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박정 어학원에서 구한 자료입니다

sage One venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom.

매우 슬기로운[현명한] 사람; (고대의, 또는 전설상의) 현인, 철인(哲人)

mumble 1. To utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth:

mumbled an insincere apology.

2. To chew slowly or ineffectively without or as if without teeth.

1 중얼거리다, (입을 반쯤 다물고) 우물우물 말하다

2 (이가 없어) 우물우물 씹다.

n. 낮고 분명하지 않은 말, 중얼거리는 소리.

strut To walk with pompous bearing; swagger.

뽐내며[점잔 빼며] 걷다

shard A piece of broken pottery, especially one found in an archaeological dig; a potsherd.

도자기 등의 파편; (화분 등에 쓰는) 사금파리(potsherd).

poise state of balance or equilibrium; stability; Freedom from affectation or

embarrassment; composure

평형[균형](balance) (상태); 침착, 냉정, 태연(자약)(equanimity); 안정(stability), 착실함.

indolent 1. a. Disinclined to exert oneself; habitually lazy. b. Conducive to inactivity or

laziness; lethargic: humid, indolent weather.

2. a. Causing little or no pain: an indolent tumor. b. Slow to heal, grow, or

develop; inactive: an indolent ulcer.

게으른, 나태한, 게으름쟁이의; 전혀[거의] 통증이 없는.

Synonyms: lazy, idle, indolent, slothful.

slothful Disinclined to work or exertion; lazy. 나태한, 게으른

verbose Using or containing a great and usually an excessive number of words; wordy

말이 많은, 수다스러운, 장황한

dote To show excessive love or fondness: parents who dote on their only child

(특히 남을) 맹목적으로 사랑하다 ;(특히 늙어서) 노망하다, 망령들다.

forge A furnace or hearth where metals are heated or wrought; a smithy.

1. a. To form (metal, for example) by heating in a forge and beating or

hammering into shape. b. To form (metal) by a mechanical or hydraulic press.

2. To give form or shape to, especially by means of careful effort: forge a treaty;

forge a close relationship.

3. To fashion or reproduce for fraudulent purposes; counterfeit: forge a


(금속을 가열하는) 노(爐), (대장간의) 노, 가열로; 대장간(smithy), 철공장.

1 <철 등을> 벼려서 (금속 제품으로) 만들다; <제품을> 단조하다.

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2 <계획구상 등을> 세우다; <친교 등을> 맺다.

3. <이야기거짓말 등을> 날조하다, 지어내다; <필적서명을> 위조하다; <화폐수표서

류 등을> 위조[모조]하다(fabricate).

cacophony Jarring, discordant sound; dissonance

귀에 거슬리는 음, 불협화음; 소음.

levee 1. An embankment raised to prevent a river from overflowing.

2. A small ridge or raised area bordering an irrigated field.

제방; 둑; 부두, 방파제; [農] 논둑.

carve 1. To divide into pieces by cutting; slice: carve a roast turkey. 2

2. To cut into a desired shape; fashion by cutting: carve the wood into a figure.

3. To make or form by or as if by cutting: carve initials in the bark; carved out an


1 <돌나무 등을> 쪼다, …을 쪼아서 (…을) 만들다

2 <모양도안 등을> (…에) 새기다, 조각하다 ; 새기다.

3 (식탁에서) <요리한 고기를> 엷게 썰다, 베어내다. ∼ turkey

4 <운명진로를> (노력하여) 개척해 나가다, <지위명예 등을> 쌓아올리다

barter To trade goods or services without the exchange of money.

(남과) 물물 교환을 하다, 교역하다

blush 1. To become red in the face, especially from modesty, embarrassment, or

shame; flush.

2. To become red or rosy.

3. To feel embarrassed or ashamed: blushed at his own audacity.

(부끄럼당황 등으로) 얼굴을 붉히다,(…에) 얼굴이 빨개지다

bore 1. To make a hole in or through, with or as if with a drill.

2. To form (a tunnel, for example) by drilling, digging, or burrowing.

<단단한 것을> (송곳드릴 등으로) 꿰뚫다, …에 구멍을 뚫다; 구멍나게 하다; <굴샘통로

구멍 등을> 파다, 뚫다.

fledgling 1. A young bird that has recently acquired its flight feathers.

2. A young or inexperienced person.

(a)New and untried or inexperienced: a fledgling enterprise; a fledgling skier.

갓 날아 나온[둥지를 떠난] 어린 새; 풋내기, 신출내기 젊은이, 애숭이.

daunt To abate the courage of; discourage

…을 위협하다, 위압하다; …을 겁나게[무섭게]하다; 기죽게[풀죽게, 주춤거리게] 하다, 기력을


trepidation A state of alarm or dread; apprehension ;An involuntary trembling or quivering.

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전율, 공포, 놀람, 불안, 동요; 당황, 혼란; (손발의) 떨림; [病] (근육의) 진전(震顫).

turbulence 1. The state or quality of being turbulent: times of turbulence and confusion.

2. An eddying motion of the atmosphere that interrupts the flow of wind.

(날씨 등의) 사나움, 폭풍 상태; (감정 등의) 동요; (사회정치상의) 소란;

[수력] 난류(亂流); [기상] 난기류.

tyranny 1. A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power.

2. The office, authority, or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler.

3. Absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly

폭정, 학정, 가혹

undermine 1. To weaken by wearing away a base or foundation: Water has undermined the

stone foundations.

2. To weaken, injure, or impair, often by degrees or imperceptibly; sap: Late

hours can undermine one's health.

3. To dig a mine or tunnel beneath.

1 …의 밑(에 구멍)을 파다; …의 토대를 허물다[약하게 하다].

2 …을 서서히 쇠퇴시키다, 부지중에 약화시키다, 몰래 해치다.

3 …을 간접적인[은밀한, 비열한] 수단으로 공격하다; <명성을> 남몰래 훼손시키다.

obtrusive 1. Thrusting out; protruding: an obtrusive rock formation.

2. Tending to push self-assertively forward; brash: the obtrusive behavior of a

spoiled child.

3. Undesirably noticeable: an obtrusive scar.

강요하는 듯한, 주제넘게 나서는; 몹시 두드러진;내민.

glaring 1. Shining intensely and blindingly: the glaring noonday sun.

2. Tastelessly showy or bright; garish.

3. Conspicuous; obvious: a glaring error.

4. Staring with anger, fierceness, or hostility: glaring eyes.

<빛이> 번쩍이는, 눈부신; <색이> 화려한, 현란한, 번쩍번쩍하는; <결점잘못 등이> 두드러

지게 눈에 띄는; 역력한, 빤한; 심한; 노려보는, 쏘아보는.

vacillate 1. To sway from one side to the other; oscillate.

2. To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another.

1 <물건이> 흔들[건들]거리다, 흔들리다, 동요하다; 비틀거리다; 진동하다, 변동하다.

2 <마음생각이> (…의 사이에서) 흔들리다, 동요하다

resolute Firm or determined; unwavering.

<사람이> 의지가 굳은, 굳게 결심하고 있는

venerate To regard with respect, reverence, or heartfelt deference.

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…을 존경하다, 경배하다.

Synonyms: revere, worship, venerate, adore, idolize.

viable 1. Capable of living, developing, or germinating under favorable conditions.

2. Capable of living outside the uterus. Used of a fetus or newborn.

3. Capable of success or continuing effectiveness; practicable: a viable plan

1 <태아신생아가> 살아갈 수 있는; [생리植] 생육할 수 있는.

2 <사물이> 눈에 보이는 듯한; 박진한; <계획생각이> 실행 가능한(practicable).

3 <국가경제가> 성장[발전]할 수 있는.

vigor 1. Physical or mental strength, energy, or force.

2. The capacity for natural growth and survival, as of plants or animals.

3. Strong feeling; enthusiasm or intensity.

1 (육체적정신적) 활동력, 활력; 건강한 체력[정신력]; 원기, 생기, 활기.

2 정력(적 활동); 기세, 강렬성, 강도; (말문체태도 등의) 박력.

3 (생물체의) 왕성한 생장력(activity).

Synonyms: vigor, dash, punch, verve, vim, vitality.

vilify To make vicious and defamatory statements about

…을 욕하다, …을 헐뜯다, 비방[중상]하다

belittle 1. To represent or speak of as contemptibly small or unimportant; disparage

2. To cause to seem less than another or little

…을 과소 평가[경시]하다; …을 작게[작아보이게] 하다.

virtuoso 1. A musician with masterly ability, technique, or personal style.

2. A person with masterly skill or technique in the arts.

(특히 음악 분야에서) 탁월한 기량[지식]의 소유자, 거장, 명인.

virulent 1. Extremely infectious, malignant, or poisonous. Used of a disease or toxin.

2. Bitterly hostile or antagonistic; hateful: virulent criticism.

3. Intensely irritating, obnoxious, or harsh.

1 독[맹독]이 있는(poisonous); 치명적인. ∼ serpents 독사.

2 [醫] 전염성이 강한, <병이> 악성인; <세균이> 유독성인.

3 <사람말 등이> 적의[증오]에 찬; 신랄한, 심술궂은; <적의 등이> 지독한.

evaporate 1. a. To convert or change into a vapor. b. To draw off in the form of vapor.

2. To draw moisture from, as by heating, leaving only the dry solid portion.

1 증기가 되다, 기화하다, 증발하다; 수분이 빠지다.

2 <희망기쁨기억 등이> 소멸하다; 사라져가다.

volatile 1. Chemistry. a. Evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures. b.

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That can be readily vaporized.

2. a. Tending to vary often or widely, as in price: the ups and downs of volatile

stocks. b. Inconstant; fickle: a flirt's volatile affections. c. Lighthearted; flighty:

in a volatile mood. d. Ephemeral; fleeting.

3. Tending to violence; explosive: a volatile situation with troops and rioters

eager for a confrontation.

1 <액체기름이> 휘발하는, 휘발성의.

2 <사람성질 등이> 격해지기 쉬운(explosive); <정세 등이> 폭발 직전인; <사람성질

이> 변덕스러운, 경박한(changeable); 쾌활한, 명랑한; 민활한.

3 변화하기 쉬운; 덧없는, 순식간의, 일시적인.

vulnerable 1. a. Susceptible to physical injury. b. Susceptible to attack c. Open to censure or

criticism; assailable.

2. Liable to succumb, as to persuasion or temptation.

1 <물건이> (무기 등으로) 상하기 쉬운; <장소가> 공격을 당하기 쉬운.

2 <사람이> (비난 등을) 받기 쉬운, (유혹 등에) 노출되어 있는; 약점이 있는

whimsical 1. Determined by, arising from, or marked by whim or caprice

2. Erratic in behavior or degree of unpredictability: a whimsical personality.

변덕스러운, 종작없는; 예측 불허의;별난, 기발한

zealot One who is zealous, especially excessively so; A fanatically committed person.

<경멸> 열중하는 사람; 광신자, 열광자.

commuter One that travels regularly from one place to another, as from suburb to city and


<美> (특히 정기권에 의한) 통근자(의).

caucus 1. A meeting of the local members of a political party especially to select delegates

to a convention or register preferences for candidates running for office.

2. A closed meeting of party members within a legislative body to decide on

questions of policy or leadership.

<美> (정당의) 지방 대회[집회]; 간부 회의;(정당 등의) 간부, 지도자 그룹, 흑막 기관.

dawdle 1. To take more time than necessary: dawdled through breakfast.

2. To move aimlessly or lackadaisically: dawdling on the way to work.

시간을 낭비하다, 빈둥빈둥 지내다, 꾸물대다, 게으름피우다; 어슬렁어슬렁 걷다, 나른한 듯이


toil 1. To labor continuously; work strenuously.

2. To proceed with difficulty: toiling over the mountains.

노력, 수고, 고역(drudgery); 한 차례의 일

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(…에) 힘써 일하다(work hard); (…을) 꾸준히[열심히] 하다

dexterity 1. Skill and grace in physical movement, especially in the use of the hands;


2. Mental skill or adroitness; cleverness.

솜씨좋음, 손재주있음(<> clumsiness ); 민첩함; 기민성, 빈틈없음

acrobat 1. One who is skilled in feats of balance and agility in gymnastics.

2. One who is facile at changing one's viewpoint or position on short notice in

response to the circumstances.

곡예사, 줄타기 광대; (의견을 갑자기 바꾸는) 표변자

agile 1. Characterized by quickness, lightness, and ease of movement; nimble

2. Mentally alert: an agile mind.

민첩한, 기민한, 재빠른, 날렵한; 활발한, 활기있는; 명민한, 머리가 좋은[잘 도는]

Synonyms: nimble, agile, quick, brisk, facile, spry.

supplicate 1. To ask for humbly or earnestly, as by praying.

2. To make a humble entreaty to; beseech.

(…을) 탄원[간청, 애원]하다

espionage The act or practice of spying or of using spies to obtain secret information, as about

another government or a business competitor

(타인타국에 대한) 스파이 행위, 첩보 활동, 정찰.

felony One of several grave crimes, such as murder, rape, or burglary, punishable by a

more stringent sentence than that given for a misdemeanor.

[法] (살인강도강간같은) 중죄

dilettante 1. A dabbler in an art or a field of knowledge.

2. A lover of the fine arts; a connoisseur.

딜레탕트, 호사가, 아마추어 평론[예술]가, 예술[학문] 도락;예술[과학] 애호가.

connoisseur 1. A person with expert knowledge or training, especially in the fine arts.

2. A person of informed and discriminating taste: a connoisseur of fine wines.

(미술품 등의) 감정[감식]가; (…의) 전문가, 권위자, …통

dogmatic Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable


교리상의, 교리에 관한; <사람태도가> 독단적인, 독선적인, 자기 주장을 고집하는.

gregarious 1. Seeking and enjoying the company of others; sociable.

2. Tending to move in or form a group with others of the same kind: gregarious

bird species.

사교적인(sociable); <동물 등이> 군생(群生)인, 군집성인; [植] 군생[족생(簇生)]하는.

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Synonyms: social, companionable, convivial, gregarious, sociable.

adversary An opponent; an enemy. 적; 적수; (시합 등의) 상대.

Synonyms: opponent, adversary, antagonist.

chauvinism 1. Militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism.

2. Prejudiced belief in the superiority of one's own gender, group, or kind

열광[맹목]적 애국주의[심]; (특정한 주의집단에 대한) 열광적 충성, 쇼비니즘

mimic 1. To copy or imitate closely, especially in speech, expression, and gesture; ape.

2. To resemble closely; simulate: an insect that mimics a twig.

<남남의 말행동 등을> (놀리거나 장난삼아) 흉내내다, 흉내내어 멸시하다; <동물 등이>

<나뭇잎 등의> (색모양을) 흉내내다, 의태를 하다.

stickler One who insists on something unyieldingly: a stickler for neatness.

(…에) 까다로운 사람, 말많은 사람;<美口> 난제, 난문제.

anachronism 1. Representation of someone as existing or something as happening in other than

the chronological, proper, or historical order.

2. One that is out of its proper or chronological order

시대 착오적인 것[일], 시대에 뒤진 것; 기시(記時) 착오. 역사적 사건인물 등에 관한 연호

날짜 등을 착오하는 일

sluggard A slothful person; an idler. 게으름쟁이(idler), 나태한 사람.

wag A humorous or droll person; a wit.

익살[장난]꾼; 재치가 풍부한 사람; (머리꼬리 등을) 흔들기; 한 번 흔들기

ruffian A tough or rowdy fellow; A thug or gangster.

악당, 불한당, 깡패; 난폭한 놈.

dolt A person regarded as stupid. 얼간이, 멍청이, 바보.

repent 1. To feel remorse, contrition, or self-reproach for what one has done or failed to

do; be contrite.

2. To feel such regret for past conduct as to change one's mind regarding it

(행위태도 등을) 후회하다, 유감으로 여기다, 자책감을 느끼다; (죄 등을) 뉘우치다, 참회하다

neophyte A recent convert to a belief; a proselyte; A beginner or novice

신개종자; [원시 크리스트교] 새로 세례받은 자; 초심자, 신출내기.

guru A teacher and guide in spiritual and philosophical matters; A trusted counselor and

adviser; a mentor; A recognized leader in a field:

구루, 교부(敎父); (어떤 분야에서의) 권위자, 전문가

reconcile 1. To reestablish a close relationship between.

2. To bring (oneself) to accept: He finally reconciled himself to the change in


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3. To make compatible or consistent: reconcile my way of thinking with yours.

<남을> (사람과) 화해시키다, 화목하게 하다 ;<싸움 등을> 가라앉히다, 중재하다(adjust); …을

(…과) 조화[일치]시키다 This report cannot be ∼d with the facts.

tact Acute sensitivity to what is proper and appropriate in dealing with others, including

the ability to speak or act without offending.

(남의 기분을 잘 맞추는) 약삭빠름, 임기 응변의 재주, 재치.

flamboyance Highly elaborate; ornate; Richly colored; resplendent

<색채가> 타는 듯한, <경치 등이> 눈부신, 찬란한, 현란한; <문체등이> 화려[현란]한

craven Characterized by abject fear; cowardly.

비겁한, 겁많은, 심약한; 비겁자, 겁쟁이(coward).

facetious Playfully jocular; humorous: facetious remarks.

진지하지 않은; 익살맞은, 우스운; 까부는, 경박한.

dupe An easily deceived person; To deceive

곧잘 속아넘어가는 사람, 봉; <남을> 속이다

gullible Easily deceived or duped. 속기 쉬운, 잘 넘어가는.

reactionary Characterized by reaction, especially opposition to progress or liberalism; extremely


반동의, 반작용의, 역행의; 반동적; 보수적; 반동주의자[사상가].

curmudgeon An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions.

심술궂은 사람, 까다로운 사람; 구두쇠.

miscreant An evildoer; a villain; An infidel; a heretic.

악한; <사람이> 사악한, 타락한.

dogma 1. Theology. A doctrine or a corpus of doctrines relating to matters such as

morality and faith, set forth in an authoritative manner by a church.

2. An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially

one considered to be absolutely true.

(교회 등의) 교리, 교의; 신조; 정론(定論), 정설, 정견(定見); 독단, 독단적인 설

proctor A dormitory and examination supervisor in a school.

<美> (대학의) 시험 감독관;(…을) 감독하다.

prodigal 1. Rashly or wastefully extravagant.

2. Marked by rash or wasteful extravagance: a prodigal life.

3. Giving or given in abundance; lavish or profuse: prodigal praise

낭비하는(wasteful); 방탕한; (돈 등에) 대범한(lavish), (선물 등을) 아낌없이 주는; 풍부

한, 남아도는(profuse); 낭비가; 난봉꾼, 방탕아.

squander To spend wastefully or extravagantly; dissipate.

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<시간금전 등을> 낭비하다; …을 흩뿌리다, 쫓아서 흩어지게 하다, 분산시키다.

renegade One who rejects a religion, a cause, an allegiance, or a group for another; a


변절자, 배반자; (특히 크리스트교에서 회교로 개종한) 배교자(背敎者).

reprobate 1. A morally unprincipled person. 2. One who is predestined to damnation.

나쁜 놈, 불량배; 하느님에게 버림받은 사람.

miller One who works in, operates, or owns a mill, especially a grain mill.

제분업자, 방앗간 주인.

tan 1. To convert (hide) into leather, as by treating with tannin.

2. To make brown by exposure to the sun.

<피부를> (태양대기 등에 쬐어) 갈색으로 하다; <생가죽을> 무두질하다.

raconteur One who tells stories and anecdotes with skill and wit.

이야기를 잘 하는 사람, 이야기꾼

recluse A person who withdraws from the world to live in seclusion and often in solitude.

세상을 등진 사람, 은둔자; 속세를 떠난 수도사

withdrawn 1. Not readily approached; remote.

2. a. Not friendly or sociable; aloof. b. Emotionally unresponsive and detached;


고립한, 세상과 등진[관계를 끊은]; 암띤, 내향적인, 소극적인.

bigot One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is

intolerant of those who differ (holding bias)

(종교정치 등에서) 고집쟁이, 편협한 사람; 광신자; 완고한 사람

procrastinate To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.

미루다, 지연되다, 질질 끌다, 꾸물대다.

indulge 1. To yield to the desires and whims of, especially to an excessive degree; humor.

2. a. To yield to; gratify. b. To allow (oneself) unrestrained gratification.

3. To grant an ecclesiastical indulgence or dispensation to.

A(욕망쾌락 등)에> 빠지다, 탐닉하다; <A를> 마음껏 누리다, 실컷 즐기다 ; (…에) 종사하


<욕망 등을> 만족시키다, 충족시키다. ∼ one's sweet tooth

<남을> (…으로) 어하다, 제멋대로 하게 하다; (…으로) <남의> 비위를 맞추다

ascetic A person who renounces material comforts and leads a life of austere self-

discipline, especially as an act of religious devotion.

Leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial, especially for spiritual


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고행자; (초기 크리스트 교회의) 수도사; (일반적으로) 금욕주의자.

libertine 1. One who acts without moral restraint; a dissolute person.

2. One who defies established religious precepts; a freethinker.

도덕적[성적]으로 속박되지 않은 사람; 방탕자, 난봉꾼.

traitor One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits


(사람주의신용 등에의) 배신[반역]자

pundit 1. A Brahman scholar or learned man.

2. Used as a title of respect for a learned man in India.

(인도의) 대학자; 박식한 사람, 전문가. 권위자

2 <口> 유식한 체하는 사람.

allegiance Loyalty or the obligation of loyalty, as to a nation, sovereign, or cause.

(국가군주 등에 대한) 충성(loyalty), 충의; (봉건 시대의) 신종(臣從)의 의무

partisan A fervent, sometimes militant supporter or proponent of a party, cause, faction,

person, or idea.

자기편, 동지, 지지자; <정책논의입장 등이> 당파심이 강한, 당파에 치우친.

deputy 1. A person appointed or empowered to act for another.

2. An assistant exercising full authority in the absence of his or her superior and

equal authority in emergencies: a deputy to the sheriff.

대리(인), 대리역; 대리자; 대리관, 부관(副官); (선거구의) 대표자, 대의원; 대리의

gourmand A lover of good food; A gluttonous eater.

미식가, 식도락가; 대식가, 폭식가

pedant 1. One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules.

2. One who exhibits one's learning or scholarship ostentatiously.

학자라고[지식이 있다고] 뽐내는 사람, 현학자(衒學者); 규칙만 찾는 사람.

daredevil One who is recklessly bold.

앞뒤를 헤아리지 않는(사람), 덤비는[저돌적인] (사람).

egotist A conceited, boastful person; A selfish, self-centered person.

자만심이 강한 사람; 자기 본위인 사람, 이기주의자.

hedonism Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.

헤도니즘, 쾌락주의; 향락주의.

stoic One who is seemingly indifferent to or unaffected by joy, grief, pleasure, or pain. 극


rung 1. A rod or bar forming a step of a ladder.

2. A crosspiece between the legs of a chair.

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3. The spoke in a wheel.

(사닥다리의) 가로장; (의자의) 가로대;(뼈대 등의) 튼튼한 막대, (바퀴의) 스포크, 바퀴살; (사회

적 지위 등의) 단계.

fuse A cord of readily combustible material that is lighted at one end to carry a flame

along its length to detonate an explosive at the other end.

(폭탄폭약 등의) 신관(信管); 도화선.

wick A cord or strand of loosely woven, twisted, or braided fibers, as on a candle or an

oil lamp, that draws up fuel to the flame by capillary action.

심지, 등심(燈心).

kneecap A flat triangular bone located at the front of the knee joint. 슬개골;무릎받이.

abdomen The part of the body that lies between the thorax and the pelvis and encloses the

stomach, intestines, liver, spleen, and pancreas. Also called belly.

(포유 동물의) 배, 복부(belly);복강

aorta The main trunk of the systemic arteries, carrying blood from the left side of the

heart to the arteries of all limbs and organs except the lungs. [解] 대동맥

joint 1. a. A place or part at which two or more things are joined. b. A way in which two

or more things are joined.

2. Anatomy. a. A point of articulation between two or more bones, especially

such a connection that allows motion. b. A point in the exoskeleton of an

invertebrate at which movable parts join, as along the leg of an arthropod.

접합 부분, 이음매, 접합(법);[解動] 관절(부); [生] 절, 마디, 절간(節間)

corpuscle a. An unattached body cell, such as a blood or lymph cell. b. A rounded, globular

mass of cells, such as the pressure receptor on certain nerve endings.

[解] 유리 세포, (특히) 혈구; (생물체의) 소체; [理化] 미립자.

anecdote A short account of an interesting or humorous incident.

일화, 기담, 일사(逸事); (역사전기 등의) 숨은 사실, 비사(秘史)

skit 1. A short, usually comic dramatic performance or work; a theatrical sketch.

2. A short humorous or satirical piece of writing.

(짧은) 희문(戱文), (…의) 풍자문; 촌극, 소희극

enzyme Any of numerous proteins or conjugated proteins produced by living organisms and

functioning as biochemical catalysts. [生化] 효소

catalyst 1. A substance, usually used in small amounts relative to the reactants, that

modifies and increases the rate of a reaction without being consumed in the


2. One that precipitates a process or event, especially without being involved in or

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changed by the consequences.

[化] 촉매; (촉매적인) 요인이 되는 것[사람], 계기, 자극.

allergy condition producing an unfavorable reaction to food, pollen, etc; An abnormally

high sensitivity to certain substances, such as pollens, foods, or

microorganisms. Common indications of allergy may include sneezing, itching,

and skin rashes

(…의) 알레르기, 이상 과민증; 이상 반응; <口> 반감, 거부감.

microbe A minute life form; a microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease.

미생물; 병원균.

eavesdrop To listen secretly to the private conversation of others. (…을) 엿듣다, 도청하다

demagogue A leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals to the emotions and

prejudices of the populace.

선동자; 선동 연설가[정치가], 데마고그; (고대의) 민중 지도자.

austere 1. Severe or stern in disposition or appearance; somber and grave

2. Strict or severe in discipline; ascetic: a desert nomad's austere life.

3. Having no adornment or ornamentation; bare: an austere style.

<태도표정 등이> 엄숙한, 진지한; 엄한, 험악한; 무거운; <사람습관생활 등이> 근엄한,

금욕적인; 절도있는, 검소한, 절약하는; <양식 등이> 꾸밈없는, 간결한.

unyielding 1. Not bending; inflexible.

2. Not giving way to pressure or persuasion; obdurate.

구부러지지 않는, 단단한; <결심의견 등이> 완고한, 단호한(obstinate, determined).

somber 1. Dark; gloomy. b. Dull or dark in color.

2. Melancholy; dismal: a somber mood; Serious; grave.

<장소하늘 등이> 어두컴컴한(dark), 컴컴하고 음산한; <색 등이> 칙칙한, 수수한;

<성격기분 등이> 우울[음침]한(gloomy); <표정 등이> 슬픈 듯한, 근심 어린, 침울한, 답답

한, 심각한; <전도전망이> 암담한(dismal).

scribble 1. To write hurriedly without heed to legibility or style.

2. To cover with scribbles, doodles, or meaningless marks.

을[에] 휘갈겨 쓰다, 마구 끼적거리다, 낙서하다; <글자 등을> 거칠게 지우다

limp 1. To walk lamely, especially with irregularity, as if favoring one leg.

2. To move or proceed haltingly or unsteadily: The project limped along with half

its previous funding.

다리를 절다[절듯이 걷다]; <차배 등이> 느리게 나아가다; <이야기문장 등이> 느릿느릿

진행되다, 잘 나아가지 않다

mumble To utter indistinctly by lowering the voice or partially closing the mouth: mumbled

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an insincere apology.

중얼거리다, (입을 반쯤 다물고) 우물우물 말하다; (이가 없어) 우물우물 씹다.

preamble A preliminary statement, especially the introduction to a formal document that

serves to explain its purpose.

서문, 머리말(foreword); (법규조약 등의) 전문(前文)

movement Music. A self-contained section of a composition.

[樂] 악장; 진행, 리듬, 박자, 템포

drawbridge A bridge that can be raised or drawn aside either to prevent access or to permit

passage beneath it.

도개교(跳開橋), 가동교, (성의 해자에 걸친) 도개교.

gangway 1. Nautical. a. A passage along either side of a ship's upper deck. c. An opening in

the bulwark of a ship through which passengers may board.

2. A narrow passageway, as of boards laid on the ground.

통로(passageway); [海]현문(舷門); (비행기배의) 트랩

fang A long, pointed tooth, especially:. a. Any of the hollow or grooved teeth of a

venomous snake with which it injects its poison. b. Any of the canine teeth of a

carnivorous animal with which it seizes and tears its prey.

(뱀의) 독아(毒牙); (육식 동물의) 엄니, 송곳니(canine tooth); 개의 엄니 비슷한 이; 거미의 이


quill One of the sharp hollow spines of a porcupine or hedgehog.

(새의) 깃, (특히) 꽁지깃, 칼깃; 깃대(feather stem); (호저나 고슴도치의) 뻣뻣한 털.

tusk 1. An elongated, pointed tooth, usually one of a pair, extending outside of the

mouth in certain animals such as the walrus, elephant, or wild boar..

2. A long, projecting tooth or toothlike part.

(해상(海象)코끼리 등의) 엄니; 뻐드렁니; 엄니 모양의 돌출물.

palate The roof of the mouth in vertebrates having a complete or partial separation of the

oral and nasal cavities and consisting of the hard palate and the soft palate.

[解] 구개; (요리포도주 등에 대한) 맛의 감별력, 미각

curb 1. A concrete border or row of joined stones forming part of a gutter along the

edge of a street.

2. Something that checks or restrains: High interest rates put a curb on spending.

3. A chain or strap that passes under a horse's lower jaw and serves in conjunction

with the bit to restrain the horse.

To check, restrain, or control as if with a curb; rein in.

1 (보도의) 연석(緣石)(curbstone)

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2 (말의) 큰 재갈(curb bit).

3 <보통 a ∼> 제한, 제어, 억제, 구속(restraint).

<권한활동 등을> 제한[억제]하다, <감정을> 억누르다(check)

outskirts The part or region remote from a central district, as of a city or town. Often used in

the plural: on the outskirts of Paris.

(도시 등의) 변두리, 교외, 시외

margin An edge and the area immediately adjacent to it; a border.

가장자리, 가, 끝; 물가 ; (페이지의) 여백, 난외.

trunk 1. a. The main woody axis of a tree. b. Architecture. The shaft of a column.

2. a. The body of a human being or an animal excluding the head and limbs. b.

The thorax of an insect.

3. A proboscis, especially the long prehensile proboscis of an elephant.

(나무의) (원)줄기, 수간(樹幹)(stock); 물건의 본체, 주요부(분); 대형 여행 가방, 트렁크;

코끼리의 코(proboscis).

hangar A shelter especially for housing or repairing aircraft.

곳간, 오두막; (비행기비행선의) 격납고(格納庫).

glossary A list of difficult or specialized words with their definitions, often placed at the back

of a book.

(어떤 특수한 주제분야 등에 관한) 용어[술어, 어휘] 사전; (권말의) 용어 해설, 어휘 해설

bibliography 1. A list of the works of a specific author or publisher.

2. A list of writings relating to a given subject

3. The description and identification of the editions, dates of issue, authorship,

and typography of books or other written material. b. A compilation of such


(특정 주제의) 도서 목록, 서지(書誌); (특정 작가의) 저작 목록; (연구 논문 등에 덧붙이는) 참고

문헌 일람표, 문헌 목록; 서지학.

abstract A statement summarizing the important points of a text.

발췌, 발초(拔抄), 적요, 요약; 정수(essence); 추상 (관념, 명사(名辭)

legend a. An inscription or a title on an object, such as a coin. b. An explanatory caption

accompanying an illustration. c. An explanatory table or list of the symbols

appearing on a map or chart.

전설, 구전(口傳); 민간 전승; (그림 등의) 제명(題銘); (일반적으로) 문자; (지도도표 등의) 범

례, 기호의 설명표, 기호 일람표(key).

index 1. Something that serves to guide, point out, or otherwise facilitate reference,

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especially:. a. An alphabetized list of names, places, and subjects treated in a

printed work, giving the page or pages on which each item is mentioned. b. A

thumb index. c. A table, file, or catalog.

2. Something that reveals or indicates; a sign:

(책의) 색인; 목록; 카드식 색인(card index).; 표시, 징후, 조짐; 표시하는 것; 지침, 지표

(guiding principle).

catalog 1. a. A list or itemized display, as of titles, course offerings, or articles for exhibition

or sale, usually including descriptive information or illustrations. b. A

publication, such as a book or pamphlet, containing such a list or display: a

catalog of fall fashions; a seed catalog.

2. A list or enumeration

[도서관] 도서[장서] 목록, 카탈로그; 목록, 일람표; <美> 대학 요람[편람]

abbreviation 1. The act or product of shortening.

2. A shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing to represent the

complete form, such as Mass. for Massachusetts or USMC for United States

Marine Corps.

(…의) 생략형 [어구], 약자; 단축; 생략; [數] 약분; [樂] 줄임표, 생략기호.

footnote A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or

cites a reference for a designated part of the text.

각주; 소주(小註)

flange A protruding rim, edge, rib, or collar, as on a wheel or a pipe shaft, used to

strengthen an object, hold it in place, or attach it to another object.

플랜지, (철관 등의 끝의) 겹친 테두리; (레일 등의) 나온 귀; (차바퀴의) 불룩한 테두리, 가장자


flint A very hard kind of stone that can produce sparks when struck against steel.

부싯돌; 라이터돌.

cinder A burned or partly burned substance, such as coal, that is not reduced to ashes but

is incapable of further combustion. b. A partly charred substance that can burn

further but without flame.

(아직 재가 되지 않은 장작석탄 등의) 타다 남은 덩어리, 뜬숯; 불꽃 없이 타고 있는 석탄; 깜


fragment 1. A small part broken off or detached.

2. An incomplete or isolated portion; a bit: overheard fragments of their

conversation; extant fragments of an old manuscript.

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(물건의) 파편, 조각; 단편; 미완성의[불완전한, 잔존해 있는] 부분; 미완 유고(遺稿)

tare 1. Any of various weedy plants of the genus Vicia, especially the common vetch.

2. Any of several weedy plants that grow in grain fields.

완두속의 총칭; 그 종자.

narrative A narrated account; a story; The art, technique, or process of narrating.

(사실 경험에 입각한) 이야기, 담화; 이야기하기, 서술하기(narration); 화술(話術)

fable A usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often

employing as characters animals that speak and act like human beings.

우화(寓話)((이솝 등의) 교훈을 내포한 짧은 이야기

dirge 1. Music. a. A funeral hymn or lament. b. A slow, mournful musical composition.

2. A mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work.

장송가[곡]; 애도가; 만가(挽歌); 비가(悲歌)

elegy A poem composed in elegiac couplets; A poem or song composed especially as a

lament for a deceased person.

애가(哀歌), 비가, 만가(挽歌); 엘레지; 만가[애가]조의 시.

bit The sharp part of a tool, such as the cutting edge of a knife or ax.

(말 굴레의) 재갈; 구속[억제]하는 것; (대패도끼의) 날; [機] 비트(드릴용의 날).

bolt 1. A bar made of wood or metal that slides into a socket and is used to fasten

doors and gates.

2. A fastener consisting of a threaded pin or rod with a head at one end, designed

to be inserted through holes in assembled parts and secured by a mated nut

that is tightened by applying torque.

3. A large roll of cloth of a definite length, especially as it comes from the loom.

To secure or lock with or as if with a bolt; To move or spring suddenly.

(문창호를 잠그는) 빗장, 걸쇠; 볼트; 급히 뛰쳐나가기, 돌진, 도망; <美> 탈당, 이탈; 자당(自

黨) 정책의 거부; (직물피륙벽지 등의) 한 통, 한 필; (짚 등의) 다발.

membrane A thin, pliable layer of tissue covering surfaces or separating or connecting regions,

structures, or organs of an animal or a plant; Cell membrane.

막(薄膜), 막; 세포막.

jamb One of a pair of vertical posts or pieces that together form the sides of a door,

window frame, or fireplace, for example.

[建] 잼, (문)설주(입구창벽난로의 세로 지지물); (난롯가의) 잼돌(side face).

hull The dry outer covering of a fruit, seed, or nut; a husk

(낟알, 씨앗 등의) 겉껍질; (딸기 등의) 꼭지.

halo 1. A circular band of colored light around a light source, as around the sun or

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moon, caused by the refraction and reflection of light by ice particles

suspended in the intervening atmosphere.

2. A luminous ring or disk of light surrounding the heads or bodies of sacred

figures, such as saints, in religious paintings; a nimbus.

(성상(聖像)의 머리둘레나 그 위쪽에 그려지는) 원광(圓光), 후광

arabesque 1. A ballet position in which the dancer bends forward while standing on one

straight leg with the arm extended forward and the other arm and leg

extended backward.

2. A complex, ornate design of intertwined floral, foliate, and geometric figures.

3. Music. A usually short, whimsical composition especially for the piano that

features many embellished passages.

4. An intricate or elaborate pattern or design

아라비아풍의 장식 양식; [美] 당초(唐草) 무늬; 아라베스크.⑴ [발레] 아라베스크.⑵ [樂] 장

식적 소곡[소 피아노곡]; [詩] 복잡하고 기교적인 표현, 정교한 표현.

adj. 아라베스크풍의, 당초 무늬의.

stanza One of the divisions of a poem, composed of two or more lines usually

characterized by a common pattern of meter, rhyme, and number of lines.

[韻] 시절(詩節), 스탠자, 연(聯), 절

doggerel Crudely or irregularly fashioned verse, often of a humorous or burlesque nature.

<시가> (운율이 고르지 못하여) 우스꽝스러운; 조잡한, 졸렬한, 서투른.

엉터리 시

verse 1. a. A single metrical line in a poetic composition; one line of poetry. b. A division

of a metrical composition, such as a stanza of a poem or hymn. c. A poem.

2. Metrical or rhymed composition as distinct from prose; poetry.

시, 운문(韻文); 운문.; (시의) 절(節), 연(聯); 시의 1행; 특정한 시형의 1행

burlesque 1. A literary or dramatic work that makes a subject appear ridiculous by treating it

in an incongruous way, as by presenting a lofty subject with vulgarity or an

inconsequential one with mock dignity.

2. A ludicrous or mocking imitation; a travesty: The antics of the defense

attorneys turned the trial into a burlesque of justice.

3. A variety show characterized by broad ribald comedy, dancing, and striptease.

연극문학에서 진지한 주제를 익살스럽게 꾸미는 수법; 익살스러운 풍자문, 희작(戱作), 풍자

시(詩), 풍자적 희극, 광대극;익살짓, 익살스러운 모방; [劇] <美> (외설스러운 노래스

트립 쇼 등을 앞세우는) 통속적 희가극.

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operetta A theatrical production that has many of the musical elements of opera but is

lighter and more popular in subject and style and contains spoken dialogue.

Also called light opera.

오페레타, 경가극. 경쾌한 단편 오페라.

narration The act, process, or an instance of narrating; Narrated material.

이야기(story), 설화(說話), 담화(narrative); (시나 연극의) 설명(부분), 내레이션; 이야기하기,


limerick A light humorous, nonsensical, or bawdy verse of five anapestic lines usually with

the rhyme scheme aabba.

5행 희시(戱詩).

sonnet A 14-line verse form usually having one of several conventional rhyme schemes.

韻] 소네트, 14행시.

redolent 1. Having or emitting fragrance; aromatic.

2. Suggestive; reminiscent: a campaign redolent of machine politics.

향기로운, 향내나는(fragrant); (…을)생각케 하는, 암시하는(suggestive); (…을) 생각나게 하

는, 상기시키는

lucid 1. Easily understood; intelligible.

2. Mentally sound; sane or rational.

3. Translucent or transparent.

이해하기 쉬운, 명쾌한; (머리가) 명석한; 이성적인(rational), 바른 정신의; 맑은, 투명한.

torpid 1. Deprived of the power of motion or feeling; benumbed.

2. Dormant; hibernating.

3. Lethargic; apathetic.

1 <마음(의 움직임)신체 기관 등이> 움직이지 않는, 둔한, 활발하지 못한; <사람이> 둔

감[무기력]한, 불감의(dull, apathetic).

2 <동물이> 휴면[동면, 하면]하고 있는(dormant).

ephemeral Lasting for a markedly brief time; Living or lasting only for a day, as certain plants

or insects do.

덧없는; 단명한, 단 하루뿐인.

piquant 1. Pleasantly pungent or tart in taste; spicy.

2. a. Appealingly provocative: a piquant wit. b. Charming, interesting, or

attractive: a piquant face.

(맛이) (식욕을 자극하듯) 짜릿한, 얼얼한, 매운, 톡 쏘는; 쏘는 듯한, 통쾌한(stimulating); 매력


babble 1. To utter a meaningless confusion of words or sounds.

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2. To talk foolishly or idly; chatter

3. To make a continuous low, murmuring sound, as flowing water.

분명치 않은 소리를 내다, 중얼중얼 말하다; <어린애 등이> 혀짤배기 소리를 하다; 쓸데없는 잡

담을 하다; <시냇물이> 졸졸 소리내며 흐르다, <새사람의 목소리 등이> 재잘거리다

chisel To shape or cut with a chisel; To cheat or swindle.

<나무돌을> 새기다, 새겨서(…을) 만들다; <조상(彫像)을> (나무돌로) 만들다; <남을> 속

이다, 속여서 (물건을) 빼앗다

harmonize 1. To bring or come into agreement or harmony; To be in agreement

2. Music. To provide harmony for (a melody); To sing or play in harmony.

…을 (…과) 조화[일치]시키다; [樂] <단음의 멜로디 등에> 화음을 붙이다.

(…과) 일치[조화]하다, 어울리다. Brown harmonizes with green.

화성으로 노래하다, 합창하다.

scribble 1. To write hurriedly without heed to legibility or style.

2. To cover with scribbles, doodles, or meaningless marks

을[에] 휘갈겨 쓰다, 마구 끼적거리다, 낙서하다

imply 1. To involve by logical necessity; entail: Life implies growth and death.

2. To express or indicate indirectly: His tone implied disapproval.

<사물말 등이>내포하다, …의 뜻을 함축하다; 암시하다

quibble 1. To evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising trivial distinctions and


2. To find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil.

A petty distinction or an irrelevant objection.

둘러대다, 요점을 얼버무리다(equivocate); 트집을 잡다; (…과) (…에 관해) 쓸데없는 언쟁을

벌이다 ; (문제를 얼버무리기 위한) 둘러대기, 발뺌, 핑계, 구실, 궤변; 부질없는 비판, 트

집 잡기, 독설; 하찮은 반대[이론(異論)].

elude 1. To evade or escape from, as by daring, cleverness, or skill: The suspect

continues to elude the police.

2. To escape the understanding or grasp of: a name that has always eluded me;

a metaphor that eluded them.

<위험추적추궁법률의무 등을> 잘 피하다(avoid), 회피하다, 교묘하게 벗어나다

(evade); <남에게서> 벗어나다; <사물이> <사람에게> 이해되지 않다, 걷잡을 수 없다.

tuber Botany. A swollen, fleshy, usually underground stem, such as the potato, bearing

buds from which new plant shoots arise.

Biology. A rounded projection or swelling; a tubercle.

n. [植] (감자의) 덩이줄기; [解] 융기, 결절(結節).

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rind A tough outer covering such as bark, the skin of some fruits, or the coating on

cheese or bacon.

(동물식물과일치즈베이컨 등의) 껍질, 외피

maize Corn 옥수수

cob The hard, thick, cylindrical central core on which are borne the grains or kernels of

an ear of corn, usually in rows.


rhubarb Any of several plants of the genus Rheum,, having long, green or reddish acidic

leafstalks that are edible when sweetened and cooked. Also called pie plant.

Informal. A quarrel, fight, or heated discussion.

[植] 장군풀, 대황(大黃); 그 뿌리(하제고미(苦味)제); 그 잎줄기(파이잼용).

<美俗> 말다툼, 격론; (특히 야구 경기 중의) 격렬한 항의.

leafstalk The stalk by which a leaf is attached to a stem


pirouette A full turn of the body on the point of the toe or the ball of the foot in ballet.

(발레스케이트의) 피루엣, 발끝으로 돌기.

meticulous Extremely careful and precise; Extremely or excessively concerned with details.

작은 일에 (지나치게) 신경을 쓰는, 지나치게 소심한; <口> 주의 깊은, 정확한.

Synonyms: meticulous, careful, painstaking, scrupulous, fastidious, punctilious

dissent 1. To differ in opinion or feeling; disagree.

2. To withhold assent or approval.

의견이 다르다, 다른 감정을 가지다, 이의를 주장하다

fawn 1. To exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail,

whining, or cringing.

2. To seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior.

비위맞추다, 알랑거리다

engaging Charming; attractive: an engaging smile.

남을 매혹하는, 애교[매력]있는

bulb Botany. a. A short, modified, underground stem surrounded by usually fleshy

modified leaves that contain stored food for the shoot within: an onion bulb; a

tulip bulb. b. A similar underground stem or root, such as a corm, rhizome, or

tuber. c. A plant that grows from a bulb.

구근(球根), 비늘줄기; 구근 식물; (원통형 물건 끝의) 둥그스름한 부분(모근, 스포이트의 고무

등); 구형의 것(전구 등)

chrysanthemum [植] 국화; 국화꽃(mum).

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metaphysic Philosophy. The branch of philosophy that examines the nature of reality, including

the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and


순수 철학, (넓은 뜻의) 형이상학

pitch 1. Any of various thick, dark, sticky substances obtained from the distillation

residue of coal tar, wood tar, or petroleum and used for waterproofing, roofing,

caulking, and paving.

2. Any of various natural bitumens, such as mineral pitch or asphalt.

3. A resin derived from the sap of various coniferous trees, as the pines.

피치: 타르원유 등의 증류 후에 남는 끈적끈적한 검은 물질.; 수지; 송진; 천연의 역청(瀝靑)

물질(아스팔트 등).

four-poster A bed having tall corner posts originally intended to support curtains or a canopy.

사주식 침대

chlorine highly irritating, greenish-yellow gaseous halogen, capable of combining with nearly

all other elements, produced principally by electrolysis of sodium chloride and

used widely to purify water, as a disinfectant and bleaching agent, and in the

manufacture of many important compounds including chloroform and carbon

tetrachloride. 염소

wardrobe 1. A tall cabinet, closet, or small room built to hold clothes.

2. Garments considered as a group, especially all the articles of clothing that

belong to one person.

3. a. The costumes belonging to a theater or theatrical troupe. b. The place in

which theatrical costumes are kept.

4. The department in charge of wearing apparel, jewelry, and accessories in a

royal or noble household.

옷장; <집합적> (개인극단) 소유의 의복[의상]; (고전극 등에 쓰는) 옛 의상

rhinestone A colorless artificial gem of paste or glass, often with facets that sparkle in imitation

of a diamond.

라인석(石). 모조다이아몬드.

harbor A sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships;

A place of shelter; a refuge.

To give shelter to; To provide a place, home, or habitat for; To entertain or nourish

(a specified thought or feeling): harbor a grudge.

<사람물건 등을> 숨기다, 숨겨 주다; <사람 등에게> 피난처를 제공하다; <생각계획 등을>

마음속에 품다

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rudder a. Nautical. A vertically hinged plate of metal, fiberglass, or wood mounted at the

stern of a vessel for directing its course. b. A similar structure at the tail of an

aircraft, used for effecting horizontal changes in course.

[海] (배의) 키; [空] (비행기의) 방향타.

anchor Nautical. A heavy object attached to a vessel by a cable or rope and cast overboard

to keep the vessel in place either by its weight or by its flukes, which grip the


To hold fast by or as if by an anchor.

닻을 내리다, 투묘하다, 정박하다; 단단히 달라붙어 있다, 고착하다

patio An outdoor space for dining or recreation that adjoins a residence and is often

paved; A roofless inner courtyard, typically found in Spanish and Spanish-style


안뜰.(스페인식 가옥)

terrace 1. a. A porch or walkway bordered by colonnades. b. A platform extending

outdoors from a floor of a house or an apartment building.

2. An open, often paved area adjacent to a house serving as an outdoor living

space; a patio.

(경사면 등의) 계단식 대지(臺地), 단지(段地); 테라스; 안뜰

hatch 1. a. An opening, as in the deck of a ship, in the roof or floor of a building, or in

an aircraft. b. The cover for such an opening.

2. The hinged rear door of a hatchback.

[海] (배의 갑판에 있는) 해치, 창구(艙口); 해치 커버; [空] 비행기의 출입[비상]구.

(마루천장 등의) 출입구, 위로 젖히는 출입문.

hold The lower interior part of a ship or an airplane in which cargo is stored.

[海] 선창(船倉); [空] (항공기의) 화물실.

articulate 1. To pronounce distinctly and carefully; enunciate.

2. To express in coherent verbal form; give words to: couldn't articulate my fears.

<말이> 똑똑히 발음된, 분절적(分節的)인; 똑똑한, 명확[분명]한.

<음절각 단어를> 똑똑하게 말하다[표현하다].

encumbered 1. To put a heavy load on; burden

2. To hinder or impede the action or performance of

3. To burden with legal or financial obligations

<동작활동을> 방해하다, 지장을 주다, 거치적거리게 하다;<장소를> (장애물로) 막다, 꽉 채

우다; …을 복잡하게 하다; <남에게> (무거운 짐 등을) 지우다 ; <남에게> (채무빚 등을)

지우다, 과하다

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sketchy 1. Resembling a sketch; giving only major points or parts.

2. a. Lacking in substance or completeness; incomplete. b. Slight; superficial.

스케치[사생]풍의; 개략[요점] 만의; 대략적인, 불완전한(incomplete), 미완성의; 대수롭지 않

은, 가벼운; 천박한; 피상적인(superficial).

grieve To cause to be sorrowful; distress.

몹시 슬퍼하다, 비탄하다

Synonyms: grieve, lament, mourn, sorrow.

maladroit Marked by a lack of adroitness; inept.

솜씨 없는, 재치[요령] 없는

intemperate Not temperate or moderate; excessive, especially in the use of alcoholic beverages.

음주에 빠지는, 폭음하는; 무절제한; <언동 등이> 절도[조심성] 없는, 과격한; <기후가> 혹심

한, 혹한[혹서]의.

sluggish 1. Displaying little movement or activity; slow; inactive: a sluggish stream;

sluggish growth.

2. Lacking alertness, vigor, or energy; inert or indolent.

3. Slow to perform or respond to stimulation.

게으른(idle), 나태한(lazy) ;<기관(器官) 등이> 기능이 둔한.; <장사 등이> 활기 없는, 부진한


fatigue Physical or mental weariness resulting from exertion.

(신체정신의) 피로, 피곤.

glib 1. a. Performed with a natural, offhand ease: glib conversation. b. Showing little

thought, preparation, or concern: a glib response to a complex question.

2. Marked by ease and fluency of speech or writing that often suggests or stems

from insincerity, superficiality, or deceitfulness.

<사람이> 재잘재잘 잘 지껄이는; 입심좋은; 말로만 조잘거리는

profound 1. Situated at, extending to, or coming from a great depth; deep.

2. Coming as if from the depths of one's being: profound contempt.

3. Penetrating beyond what is superficial or obvious: a profound insight.

4. Unqualified; absolute: a profound silence.

<사람이> 학식[조예]이 깊은, 해박한; <학식통찰력 등이> 깊은; <책학설 등이> 뜻 깊은,

심오한; 난해한.

morose Sullenly melancholy; gloomy.

시무룩한, 기분이 언짢은, 성미가 까다로운.

urbane Polite, refined, and often elegant in manner.

도시풍의, 세련된, 우아한, 고상한, 예절 바른(polished, refined)

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gaucherie 1. An awkward or tactless act, manner, or expression.

2. A lack of tact; awkwardness.

버릇없음, 무뚝뚝함, 눈치 없음; 투박스러운[지각없는] 짓[말]; 서투름, 어색함, 꼴불견.

coterie A small, often select group of persons who associate with one another frequently.

(공통의 취미흥미를 가진) 친구, 동료; 동인, 그룹.

diffident 1. Lacking or marked by a lack of self-confidence; shy and timid

2. Reserved in manner.

(자기의 능력적성에 대해서) 자신 없는, 기가 죽은, 수줍어하는; 삼가는, 조심성 있는.

imposture The act or instance of engaging in deception under an assumed name or identity.

사기, 협잡, 사칭.

equivocate 1. To use equivocal language intentionally.

2. To avoid making an explicit statement.

(속이려고) 애매한 언사를 쓰다, 말끝을 흐리다, 거짓말하다.

procrastinate To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness.

미루다, 지연되다, 질질 끌다, 꾸물대다(delay).

implicate 1. To involve or connect intimately or incriminatingly

2. To have as a consequence or an inference; imply.

…을 (…에) 말려들게 하다, 관련[연루]시키다;<일말 등이> <의미 등을> 함축하다.

exposition 1. A setting forth of meaning or intent.

2. a. A statement or rhetorical discourse intended to give information about or an

explanation of difficult material. b. The art or technique of composing such


전시[박람]회; 전시, 진열;(상세한) 해설, 설명; 해설적 논문; (기술재능 등의) 발휘.

expostulate To reason earnestly with someone in an effort to dissuade or correct; remonstrate.

(남을) 타이르다, 간(諫)하다, (특히 행동에 관해) 훈계하다; (…하지 않도록) 충고하다. ∼ with

him against speculating in stocks

falsify 1. To state untruthfully; misrepresent;

2. a. To make false by altering or adding to: falsify testimony. b. To counterfeit;

forge: falsify a visa.

3. To declare or prove to be false.

1 …을 속이다, 왜곡하다(distort); <서류유언 등을> 부당하게 손질하다, …을 위조하다;

<허위 신고 등을> 하다.

2 …의 그릇됨을 증명하다, …을 논파[반증] 하다.

3 <결과가> <기대에> 어긋나다, <걱정 등을> 불필요하게 하다.

fabricate 1. To make; create.

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2. To construct by combining or assembling diverse, typically standardized parts:

fabricate small boats.

3. To concoct in order to deceive: fabricated an excuse.

1 …을 제작[건조]하다; <제품을> 조립하다, <부품 등을> 조립하다

2 <이야기거짓말을> 꾸며내다, 조작하다; <문서를> 위조하다(forge).

bombast Grandiloquent, pompous speech or writing.

과장된[거드럭거리는] 말; 호언 장담(tall talk)

pompous 1. Characterized by excessive self-esteem or exaggerated dignity; pretentious

2. Full of high-sounding phrases; bombastic: a pompous proclamation.

3. Characterized by pomp or stately display; ceremonious: a pompous occasion.

<사람태도가> 오만한, 뽐내는;훌륭한, 화려한, 장대한; <문체말표현이> 허풍떠는, 과장


economical 1. Prudent and thrifty in management; not wasteful or extravagant.

2. Intended to save money, as by efficient operation or elimination of

unnecessary features; economic: a modern, economical heating system

<사람이> 검약을 중시하는, 검소한; (물건을) 절약하는, 알뜰한; <사물이> 경제적인; 에너지 절


circumlocution 1. The use of unnecessarily wordy and indirect language.

2. Evasion in speech or writing.

3. A roundabout expression.

(말을) 에두르기; 에두른[완곡한] 표현.

prattle To talk or chatter idly or meaninglessly; babble or prate.

<어른이> 재잘재잘 지껄이다, <어린이 등이> 떠듬떠듬 말하다(prate).

verbiage 1. An excess of words for the purpose; wordiness.

2. The manner in which something is expressed in words: software verbiage.

말이 많음[장황함]

mundane 1. Of, relating to, or typical of this world; secular.

2. Relating to, characteristic of, or concerned with commonplaces; ordinary.

우주의, 지구의; 지상의, 현세의; 평범한, 흔한, 세속의

tirade A long angry or violent speech, usually of a censorious or denunciatory nature; a


길고 신랄한 비난[공격 연설]; 장황한 열변, 장광설.

querulous 1. Given to complaining; peevish.

2. Expressing a complaint or grievance; grumbling: a querulous voice; querulous


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불만이 많은(complaining); 불만[불평]을 나타내는; 화를 잘 내는

treacherous 1. Marked by betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust; perfidious.

2. Not to be relied on; not dependable or trustworthy.

3. Marked by unforeseen hazards; dangerous or deceptive: treacherous waters.

<사람언행이> 불성실한(disloyal), 배반[배신]하는(perfidious)

culpable Deserving of blame or censure as being wrong, evil, improper, or injurious.

<사람행위가> 과실이 있는, 비난할 만한(blameworthy), 괘씸한(reprehensible).

orate To speak in a formal, pompous manner.

<諧> 연설하다.

lecture 1. To deliver a lecture to (a class or an audience).

2. To admonish or reprove earnestly, often at length: always lecturing me about

my manners.

강의[강연]하다(instruct); <남을> 훈계하다, 꾸짖다(reprove)

malign To make evil, harmful, and often untrue statements about; speak evil of.

의 욕설을 하다; …에 해를끼치다.

coherent 1. Sticking together; cohering.

2. Marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts: a

coherent essay.

착 달라붙은, 서로 밀착된; <부분이> (…과) 긴밀히 결부된; <논의 등이> 시종 일관한, 논리적


jest A playful or amusing act; a prank

To act or speak playfully; To make witty remarks; To utter scoffs; gibe.

농담하다; (남을) (악의 없이) 놀리다; (사람생각을) 비웃다, 조롱하다

counterfeit 1. To make a copy of, usually with the intent to defraud; forge: counterfeits


2. To make a pretense of; feign: counterfeited interest in the story.

Made in imitation of what is genuine with the intent to defraud: a counterfeit dollar

bill.; Simulated; feigned: a counterfeit illness.

가짜의, 모조[위조]의(forged); 겉치레의(pretended), 허위의, 속임수의.

n. 가짜(forgery), 위조[모조]품, 위작(僞作).

…을 위조하다(forge), 모조품을 만들다(imitate); …인 체하다; …처럼 꾸미다; …을 모방하다.

arson The crime of maliciously, voluntarily, and willfully setting fire to the building,

buildings, or other property of another or of burning one's own property for an

improper purpose, as to collect insurance.

法] 방화(죄).

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embezzlement To take (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trust.

(돈을) 횡령[착복]하다.

duplicity a. Deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech. b. An instance of deliberate

deceptiveness; double-dealing.

(언동에) 표리가 있음, 겉 다르고 속 다름, 불성실.

curiosity 1. A desire to know or learn.

2. A desire to know about people or things that do not concern one; nosiness.

호기심; 캐기 좋아함; 진기함, 신기함

wanderlust A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel.

여행열, 방랑벽.

frugal 1. Practicing or marked by economy, as in the expenditure of money or the use of

material resources.

2. Costing little; inexpensive: a frugal lunch.

검소한(thrifty); (…을) 절약하는;비용이 들지 않는; 간소한, 불충분한.

pugnacious Combative in nature; belligerent.

싸우기 좋아하는, 호전적인.

foolhardy Unwisely bold or venturesome; rash.

무작정한, 무모한, 앞뒤를 헤아리지 않는

stygian 1. a. Gloomy and dark. b. Infernal; hellish.

2. Of or relating to the river Styx.

그리스 신화의) 삼도(三途)내(Styx)의; 지옥의; <文> 어두운, 침울한.

abysmal Resembling an abyss in depth; unfathomable;Very profound; limitless: abysmal

misery;Very bad: an abysmal performance.

<口> <특히 비유> 심연의[같은]; 한없이 깊은, 헤아릴 수 없는[없이 큰]; 구할 길 없는, 매우


cogent Appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning; convincing: a cogent argument.

<이론논의 등이> 설득력이 있는;적절한, 정곡을 찌른.

contentious 1. Given to contention; quarrelsome.

2. Involving or likely to cause contention; controversial

사람이> 논쟁[싸움]을 좋아하는;<문제 등이> 논쟁[이론]을 불러일으키는[이 있는]

reckless 1. a. Heedless or careless. b. Headstrong; rash.

2. Indifferent to or disregardful of consequences: a reckless driver.

앞뒤를 가리지 않는, 무모한. 개의치 않는, (…에) 신경을 쓰지 않는

Synonyms: reckless, rash, precipitate, foolhardy, temerarious.

cataclysmic 1. A violent upheaval that causes great destruction or brings about a fundamental

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2. A violent and sudden change in the earth's crust.

3. A devastating flood.

(지각의 표면에 일어나는) 격변, 대홍수, 지진;격동, (특히 사회적정치적) 대변혁.

mock 1. To treat with ridicule or contempt; deride.

2. a. To mimic, as in sport or derision. b. To imitate; counterfeit.

3. To frustrate the hopes of; disappoint.

…을 비웃다, 조롱하다, 업신여기다;<사람동작을> 흉내내며 놀리다.

satirize To ridicule or attack by means of satire.

…을 풍자하다, 풍자시[문]로 공격하다; …을 비꼬다, 비아냥거리다.

condense 1. To reduce the volume or compass of.

2. To make more concise; abridge or shorten.

3. Physics. a. To cause (a gas or vapor) to change to a liquid. b. To remove water

from (milk, for example).

<액체를> (…으로) 농축시키다, 농후하게 하다; …을 응축[압축]하다; <기체를> (…으로) 액화

[고체화]하다, 응결시키다; <책연설진술 등을> (…으로) 간략화하다, 요약[단축]하다


duplicate 1. To make an exact copy of.

2. To make twofold; double.

3. To make or perform again; repeat: a hard feat to duplicate.

…의 사본을 만들다, …을 복제[복사]하다, 정부 2통을 작성하다; <모습상황을> 재현하다;

…을 되풀이하다.

taunt 1. To reproach in a mocking, insulting, or contemptuous manner.

2. To drive or incite (a person) by taunting.

<남을> 비웃다; (…이라고) 악담을 퍼붓다, 꾸짖다

poseur One who affects a particular attitude, character, or manner to impress others

젠체하는 사람.

brat A child, especially a spoiled or ill-mannered one.

<경멸> 꼬마, 새끼

flirt 1. To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures.

2. To deal playfully, triflingly, or superficially with: flirt with danger.

3. To move abruptly or jerkily.

<특히 여자가> (…과) 장난 삼아 연애하다, 불장난하다; (언설예능생각 등을) 장난 삼아

해보다, …을 집적거리다

장난삼아 연애하는 사람, 바람둥이 (특히 여자)

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Synonyms: flirt, dally, play, toy, trifle. The central meaning shared by these verbs

is “to deal lightly, casually, or flippantly with someone or something”: flirted

with the idea of getting a job; dallying with music; can't play with life; toyed

with the problem; a person not to be trifled with.

decency 1. The state or quality of being decent; propriety.

2. Conformity to prevailing standards of propriety or modesty.

(말씨거동 등이) 고상함, 품위있음, 예의바름; 양식습속에 어긋남이 없음; 체면, 체모.

grouch 1. A habitually complaining or irritable person.

2. A grumbling or sulky mood: in a grouch about the long line for tickets.

3. A complaint; a grudge

시무룩해지다, 뾰로통하다, 토라지다; 투덜거리다..

토라진 사람; 투덜대는 사람; 시무룩한 기분; 불평, 투덜거림.

rogue 1. An unprincipled, deceitful, and unreliable person; a scoundrel or rascal.

2. One who is playfully mischievous; a scamp: My little brother is such a rogue!

악한, 불량배; 사기꾼;<친밀감을 가지고> 장난꾸러기, 개구쟁이.

empathy Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.

心] (배역 등에의) 감정 이입, (남에 대한) 공감

lumber 1. To walk or move with heavy clumsiness..

2. To move with a rumbling noise.

뚱보탱크짐수레가> 육중하게[소란스럽게] 움직이다,돌아다니다.

pretense 1. The act of pretending; a false appearance or action intended to deceive.

2. A false or studied show; an affectation: a pretense of nonchalance.

3. A professed but feigned reason or excuse; a pretext: under false pretenses.

(놀이 등의) 흉내 내기(make-believe), 지어낸 것(fiction); 가장, 가면, 허위(simulation), 체하

기; 허위의 행위[진술, 해명], 변명, 발뺌, 핑계, 구실

relent To become more lenient, compassionate, or forgiving.

마음이 부드러워지다; 동정적으로 되다, 마음이 풀리다; <바람 등이> 약해지다

insinuate 1. To introduce or otherwise convey (a thought, for example) gradually and


2. To introduce or insert (oneself) by subtle and artful means.

(남에게) 넌지시 말하다, 빗대다, 비추다; <사상감정 등을> 은근히 심어주다, 서서히[교묘

히] 주입시키다

waver 1. To move unsteadily back and forth.

2. a. To exhibit irresolution or indecision; vacillate: wavered over buying a

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house. b. To become unsteady or unsure; falter: His resolve began to waver.

1 흔들리다, 너울거리다; 펄럭거리다(flutter); <빛불꽃 등이> 반짝이다, 깜박이다; <손

목소리 등이> 떨리다; <사람사물이> 흔들거리다, 비틀거리다; <물가 등이> 자꾸 변동하다


2 <사람용기 등이> 흔들리다, 꺾이다, 동요하다.

3 <생각 등이> 흔들리다; <사람이> (판단결단 등에서) 머뭇거리다 ; 주저하다, 망설이다

melodrama drama, such as a play, film, or television program, characterized by exaggerated

emotions, stereotypical characters, and interpersonal conflicts.

(영화연극 등의) 멜로드라마, (감상적인) 통속극.

subtle 1. a. So slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze; elusive. b. Not immediately

obvious; abstruse

2. Able to make fine distinctions:

<용액향기 등이> 묽은, 희박한, 엷은; 미묘한, 포착하기 어려운; <사람지각감각 등이>

날카로운, 명석한

chimera 1. Greek Mythology. A fire-breathing she-monster usually represented as a

composite of a lion, goat, and serpent.

2. An imaginary monster made up of grotesquely disparate parts.

[그神] 키메라. 사자의 머리염소의 몸뱀꼬리를 가진 불을 뿜는 괴수; (장식의장에 쓰는)

괴물; 가공의 괴물; 망상.

authentic 1. Conforming to fact and therefore worthy of trust, reliance, or belief: an

authentic account by an eyewitness.

2. Having a claimed and verifiable origin or authorship; not counterfeit or copied

1 (기지의 사실과 부합하여) 믿을 만한, 신뢰할 수 있는, 확실한.

2 진정한, 진짜의; 사실의, 실제의(genuine)

brief 1. A short, succinct statement.

2. A condensation or an abstract of a larger document or series of documents.

3. Law. a. A formal outline listing main contentions along with supporting

evidence and documentation. b. A document containing all the facts and

points of law pertinent to a specific case, filed by an attorney before arguing

the case in court.

간결한 성명[문서], 적요, 개요; (요점만 정리한) 보고서; (토의를 위한) 요약서; [法]⑴ 영장;

소송 사건 각서.⑵ <美> 준비서면, 변론 취지서

abstract A statement summarizing the important points of a text; Something abstract.

발췌, 발초(拔抄), 적요, 요약; 정수

foolproof 1. Designed so as to be impervious to human incompetence, error, or misuse: a

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foolproof detonator; a foolproof safety lock.

2. Effective; infallible: a foolproof scheme.

누구나 할[다룰]수 있는, 아주 간단한; 안전한

translucent 1. Transmitting light but causing sufficient diffusion to prevent perception of

distinct images.

2. Clear; lucid.

물체가> 반투명인(semitransparent); <설명생각 등이> 알기 쉬운, 명쾌한(lucid)

filter 1. To pass (a liquid or gas) through a filter.

2. To remove impurities by passing through a filter: filter out impurities.

물 등을> 여과기[필터]로 거르다; <불순물 등을> 여과하여 제거하다; <빛 등을> (여과기를 통

과하듯) 투과시키다.

viscous Having relatively high resistance to flow; Viscid.

점착력이 있는, 끈적끈적한(sticky).

smear 1. a. To spread or daub with a sticky, greasy, or dirty substance. b. To apply by

spreading or daubing: smeared suntan lotion on my face and arms.

2. To stain by or as if by spreading or daubing with a sticky, greasy, or dirty


3. To stain or attempt to destroy the reputation of; vilify: political enemies who

smeared his name.

<기름 등을> 칠하다,바르다(daub); …을 더럽히다; 비방하다, 중상하다

airtight 1. Impermeable by air.

2. Having no weak points; sound: an airtight excuse.

공기가 통하지 않는, 밀폐된; <특히 美口> 빈틈없는, 완벽한.

taut Pulled or drawn tight; not slack; Strained; tense: nerves taut with anxiety; Kept in

trim shape; neat and tidy

<실 등이> 팽팽한; <신경 등이> 긴장한, 곤두 선(tense); <사람이> 엄격한(strict); <배 등이>

정비된, <문장 등이> 정연한; 말쑥한(tidy).

divert 1. To turn aside from a course or direction: Traffic was diverted around the scene

of the accident.

2. To distract: My attention was diverted by an argument between motorists.

3. To entertain by distracting the attention from worrisome thoughts or cares;


<강줄기진로 등을> 딴 데로 돌리다; <강 등을>) 방향을 전환시키다; <사람주의를> 딴 데

로 돌리다, 전환시키다; 기분을 전환시키다, …을 즐겁게 해주다, 위안하다

shunt 1. To turn or move aside or onto another course: shunting traffic around an

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2. To evade by putting aside or ignoring: urgent problems that society can no

longer shunt aside.

3. To switch (a train or car) from one track to another.

<사람물건을> 옆으로 밀어내다, 비키게 하다; <문제를> 피하다, 회피하다; <화제 등을> (…

으로) 돌리다, 바꾸다; [철도] <차량을> <다른 궤도로> 전철(轉轍)하다(switch)

file 1. To put or keep (papers, for example) in useful order for storage or reference.

2. To enter (a legal document) on public official record.

To smooth, reduce, or remove with or as if with a file.

<신문서류 등을> 파일에 철하다[끼우다]; (항목별로) 정리하다; 정리하여 보관하다

…을 줄로 매끄럽게 다듬다, 줄질하다; …을 줄로 깎아내다

collate 1. To examine and compare carefully in order to note points of disagreement.

2. To assemble in proper numerical or logical sequence.

<원본 등을> (…과) 대조하다

dent 1. A depression in a surface made by pressure or a blow: a dent in the side of a


2. A significant, usually diminishing effect or impression: The loss put a dent in

the team's confidence.

…에 두드린 자국을 내다, 움푹 들어가게 하다. ; …을 조금 상하게 하다, …에 불리한 영향을 주

calibrate 1. To check, adjust, or determine by comparison with a standard (the graduations

of a quantitative measuring instrument): calibrate a thermometer.

2. To determine the caliber of (a tube).

3. To make corrections in; adjust: calibrated the polling procedures to ensure


1 <계기의> 눈금을 정하다[조사하다, 수정하다]; <계기 등에> 눈금을 매기다.

2 …의 구경[지름]을 측정하다.

3 <대포 등의> 정확한 사정(射程)을 정하다.

retard To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede.

성장진보 등을> 더디게 하다; …을 늦추다(delay); …을 저지[방해]하다(hamper).

brake 1. To operate or apply a brake.

2. To be slowed or stopped by or as if by the operation of a brake.

<차기계 등에> 브레이크를 걸어 정지시키다, …의 속도를 줄이다; 브레이크를 장치하다

alacrity Cheerful willingness; eagerness; Speed or quickness; celerity.

민활, 기민; 선뜻 (…)함(willingness)

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temperamental 1. Relating to or caused by temperament: our temperamental differences.

2. Excessively sensitive or irritable; moody.

3. Likely to perform unpredictably; undependable: a temperamental motor.

1 개성이 강한.

2 꾀까다로운, 뚱한(moody), 신경질적인; 변덕스러운(fickle).

3 기질의[에 의한].

acumen Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight.

총명함, 날카로운 관찰력, 통찰력.

shrewd 1. Characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence, and often a sense of the


2. Disposed to artful and cunning practices; tricky.

3. Sharp; penetrating: a shrewd wind.

빈틈 없는(keen-witted), 약삭빠른; 통찰력이 있는, 날카로운, 예민한(astute, penetrating); 현

명한; 영리한 듯한

pertinent Having logical, precise relevance to the matter at hand.

文> <사물언동이> 적절[타당]한, 시기 적절한, (…에) 꼭 들어맞는; (당면 문제에) 관계가 있


Synonyms: relevant, pertinent, germane, material, apposite, apropos.

benevolent 1. Characterized by or suggestive of doing good.

2. Of, concerned with, or organized for the benefit of charity.

자비심이 많은(charitable), 인정 많은; 친절한; 자선을 위한; 호의적인, 선의의

redundant 1. Exceeding what is necessary or natural; superfluous.

2. Needlessly repetitive; verbose.

장황한, 용장한; 여분의, 과외의(superfluous, excessive).

superfluous Being beyond what is required or sufficient.

여분의, 과잉의; 불필요한, 쓸데없는

prevalent Widely or commonly occurring, existing, accepted, or practiced.

<文> <습관병 등이> 널리 퍼진, (…에) 유행하는(common)

Synonyms: prevailing, prevalent, current, rife.

universal 1. Of, relating to, extending to, or affecting the entire world or all within the

world; worldwide

2. Including, relating to, or affecting all members of the class or group under

consideration: the universal skepticism of philosophers.

3. Applicable or common to all purposes, conditions, or situations

전체[전부]의; 전체에 미치는; 통괄적인; 도처에 존재하는, 보편적인; 일반적인; 전반적인; 우주

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의; 전 자연계의, 만물[만유]의.

aberrant 1. Deviating from the proper or expected course.

2. Deviating from what is normal; untrue to type.

정도[상궤(常軌)]를 벗어난; 비정상인, <특히 생물이> 이상한 형태의, 변종의.

unique 1. Being the only one of its kind

2. Without an equal or equivalent; unparalleled.

3. a. Characteristic of a particular category, condition, or locality: a problem

unique to coastal areas. b. Informal. Unusual; extraordinary: spoke with a

unique accent.

오직 하나뿐인, 유일한(single, sole); (…에 있어서) 다시 없는, 필적할[비길] 것이 없는, 훌륭

한, 무쌍의; 극히 드문

equivocate 1. To use equivocal language intentionally.

2. To avoid making an explicit statement.

(속이려고) 애매한 언사를 쓰다, 말끝을 흐리다, 거짓말하다.

contradiction 1. a. The act of contradicting. b. The state of being contradicted.

2. A denial.

3. Inconsistency; discrepancy.

4. Something that contains contradictory elements.

반박, 반대(opposition); 부정, 부인(denial); 반대 주장;모순(inconsistency), 저촉

peremptory 1. Putting an end to all debate or action: a peremptory decree.

2. Not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative: The officer issued

peremptory commands.

3. Having the nature of or expressing a command; urgent: The teacher spoke in a

peremptory tone.

4. Offensively self-assured; dictatorial: a swaggering, peremptory manner.

<명령이> 불문 곡직의, 지엄한(imperative), 단호한; <어조태도사람 등이> 위압적인, 거만

스러운(imperious, dictatorial); 단정적인(positive, assertive); <생각이> 독단적인

platitude 1. A trite or banal remark or statement, especially one expressed as if it were

original or significant.

2. Lack of originality; triteness.

(신선하고 심원한줄 알았으나 사실은) 진부한 이야기, 흔해빠진 말, 상투적인 문구.

진부, 평범; 단조로움(flatness).

precept A rule or principle prescribing a particular course of action or conduct.

(행동 규범으로서의) 가르침, 교훈; (도덕상의) 훈계, 계율; 금언, 격언(maxim)

nuance A subtle or slight degree of difference, as in meaning, feeling, or tone; a gradation.

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색채음조의미감정 등의) 미묘한 차이, 음영, 뉘앙스

remnant 나머지, (…의) 남은 부분[것]; 단편, 파편; 유물, 유풍(遺風), 자취(relic)

shade 1. Light diminished in intensity as a result of the interception of the rays; partial


2. Cover or shelter provided by interception by an object of the sun or its rays.

3. The degree to which a color is mixed with black or is decreasingly illuminated;

gradation of darkness.

4. A slight difference or variation; a nuance: shades of meaning.

5. A small amount; a trace: detected a shade of bitterness in her remarks.

그늘, 그늘진 곳(shady place), 응달; 빛[열]을 가리는 것, 차양(awning), 양산(parasol), 전등

의 갓; <美> 블라인드(window shade); 명암[농담(濃淡)]의 정도, 색조; (사진그림 등의)

음영(陰影), 그늘진 부분

spectrum Physics. The distribution of a characteristic of a physical system or phenomenon,

especially:. a. The distribution of energy emitted by a radiant source, as by an

incandescent body, arranged in order of wavelengths. b. The distribution of

atomic or subatomic particles in a system, as in a magnetically resolved

molecular beam, arranged in order of masses.

[理] 스펙트럼.

hint To indicate or make known in an indirect manner.

을 암시[시사]하다, 넌지시 (남에게) 말하다[알리다, 비치다]

splinter 1. A sharp, slender piece, as of wood, bone, glass, or metal, split or broken off

from a main body.

2. A splinter group.

파편, 깨진 조각; 가시; 부목; 분파.

…을 조각을 내다; …을 째다, 쪼개다; …을 분열시키다.

disintegration To become reduced to components, fragments, or particles.

분해, 붕괴, 분열.

compliant Disposed or willing to comply; submissive.

유순한, 고분고분한; 비굴하게 복종하는, 시키는 대로 하는.

cringe 1. To shrink back, as in fear; cower.

2. To behave in a servile way; fawn.

<사람짐승이> (겁이 나서) 움츠리다

<사람이> (지위가 높은 사람에게) 굽실거리다, 아첨하다

arduous 1. Demanding great effort or labor; difficult

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2. Testing severely the powers of endurance; strenuous: a long, arduous, and

exhausting war.

3. Hard to traverse, climb, or surmount.

<일훈련 등이> 몹시 힘드는, 견디기 어려운, 벅찬

<사람노력이> 정력적인, 끈기 있는, 꾸준한, 근면한.

Synonyms: burdensome, onerous, oppressive, demanding, rigorous, exacting.

gadget A small specialized mechanical or electronic device; a contrivance.

(작은) 기계 장치; (잘 고안된) 도구, 부속품; (편리한) 신고안품

linen Thread made from fibers of the flax plant; Cloth woven from this thread.

리넨, 아마 직물; 아마 섬유; 아마사[실].

leaflet 1. One of the segments of a compound leaf.

2. A small leaf or leaflike part.

3. A printed, usually folded handbill or flier intended for free distribution.

(광고용) 전단, (신문 등에 끼워 넣는) 광고지.

trinket 1. A small ornament, such as a piece of jewelry.

2. A trivial thing; a trifle.

(보통 값싼) 작은 장신구, 방물 (보석반지 등); 시시한 것.

ringlet A long, spirally curled lock of hair; A small circle or ring.

작은 고리; 고수머리.

palpitate 1. To move with a slight tremulous motion; tremble, shake, or quiver.

2. To beat with excessive rapidity; throb.

<심장이> (운동격정병으로) 몹시 고동치다(throb); <가슴이> 설레다, 두근거리다(feel


<몸이> 떨리다, (공포로) 부들부들 떨다; (기쁨으로) 가슴이 뛰다

transport To move to strong emotion; carry away; enrapture.

…을 (환희 등으로) 황홀하게[기뻐 날뛰게] 하다

enrapture To fill with rapture or delight.

<남을> 황홀하게 하다, 미칠듯이 기뻐하게 하다; <수동태> (…에) 황홀해지다, 크게 기뻐하다,

기뻐서 어쩔 줄 모르다

Synonyms: enrapture, entrance, ravish, thrill, transport.

truncate 1. To shorten by or as if by cutting off.

2. To shorten (a number) by dropping one or more digits after the decimal point.

3. To replace (the edge of a crystal) with a plane face.

<나무 줄기동체원뿔 등의> 상부[끝]를 자르다; <비유> <문장설명 등을> 줄이다.

voracious 1. Consuming or eager to consume great amounts of food; ravenous.

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2. Having or marked by an insatiable appetite for an activity or a pursuit; greedy:

a voracious reader.

1. 대식하는; 식욕이 왕성한, 걸신들린(ravenous)

2 물릴 줄 모르는.

impeccable 1. Having no flaws; perfect.

2. Incapable of sin or wrongdoing.

죄를 범하지않는; 죄가 없는;<사람예절 등이> 나무랄 데[결점] 없는.

syncopate 1. Grammar. To shorten (a word) by syncope.

2. Music. To modify (rhythm) by syncopation;

To change the beats or accents in(a passage of music) by putting a strong stress

instead of a weak one and vice versa.

[樂] <강세를> (강세가 없는 박자에) 두다; <악절 등에> 당김음을 쓰다.

[문법] <낱말을> (중간 음절을 생략하여) 단축하다.

chary 1. Very cautious; wary: was chary of the risks involved.

2. Not giving or expending freely; sparing: was chary of compliments.

(…에) 세심한; 조심하는, 주의 깊은, 신중한; 쉽사리 (…)하지 않는

imperturbable Unshakably calm and collected.

쉽사리 동요[흥분]하지 않는, 냉정한, 차분한.

composure A calm or tranquil state of mind; self-possession.

침착, 평정(calmness).

Synonyms: equanimity, composure, sang-froid, serenity.

meticulous 1. Extremely careful and precise.

2. Extremely or excessively concerned with details.

작은 일에 (지나치게) 신경을 쓰는, 지나치게 소심한; <口> 주의 깊은, 정확한.

resourceful Able to act effectively or imaginatively, especially in difficult situations.

1 임기 응변의 재주가 있는, 재치있는; 변통을 잘하는.

2 자원이 풍부한, 자력이 있는.

exigent Requiring immediate action or remedy; Requiring much effort or expense;


긴급한, 급박[절박]한;<요구 등이> 터무니 없는, 야박한; <사람이> (…을) 자꾸 요구하는

fortuitous 1. Happening by accident or chance.

2. a. Happening by a fortunate accident or chance. b. Lucky or fortunate.

우발성의, 우연한(accidental); 행운의.

Synonyms: accidental, fortuitous, contingent, incidental, adventitious.

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pluck 1. To remove or detach by grasping and pulling abruptly with the fingers; pick:

pluck a flower; pluck feathers from a chicken; plucked a rabbit from the hat.

2. To pull out the hair or feathers of: pluck a chicken.

3. To remove abruptly or forcibly: plucked the child from school in midterm.

4. To give an abrupt pull to; tug at: pluck a sleeve.

1. The act or an instance of plucking.

2. Resourceful courage and daring in the face of difficulties; spirit

…의 깃털[머리털]을 잡아뽑다; <깃털 등을> (…에서) 뜯어내다; …을 잡아당기다[끌다]

(pull, snatch), 거머쥐다(grasp)

뽑아[뜯어] 내기, 홱 당기기; 용기, 결단.

usury 1. The practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at

an exorbitant or illegally high rate.

2. An excessive or illegally high rate of interest charged on borrowed money.

(특히 법정 이율 이상의) 고리(高利); 고리 대금.

gouge 1. A chisel with a rounded, troughlike blade.

2. a. A scooping or digging action, as with such a chisel. b. A groove or hole

scooped with or as if with such a chisel.

3. A large amount, as of money, exacted or extorted.

1. To cut or scoop out with or as if with a gouge

2. a. To force out the eye of (a person) with one's thumb. b. To thrust one's

thumb into the eye of.

3. To extort from.

둥근끌; 둥근끌 세공[일]; 둥근끌로 판 홈[구멍]; 갈취, 강탈; <美口> 사기, 사기꾼.

1 …을 둥근끌로 파다[새기다]; …을 (둥근끌로) 후벼파다; …을 (둥근끌로 판 것처럼) 도려

내다, 파서 만들다; …을 파내다.

2 <美口> <남에게서> (금전 등을) 갈취하다; …에 사기치다.

foreclosure 1. a. To deprive (a mortgagor) of the right to redeem mortgaged property, as

when payments have not been made. b. To bar an equity or a right to redeem

(a mortgage).

2. To exclude or rule out; bar 3. To settle or resolve beforehand.

法] (저당권질권의) 찾을 권리의 상실, 유질.

mortgage A temporary, conditional pledge of property to a creditor as security for

performance of an obligation or repayment of a debt.

(양도) 저당;(양도) 저당 증서[권]

carp To find fault in a disagreeable way; complain fretfully.

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(…의) 흠을 들추어내다, 트집 잡다, 당치 않은 잔소리를 하다

guzzle 1. To drink greedily or habitually: guzzle beer.

2. To consume to excess: a car that guzzles gas.

폭음하다, 술에 빠지다; <차가> 휘발유를 많이 잡아먹다.

stipulate 1.a. To lay down as a condition of an agreement; require by contract. b. To specify

or arrange in an agreement: stipulate a date of payment and a price.

2. To guarantee or promise (something) in an agreement.

계약 등의) 조건으로서 (…을) 요구하다[약정하다], 계약 조항으로서) …을 규정[명기]하다;

…을 약속하다, 보장하다; (계약 등을 체결함에 있어서) …을 조건으로서 요구하다.

enlist 1. To engage (persons or a person) for service in the armed forces.

2. To engage the support or cooperation of.

…을 병적에 넣다, (병사로서) 징모하다; <남의 협력원조를> 얻다

relegate 1. To assign to an obscure place, position, or condition.

2. To assign to a particular class or category; classify.

3. To refer or assign (a matter or task, for example) for decision or action.

4. To send to a place of exile; banish.

물리치다, 좌천시키다, 추방하다; <A(일문제 등)를 B(사람위원회 등)에> 맡기다, 위임[위

탁, 이관]하다(consign).

consign 1. To give over to the care of another; entrust.

2. To turn over permanently to another's charge or to a lasting condition; commit


3. To deliver (merchandise, for example) for custody or sale.

4. To set apart, as for a special use or purpose; assign

1 …을 (…에게) 넘기다, 인도하다, 맡기다 ; …을 (남의 관리보호에) 위탁하다, 맡기다,

위임하다; …을 (…에) 회부하다

2 …을 (어떤 목적이나 용도에) 충당하다, 할당하다, 제쳐놓다

redoubtable 1. Arousing fear or awe; formidable.

2. Worthy of respect or honor.

<文> <적논객 등이> 가공할, 강력한; 존경할 만한.

awe A mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder inspired by authority,

genius, great beauty, sublimity, or might

두려움, 외경(畏敬).

tart 1. Having a sharp, pungent taste; sour..

2. Sharp or bitter in tone or meaning; cutting.

<맛음식이> 짜릿한; 시큼한(sour); <대답태도말 등이> 엄한, 통렬[신랄]한(biting,

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pungent 1. Affecting the organs of taste or smell with a sharp, acrid sensation.

2. a. Penetrating, biting, or caustic: pungent satire. b. To the point; sharp:

pungent talks during which the major issues were confronted.

3. Pointed: a pungent leaf.

1 (코혀를) 찌르듯이 자극하는, 얼얼하게 매운(acrid).

2 (감정마음에) 심한 고통을 주는.

3 <말 등이> 신랄한; 재치 있는, 마음에 와 닿는, 자극하는

tacit 1. Not spoken: indicated tacit approval by smiling and winking.

2. a. Implied by or inferred from actions or statements

무언의; 잠잠한; 암묵의 <양해 등>, 넌지시 내비치는(implied). ∼ agreement

despicable Deserving of contempt or scorn; vile.

천한, 비열한, 야비한.

engrossing Occupying one's complete attention; wholly absorbing: listened to an engrossing


<사물이> 마음을 빼앗는, 열중하게 하는; (시장 등을) 독점하고 있는.

oblivious 1. Lacking all memory; forgetful.

2. Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful.

잘 잊는; (…을) 염두에 두고 있지 않은(unmindful); (…을) 알아채지 못하는;잊게 하는

blasphemy 1. a. A contemptuous or profane act, utterance, or writing concerning God or a

sacred entity. b. The act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of


2. An irreverent or impious act, attitude, or utterance in regard to something

considered inviolable or sacrosanct.

(신신성한 것에 대한) 모독; 독신(瀆神); 모독적 언동

glaring 1. Shining intensely and blindingly: the glaring noonday sun.

2. Tastelessly showy or bright; garish.

3. Conspicuous; obvious: a glaring error.

4. Staring with anger, fierceness, or hostility: glaring eyes.

1 <빛이> 번쩍이는, 눈부신; <색이> 화려한, 현란한, 번쩍번쩍하는.

2 <결점잘못 등이> 두드러지게 눈에 띄는; 역력한, 빤한; 심한.

3 노려보는, 쏘아보는.

iridescent 1. Producing a display of lustrous, rainbowlike colors: an iridescent oil slick;

iridescent plumage.

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2. Brilliant, lustrous, or colorful in effect or appearance

무지개 빛깔[진주 빛깔]의

deafening Very loud

귀청이 찢기는 듯한.

inferno 1. A place or condition suggestive of hell, especially with respect to human

suffering or death: the inferno of battle.

2. A place of fiery heat or destruction.

지옥; 지옥같이 무서운 곳.

minnow 1. Any of a large group of small, freshwater fishes of the family Cyprinidae, widely

used as live bait.

2. Any of various other small, often silver-colored fishes.

魚] 유럽산 잉엇과의 작은 물고기; 잉엇과의 총칭;작은 물고기; 시시한 사람[것]

embellish 1. To make beautiful, as by ornamentation; decorate.

2. To add ornamental or fictitious details to

아름답게 꾸미다; 장식하다(adorn); <말이야기 등을> 재미있게 꾸미다, 윤색[수식]하다

illusive Produced by, based on, or having the nature of an illusion; deceptive:

착각[환상]을 일으키게 하는, (특히 가치내용에 대해서) 속이는, 홀리는.

glimmer 1. A dim or intermittent flicker or flash of light.

2. A faint manifestation or indication; a trace: a glimmer of understanding.

1. To emit a dim or intermittent light.

2. To appear faintly or indistinctly: Hope still glimmered in our minds.

가물가물[희미하게] 비치다, 미광을 내다; 희미하게 나타나다, 어렴풋이 보이다.

dazzle 1. To dim the vision of, especially to blind with intense light.

2. To amaze, overwhelm, or bewilder with spectacular display: a figure skater

who dazzled the audience with virtuosic jumps.

<강렬한 빛이> …의 눈을 어지럽게 하다, <눈을> 부시게 하다.;<사람물건일(의 훌륭함

아름다움 등)이> …을 압도하다, …의 판단을 흐리게 하다, …을 혼란시키다; …을 감탄하게 하

다, 현혹시키다.

delineate 1. To draw or trace the outline of; sketch out.

2. To represent pictorially; depict.

3. To depict in words or gestures; describe.

…의 윤곽을 그리다, …을 그림으로 나타내다[그리다]; <초상 등을> 그리다.

…을 정확하게 서술[개설]하다.

disclaim 1. To deny or renounce any claim to or connection with; disown.

2. To deny the validity of; repudiate.

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책임관계를> 부인[거절]하다, <…하기를> 거부하다 <doing>; <요구권한 등을> 거부[부


recite 1. To repeat or utter aloud (something rehearsed or memorized), especially

before an audience.

2. To relate in detail. 3. To list or enumerate.

…을 암송하다; …을 낭송하다; …을 낭독하다. ∼ a poem 시를 낭송하다.

…을 (상세히) 말하다, 이야기하다

harangue 1. A long, pompous speech, especially one delivered before a gathering.

2. A speech or piece of writing characterized by strong feeling or expression; a


To deliver a harangue to.

(격정적인) 대연설, 열변; 지리하고 훈계적인 장황한 말; 비난, 질책.

muse To be absorbed in one's thoughts; engage in meditation.

…을) 심사 숙고[명상]하다, 생각에 잠기다, (…을) 묵상하다

Synonyms: ponder, meditate, deliberate, ruminate, mull, muse.

murmur 1. A low, indistinct, continuous sound: spoke in a

2. An indistinct, whispered, or confidential complaint; a mutter.

1. To make a low, continuous, indistinct sound or succession of sounds.

2. To complain in low mumbling tones; grumble.

사람이> …을 작은 소리로 말하다; <…이라고> 중얼거리다.

resound 1. To be filled with sound; reverberate

2. To make a loud, long, or reverberating sound

3. To sound loudly; ring.

4. To become famous, celebrated, or extolled

<장소가> (소리목소리 등으로) 울리다, 반향하다; 물건악기소리 등이> (…에) 울려퍼지

다, 반향하다; <일이름 등이> (…에) 널리 알려지다, 떨치다

colossus 1. A huge statue.

2. Something likened to a huge statue, as in size or importance: a colossus of



figurine A small molded or sculptured figure; a statuette.

(도자기 등으로 만든) 작은 입상(立像).

chipmunk Any of several small, striped, terrestrial squirrels of the genera Tamias and

Eutamias, especially T. striatus of eastern North America.

다람쥐. 아시아북미산.

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boulder A large rounded mass of rock lying on the surface of the ground or embedded in

the soil.

둥근 돌; 큰 자갈, 호박돌(bowlder).

pebble A small stone, especially one worn smooth by erosion.

자갈, 조약돌.

coma A state of deep, often prolonged unconsciousness, usually the result of injury,

disease, or poison, in which an individual is incapable of sensing or responding

to external stimuli and internal needs.

혼수 (상태).

amnesia Partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock, psychological

disturbance, brain injury, or illness.

기억 상실, 건망증.

delirium A temporary state of mental confusion and clouded consciousness resulting from

high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It is characterized by anxiety,

disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, trembling, and incoherent speech.

섬망 (상태), 의식의 혼탁(한 상태), 광란 (상태); 열광, 흥분

mortify To cause to experience shame, humiliation, or wounded pride; humiliate.

에게 굴욕감을 주다, …을 분하게 하다

embarrass To cause to feel self-conscious or ill at ease; disconcert:

<사람을> 당황하게 하다, 낭패[당혹]케 하다, 난처하게 만들다, 쩔쩔매게[거북하게] 만들다


adumbrate 1. To give a sketchy outline of.

2. To prefigure indistinctly; foreshadow.

3. To disclose partially or guardedly.

1 …의 희미한 모습을 그리다, 윤곽을 그리다.

2 …을 (어렴풋이) 예시(豫示)하다.

3 …을 (부분적으로) 어둡게 하다, 가리다, 그늘지게 하다.

insinuate 1. To introduce or otherwise convey (a thought, for example) gradually and


2. To introduce or insert (oneself) by subtle and artful means.

<…이라고> (남에게) 넌지시 말하다, 빗대다, 비추다 말했다.

<사상감정 등을> (…에게) 은근히 심어주다, 서서히[교묘히] 주입시키다

indulge 1. To yield to the desires and whims of, especially to an excessive degree; humor.

2. a. To yield to; gratify: indulge a craving for chocolate. b. To allow (oneself)

unrestrained gratification: indulged herself with idle daydreams.

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3. To grant an ecclesiastical indulgence or dispensation to.

(욕망쾌락 등)에> 빠지다, 탐닉하다; 마음껏 누리다, 실컷 즐기다;(…에) 종사하다

<남을> (…으로) 어하다, 제멋대로 하게 하다; (…으로) <남의> 비위를 맞추다

mollycoddle To be overprotective and indulgent toward

<남을> 응석받(아 주)다.

Synonyms: pamper, indulge, humor, spoil, coddle, mollycoddle, baby.

aggrandize 1. To increase the scope of; extend.

2. To make greater in power, influence, stature, or reputation.

3. To make appear greater; exaggerate: aggrandize one argument while

belittling another.

…을 증대[확대, 강화]하다; <세력재산 등을> 늘리다, <지위를> 높이다; …을 과장하다.

upstage 1. To distract attention from (another performer) by moving upstage, thus forcing

the other performer to face away from the audience.

2. To divert attention or praise from; force out of the spotlight: a vice president

who repeatedly tried to upstage the president.

3. To treat haughtily.

1 <상대 배우를> (무대 뒤쪽이나 상대 배우의 뒤에서 연기하거나, 상대 배우를 관객에게

등을 돌리게 하여) 불리한 처지에 놓다; <단역이> …의 인기를 앗아 가다.

2 (사회적직업적 지위 등에서) …을 능가하다.

demoralize 1. To undermine the confidence or morale of; dishearten

2. To put into disorder; confuse.

3. To debase the morals of; corrupt.

1 <사람병사의> 용기를 꺾다, …을 의기 소침하게 하다.

2 <남을> 당황하게 하다, 곤혹하게 하다; <질서기능움직임을> 혼란[마비]시키다.

3 <古> 풍기를 문란하게 하다; 타락시키다.

agog Full of keen anticipation or excitement; eager.

(…에의 열망호기심기대 등으로) 흥분한, (…하고 싶어) 못견디는

blithe 1. Carefree and lighthearted.

2. Lacking or showing a lack of due concern; casual: spoke with blithe ignorance

of the true situation.

<詩> <사람 등이> 쾌활한, 명랑한(joyous); 즐거운(cheerful)

inveigle 1. To win over by coaxing, flattery, or artful talk.

2. To obtain by cajolery: inveigle a free pass to the screening of the new film.

<남을> (장소에) 유인하다; <남을> (…하도록) 교묘하게 속이다

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<물건을> (남에게서) (거짓말감언 등으로) 빼앗다; …을 (속여) 끌어내다

Synonyms: lure, entice, inveigle, decoy, tempt, seduce.

foresee To see or know beforehand

…을 예감[예견]하다, 미리 알다, 내다보다.

scheme 1. A systematic plan of action.

2. A secret or devious plan; a plot..

3. An impractical or unrealistic plan

계획(plan, project), 기획, (…의) 안; 음모(conspiracy, plot), 모의.

persecute 1. To oppress or harass with ill-treatment, especially because of race, religion,

sexual orientation, or beliefs.

2. To annoy persistently; bother.

(주의종교인종 등의 차이로) 학대하다, 박해[압박]하다, 벌하다.

(질문 등으로) 귀찮게 하다, 괴롭히다, <남에게> (요구 등을) 끈덕지게 조르다(importune); <동

물을> (일로) 끈질기게 괴롭히다

astrology The study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they

have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human



alchemy A medieval chemical philosophy having as its asserted aims the transmutation of

base metals into gold, the discovery of the panacea, and the preparation of the

elixir of longevity.

연금술, 연단술.

homeopathy A system for treating disease based on the administration of minute doses of a drug

that in massive amounts produces symptoms in healthy individuals similar to

those of the disease itself.

동종요법(同種療法) 건강체라도, 대량 투여하면 그 질병과 비슷한 증상을 일으키는 약품을, 환

자에게 소량 투여하여 치료하는 방법.

mythology a. A body or collection of myths belonging to a people and addressing their origin,

history, deities, ancestors, and heroes. b. A body of myths concerning an

individual, event, or institution

신화 (체계); <집합적> 신화.

pedagogy 1. The art or profession of teaching.

2. Preparatory training or instruction.


phenomenology The study of all possible appearances in human experience, during which

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considerations of objective reality and of purely subjective response are left out

of account.

[哲] 현상학.

chauvinism Militant devotion to and glorification of one's country; fanatical patriotism.

열광[맹목]적 애국주의[심]; (특정한 주의집단에 대한) 열광적 충성, 쇼비니즘.

impudent Characterized by offensive boldness; insolent or impertinent.

<행위 등이> 뻔뻔스러운, 주제넘은, 염치없는, 경솔한; 건방진, 오만한, 버릇없는,

furtive 1. Characterized by stealth; surreptitious.

2. Expressive of hidden motives or purposes; shifty.

<행동 등이> 은밀한, 남의 이목을 꺼리는; <태도 등이> 엉큼한, 수상쩍은, 교활한(sly).

surreptitious 1. Obtained, done, or made by clandestine or stealthy means.

2. Acting with or marked by stealth.

몰래한; 비밀리의; 살금살금 하는; 부정한.

incisive Penetrating, clear, and sharp, as in operation or expression: an incisive mind;

incisive comments.

1 <날 등이> 예리한, 날카로운; <목소리가> 카랑카랑한, 새된.

2 <말비평 등이> 신랄한(severe), 통렬한, 가시돋친; <지력 등이> 날카로운, 명민한.

trenchant 1. Keen; incisive: a trenchant comment.

2. Forceful, effective, and vigorous: a trenchant argument

3. Caustic; cutting: trenchant criticism.

4. Distinct; clear-cut.

1 <사람말 등이> 날카로운, 신랄한(biting), 모진.

2 <사람정책 등이> 격렬한, 강력한, 철저한; <방침 등이> 효과적인.

3 <윤곽이> 뚜렷한(distinct), 명확한.

malinger To feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty or work.

꾀병을 부리다.

hack To cut or chop with repeated and irregular blows

…을 (도끼칼 등으로) 마구 자르다, 난도질하다, 깊게 베다

snip To cut, clip, or separate (something) with short, quick strokes.

<종이천 등을> (가위 등으로) 싹둑 자르다; …을 싹둑 잘라내다 ; …을 (…에서) 오려내다

mince 1. a. To cut or chop into very small pieces. b. To subdivide (land, for example)

into minute parts.

2. To pronounce in an affected way, as with studied elegance and refinement.

3. To moderate or restrain (words) for the sake of politeness and decorum;

euphemize: Don't mince words: say what you mean.

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4. To walk with very short steps or with exaggerated primness.

1 <고기채소 등을> 잘게 썰다, 저미다.

2 <사물을> 세분화[분할]하다.

3 <말을> 삼가서 하다, 완곡하게 말하다; …을 뽐내며 말하다.

4 <사람이> 뽐내며 잔 걸음으로 걷다, 뽐내며 행동하다[말하다].

hew 1. To make or shape with or as if with an ax: hew a path through the underbrush.

2. To cut down with an ax; fell: hew an oak.

3. To strike or cut; cleave.

4. To cut something by repeated blows, as of an ax.

5. To adhere or conform strictly; hold: hew to the line.

1 …을 (도끼칼 등으로) 자르다; …을 난도질하다, 찍다(chop, hack); …을 (도끼 등으로)

찍어 베다; …을 잘라 넘어뜨리다

2 …을 잘라[찍어, 썰어] 만들다; <진로 등을> 헤쳐서 만들다 <out>; <물살 등이> <균열

수로 등을> 만들다; <비유> <지위를> 노력하여 얻다. hew out one's fortune.

3 <주로 美> (규칙기준주의 등에) 따르다, (…을) 지키다 <to ...>. hew to a rule

whet 1. To sharpen (a knife, for example); hone.

2. To make more keen; stimulate: The frying bacon whetted my appetite.

<날붙이 등을> 벼리다, 갈다(sharpen); <욕망흥미 등을> 돋우다, 자극하다(stimulate).

engrave 1. To carve, cut, or etch into a material

2. To carve, cut, or etch a design or letters into

3. a. To carve, cut, or etch into a block or surface used for printing. b. To print

from a block or plate made by such a process.

4. To impress deeply as if by carving or etching: The experience was engraved

into his memory.

1 <글자의장을> (금속돌 등에) 새기다, 조각하다; …에 (문자의장 등을 새겨서) 표를

하다, 장식하다

2 …을 (동판목판 등으로) 인쇄하다.

3 (마음에 깊이)…을 새기다, 명심하다, 감명시키다

rash Characterized by or resulting from ill-considered haste or boldness.

무모[경솔]한; 무분별한, 신중하지 못한(reckless), 성급한(imprudent).

mettle 1. Courage and fortitude; spirit: troops who showed their mettle in combat.

2. Inherent quality of character and temperament.

(사람말 등의) 기질, 성미; 원기, 기개(spirit), 용기; 열정.

moralistic 1. Characterized by or displaying a concern with morality.

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2. Marked by a narrow-minded morality.

도학적인, 교훈적인, 훈계하기 좋아하는; 도덕주의의.

principled Based on, marked by, or manifesting principle: a principled decision; a highly

principled person.

(…의) 주의를 가진, 절조 있는; …주의의, 주의가 …인.

pedantic Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal

rules: a pedantic attention to details.

학자라고 뽐내는, 박식한 체하는, 현학적인.

positivistic Any of several doctrines or viewpoints, often similar to Comte's, that stress

attention to actual practice over consideration of what is ideal

[哲] 실증주의적인, 실증 철학적인.

empirical 1. a. Relying on or derived from observation or experiment: empirical results that

supported the hypothesis. b. Verifiable or provable by means of observation or

experiment: empirical laws.

2. Guided by practical experience and not theory, especially in medicine.

1 경험[실험]에 의한, 경험[실험]상의; 경험[실험]으로 증명할 수 있는.

2 경험주의의, 경험 편중의; 돌팔이 의사 같은.

dogmatic 1. Relating to, characteristic of, or resulting from dogma.

2. Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or

unprovable principles.

교리상의, 교리에 관한; <사람태도가> 독단적인, 독선적인, 자기 주장을 고집하는.

flammable Easily ignited and capable of burning rapidly; inflammable.


noxious 1. Harmful to living things; injurious to health: noxious chemical wastes.

2. Harmful to the mind or morals; corrupting: noxious ideas.

몸에 해로운, (…에) 유해[유독]한(injurious; (도덕적으로) 불건전한.

plead 1. To appeal earnestly; beg: plead for more time.

2. To offer reasons for or against something; argue earnestly: plead against a


3. To provide an argument or appeal

4. Law. a. To put forward a plea of a specific nature in court: plead guilty. b. To

make or answer an allegation in a legal proceeding. c. To address a court as a

lawyer or an advocate.

(…을) 탄원[간청]하다 ; 탄원하다, 간청[설득]하다;(소송에서) 주장[항변]하다

drone 1. To make a continuous low dull humming sound

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2. To speak in a monotonous tone: The lecturer droned on for hours.

3. To pass or act in a monotonous way.

둔탁하고 단조로운 소리를 계속 내다, <벌비행기 등이> 윙윙거리다.

(…을) 시름없는 목소리로 이야기[노래]하다, 시름없이[단조로운 목소리로] 말하다

수펄, (특히) 꿀벌의 수컷; 게으름쟁이, 무위 도식자, 밥벌레.

pest 1. An annoying person or thing; a nuisance.

2. An injurious plant or animal, especially one harmful to human beings.

3. A deadly epidemic disease; a pestilence.

1 귀찮은 사람, 폐끼치는 사람[것], 해로운 사람[동물, 것]

2 역병, 악성, 전염병(pestilence); 해독, 재앙

irksome Causing annoyance, weariness, or vexation; tedious

괴롭히는, 곤란하게 만드는, 귀찮은, 성가신.

nondescript Lacking distinctive qualities; having no individual character or form

뚜렷하게 나타낼 수 없는, 뭐라 말할 수 없는, 막연한(vague).

indict 1. To accuse of wrongdoing; charge: a book that indicts modern values.

2. Law. To make a formal accusation or indictment against (a party) by the

findings of a jury, especially a grand jury.

<남을> 비난하다, 공격하다; <특히 대배심이> <남을> (죄상으로) 기소[고발]하다

nominal 1. a. Of, resembling, relating to, or consisting of a name or names. b. Assigned to

or bearing a person's name: nominal shares.

2. Existing in name only.

3. Insignificantly small; trifling: a nominal sum.

1. 명목[명의]상의; <값요금팁 등이> 명색뿐인, 아주 적은(slight)

2 이름[성명]의; 이름을 적어 넣은

figurehead 1. A person given a position of nominal leadership but having no actual authority.

2. Nautical. A carved figure on the prow of a ship.

명목[표면]상의 우두머리; 海] 선수상(船首像).

autocrat A ruler having unlimited power; a despot.

2. A person with unlimited power or authority: a corporate autocrat.

전제 군주, 독재자.

bishop A high-ranking Christian cleric, in modern churches usually in charge of a diocese

and in some churches regarded as having received the highest ordination in

unbroken succession from the apostles.

宗] (로마 가톨릭그리스 정교회성공회계 교회에서) 주교(主敎), (프로테스탄트에서) 감독.

cloister 1. A covered walk with an open colonnade on one side, running along the walls of

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buildings that face a quadrangle.

2. A place, especially a monastery or convent, devoted to religious seclusion.

3. A secluded, quiet place.

1. To shut away from the world in or as if in a cloister; seclude.

2. To furnish (a building) with a cloister.

1 [建] (수도원대학성당 등의 안뜰을 둘러싼) 회랑, 보행 복도.

2 종교적 은둔처(수도원수녀원 등), 외딴 조용한 장소.

…을 수도[수녀]원에 가두다; <재귀 용법 또는 수동태> 틀어박히다

tribunal 1. Law. a. A seat or court of justice. b. The bench on which a judge or other

presiding officer sits in court.

2. A committee or board appointed to adjudicate in a particular matter.

3. Something that has the power to determine or judge: the tribunal of public


재판소, 법정, 재결(裁決) 기관; <the ∼> (법정의) 판사[법관]석; 심판[비판]의 자리.

statutory 1. Of or relating to a statute.

2. Enacted, regulated, or authorized by statute.

1 제정법의[으로 정해진], 법정(法定)의.

2 제정법에 따르는; 법률상 처벌할 수 있는.

monolithic 1. Constituting a monolith: a monolithic sculpture.

2. Massive, solid, and uniform: the monolithic proportions of Stalinist


3. Constituting or acting as a single, often rigid, uniform whole: a monolithic

worldwide movement.

1 모놀리스의; 모놀리스[거석]로 만든.

2 튼튼한 구조를 가진; 완전히 통일된.

malapropism Ludicrous misuse of a word, especially by confusion with one of similar sound.

1 말라프로피즘. 말의 익살스러운 오용으로 너무 점잔뺀 어법의 하나.

2 익살스럽게 오용된 말씨.

heresy 1. a. An opinion or a doctrine at variance with established religious beliefs,

especially dissension from or denial of Roman Catholic dogma by a professed

believer or baptized church member. b. Adherence to such dissenting opinion

or doctrine.

2. a. A controversial or unorthodox opinion or doctrine, as in politics, philosophy,

or science. b. Adherence to such controversial or unorthodox opinion.

이론, 이설, 반론, 이단; 이단의 주장[지지]

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hoax 1. An act intended to deceive or trick.

2. Something that has been established or accepted by fraudulent means.

To deceive or cheat by using a hoax.

남을 속이기; (가벼운) 장난, 짓궂은 장난; 남을 속이기 위한 것.

<남을> 속이다, 장난으로 속이다

cognitive Of, characterized by, involving, or relating to cognition

인지의, 인지에 관한; 경험적 지식에 입각한.

gaffe A clumsy social error; a faux pas

교제상의 실수, 결례.

perjury 1. Law. The deliberate, willful giving of false, misleading, or incomplete testimony

under oath.

2. The breach of an oath or a promise..

法] 위증(죄); 거짓(말), 허위

liturgy A prescribed form or set of forms for public Christian ceremonies; ritual.

예배식; (그리스 정교회의) 성찬식.

skirmish 1. A minor battle in war, as one between small forces or between large forces

avoiding direct conflict.

2. A minor or preliminary conflict or dispute: a skirmish over the rules before the

debate began.

軍] 소전투, 작은 접전; 작은 충돌, 작은 논쟁.

duel 1. A prearranged, formal combat between two persons, usually fought to settle a

point of honor.

2. A struggle for domination between two contending persons, groups, or ideas.

결투; (일반적으로 두 사람[당]사이의) 다툼, 투쟁, 겨루기

feud A bitter, often prolonged quarrel or state of enmity, especially such a state of

hostilities between two families or clans.

(특히 씨족 간의 대를 이은) 불화, 숙원;싸움, 반목.

bout 1. A contest between antagonists; a match: a wrestling bout.

2. A period of time spent in a particular way; a spell

(권투레슬링펜싱 등의) 한 시합; 경쟁, 겨루기; (일활동의) 한 차례(turn), 한바탕.

(일시적인) 기간(spell); (병의) 발작(fit).

sparring [권투] 스파링; 동료끼리의 의론[경기].

crusade 1. Any of the military expeditions undertaken by European Christians in the 11th,

12th, and 13th centuries to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims.

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2. A holy war undertaken with papal sanction.

3. A vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse.

[史] 십자군; (교황이 인가한 종교상의) 성전(聖戰); (주의 등을 옹호하기 위한) 운동; (사회악

등에 대한) 개혁 운동, (…의) 박멸 운동

anvil A heavy block of iron or steel with a smooth, flat top on which metals are shaped

by hammering.


gong 1. A rimmed metal disk that produces a loud, sonorous tone when struck with a

padded mallet.

2. A usually saucer-shaped bell that is struck with a mechanically operated


(신호용) 징, 공; (접시 모양의) 종, 공 벨(gong bell).

pestle A club-shaped, hand-held tool for grinding or mashing substances in a mortar.

막자; 절굿공이.

mortar A vessel in which substances are crushed or ground with a pestle.

막자 사발, 유발(乳鉢); 분쇄기.

gavel A small mallet used by a presiding officer or an auctioneer to signal for attention or

order or to mark the conclusion of a transaction.

(의장판사경매인 등이 쓰는) 작은 망치.

lectern A reading desk with a slanted top holding the books from which scriptural passages

are read during a church service.

성서대(聖書臺); 독서대(식 책상)

scalpel A small, straight knife with a thin, sharp blade used in surgery and dissection.

외과[해부]용 메스.

insignia 1. A badge of office, rank, membership, or nationality; an emblem.

2. A distinguishing sign.

(관직계급 등을 나타내는) 휘장, 배지; (명예의) 표장; (일반적으로) 표지.

podium 1. An elevated platform, as for an orchestra conductor or a public speaker.

2. A stand for holding the notes of a public speaker; a lectern.

지휘대(dais), 단(壇), 연단.

caret A proofreading symbol (^) used to indicate where something is to be inserted in a

line of printed or written matter.

(교정상의) 탈자[삽입 지시] 기호(∧)

* karat : A unit of measure for the fineness of gold, equal to 1/24 part.

캐럿: 금의 순도 단위; 순금을 24karats으로 함(약자: k., kt.)

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tongs A grasping device consisting of two arms joined at one end by a pivot or hingelike


물건을 집는 도구, …집게, 부젓가락

comma A punctuation mark (,) used to indicate a separation of ideas or of elements within

the structure of a sentence.

2. A pause or separation; a caesura.

spin 1. a. To draw out and twist (fibers) into thread. b. To form (thread or yarn) in this


2. a. To tell, especially imaginatively: spun tales for the children. b. To prolong or

extend: spin out a visit with an old friend.

3. To cause to rotate swiftly; twirl.

…을 잣다, 방적하다; <거미누에 등이> <실을> 내다.

…을 (힘차게) 회전시키다, 빙빙 돌리다

caulk 1. To make watertight or airtight by filling or sealing: caulk a pipe joint; caulked

the cracks between the boards with mud.

2. Nautical. To make (a boat) watertight by packing seams with a waterproof

material, such as oakum or pitch.

<틈이음매를> 막다; <배창문탱크 등의> 틈을 막아 물공기가 새는 것을 막다.

seal 1. To affix a seal to in order to prove authenticity or attest to accuracy, legal

weight, quality, or another standard.

2. a. To close with or as if with a seal. b. To close hermetically. c. To make fast or

fill up, as with plaster or cement. d. To apply a waterproof coating to: seal a

blacktop driveway.

3. To grant, certify, or designate under seal or authority.

<새는 데를> 막다, 밀폐하다; ..에 (인증증거로서) 도장을 찍다, 조인하다, 비준하다(ratify);

…을 (도장을 찍어) 보증[확인]하다, 확실히 하다(confirm); 확증[증명]하다(certify); …에

(품질정밀도를 보장하여) 검인을 찍다.

…에 봉인하다, <상자꾸러미 등을> 봉하다; …을 단단히 닫다

gallon A unit of volume in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to 4

quarts (3.785 liters).

갤런. 액량 단위

purify 1. To rid of impurities; cleanse.

2. To rid of foreign or objectionable elements.

3. To free from sin, guilt, or other defilement.

1 …을 정화하다; …에서 불순물을 제거하다, …을 정제하다(refine).

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2 …을 순화하다.

3 …의 죄[더러움 (등)]를 없애다, (정신적으로) …을 정화하다.

align 1. To arrange in a line or so as to be parallel: align the tops of a row of pictures

2. To adjust (parts of a mechanism, for example) to produce a proper relationship

or orientation: aligning the wheels of a truck.

3. To ally (oneself, for example) with one side of an argument or cause: aligned

themselves with the free traders.

1 …을 일직선으로 맞추다[가지런히 하다]; …을 일렬로 늘어놓다, 정렬시키다.

2 <단체당국가 등을> (…과) 제휴[연합]시키다 (ally)

weary To make or become weary, tired.

1 (…에) 싫증이 나다; 지겹게 느끼다

2 피곤해지다.

Synonyms: tire, weary, fatigue, exhaust, jade.

verify 1. To prove the truth of by presentation of evidence or testimony; substantiate.

2. To determine or test the truth or accuracy of, as by comparison, investigation,

or reference: conducted experiments to verify the hypothesis.

1 …이 사실임을 증명[입증, 확인]하다; <사실행위 등이> <예언약속 등의> 증거[확

증]가 되다, 실증하다.

2 (조사비교하여) …이 진실임[정확함]을 확인하다, …을 대조하다, 조회하다.

centrifuge An apparatus consisting essentially of a compartment spun about a central axis to

separate contained materials of different specific gravities, or to separate

colloidal particles suspended in a liquid

원심 (분리)기.

colander A bowl-shaped kitchen utensil with perforations for draining off liquids and rinsing


(요리용) 여과기.

damp Slightly wet.

1. To make damp or moist; moisten.

2. To extinguish (a fire, for example) by cutting off air.

3. To restrain or check; discourage.

4. Music. To provide (the strings of a keyboard instrument) with dampers as a

means of reducing the dynamic level.

5. Physics. To decrease the amplitude of (a wave).

습기 있는, 축축한.

1 <물건을> 축축하게 하다(moisten).

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2 <불소리 등을> 약하게 하다, 끄다; <활력열의 등을> 감소시키다, 꺾다, 둔화시키다;

<행동을> 저지하다; <사람을> 낙담시키다.

3 <현(弦)북의 진동을> 멈추다; <소리를> 죽이다 ; [理] <진폭파동을> 감쇠시키다.

perforate 1. To pierce, punch, or bore a hole or holes in; penetrate.

2. To pierce or stamp with rows of holes, as those between postage stamps, to

allow easy separation.

1 …에 구멍을 뚫다, <종이에> (숫자비치는 글자 등을) 구멍을 뚫어 내다; <종이에> 바

늘구멍을 송송 내다.

2 …을 꿰뚫다, 관통하다(pierce).

stanch 1. To stop or check the flow of (blood or tears, for example).

2. To stop the flow of blood from (a wound).

3. To check or allay: “My anxiety is stanched; I am at peace”

1 (특히) <액체특히 피의> 유출[출혈]을 멎게 하다.

2. <새는 구멍을> 막다; <상처의> 지혈을 하다.

roll call 1. The reading aloud of a list of names of people, as in a classroom or military

post, to determine who is present or absent.

2. The time fixed for such a reading.

1 (학교회사 등의) 점호, 출결 조사

2 (군대의 나팔 등에 의한) 점호 신호.

cloture A parliamentary procedure by which debate is ended and an immediate vote is

taken on the matter under discussion.

토론 종결.

concession 양보; 양여(讓與); 승인, 용인; 양보된 것, 양여물(from the verb, concede)

quorum The minimal number of officers and members of a committee or an organization,

usually a majority, who must be present for valid transaction of business. 정족수(定


filibuster The use of obstructionist tactics, especially prolonged speechmaking, for the

purpose of delaying legislative action

<美> (의안의 통과 저지 등을 위한) 방해 전술, 긴 연설; (의사 진행) 방해.

lubricate 1. To apply a lubricant to.

2. To make slippery or smooth.

To act as a lubricant.

* lubricant : A substance, such as grease or oil, that reduces friction when applied

as a surface coating to moving parts.

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1 <기계 등에> 기름을 치다, 급유하다; <물건에> 기름을 바르다.

2 …을 매끄럽게 하다; <인간 관계작업 등을> 원활히 하다.

abrasion 1. The process of wearing down or rubbing away by means of friction.

2. a. A scraped or worn area. b. A scraped area on the skin or on a mucous

membrane, resulting from injury or irritation.

1 (피부의) 찰과부[상]; 쓸린 상처.

2 문지르기, 연마; (기계의) 마멸; (바람물에 의한) 침식, 마모.

burnish 1. To make smooth or glossy by or as if by rubbing; polish.

2. To rub with a tool that serves especially to smooth or polish.

A smooth, glossy finish or appearance; luster.

…을 닦다, 갈다; …을 반들반들하게[번쩍이게] 하다, …의 광을 내다.

n. (반들반들하게)닦은 표면; 윤, 광택, 반들반들함.

decompose 1. To separate into components or basic elements; disintegrate

2. To cause to rot.

…을 (요소성분 등으로) 분해하다; <동기 등을> 분석하다; …을 부패[변질]시키다.

vent 1. To give often forceful expression or utterance to.

2. To release or discharge (steam, for example) through an opening.

3. To provide with a vent.

발산하다, 노출하다, 배출[표출]하다; …에게 배출구를 주어 기분을 풀게 하다

(벽 등의) 구멍, (공기연기증기 등을 빼기 위한) 통기구멍.

distillation 1. The evaporation and subsequent collection of a liquid by condensation as a

means of purification: the distillation of water.

2. The extraction of the volatile components of a mixture by the condensation and

collection of the vapors that are produced as the mixture is heated: petroleum


3. A distillate

증류 (작용); 유출물, 증류액, 정수.

tamp 1. To pack down tightly by a succession of blows or taps.

2. To pack clay, sand, or dirt into (a drill hole) above an explosive.

1 …을 (…에) (반복하여 가볍게 다져서) 채우다, 다져 굳히다

2 <폭약의 구멍을> 흙으로 틀어막다.

adhesion 1. The act or state of adhering.

2. Attachment or devotion; loyalty.

3. Assent or agreement to join.

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점착(작용), 부착, 접합; 애착; 충실; 동의; 일치; [病] 유착(癒着); [植] 착생.

irrigate 1. To supply (dry land) with water by means of ditches, pipes, or streams; water


2. To wash out (a body cavity or wound) with water or a medicated fluid.

3. To make fertile or vital as if by watering.

1 <땅을> 관개하다, <땅에> 물을 대다[끌다, 뿌리다].

2 [醫] <상처 등을> 세척[관주(灌注)]하다.

3 …에 생명을 주다, …을 비옥하게 하다.

detoxify 1. To counteract or destroy the toxic properties of.

2. To remove the effects of poison from.

…을 해독하다, …의 독성을 없애다.

deviance 1. The act of deviating or turning aside.

2. An abnormality; a departure: “Vice was a deviation from our nature” (Henry


3. Deviant behavior or attitudes.

4. Divergence from an accepted political policy or party line.

5. Deflection of a compass needle caused by local magnetic influence, especially

on a ship.

(방침기준진로 등에서) 벗어남, 일탈(逸脫)

incubator 1. An apparatus in which environmental conditions, such as temperature and

humidity, can be controlled, often used for growing bacterial cultures, hatching

eggs artificially, or providing suitable conditions for a chemical or biological


2. Medicine. An apparatus for maintaining an infant, especially a premature

infant, in an environment of controlled temperature, humidity, and oxygen


3. A place or situation that permits or encourages the formation and

development, as of new ideas: the college campus as an incubator of radical

new sociological concepts.

부화[배양, 보육]하는 사람; 부화기; (조산아의) 보육기; 세균배양기.

strut A bar or rod used to brace a structure against forces applied from the side.

(비스듬한) 버팀목, 지주(支柱).

lever 1. A simple machine consisting of a rigid bar pivoted on a fixed point and used to

transmit force, as in raising or moving a weight at one end by pushing down on

the other.

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2. A projecting handle used to adjust or operate a mechanism.

3. A means of accomplishing; a tool: used friendship as a lever to obtain


지레, 지렛대

axle The bar of rod on which a wheel or wheels turn.

[機] (바퀴의) 회전축, 차축.

buttress A structure, usually brick or stone, built against a wall for support or


1. To support or reinforce with a buttress.

2. To sustain, prop, or bolster

부벽(扶壁); 부벽 모양의 것(산악의 버트레스 등); (일반적)지지[지지물], 지지자, 후원.

…을 부벽으로 버티다; …에 버팀목을 대다, 버티다; <사람계획 등을> 지지하다; <주장을>


rivet A metal bolt or pin having a head on one end, inserted through aligned holes in the

pieces to be joined and then hammered on the plain end so as to form a second


1. To fasten or secure with or as if with a rivet.

2. To hammer the headless end of so as to form a head and fasten something.

3. To fasten or secure firmly; fix.

4. To engross or hold (the attention, for example).


1 …을 대갈못으로 고정하다, 리벳으로 죄다 ; <못핀 등의> 끝을 두들겨 펴서 고정시키


2 …을 단단하게 고정시키다; …을 못박다.

3 <눈길주의 등을> 집중하다, (…에) 경주[집중]하다

deflect To turn aside or cause to turn aside; bend or deviate.

(본래의 진로에서) 빗나가(게 하)다; <광선을[이]> 굴절시키다[하다]; 비뚤

어지(게 하)다, 편향시키다[하다](swerve)
prune The partially dried fruit of any of several varieties of the common plum

1. To trim away by cutting away dead or overgrown branches on shoots

2. To shorten and improve (a speech or book) by removing unnecessary parts.

3. To curtail, reduce

말린 자두

1 <가지뿌리 등을> 잘라내다, 치다 ; <나무를> 전지(剪技)하다, 가지를 치다

2 <인원 등을> 삭감하다; <비용 등을> 줄이다(reduce); <문장 등을> 간결하게 하다

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hedge A row of closely planted shrubs or low-growing trees forming a fence or boundary.

1. To enclose or bound with or as if with hedges.

2. To hem in, hinder, or restrict with or as if with a hedge.

3. To minimize or protect against the loss of by counterbalancing one transaction,

such as a bet, against another.

4. to avoid giving a direct answer or commitment.

(관목의) 생울타리; 울타리

1 <뜰땅 등을> 생울타리로 두르다.

2 <남을> 둘러싸다; (규칙제약으로) 속박하다, <남(의 자유 등)을> 제한하다; <사람물

건을> (…으로) 둘러싸서 지키다, 보호하다

3 <질문에> 얼렁뚱땅 대답하다; …에 예방선을 치다.

shuck 1. a. A husk, pod, or shell, as of an ear of corn, a pea, or a hickory nut. b. The

shell of an oyster or a clam.

2. Informal. Something worthless.

1. To remove the husk or shell from.

2. Informal. To cast off: shucked their coats and cooled off; a city trying to

shuck a sooty image.

1 (옥수수밤 등의) 껍질(husk), 껍데기, 꼬투리(pod), 깍지(shell); <美> (굴대합 등의)


2 <보통 ∼s> <口> 가치 없는 것

1 <美> …의 껍질[꼬투리]을 벗기다.

2 …을 벗어버리다

3 말로 속이다, 달콤한 말을 하다.

arbitrate 1. To judge or decide in or as in the manner of an arbitrator: arbitrate a dispute

between neighbors.

2. To submit to settlement or judgment by arbitration: Management and labor

agreed to arbitrate their remaining differences.

…을 (중재인으로서) 재정하다, 중재[조정]하다; <분쟁을> 중재에 의하여 결

correspond 1. To be in agreement, harmony, or conformity.

2. To be similar or equivalent in character, quantity, origin, structure, or function.

3. To communicate by letter, usually over a period of time.

1 <사물이> (…에) 일치[부합]하다, 맞다, 조화하다

2 <사물이> (…에) 상당하다, 해당하다
3 <사람이> (…과) 편지 왕래하다, 통신하다

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parry 1. To deflect or ward off (a fencing thrust, for example).

2. To deflect, evade, or avoid: He skillfully parried the question with a clever


1 <공격타격무기 등을> 받아넘기다, 비키다, 피하다(avert), (특히 무기로) 받아넘기다.

2 <질문 등을> 받아 넘기다, (교묘한 대답으로) 피하다, 발뺌하다.

shirk To avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility).

일책임 등을> 피하다, 회피하다(evade); …을 게을리하다

hurl 1. To throw with great force; fling.

2. To send with great vigor; thrust: hurled the army against the enemy.

3. To throw down; overthrow.

4. To utter vehemently: hurled insults at the speaker

1 <물건을> (…을 향해) 세게 던지다, 내던지다; <욕설 등을> (남에게) 퍼붓다

2 (…에) 덤벼들다, 뛰어나가다, 힘차게 부딪쳐 나아가다.

3 …을 던져 떨어뜨리다, 내팽개치다

subpoena A writ requiring appearance in court to give testimony.

To serve or summon with such a writ.

소환장, 호출장, 벌칙부(附) 소환 영장.

…을 소환하다, …에게 소환장을 발부하다.

suborn 1. To induce (a person) to commit an unlawful or evil act.

2. Law. a. To induce (a person) to commit perjury. b. To procure (perjured


1 …을 매수하다; …을 슬쩍 교사하다.
2 [法] <증인에게> 위증시키다.
conscript One compulsorily enrolled for service, especially in the armed forces; a draftee.

Enrolled compulsorily; drafted.

To enroll compulsorily into service; draft.

<남을> (군대에) 징집하다, 징병하다; <자금노동력 등을> 징발[징용]하다.

dally 1. To play amorously; flirt.

2. To trifle; toy.

3. To waste time; dawdle.

1 (보통 이성과) 희룽거리다, 농탕치다; (이성을) 농락하다.

2 (위험한 일, 유혹 등에) 빠지다; (…을) 가지고 놀다

3 (일 등에서) 빈둥빈둥 시간을 보내다, 빈들거리다, 꾸물거리다

trespass 1. To commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err.

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2. Law. To commit an unlawful injury to the person, property, or rights of

another, with actual or implied force or violence, especially to enter onto

another's land wrongfully.

3. To infringe on the privacy, time, or attention of another:

1 [法] (권리재산 등을) 불법적으로 침해하다, (토지가옥 등에) 불법 침입하다

2 <A(남의 생활시간영역)를> 침해[방해]하다(encroach).

3 <文> (종교도덕적으로) 정도에서 벗어나다, 죄를 범하다(sin), (…을) 위반하다

squander To spend wastefully or extravagantly; dissipate.

<시간금전 등을> 낭비하다; …을 흩뿌리다, 쫓아서 흩어지게 하다, 분산시키다.

harbor 1. To give shelter to: harbor refugees; harbor a fugitive.

2. To provide a place, home, or habitat for: a basement that harbors a maze of

pipes; streams that harbor trout and bass.

3. To entertain or nourish (a specified thought or feeling): harbor a grudge.

1 <사람물건 등을> 숨기다, 숨겨 주다; <사람 등에게> 피난처를 제공하다.

2 <생각계획 등을> 마음속에 품다.

embezzle To take (money, for example) for one's own use in violation of a trust.

돈을) 횡령[착복]하다.

wield 1. To handle (a weapon or tool, for example) with skill and ease.

2. To exercise (authority or influence, for example) effectively.

1 <무기도구 등을> 교묘하게 쓰다. ∼ a sword

2 <권력 등을> 휘두르다, 행사하다, <영향 등을> 미치다. ∼ authority

usurp 1. To seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force and

without legal authority.

2. To take over or occupy without right: usurp a neighbor's land.

1 <지위직책권력 등을> 폭력으로[법적 권리 없이] 입수하다, 강탈[횡령]하다.

2 …을 권한없이[부정(不正)하게] 사용하다, 불법 사용하다.

impede To retard or obstruct the progress of.

<운동진행 등을> 지체시키다, 방해하다, 훼방놓다

Synonyms: hinder, hamper, impede, obstruct

extemporize To do or perform (something) without prior preparation or practice: extemporized

an acceptance speech.

1 즉석에서 이야기[연설]하다.

2 즉흥적으로 노래[연주, 작곡, 연기]하다(improvise).

3 임시 변통을 하다.

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improvise 1. To invent, compose, or recite without preparation.

2. To make or provide from available materials: improvised a dinner for the

unexpected guests; improvise a makeshift tourniquet

<시곡 등을> 즉석에서[즉흥적으로] 짓다[연주하다, 노래하다]; <좌석식사 등을> 임시 변

통으로 마련하다, 당장의 필요를 위해 급조하다.

friction 1. The rubbing of one object or surface against another.

2. Conflict, as between persons having dissimilar ideas or interests; clash.

3. Physics. A force that resists the relative motion or tendency to such motion of

two bodies in contact.

1 [力理] 마찰.

2 비벼져 닳기; 충돌, 불화, 알력.

distillate 1. A liquid condensed from vapor in distillation.

2. A purified form; an essence

1 유출물(溜出物), 증류액.

2 (일반적으로) 농축[응축]물; 정수, 추출물.

anodize To coat (a metallic surface) electrolytically with a protective or decorative oxide.

化] <금속에> 양극 처리를 하다, 산화 피막이 생기게 하다.

vaporize To convert or be converted into vapor.

을 증발[기화]시키다.

astringent A substance or preparation, such as alum, that draws together or constricts body

tissues and is effective in stopping the flow of blood or other secretions.

1. Medicine. Tending to draw together or constrict tissues; styptic.

2. Sharp and penetrating; pungent or severe: astringent remarks.

[醫] 수렴성의, 수축시키는; <태도표현 등이> 엄한, 엄격한; <물건(의 맛)이> 떫은.

[醫] 수렴제(劑); 아스트린젠트. 수렴성 화장수.

analgesic A medication that reduces or eliminates pain.

무통각의, 진통성의; 진통제[약].

coagulant An agent that causes a liquid or sol to coagulate.


euphoria A feeling of great happiness or well-being.

행복감; (특히 심리학에서) 다행증.

drowsy 1. Dull with sleepiness; sluggish.

2. Produced or characterized by sleepiness.

3. Inducing sleepiness; soporific.

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꾸벅꾸벅 조는, 졸린; 나른한, 둔중한; 졸리게 하는.

emollient 1. Softening and soothing, especially to the skin.

2. Making less harsh or abrasive; mollifying: the emollient approach of a

diplomatic mediator.

Noun) 1. An agent that softens or soothes the skin.

2. An agent that assuages or mollifies.

<화장품약품이> (피부를) 부드럽게 하는; 완화하는; 달래는.

n. [醫] 피부 연화제(軟化劑), 완화제.

crease A line made by pressing, folding, or wrinkling.

To make a pressed, folded, or wrinkled line in.

1 (종이직물 등의) 접은 자국(fold, rumple); (바지의) 세운 줄.

2 (얼굴직물 등의) 주름(wrinkle).

…에 접은 자국을 내다; …을 주름지게 하다

serration 1. The state of being serrate.

2. A series or set of teeth or notches.

3. A single tooth or notch in a serrate edge.

1 톱니 모양, 거치상(鋸齒狀).

2 톱니 모양의 가장자리[새긴 자국, 벤 자리]

* serrate : Having or forming a row of small, sharp, projections resembling the

teeth of a saw: serrate teeth; a serrate talon; Having a saw-toothed edge or

margin notched with toothlike projections: serrate leaves.

braid 1. a. To interweave three or more strands, strips, or lengths of in a diagonally

overlapping pattern: braided the rags into a strong rope. b. To create

(something) by such interweaving: braid a rug. c. To style (the hair) by such

interweaving. d. To mingle (discrete elements, for example) as if by such

interweaving: braided the ideas into a complex thesis.

2. To decorate or edge (something) with a trim of interwoven strands: finished

the jacket by braiding the collar and cuffs.

3. To fasten or decorate (hair) with a band or ribbon.

1 <실끈머리칼 등을> 꼬다, 땋다; <새끼 등을> 꼬다.

2 <머리칼을> (리본머리띠 등으로) 매다, 묶다(bind); <옷 등을> 장식끈으로 가선을 두르


crack 1. To break or snap apart.

2. To make a sharp, snapping sound.

3. To break without complete separation of parts; fissure: The mirror cracked.

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4. To change sharply in pitch or timbre, as from hoarseness or emotion. Used of

the voice.

5. To break down; fail: The defendant's composure finally began to crack.

6. To have a mental or physical breakdown: cracked under the pressure.

7. To move or go rapidly: was cracking along at 70 miles an hour.

8. Chemistry. To break into simpler molecules by means of he

1 <채찍 등이> 탁 소리를 내다, <총이> 땅 소리를 내다.

2 갑자기 날카로운 소리를 내며 깨지다[찢어지다, 부러지다, 금이 가다(become fissured),


3 <목소리가> 갑자기 새되어지다[쉬다]; 변성하다.

4 <口> <사람마음 등이>(과로고통심리적 압박 등으로) 기운이 꺾이다, 맥을 못추다,

녹초가 되다.

pluck 1. To remove or detach by grasping and pulling abruptly with the fingers; pick:

pluck a flower; pluck feathers from a chicken; plucked a rabbit from the hat.

2. To pull out the hair or feathers of: pluck a chicken.

3. To remove abruptly or forcibly: plucked the child from school in midterm.

4. To give an abrupt pull to; tug at: pluck a sleeve.


1. The act or an instance of plucking.

2. Resourceful courage and daring in the face of difficulties; spirit.

3. The heart, liver, windpipe, and lungs of a slaughtered animal.

1 …의 깃털[머리털]을 잡아뽑다; <깃털 등을> (…에서) 뜯어내다;

2 …을 잡아당기다[끌다](pull, snatch), 거머쥐다(grasp);

3 <俗> …에서 물건[돈 등]을 강탈하다, 옭아내다, 우려먹다.

뽑아[뜯어] 내기, 홱 당기기; 용기, 결단.

verve 1. Energy and enthusiasm in the expression of ideas, especially in artistic

performance or composition: The play lacks verve.

2. Vitality; liveliness.

(예술 작품에서 볼 수 있는) 열정, 힘, 기백; (일반적으로) 활기, 생기, 기력.

Synonyms: vigor, dash, punch, verve, vim, vitality.

flinch 1. To start or wince involuntarily, as from surprise or pain.

2. To recoil, as from something unpleasant or difficult; shrink.

(아픔무서움으로) 주춤[움찔]하다; (위험불쾌한 것에서) 꽁무니 빼다, 물러서다

Synonyms: recoil, blench, quail, shrink, flinch.

gall 1. A bitter, alkaline, brownish-yellow or greenish-yellow fluid that is secreted by

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the liver, stored in the gallbladder, and discharged into the duodenum and aids

in the emulsification, digestion, and absorption of fats ; bile.

2. a. Bitterness of feeling; rancor. b. Something bitter to endure: the gall of


3. Outrageous insolence; effrontery.

1 (특히 소의) 쓸개즙, 담즙; 쓴 것, 쓰리고 아픈 것. the ∼ of repentance

2 쓰라림, 고통; 증오, 원한. vent one's ∼ on

3 <口> 뻔뻔스러움.

Synonyms: temerity, audacity, effrontery, nerve, cheek, gall.

grovel 1. To behave in a servile or demeaning manner; cringe.

2. To lie or creep in a prostrate position, as in subservience or humility.

3. To give oneself over to base pleasures

1 <동물이> 기다, 기며 나아가다; <사람이> 엎드리다, 부복하다, 엎드려 기다(crawl); 비굴

하게 굴다, 자기를 낮추다. ∼ before authority

2 천한 일에 열중하다(wallow). be ∼ing in petty sentimentality

poise 1. A state of balance or equilibrium; stability.

2. Freedom from affectation or embarrassment; composure.

1 평형[균형](balance) (상태).

2 침착, 냉정, 태연(자약)(equanimity); 안정(stability), 착실함

Synonyms: balance, equilibrium, equipoise, poise.

fidget 1. To behave or move nervously or restlessly.

2. To play or fuss; fiddle: He fidgeted with his notes while lecturing.

(…에) 안절부절못하다, 주저주저하다, 초조해하다; 조바심하다

cringe 1. To shrink back, as in fear; cower.

2. To behave in a servile way; fawn.

1 <사람짐승이> (겁이 나서) 움츠리다. I ∼d at the sight of blood

2 <사람이> (지위가 높은 사람에게) 굽실거리다, 아첨하다.

regale 1. To provide with great enjoyment; entertain.

2. To entertain sumptuously with food and drink; provide a feast for.

충분히[기분 좋게] 대접하다, 즐겁게[기쁘게] 하다(delight, gratify)

Synonyms: amuse, entertain, divert, regale.

nag 1. To annoy by constant scolding, complaining, or urging.

2. To torment persistently, as with anxiety or pain.

남을> 잔소리로 괴롭히다; <남에게> 귀 아프게 잔소리하다; <남에게> (…을) 귀찮게 조르다

jeer To speak or shout derisively; mock.

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사람생각실패를) 놀리다, 조롱하다, 야유하다, 비웃다

deride To speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth.

비웃다, 조소[조롱]하다

* derision 1. a. Contemptuous or jeering laughter; ridicule. b. A state of being

derided: The proposal was held in derision by members of the board.

2. An object of ridicule; a laughingstock.

cower To cringe in fear.

(두렵거나 부끄러워) 움츠리다, 위축하다

slouch 1. To sit, stand, or walk with an awkward, drooping, excessively relaxed posture.

2. To droop or hang carelessly, as a hat.

1 몸을 구부리다, 구부리고 앉다[서다, 걷다].

2 <모자(의 차양)가> 앞으로 처지다.

vigilant On the alert; watchful.

1 <사람동물이> 방심않는, (…에 대하여) 경계를 늦추지 않는

2 <사람이> 자지 않고 지키는.

Synonyms: aware, cognizant, conscious, sensible, awake, alert, watchful, vigilant.

reprimand To reprove severely, especially in a formal or official way.

질책, 비난; 견책, 징계, 계고.

adversity 1. A state of hardship or affliction; misfortune.

2. A calamitous event.

역경, 불운, 불행(misfortune).

Synonyms: misfortune, adversity, mishap, mischance.

fret 1. To cause to be uneasy; vex.

2. a. To gnaw or wear away; erode. b. To produce a hole or worn spot in;


3. To form (a passage or channel) by erosion.

4. To disturb the surface of (water or a stream); agitate.

안달나게 하다, 초조해 하다; 애타다

rant To speak or declaim in a violent, loud, or vehement manner; rave.

호언 장담하다, 큰소리치다, 고함치다, 부르짖다, 폭언하다(rave); 몹시 꾸짖다; 큰소리로 설교


sedative Having a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect; reducing or relieving anxiety,

stress, irritability, or excitement.

Noun) An agent or a drug having a soothing, calming, or tranquilizing effect.

[醫] <약 등이> 진정시키는. ∼ pills 진정제; n. 진정제(sedative agent).

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epidemic 1. Spreading rapidly and extensively by infection and affecting many individuals in

an area or a population at the same time: an epidemic outbreak of influenza.

2. Widely prevalent: epidemic discontent.


1. An outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely.

2. A rapid spread, growth, or development: an unemployment epidemic.

병이> 유행성인; <사상풍속 등이> 유행하고 있는, 널리 퍼져 있는; <웃음 등이> 남에게 옮

아가는; <벌레 등이> 갑자기 증가한, 이상 발생의.

n. (병의) 유행, 만연, 유행병의 발생; (물건의) 유행; (벌레 등의) 대발생.

laxative A food or drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels.

완하제(緩下劑), 이완제.

anesthetic An agent that causes loss of sensation with or without the loss of consciousness.

마취약[제](에테르클로로포름 등).

antidote 1. A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a


2. An agent that relieves or counteracts: jogging as an antidote to nervous


1 해독제.

2 (나쁜 영향 등에 대한) 방어[대항] 수단, 교정 수단

narcotic 1. An addictive drug, such as opium, that reduces pain, alters mood and behavior,

and usually induces sleep or stupor. Natural and synthetic narcotics are used in

medicine to control pain.

2. A soothing, numbing agent or thing.


1. Inducing sleep or stupor; causing narcosis.

2. Of or relating to narcotics, their effects, or their use.

3. Of, relating to, or intended for one addicted to a narcotic.

1 <약제가> 마취력[최면 작용]이 있는; 마취[최면]성의; 마취약의.

2 <책이야기가> (지루하여) 졸리는.

3 마약 중독자(치료용)의.

마취제, 수면제, 마약.

relapse 1. To fall or slide back into a former state.

2. To regress after partial recovery from illness.

3. To slip back into bad ways; backslide.

1 (원래의 상태로) 되돌아가다(fall back); (나쁜 상태로) 다시 빠지다, 다시 타락하다, 퇴보

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2 <사람이> 병이 재발하다.

stimulant 1. An agent, especially a chemical agent such as caffeine, that temporarily

arouses or accelerates physiological or organic activity.

2. A stimulus or an incentive.

3. A food or drink, especially an alcoholic drink, believed to have a stimulating


1. [醫] 흥분제, 자극제.

2 흥분성 음료; 커피, 차, 주류.

3 자극[격려]이 되는 것, 동기.

tonic An agent, such as a medication, that restores or increases body tone.

강장제[약]; (육체적정신적으로) 원기를 돋우는 것.

resuscitate To restore consciousness, vigor, or life to.

1 …을 되살리다, (인공 호흡등으로) 소생시키다, <남의> 의식을 회복시키다.

2 …을 부활시키다, 부흥하다.

Synonyms: revive, restore, resuscitate, revivify.

insomnia Chronic inability to fall asleep or remain asleep for an adequate length of time.

잠잘 수 없음, (특히) 불면증

dyslexia A learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to recognize and

comprehend written words.

[病] 독서 장애, 실독증

hemophilia Any of several hereditary blood-coagulation disorders in which the blood fails to clot

normally because of a deficiency or an abnormality of one of the clotting

factors. Hemophilia, a recessive trait associated with the X-chromosome, is

manifested almost exclusively in males.

[病] 혈우병(血友病)

paranoia 1. A psychotic disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur,

often strenuously defended with apparent logic and reason.

2. Extreme, irrational distrust of others.

파라노이아, 망상증, 편집증.

pediatrics The branch of medicine that deals with the care of infants and children and the

treatment of their diseases.


dermatology The branch of medicine that is concerned with the physiology and pathology of the


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pathology The scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes,

development, and consequences.

병리학; 병상, 병리.

cauterize 1. To burn or sear with a cautery.

2. To deaden, as to feelings or moral scruples; callous.

1 [醫] <상처 등을> 소작하다; …에 뜸을 뜨다.

2. <양심감정을> 마비시키다.

* cautery: An agent or instrument used to destroy abnormal tissue by burning,

searing, or scarring, including caustic substances, electric currents, lasers, and very

hot or very cold instruments.

discomfit 1. To make uneasy or perplexed; disconcert.

2. To thwart the plans of; frustrate.

1 <남을> 꼭뒤지르다, 의도를 꺾다; <계획 등을> 방해하다, 좌절시키다.

3 …을 당황하게 하다(baffle), 쩔쩔매게 하다(disconcert).

Synonyms: embarrass, abash, chagrin, discomfit, disconcert, faze, rattle

sterilize 1. Not producing or incapable of producing offspring.

2. a. Not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit spores, or other

reproductive structures. Used of plants or their parts. b. Producing little or no

vegetation; unfruitful: sterile land.

3. Free from live bacteria or other microorganisms: a sterile operating area;

sterile instruments.

4. Lacking imagination, creativity, or vitality.

5. Lacking the power to function; not productive or effective; fruitless: a sterile


1 <기구음식물 등이> 균이 없는, 살균한.

2 <동물이> 불임(不妊)의, 새끼를 낳지 못하는; <식물이> 열매가 열리지 않는.

3 <땅이> 메마른, 불모의; <그해가> 흉작의.

4 <행위노력이론 등이> 열매를 맺지 못하는, 결실[효과]이 없는; <연설문체 등이> 내

용이 빈약한, 박력이 없는; <작가 등이> 상상력[독창성, 감성 (등)]이 결핍된.

antiseptic 1. Of, relating to, or producing antisepsis.

2. Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of microorganisms.

3. Thoroughly clean; aseptic.

4. Of or associated with the use of antiseptics.

5. a. Devoid of enlivening or enriching qualities. b. Free of disturbing or

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unpleasant features; sanitized: an antiseptic version of history.

1 살균[멸균]의; 살균력 있는, 소독하는; 세균 없는, 소독[멸균]된.

2 아주 청결한.

n. 소독[방부]제.

optometrist A person who is professionally trained and licensed to examine the eyes for visual

defects, diagnose problems or impairments, and prescribe corrective lenses or

provide other types of treatment.

검안사, 검정[검안] 의사.

oncology The branch of medicine that deals with tumors, including study of their

development, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.

[醫] 종양학.

cardiology The medical study of the structure, function, and disorders of the heart.


ethics 윤리, 도덕 원리의 체계; 윤리학.

epistemology The branch of philosophy that studies the nature of knowledge, its presuppositions

and foundations, and its extent and validity.

[哲] 인식론.

rhetoric 1. a. The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively. b. A treatise

or book discussing this art.

2. Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.

3. a. A style of speaking or writing, especially the language of a particular

subject: fiery political rhetoric. b. Language that is elaborate, pretentious,

insincere, or intellectually vacuous: His offers of compromise were mere


4. Verbal communication; discourse.

(효과적인 화술작문의 기술로서의) 수사(修辭)법; 수사학; (그리스로마 시대의) 웅변술, 설

득술; <廣義> 문장법[술]; 웅변, 화술의 재능; <종종 경멸> 미사 여구(의 사용), 과장된[가

식의] 말; 미문(美文). 웅변, 화술의 재능.

theology The study of the nature of God and religious truth; rational inquiry into religious




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