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Data Migration

Data migration is the process of selecting, preparing, extracting, and

transforming data and permanently transferring it from one computer storage
system to another.

Why do we do Data Migration?

We do this for the following reasons:
 Upgrading servers – It is the process of replacing the old server with the
new version so that it can provide updates and have enhanced
capabilities and features
 Moving data to cloud (Cloud migration) – It is the process of moving
data, applications and all important business elements from on-premise
data center to the cloud, or from one cloud to another. It is very flexible.
 Website consolidation – It refers to have one single system instead of
having multiple stand-alone websites. It will allow users to log in to one
system and manage all sites form there.
 Application/ Database migration - Involves transfer of application
programs to a modern environment. It may move an entire application
system from on-premise IT center to the cloud or between clouds.
 Software upgrades – If the company need to update it’s system they
need to take backup of their system. So, they use data migration to
other servers.
 Company mergers – If two or more company merges they need to
migrate all of their data into one server either cloud based or on-
Benefits of Data Migration:
The benefits are:
 The process ensures comprehensive data integrity.
 Minimize the disruption to daily business operations with minimum
manual efforts.
 Data protection and recovery as the cloud migration takes the back up of
the data at a safe and secure location and protects it form power failure
and natural disaster.
 It will also have great mobility and flexibility as data is off-premise it can
be accessed by the smartphones and iPads easily.
 It will also provide the users with real time changes to the system and so
they can also use this for improved product development,
collaborations, and customer service.

The main types of Data migration:

1. Storage migration
2. Database migration
3. Application migration
4. Cloud migration

1. Storage migration – It is a process that migrates the volume form an old

storage system to volumes in new storage system. It used for validation
and reduction of data by identifying obsolete or corrupt data.
2. Database migration – It is usually done when there is a need to change
database vendors, upgrade the database software or move a database
to cloud. It deals with modifying the data without changing the
schema(data dictionary).
3. Application migration – This occurs when we switch the platform or
vendor application.
4. Cloud migration – It is the process of moving data, applications and all
important business elements from on-premise data center to the cloud,
or from one cloud to another. It is very flexible.

Data Integrity:
It is the maintenance, assurance, consistency of data throughout it’s SDLC or
PDLC chain. This can also be indicated by absence of relation between two
instances or between two data records. It is mainly used in Design phase using
standard procedures and rules. Data integrity can be maintained by various
error checking methods and validation procedures.
Is data integrity and data migration same?
Data migration is not to be confused with data integration. Data migration
involves moving or copying data from one system to another, or one
environment to another, while data integration deals with the flow of data
among various applications and systems. Administrators performing data
integration should be familiar with extract, transform and load technologies.

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