prob- ity perceptions. For example, Boulding et al. (1993) em-
ability judgments, prior probability (or base-rate) in- ploy a linear updating scheme by which expectations
formation is often ignored by subjects (Kahneman and and cumulative quality perceptions are updated ac-
Tversky 1973), but sometimes it is utilized appropri- cording to the most recent transaction quality percep-
ately (Gigerenzer et al. 1988). Moreover, people have tion. Their model is analogous to an exponential
a tendency to seek confirmatory evidence in aggregat- smoothing model. Likewise, Bolton and Drew
ing various pieces of information, which may lead to (1991a,b) employ linear updating functions. Only
the failure to change one’s opinion in the face of non- Anderson and Sullivan (1993) suggest (but do not de-
supporting evidence (Wason 1960, Doherty et al. 1979). velop) an updating approach that involves a distribu-
Another relevant issue is the underestimation of pos- tion rather than only a point estimate.
terior probability, called “conservatism” (Edwards Our model is different in that it involves a fully de-
1968, Slovic and Lichtenstein 1971). That is, upon re- veloped Bayesian updating scheme, in conjunction
ceipt of new information, subjects revise their posterior with a diminishing returns utility function. We will see
probability estimates in the same direction as the that the behavioral predictions arising from our model
Bayesian model, but revisions are typically much less are quite different in some cases from the predictions
extreme than those calculated from the Bayesian per- arising from linear updating models. Our insights arise
spective. In general, probabilistic judgments involve from the observation that experience with a brand
contingent processing and heuristics, which some- makes knowledge of the brand’s quality more com-
times yield reasonable results and sometimes lead to plete, thereby reducing the customer’s risk. Because
systematic biases (Tversky and Kahneman 1974, the customer’s utility function is concave (i.e., dimin-
Fischhoff and Beyth-Marom 1983). People often utilize ishing returns), reduced risk is always good and in-
a variety of rules for making probabilistic inference in creases the customer’s preference for the brand. This
different environments, including both statistical and results in some seemingly counter-intuitive results that
nonstatistical methods (Ginossar and Trope 1987). are nevertheless quite logical under closer inspection.
Although previous research has generated several Importantly, these results have key consequences for
empirical findings of risky choice behavior and prob- managerial practice.
ability judgments, there is surprisingly little empirical
evidence regarding a dynamic decision model that 1.4. Plan of the Paper
uses Bayesian updating for revising expectation distri- In the next section we develop a theoretical framework
butions upon receipt of new information. In particular, that can be used to describe the relationship between
previous research on probability judgments based on customer retention and quality perceptions over time,
Bayesian updating has used discrete probability infor- based on the concepts of expected utility maximization
mation and/or nonbusiness contexts. In contrast, our and Bayesian updating. This framework results in sev-
study focuses on the descriptive validity of a Bayesian eral propositions about how customers should behave
decision model using continuous probability infor- over time. We then present two behavioral experi-
mation in the area of quality perceptions and customer ments to test whether or not the theoretical proposi-
retention. tions hold up on actual behavior. Finally, we discuss

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the implications of our results, as well as limitations This assumption says that the customer considers
and directions for future research. not only the outcome s/he expects on average (i.e., the
point expectation), but also the entire distribution of
possible outcomes.
2. Model Development
In this section we present the relationship between Assumption 3. In any purchase situation, the cus-
quality and customer retention as a model in which tomer’s preference for an option increases with its expected
retention is based on the distribution of customer ex- utility, and probability of choosing an option increases with
pectations. Importantly, we allow the distribution to preference for that option.
be updated over time according to the quality per- The assumption is consistent with the economic the-
ceived in a particular transaction. While previous re- ory of utility and the consumer viewpoint (Luce 1959,
search (e.g., Anderson and Sullivan 1993, Boulding et Manrai 1995, McFadden 1976) with randomness aris-
al. 1993) has pointed in this direction, this is the first ing from the variability of the predictive distribution.
attempt to formulate these phenomena in a fully
Bayesian framework, complete with operationalized Assumption 4. The customer has a prior distribution of
prior and posterior distributions of quality. We begin average quality for the product or service.
by presenting the assumptions on which our theoreti- Through experience, a customer learns what quality
cal model is based. We then present the theoretical for- can be expected on average. This prior distribution
mulation in formal detail. Finally, we provide a list of may be formed on the basis of experience with other
nontrivial testable propositions that arise from the brands, on the basis of prior experience with the brand
model. under consideration, or both. Similar assumptions are
commonly made in a variety of Bayesian applications
2.1. Assumptions
(e.g., Little 1966).
We assume a scenario in which an individual with ex-
isting expectations chooses a particular option, expe- Assumption 5. The customer updates the prior distri-
riences an outcome, and then changes his/her expec- bution based on the perceived quality of the transaction us-
tations based on the outcome. ing a Bayesian updating process.
Assumption 1. Utility as a function of perceived quality Such an updating mechanism has been suggested by
is continuous, twice differentiable, increasing and concave. previous research in the service quality area (Anderson
This implies that customers suffer more from not having and Sullivan 1993, Boulding et al. 1993, Kopalle and
their expectations met than they benefit from an equivalent Lehmann 1995).2
positive disconfirmation.
Assumption 6. Perceived quality varies randomly across
This assumption is borne out by prior empirical re- transactions.
search in customer satisfaction and service quality
Even in a highly controlled environment such as a
(Anderson and Sullivan 1993, DeSarbo et al. 1994,
manufacturing assembly line, there are numerous un-
Inman et al. 1997, Rust et al. 1995), and is also consis-
controllable factors that can produce variability in the
tent with assumptions traditionally made in decision
quality of the output (Burr 1976). It is notable that in
theory (Keeney and Raiffa 1976). This particular shape
service, which is a growing majority of every devel-
of the utility function, well-documented in a variety of
oped economy, variability is typically much greater
academic and proprietary studies, combines with the
Bayesian framework to produce interesting and man- 2
We tested Assumption 5 in our first experiment by estimating the
agerially relevant, testable conclusions. relative weight subjects placed on prior perceptions versus the
weight placed on new information in updating the performance ex-
Assumption 2. The customer has a predictive distribu- pectation. The weight on new information was significantly positive.
tion of outcomes that reflects the relative likelihood that each Thus, consistent with Assumption 5, subjects used the information
outcome will occur. to update their perceptions of the expected performance.

80 Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

than in manufacturing. While an entire field of study, We now address what happens when a level of qual-
statistical process control (Juran and Gryna 1980), has ity, xt, is observed on the next transaction. We also de-
arisen to identify and attempt to control the sources of fine the disconfirmation to be Dt 4 xt 1 l, following the
variation in quality, some variability inevitably re- traditional definition (Oliver 1980). (It is worth noting
mains even in a process that is “under control” that the disconfirmation, although conceptualized as a
(Deming 1986). Another source of variation is percep- difference, is not usually calculated mathematically,
tion error on the part of the customer (Thurstone 1927). but rather observed, and measured, directly.) Again
We recognize that prior research indicates that vari- from standard Bayesian updating, the posterior distri-
ables such as prior expectations may influence the bution of Q, p(Q|xt), is calculated as:
quality perception itself (e.g. Boulding et al. 1998,
p(Q|xt) 4 h(xt,Q)/p(xt)
Oliver 1997), but to keep this initial model simple
enough to provide maximum insight, we suppress sec- 4 (q/2p)1/2 exp{1(q/2)[Q 1 (1/q)
ondary effects here.
((l/s2) ` (xt/r2))]2} (4)
2.2. Mathematical Formulation
which is a normal distribution with mean l ` Ds2 and
We now build a formal mathematical structure that
variance q11 4 r2s2. Thus, the posterior mean in-
incorporates the preceding assumptions. Let the cus-
creases (decreases) when the disconfirmation, D, is
tomer have a known prior distribution p(Q) of the av-
positive (negative). Also the customer’s uncertainty
erage quality (Q) of the brand. Let p(Q) have a normal
decreases, regardless of the outcome, since q11 , s2.
distribution with mean l and variance s2 . 0, reflecting
The predictive density of the quality of the next trans-
the customer’s degree of uncertainty. Further, for a
action, xt`1, given observed quality level xt, is
particular transaction, we will denote the customer’s

perceived quality as X. We assume that X is distributed
p(xt`1|xt) 4 f(xt`1|Q)p(Q|xt)dQ (5)
normally, with mean Q and variance r2 . 0 repre- 1`
senting random variation arising from both variability
where f(xt`1|Q) is normal with mean l and variance
of quality and errors in perception. It is clear from stan-
r2. This predictive density is easily shown to be normal
dard Bayesian analysis (Berger 1985, p. 127) that the
with mean l ` Ds2 and variance r2 ` r2s2. The pre-
joint density of Q and X is:
dictive density’s new mean is bigger (smaller) if the
h(x,Q) 4 (2prs)11 exp{11/2 [((Q 1 l)2/s2) disconfirmation, D, is positive (negative), and its vari-
ance is smaller regardless (since r2 ` r2s2 # 1), reflect-
` ((x 1 Q)2/r2)]} (1)
ing the greater certainty created by experience.
from which we can get the predictive (marginal distri- From (4) we can see that the mean of the posterior
bution) of X: distribution exceeds that of the prior distribution
` whenever the disconfirmation, D, is positive and is
p(x) 4 #1`
h(x,Q)dQ lower when D is negative. The same holds for the pre-
dictive distributions. In other words, the expectations
4 (2pq)11/2 (rs)11 exp{1(l 1 x)2 (and future predictions) move in the direction of the
perceived level of quality. Note also from (4) that the
/[2(r2 ` s2)]} (2)
variance is reduced, as makes sense from having more
where q 4 (r2 ` s2) / (r2s2). If we scale the units (with- experience. From Assumption 1, we assume a contin-
out loss of generality) such that r2 ` s2 4 1, then the uous, twice differentiable utility function U(x), with U8
predictive distribution becomes . 0 and U9 , 0. From Assumption 3, we assume an
expected utility V, that is equal to *U(x)p(x)dx, where
p(x) 4 (2p)11/2 exp{1(l 1 x)2/2} (3)
p(x) is the predictive distribution of x. The expected
which is immediately seen as being normal with mean utility can be expressed in terms of mean and standard
l and variance one. deviation since the predictive distribution is normal.

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The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

For example, if we assume an exponential utility func- The logic here is that if the utility function is con-
tion, such as is popularly used in modeling risky cave, reducing the variance of the predictive distribu-
choice problems, then the expected utility can be de- tion will increase the expected utility. Preference im-
termined by a tradeoff between expected value and proves not because the option seems better, but rather
risk (Jia and Dyer 1996): because it is less risky.

Vi 4 a1i ` a2ili 1 a3ir2i (6) Proposition 2B. If a nonpreferred option is chosen (as
is possible in our probabilistic choice model) and an expected
where Vi is the preference measure of brand i, li is the outcome is observed, then the probability of choosing that
expected performance of brand i, r2i is the variance option will increase.
measuring perceived risk or uncertainty of brand i’s
performance, and a1i and a21, a3i . 0 are constants. Again, the shrinking predictive distribution in-
This is a positive linear transformation of the certainty creases the expected utility. We separate Propositions
equivalent form of the exponential expected utility. 2A and 2B because 2B will not obviously hold even if
The ratio a2i/a3i measures customers’ risk tolerance, Proposition 2A is supported. Shrinking variance
reflecting a tradeoff between the mean and variance in makes it more certain that the nonpreferred option will
determining preference. be worse, which would seem to suggest a plausible
Based on Assumption 3, the consumer chooses the non-Bayesian basis for which this proposition may not
brand with the highest expected utility. Thus, a mul- hold. As before, preference for the option improves be-
tinomial logit model (Luce 1959, McFadden 1974) can cause the option seems less risky.
be used to estimate the choice likelihood for each
Proposition 3. A rational consumer may choose an
equally-priced option for which the expected quality is worse.

pi 4 exp(Vi) @o exp(V ).
j (7) The intuition behind this proposition is risk aver-
sion. If one option has a larger variance for its predic-
tive distribution, the uncertainty regarding this per-
2.3. Propositions Arising from the Model formance may induce many consumers to choose a
From the model above, a number of empirically test- lower expected performance/less variance option. Due
able propositions arise that warrant further scrutiny. to this, a less risky option can be preferable to a more
(Proofs of all of the propositions are available in an risky option with a higher mean.
Appendix that is available from the authors on re-
quest.) Following are some of the propositions result- Proposition 4. A worse than expected quality outcome
ing from the model that would seem to have a reason- may still increase the probability of choice for that option.
able chance of being empirically falsified:
The intuition for Proposition 4 is that there are two
Proposition 1. If an option is chosen and a better than countervailing effects at work. The worse than ex-
expected outcome is observed, then the probability of choos- pected outcome (all other things being equal) will tend
ing that option will increase. to lower the predictive distribution and the expected
utility. However, at the same time the variance of the
Intuitively, this proposition follows from the theo- predictive distribution is being reduced which will in-
retical formulation whereby the predictive distribu- crease expected utility, given a concave utility func-
tion’s mean increases (and the predictive distribution tion. For a small enough negative disconfirmation, the
shrinks). Preference improves because quality now positive effect of the variance reduction will outweigh
seems better on average, and also less risky. the negative effect of the lowered expectation, leading
to an increase in preference.
Proposition 2A. If the preferred option is chosen and
an expected outcome is observed, then the probability of Proposition 5. A negative disconfirmation will evoke a
choosing that option will increase. greater relative change in preference relative to the case of

82 Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

zero disconfirmation than will a positive disconfirmation of 3. Longitudinal Experiment

equal magnitude.
3.1. Overview
As mentioned previously, there will be two effects One hundred and sixty undergraduate students at two
on preference: a variance reduction effect and a dis- large universities participated in a computerized
confirmation effect. Experience always reduces vari- decision-making exercise in return for extra credit. The
ance, resulting (all other things being equal) in in- experiment was designed to measure the effect of ex-
creased preference. Positive disconfirmation increases pectation distributions on discrete choice and on
preference, and negative disconfirmation (all other choice probability. The exercise consisted of the con-
things being equal) decreases preference. Because of struction of a history of experiences among three
the concavity of the utility function, increasing abso- brands of camera batteries. Disconfirmation was ma-
lute disconfirmation will create a disparity between the nipulated, while probability of choice, performance ex-
absolute effect of a negative disconfirmation and that pectation, and perceived variance in performance for
of a positive disconfirmation. Proposition 5 refers to each brand of battery were measured at several points
the case of zero disconfirmation as the basis, which in the experiment.
eliminates the variance reduction effect (i.e., all cases The independent variables are 1) the disconfirma-
have the same reduced variance). Since there is only a tion (D 4 xt 1 l) between the actual and expected
disconfirmation effect at work, this results in a simple performance of the chosen battery, 2) the expected per-
pattern of asymmetric changes in preference. formance (l) of each battery, and 3) the perceived var-
iance (r2) of each battery. Disconfirmation was manip-
Proposition 6: Given diffuse priors, and an equal ulated, while expected performance and perceived
historically-observed mean and variance, a sufficiently large variance were measured. Expected performance for
negative disconfirmation will cause a greater preference shift each battery was measured by the question “I’d expect
in a less experienced customer. (Also a positive disconfir- the next battery (A/B/C) to last hours,” while per-
mation will cause a greater preference shift in a less expe- ceived variance for each battery was captured via sub-
rienced customer.) jects’ response to the question “About 95% of the bat-
teries for Brand (A/B/C) last between and hours.”
This effect occurs because more experience produces Five different levels of disconfirmation were used:
less uncertainty, but at a decreasing rate. In other ten hours above expected, zero disconfirmation, and
words, experience has diminishing returns. Therefore one, three, and ten hours below expected. The com-
the value gained from experience is large at first, re- puter exercise interactively managed the amount of
sulting in large changes in preference, but diminishes, disconfirmation so that each subject was exposed to
eventually resulting in small changes in preference. two of the five different levels of disconfirmation in
This is consistent with other research that shows that experiences 4 and 7. For example, if the subject was to
preference shifts less for more experienced customers be exposed to the three hour disconfirmation treat-
(Bolton 1998, Boulding et al. 1993, 1998). ment, the computer provided outcome feedback for
While the theoretical decision model forms a math- the purchase by subtracting three hours from the sub-
ematically rigorous way of thinking about quality per- ject’s expectation for that brand.3
ceptions and customer retention, it is still only a math- 3.2. Method
ematical abstraction. To determine the usefulness of We used an unbalanced design with more subjects in
this approach, we must test whether customers’ be- the zero and small disconfirmation (negative one and
havior over time corresponds with the model’s predic- three hours) conditions to increase statistical power for
tions. We now present results of two experiments in those disconfirmation conditions. Sample sizes are
which the propositions were subjected to empirical
test. We then discuss the implications of these results 3
The order of exposure to the amount of disconfirmation was coun-
and directions for future research. terbalanced.

Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999 83

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

shown in Table 2. Further, the brand labels were coun- brand in the fourth experience) and was given out-
terbalanced across subjects to control for order effects. come feedback for this brand. Choice probability was
Each subject was asked to imagine that s/he had re- remeasured. The subject was then given outcome feed-
cently purchased a brand of camera which used a spe- back on the other two brands to complete the seventh
cial type of battery. A special type of battery was used experience. Following a second distractor task, subjects
in order to mitigate effects of category familiarity (i.e., were provided outcome feedback for three more pur-
so that each subject began the procedure with a diffuse chases of each battery, yielding a final history of ten
expectation). The subject was told that s/he had sam- purchases of each battery. Finally, expected perfor-
pled each brand of battery three times and was ac- mance and perceived variance were measured and the
cordingly shown the first series of three experiences subject was asked which battery she would choose.
(see Table 1, columns 1–3). The subject was asked to
provide his/her choice probability for each battery and 3.3. Results
to give his/her performance expectation and perceived Table 2 shows the means for each experimental con-
variance for each battery. At the beginning of the dition. Most of our propositions regard shifts in choice
fourth experience, the subject was told that s/he had probability at specific levels of disconfirmation. Prop-
purchased one of the three brands4 (randomized across osition 1 predicts that the probability of choosing an
subjects) and was exposed to the first disconfirmation option will increase when the observed outcome is
condition. Choice probability was then remeasured. greater than expected. This proposition is supported,
The outcomes for the other two brands were then as probability of choice increased by an average of 8.7
given and expected performance and perceived vari- points for the chosen option when the observed out-
ance in performance were measured. come exceeded the expected performance (t32 4 4.76,
Following the fourth experience, subjects completed p , 0.01).5 As predicted, when consumers experienced
a brief distractor task and were then given outcome positive disconfirmation, their probability of choosing
feedback on two more purchases of each brand (see the option increased.
Table 1, columns 5 and 6). Performance expectations Proposition 2A predicts that if an expected outcome
and perceived variance were remeasured following the is observed (i.e., zero disconfirmation) for the most
sixth experience. At the beginning of the seventh ex- 5
Although most of our propositions are directional, to be conserva-
perience, the subject was again told that s/he had pur- tive we use a two-tailed test in our analysis.
chased one of the three brands (different from the

Subjects were told to imagine that they had purchased the brand, Table 2 Longitudinal Experiment—Means Across Conditions
“perhaps because it was on sale or because you had a coupon for
Shift in Choice Probability

Overall Low High

Table 1 Longitudinal Experiment—Performance Feedback Across Disconfirmation Level N Shift Experience Experience
`10 Hours 33 8.70** 14.31 3.41
Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp 0 Hours 112 5.21** 5.93 4.44
Brands 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Preferred option 40 2.88*
Nonpreferred option 72 6.51**
1 72 59 67 E13–D1 74 57 E16–D2 72 56 69 11 Hours 70 0.63 1.44 10.52
2 63 69 60 E23–D1 59 68 E26–D2 67 64 65 13 Hours 72 10.42 0.76 11.41
3 66 60 64 E33–D1 65 67 E36–D2 59 67 63 110 Hours 33 112.09** 113.81 110.47

Eir 4 Subject’s performance expectation for Brand i after round r. **Shift statistically different than zero (p , 0.01).
Dj 4 Disconfirmation level for condition j. *Shift statistically different that zero (p , 0.05).

84 Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

preferred option, the probability of choosing the op- sum of the variances of X1 and X2. The t-test of the
tion will increase. Proposition 2B makes a similar pre- difference between X1 and X2 is statistically significant
diction, but for a nonpreferred option. Both proposi- (t65 4 4.69, p , 0.01), supporting Proposition 5.
tions are supported. The probability of choosing the Since Proposition 6 states that an equivalent discon-
option increased when the option was the most pre- firmation level results in a smaller shift in preference
ferred option, shifting almost three points (t39 4 1.73, for more experienced customers, we conducted an AN-
p , 0.10), while the probability of choosing the option OVA with experience level (high/low), disconfirma-
when it was not the most preferred option increased tion, and their interaction as independent variables
over six points (t71 4 5.26, p , 0.01). and the shift in preference as the dependent variable.6
Proposition 3 predicts that subjects will not neces- As predicted by Proposition 6, the effect of experience
sarily choose the brand with the highest expected per- was significant (F1,310 4 3.99, p , 0.05), with smaller
formance. We tested Proposition 3 by asking subjects shifts at the higher experience level. Specifically, choice
to choose a brand after observing the ten experiences probability shifted by 2.7 points when experience was
with each brand. Using the multinomial logit model in relatively low (four experiences) and shifted only 0.3
(6) and (7), as one would anticipate, the expected per- points when experience was higher (seven experi-
formance exerts a significant effect on choice (a2 4 ences). Not surprisingly, the shift in choice probability
0.235, p , 0.01). Importantly, consistent with Proposi- was an increasing function of the amount of disconfir-
tion 3, the perceived variance also exerts a significant mation (F4,310 4 22.09, p , 0.01). Further, the interac-
impact on subjects’ choice (a3 4 10.383, p , 0.01). tion between experience level and disconfirmation was
Thus, a brand’s choice probability increases as the ex- marginally significant (F4,310 4 2.02, p , 0.10).
pected performance increases and decreases as the per- In sum, we find support for Propositions 1, 2A, 2B,
ceived variance increases. 3, 5, and 6. Subjects’ probability of choosing an option
Proposition 4 predicts that an outcome that is worse increased if performance for that option met (Propo-
than expected may still increase the probability of sitions 2A and 2B) or exceeded (Proposition 1) the ex-
choosing the option. We test this proposition by ex- pected outcome. Per Proposition 3, subjects did not
amining the effect on choice probability of disconfir- necessarily choose the brand with the greatest ex-
mation levels of one, three, and ten hours less than pected performance. Rather, they balanced the brand’s
expected. This proposition is not supported. The av- expected performance against its variability in perfor-
erage probability of choosing the option increased mance. Further, while subjects’ probability of choosing
slightly (i.e., in the expected direction) in the negative an outcome was not adversely affected by an outcome
one hour disconfirmation condition, but the increase is
that was slightly below their prior expectations, their
not statistically significant (t69 4 0.50, NS). In the neg-
probability of choice did not increase (significantly) as
ative three hour disconfirmation condition, the aver-
predicted by Proposition 4. The preference shifts cre-
age probability of choosing the option decreased
ated by negative vs. positive disconfirmations were
slightly, but again this decrease is not statistically sig-
greater in the negative disconfirmation direction, as
nificant (t71 4 10.34, NS).
predicted in Proposition 5. Proposition 6 was sup-
Proposition 5 predicts that a negative disconfirma-
ported as well—at a given disconfirmation level, more
tion will have a greater impact on preference than a
experienced subjects tended to update their expecta-
positive disconfirmation of equal magnitude. We test
tion to a lower degree than less experienced subjects.
this by contrasting the 110 and `10 hour disconfir-
While these results are encouraging, our first exper-
mation groups. Let X1 be the difference between `10
iment is flawed in two respects. First, the longitudinal
and zero disconfirmation effects and X2 be the differ-
ence between zero and 110 disconfirmation effects. 6
An analysis using prior preference as a covariate and preference as
The variance of X1 and X2 is the sum of the variance the dependent variable produced almost identical results. For ease
of the `10 and zero and 110 and zero disconfirmation of exposition, we discuss the analysis with shift in preference as the
effects, respectively, and the variance of X1 1 X2 is the dependent variable.

Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999 85

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

nature of the design may have increased the chance following the experience manipulation.7 First, we as-
that subjects saw that two factors were being manip- sessed perceived variability of the service and per-
ulated and inferred the appropriate responses. How- ceived consistency of the service. The first measure
ever, it is difficult to see how this can explain our asym- asked subjects to rate how variable they had found the
metry results. Second, we did not clearly demonstrate service to be, while the second asked them to rate how
that, holding satisfaction/quality fixed, choice is influ- consistent the service had been. We then asked subjects
enced by the variance around this construct. Our sec- to rate how sure they were of the average level of qual-
ond experiment addresses both of these concerns. ity of Café Au Lait and whether they were an occa-
sional customer or a regular customer. Following the
specific visit manipulation, we asked subjects how
4. Cross-Sectional Experiment closely the experience on that occasion matched their
4.1. Overview expectations to assess subjective disconfirmation. This
The second experiment was a 2 (high/low amount of was accomplished using a standard disconfirmation
experience) 2 2 (zero/negative disconfirmation) question, “Overall, how closely did your experience
between-subjects design. Two hundred and twenty with Cafe Au Lait on this occasion match your expec-
three undergraduates participated in the experiment tations?,” measured on a 100-point “Much Worse Than
in return for course credit. Three subjects misunder- Expected” to “Much Better Than Expected” scale. We
stood the directions and were eliminated from the also measured subjects’ perceptions of how interesting
analysis, leaving a sample of 220 subjects. and realistic they found the study, as well as their gen-
der, age, and how many times they had stopped at a
4.2. Independent and Dependent Measures coffee shop in the last 30 days.
As in the first experiment, our independent variables
are experience level (a proxy for s2) and disconfirma- 4.3. Method
tion (D). High experience subjects were exposed to 20 Subjects were shown a scenario describing a coffee
experiences, while low experience subjects were ex- shop, the Café Au Lait. They were told that the coffee
posed to only three experiences. In the zero disconfir- shop had recently opened near campus and that they
mation condition, subjects were shown an additional had visited it (a) a few times in the low experience
outcome that was equal to the mean of the previous condition, or (b) every day for the past four weeks in
experiences. Subjects in the negative disconfirmation the high experience condition. They then read a verbal
condition were shown an outcome that was two stan- and graphical description of their series of experiences.
dard deviations below the mean of their previous In the low experience condition, subjects examined a
experiences. graph of three experiences. In the high experience con-
Our primary dependent variable is perceived qual- dition, subjects examined four graphs with one graph
ity. We adopted the measures of perceived quality on each page. The first graph showed the first week,
used by Boulding et al. (1993), a 100-point scale an- the second graph showed the first two weeks, and so
chored by “Very unfavorable” and “Very favorable.” on, so that by in the fourth graph the subjects could
This measure was taken immediately following the ex- see the entire series of 20 past experiences. We were
perience manipulation (l) and again following the spe- careful to construct the graphs so that the mean (83)
cific visit outcome manipulation (l ` Ds2). We also and the standard deviation (5.5) were identical be-
used the measures developed by Boulding et al. (1993) tween the low and high experience conditions.
to assess purchase intentions and likelihood to spread Subjects were run in groups so that we could control
word of mouth, 100-point scales anchored by “Very the amount of time (40 seconds) that each page was
unlikely” and “Very likely.” Like Boulding et al.
(1993), we find that these two measures are highly cor- 7
All of the manipulation checks suggest that the experience manip-
related (a 4 0.86), so we combine them in our analysis. ulation was successful and that service variability perceptions were
As manipulation checks, we took several measures equivalent across groups. These are available from the authors.

86 Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

viewed. For the experience manipulation to be suc- perceptions for high experience subjects updated less
cessful, it is critical that the high experience subjects than those of low experience subjects (16.5 versus
internalize the past experiences. Thus, we ensured that 18.7 for high and low experience subjects, respec-
the high experience subjects examined each graph for tively. Importantly, effects of prior perceptions of qual-
a specified time to prevent them from speeding ity are controlled for in the analysis via the covariate
through the survey. After subjects examined the (t214 4 8.64, p , 0.01).
graphs, they completed a series of measures described Not surprisingly, the effect of disconfirmation on
in the next section. Following the first set of measures, updated quality perceptions is significant (t214 4 6.66,
subjects were exposed to the disconfirmation condi- p , 0.01). Subjects who experienced no disconfirma-
tion. As before, they were timed so that each subject tion updated their quality perceptions less (11.8) than
examined this stimulus for the same amount of time subjects who experienced negative disconfirmation
(25 seconds). They were then instructed to complete (114.2). Further, subjective disconfirmation exerted a
the remainder of the survey at their own pace, were significant effect on updated quality perceptions (t214
thanked, and released. 4 2.81, p , 0.01), replicating recent findings in the
4.4. Results service quality literature (e.g., Anderson and Sullivan
1993, Boulding et al. 1993, Inman et al. 1997).
4.4.1. Updated Quality Perceptions. To analyze The interaction between experience and disconfir-
our data we use analysis of covariance with updated
mation is significant (t214 4 2.57, p , 0.01). The shift
quality perceptions as the dependent variable and ini-
in quality perceptions across the four conditions is
tial quality perceptions and subjective disconfirmation
shown in Figure 1. Both high and low experience sub-
as covariates (Cronbach and Furby 1970, Lord 1958).8
jects updated their quality perceptions minimally
The fit for the model is relatively good, with an R2 of
when the outcome was equal to the mean of past ex-
0.51 (see Table 3 for means). As predicted, the level of
periences (11.8 for the high experience group and
experience exerts a main effect on updated quality per-
10.8 for the low experience group). However, the low
ceptions (t214 4 2.21, p , 0.05). Specifically, quality
experience group lowered their quality perceptions
significantly more than the high experience group
Importantly, the groups were equivalent in terms of both initial
quality perceptions and subjective disconfirmation.
(116.4 versus 111.9 for the low and high experience
group, respectively) when the outcome was worse
than expected. Thus, consistent with prediction, ex-
perience appears to “inoculate” consumers to some ex-
Table 3 Cross-Sectional Experiment—Means Across Conditions
tent against a single substandard outcome.
(Standard Deviation in Parentheses)

Initial Updated Shift in

Quality Quality Quality Subjective Figure 1 Cross-sectional Experiment Shifts in Perceived Quality by
Experimental Percep- Percep- Percep- Discon- Behavioral Condition
Condition tions tions tions firmation Intentions

High Experience/ 81.2 79.4 11.8 57.9 174.5

Zero Disconfirmation (6.9) (8.5) (10.5) (22.5)

High Experience/ 80.2 68.3 111.9 36.3 145.1

Negative Disconfirmation (7.2) (10.6) (12.2) (29.3)

Low Experience/ 79.0 78.2 10.9 57.1 154.6

Zero Disconfirmation (7.6) (7.3) (11.5) (24.0)

Low Experience/ 78.7 62.3 116.4 40.7 119.8

Negative Disconfirmation (7.7) (13.0) (11.5) (31.6)

Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999 87

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

4.4.2 Behavioral Intentions. In examining the ef- does not). The longitudinal experiment showed signifi-
fects of experience level and disconfirmation on be- cant positive preference shifts if customer expectations
havioral intentions, it is unclear whether or not their were exactly met. The reason, based on the analytical
impact is mediated by quality perceptions. To test for model, is that experience causes a shrinkage in the var-
potential mediation, we use the method outlined by iance of the predictive distribution for the next trans-
Baron and Kenny (1986). Specifically, we examine the action. That is, experience with a brand leads to de-
effect of experience (as a proxy for uncertainty) and creased risk, and decreased risk leads to greater
disconfirmation on the proposed mediator, updated preference. So in fact, meeting expectations should un-
quality perceptions, and the dependent variable, be- ambiguously result in higher preference. The analyti-
havioral intentions, both with and without incorporat- cal model also suggests that even not quite meeting ex-
ing the effect of the mediator. Perfect mediation is pectations might still increase preference, although this
demonstrated if the independent variable exerts a sig- effect was not significant in the longitudinal experi-
nificant effect on the mediator as well as the dependent ment. Of course, exceeding customer expectations will
variable but this effect becomes nonsignificant when still be required if the company seeks to induce cus-
the mediating variable is incorporated as a covariate. tomer delight (Oliver et al. 1997), but lower levels of
If the effect remains significant but the effect size sig- performance may also produce positive results.
nificantly reduces, partial mediation is demonstrated. • “If a customer expects a bad level of quality and receives
We already presented evidence of the significant ef- it, he/she will reduce his/her level of preference for the
fects of both experience and disconfirmation on up- brand.”
dated quality perceptions. In the second ANOVA, us- The analytical model and both experiments contradict
ing behavioral intentions as the dependent variable, this. In the cross-sectional experiment, subjects did not
both experience (t216 4 6.22, p , 0.01) and disconfir- lower their quality perceptions of the service when
mation (t216 4 8.82, p , 0.01) demonstrate significant their expectations were met. The longitudinal experi-
main effects on behavioral intentions. Specifically, high ment showed significant positive preference shifts even
experience subjects state a much greater intention to for the nonpreferred option, indicating that even when
visit the service again and to tell others than do low expectations were low, meeting expectations raised
experience subjects (160.9 vs. 137.2 for the high and preference. The analytical model explains why this
low experience groups, respectively). However, when preference shift can occur. Again experience shrinks
updated quality perceptions are added to the model, the variance of the predictive distribution and reduces
the effect of experience is undiminished (t215 4 5.74, p risk, thereby increasing preference.
, 0.01), while that of disconfirmation is greatly re- • “Given two equally-priced options, the customer will
duced (t215 4 2.74, p , 0.01). Thus, these results sug- choose the one with the higher expected quality.”
gest that cumulative experience exerts a direct influence on Although this statement seems obviously true, it also
behavioral intentions while the effect of disconfirmation is
is contradicted by both the analytical model and the
largely mediated by updated quality perceptions.
longitudinal experiment. The reason, again, is risk. A
higher expected quality can be outweighed by greater
5. Discussion and Future Research perceived variability. Based on the logit analysis of the
5.1. Management Implications data from the longitudinal experiment, perceived var-
Both our analytical model and our empirical results iance has a significant, negative impact on choice. This
shoot holes in some seemingly reasonable quality max- resulted in nearly half of our subjects choosing an op-
ims. Let us consider in particular the truisms from the tion with a lower expected quality.
Introduction: • “Management should always focus on its most loyal
• “It is necessary to exceed customer expectations.” customers.”
Both our analytical model and the longitudinal exper- Given that the most loyal customers are the most ex-
iment contradict this (although the cross-sectional ex- perienced (which is consistent with the most typical
periment, which is perhaps less sensitive to this effect, behavioral definitions of loyalty), our research casts

88 Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

doubt on this seemingly self-evident maxim. The cross- Finally, worse-than-expected quality hurts more
sectional experiment shows that disconfirmation has than better-than-expected quality helps. This replicates
the biggest preference impact on less-experienced cus- previous findings by several researchers (e.g.
tomers, and this phenomenon is supported theoreti- Anderson and Sullivan 1993, DeSarbo et al. 1994, Rust
cally by the analytical model, for any nonnegative dis- et al. 1995). The managerial takeaway is that problems
confirmation, and for any sufficiently large negative should be addressed first, and then positive opportu-
disconfirmation.9 This would seem to imply that man- nities. In other words, process improvement initiatives
agement should pay more attention to its newer (pre- should first focus on eliminating unsatisfactory service
sumably less loyal) customers, because those are the encounters (i.e., providing consistent quality) before
customers for which quality differences will have the trying to delight customers.
greatest impact. In other words, less experienced 5.2. Contributions to the Quality Literature
(loyal) customers are easier to lose, while more expe- Our results contribute to the quality literature in four
rienced (loyal) customers are harder to lose, all other respects. First, they suggest that consumers are sensi-
things being equal. tive to not only the average performance of a product,
Several other managerial implications arise from but also to its variability around this mean. In other
this work. First, customer satisfaction and quality mea- words, it is not sufficient for a brand to strive to in-
surement surveys would benefit from including an ex- crease its overall quality—it must also strive to reduce
perience variable. This is because the degree to which the risk of an outcome deviating from this performance
preferences shift is dependent upon the degree of ex- expectation. Second, consumers are more likely to re-
perience, with more experienced customers being choose a brand (i.e., retention is increased) if the brand
more difficult to shift. All other things being equal, for performs as expected. Contrary to the traditional sat-
maximum shift of preference, less experienced custom- isfaction model, meeting expectations can sometimes
ers should be targeted. Further, in addition to measur- be interpreted by consumers as a favorable outcome,
ing perceived quality, perceived variability and/or as the experience provides more information about the
consistency in quality is important to capture as well. brand and reduces the perceived variance of the
Both factors influence overall quality perceptions and brand’s future performance. Third, probability of
behavioral intentions. choice is not necessarily adversely affected by an out-
Our results suggest that it is insufficient for a good come that is slightly below expected. This is apparently
or service to be perceived as better (i.e., a higher ex- because the customer becomes less concerned with
pected quality) than its competitor. For example, new downside risk if the disconfirmation is relatively mi-
Brand A, even though it has a higher expected value nor. Finally, if negative disconfirmation is relatively
than Brand B, may not be preferred to Brand B because substantial, quality perceptions and behavioral inten-
of greater perceived variability resulting in its per- tions are negatively affected, but this effect is moder-
ceived value being worse. The implication to manage- ated by the amount of prior experience.
ment launching a new product is that actual trial may Figure 2 shows a graph of the mean shifts in choice
be more powerful than supplying information through probability across the five disconfirmation conditions
such methods as advertising. This suggests that cou- in the longitudinal experiment. One notes that con-
pons, promotions, and other ways to induce trial may sumers’ reaction to disconfirmation is nonlinear and
be necessary in the early stages of a product launch, they appear more sensitive to negative disconfirmation
even if a positive brand image has been already created than to positive disconfirmation. While this curve is
through advertising. similar to the effects one typically expects under
Kahneman and Tversky’s prospect theory (1979), our
Interestingly, there is an interval for which a negative disconfir-
theoretical perspective and empirical results suggest
mation produces a smaller shift in preference for the less experienced that the curve may be “choice-neutral”10 at a value less
customer—whenever that customer’s positive preference shift from
variance reduction is roughly equivalent to the negative preference We call the curve “choice-neutral” at the point where observed
shift from mean reduction. quality results (on average) in unchanged probability of choice.

Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999 89

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

Figure 2 Shift in Choice Probability in Response to Disconfirmation made richer (albeit more complicated) by the inclusion
of effects not currently accounted for, such as allowing
for variables that affect perceived quality, or otherwise
change (bias) the perception and updating process. In-
teresting work in this regard is already underway
(Boulding et al. 1998). The existence of threshold effects
is another promising area for research. In other words,
updating may only take place when absolute discon-
firmation exceeds a certain threshold. Otherwise the
observation is simply viewed as an expected outcome.
It is also possible that those thresholds may vary across
customers. That might explain the fact that many of
than zero disconfirmation. Specifically, the curve is our subjects did not update their preferences.
choice-neutral at a negative disconfirmation of about While our results suggest that, on average, consum-
two hours below expected, which is equivalent to ap- ers update their expectations in a largely Bayesian
proximately one half of a standard deviation from the manner, some consumers are probably more Bayesian
mean. Importantly, the direction of this deviation is than others. In the first experiment, choice probability
consistent with our prediction (Proposition 4) that a for most subjects increased in the 10 hour disconfir-
small negative disconfirmation can produce an in- mation condition and decreased in the 110 hour dis-
crease in preference. confirmation condition. However, in the zero, negative
Our results suggest that the most important time for one hour, and negative three hour disconfirmation
a brand to establish its quality perceptions in the minds conditions, the modal subjective probability shift was
of consumers is at the time that consumers have little zero. Approximately half the subjects in both the zero
prior experience with the category. In Bayesian terms, and negative one hour conditions reported that their
this is at the point when consumers hold a more diffuse choice probability would be unaffected, while a third
prior expectation regarding the brand’s performance. of the subjects in the negative three hour condition
Ironically, the time where many consumers are inex- gave this response. Even allowing for measurement er-
perienced with the product is precisely the point in the ror, some “updating heterogeneity” appears evident
product life cycle where the manufacturer is often among consumers.
struggling with maintaining consistent product qual- Additional research is warranted to explore the vari-
ity. This may explain the Golder and Tellis (1993) find- ables that account for the heterogeneity in consumers’
ings regarding the failure of many pioneers. If the pio- updating processes. For instance, the Boulding et al.
neer struggles with quality, a subsequent (more (1993) notion of “should” expectations could be ex-
consistent quality) entrant can gain a perceived quality tended to expectations of variability in quality. Further,
advantage with consumers. Alternatively, once the individual differences in need for cognition (Cacioppo
pioneer has established a relatively high prior expec- and Petty 1982) or tendency to engage in post-purchase
tation of performance and a low perceived variability regret (e.g., Inman and Zeelenberg 1998) might be im-
(through knowledge gained by consumption experi- portant moderators of perception updating and
ence), this imposes a barrier to later entrants into the changes in probability of choice in response to discon-
market since the pioneer finds customers are much eas- firmation. On the other hand, it is important to explore
ier to retain. A subsequent entrant must have a signifi- the contexts in which consumers tend to form expec-
cantly higher level of expected quality to counteract its tations of quality that are resistant to change.
higher perceived variability and risk. Limitations of our study deserve mention. First, as
5.3. Future Research and Limitations in all research, one must be careful in overgeneralizing
There are many interesting ways in which this research results. However, we tested our updating model in
might be extended. For example, the model might be two quite different experimental designs and found

90 Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999

The Role of Customer Expectation Distributions

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This paper was received January 2, 1996, and has been with the authors 26 months for 2 revisions; processed by William Boulding.

92 Marketing Science/Vol. 18, No. 1, 1999

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